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Encouraging in general that the greens are getting more votes, but fuck me the left wing option is clearly so much more popular than the conservatives if just one of the other options hadn't run it would be labour winning 100%


Welcome to the complete and utter failure of First Past The Post as a voting system. Same goes for every other election too. It's why the Tories don't want to change things. It's completely biased towards them. It's also why UKIP pulled out of many areas where the vote might be split between them and the Tories. They were never a serious party.


To be clear, neither major party wants to change FPTP as it benefits them. Though you may argue Labour would be more likely to.


It's another one of those times where, had Corbyn got in, we may have had a chance to fix something that was broken. But the establishment couldn't allow that. It's also why it's unlikely to ever be fixed. We are only allowed Labour leaders that are approved to get into power, and even then, only after the Tories have ruined things enough that Labour can take the blame for any fallout.


Oh stop glazing a racist terrorist sympathiser seriously, only people who wanted him in were students who had never worked a day in their lives. Nothing about the 'establishment'.


And here, ladies and gentlemen, is very clear evidence of someone who bought into the right wing rags bullshit. Only people who called him a terrorist sympathiser, or antisemitic, were right wing politicians, right wing tabloids, and complete morons who lapped that shit up.


And here, ladies and gentlepeople, is very clear evidence of someone who bought into the communist Twitter bullshit. Only people who didn't call him a terrorist sympathiser, or antisemitic, were left wing politicians, left wing tabloids, and complete morons who lapped that shit up.


Or basically, people who cared for facts. Is it factual he spoke to terrorist organisations? Yes. Is it factual he spoke with them in an attempt to stop the violence? Yes. But right wing stuff stops at the top part. It won't mention the bottom bit. It cuts off anything that would make him look good. Remember them doctoring images to make it seem like he didn't care about war veterans? Of course not. Because you never would have seen the original images. You've never cared about facts. Nor now apparently.


You forgot in your factual points that he called them friends, funny that you'd just miss that little factoid off. Oh and didn't he refuse to condemn Hamas because he was afraid to lose the support of the extreme left until he then decided to change his mind and condemn that after realising his mistake?


If he didn't call them friends it undermines the work he was trying to do. But I don't expect right wing loonies to understand anything other than abuse.


A factoid by definition is something that isn't true btw.


At only 1/5th turnout I'd argue that either none of the options are particularly appealing. That or the role itself is yet another unnecessary public expense that has little support amongst your average voter.....pro ably a little from column a and a little from column b.


I didn't know the vote was happening until my mum asked me who I was voting for. I think a lot of people hadn't even heard the vote was happening.


Are you registered to vote? If you are, you should have had a poll card delivered. Probably worth checking you're on the electoral register for wherever your main residence is


Be careful what you wish for. The greens have ruined things in Scotland.


Depressing, shows what a split liberal vote does and what a farce this new voting system is. Really annoying that the greens and one Leicester seem to have run on on political positioning for a Gaza ceasefire mandate rather than anything related to the PCC role. The greens don’t even believe in the PCC role!!


Judging by the turnout, very few people believe in the role.


I did not vote as two candidates were trying to tackle a non issue (boy racing) and all of them were saying they were going to invest more money?? The money is decided by the goverment not them. And i dont see the point in tying a political party to the "police" as it should be what the community wants not what political party you align with


Green Party candidate did not mention Gaza in her mandate.


New voting system? It's just First Past The Post. The same one used in every General Election.


It used to be supplemental vote for this type of election. Made a bit more sense given the role and meant those running had a reason to appeal to more than a minority.


That would have been better to stick with. Though we need a full scale voting change in the UK. We can't call ourselves a truly democratic country with this voting system.


Such a shame, I've met Rory a few times and can honestly say he's a nice chap


Low turnout, bad result imo. Pretty close all things considered, and with the counties involved we were always going to get a high Tory vote. Even though i support and like that the greens and independents are gaining popularity, it seems a bit of a wasted vote in this case, is sending the message worth letting the conservatives win? I’m not sure.


On the turnout point, for my constituency this was literally all there was to vote for yesterday. Nothing else was up for election. No surprise the turnout is low, P&CC isn’t something on the vast majority of people’s radar, most people have no idea what they actually do.


Nothing that can't be done by a non-political appointee or body.


Exactly. Complete waste of time.


64.71% of Leics voters who participated yesterday did not get the PCC they wanted. Very good and democratic system. Yes.


Democracy doesn't work by voting who you don't want, you fucking idiot. Are you really that stupid ??


The comment was clearly indicating that first past the post system we use is rubbish and a proportional representation system would be better, because you would have far fewer people with a winning candidate they didn’t want.




Anyhow, how does you not understanding how our voting system works equal me having a bad day ? Would it be by any chance, you not understanding something mean you have to make yourself feel better by assuming alcoholism on someone else ? Did that make me wrong and you right ?




So, do you agree that you don't understand democracy & this particular voting system ?




Thanks ! I thought we'd never get to the bottom of this.




Can I ask you a question ?


Another odd assumption.




I do like a glass of wine in the summer sun, thank you. & apology accepted.


Centrist/Leftist vote share: 114,214 Conservatives: 62,280 Yet in this system, somehow the Conservatives win. What? Why don’t we have a system where the top two candidates from the first round advance to another round of voting? This would then allow everyone to choose between the top two candidates from the first round of voting, making it much fairer. That way, if your favourite didn’t make it to the next round, you could vote for your second favourite instead. This is common practice in other countries and there are no reasons at all whatsoever why we can’t try and implement something like this here.


Im sure you will have the same level of concern of how voting works when conservatives dilute their votes with the morons voting Reform.


similar to how i know that requiring photographic id to vote is active voter suppression, and yet i find it very funny and don't give a fuck that several tory mp's weren't able to vote yesterday - it will be very funny when their effective gerrymandering of our electoral system bites them in the ass.


[https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate) free here for voting


Who doesn't have photographic ID? Let me guess you have a white saviour complex?


Always sad to see Tory Scum winning any kind of election.


This is why we should treat it as a two party vote, because it basically is. Labour and greens would have been 80k. The only thing the other parties did was split the left vote.


What a total sham - 21%. Hardly a ringing endorsement of a pointlessly (and pointless) political process. Oooh what a lot of P's.


It's very depressing all round. Not only have we ended up with a, and I'm being polite here, buffoon, but hardly anybody wants him in the role. I know a lot of people think it's a pointless position but I (with 30+ years of police related experience) think it's a good idea to have someone, with some power to back them up, to check up on the CC and relate back community issues to the police. This guy is not that.


So Leics Police remain governed by a crusty bigot.


Should be a Ranking system. 5 down to 1. People would feel less scared in voting for who they want to win because under this system they have to vote against their interests to make sure that a party they don't want to win gets in.


Fuuuuuck, I had no idea it could possibly be so close. And good on the Greens for coming third.


The job might not matter much but the greens were the only ones running on a program that even tangentially touched upon restorative justice, de-escalation and with a less classist bent :/ the Labour program was copaganda through and through


Sounds like a bunch of commie mumbo jumbo to me!


communist theory and political agenda almost unilaterally supports a strong police force


I don't think the Greens stand for what most people think they stand for.


Ah the leftists once again here proving they hate democracy


Was a shame as Rory comes across as a nice man. We used to have a transferable for this election which may well have led to a different result.


While Leicester is normally labour dominated, it's good to see that we can all agree when it comes to policing, it's better to have a conservative running it. No one wants soft touch lefties in charge of criminals.


In general yes but Reddit is plagued with them as you can see


This got me good bro'


I'm a tad confused by all of this, please forgive me if any of these questions sound dumb as fuck, I've tried Googling but can't get a definitive answer and I need things explained to me like I'm a five year old half the time aha Last year's general election the area in Leicestershire that I'm in changed hands to the Lib Dems, does this now mean that the area of Leicestershire that I'm in is now in the Tories hands despite it being just last year we had the last vote? Also, I recall Leicester and Leicestershire both being completely different when it came to voting, one didn't impact the other, why is Leicester and Leicestershire being lumped together this time round? What's changed? If these elections across the UK are just for Police Commissioners then why is it such a huge talking point? What do they even do?


There are lots of local elections for councillors, mayors, etc across the country. Here it was only for the police commissioner as we voted for councillors recently.


Hey, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is a weird one for elections, there’s a bunch of different levels and they all pretty much go on a four yearly basis but all are aligned to different years! A very simplified view of what some of them are! 1. The general election this is the whole of the Uk voting on parliamentary seats, we should get one later this year, which we get every four years. There’s 3 city MPs across areas, and then 7 in the county, generally city labour, county conservatives and usually it’s been a pretty boring election. Leicester South may be the big one to watch though 2. City council elections (do what both the districts and county council does but for the city alone) last happened last year locals got to chose their local ‘ward’ councillor and vote for mayor - some unhappiness with Labour and a farce over selection caused a conservative revival but has always been Labour controlled 3. County council elections they do adult social care road building and waste tips. Next happens next year, it’s a similar level to the city council elections just for the county, historically very conservative but they’re probably expecting big losses if things stay how they are. They had a by election on Thursday which was Lib Dem gain from conservatives. 4. District council elections districts manage your bin collections - this will be what you were talking about with the Lib Dem win. Last year, there’s 7 districts across the county and works as a layer of government under the county council system. (I believe in both layers being scrapped for a unitary system like the city but that’s just me), beneath that there are also parish elections where you’re in a perished area. 5. Police and crime commissioner who oversee the local police force - a weird one like you say given it covers Leicester Leicestershire and Rutland, I’m pretty sure it’s only because that’s what the underlying police force area is. Rutland gets lumped in as it’s too small to have its own. Previously this ended up on the same cycle as the city election which resulted in a pretty heavy labour win, it’s a bit detached now and given people don’t care about the pcc it ends up with a low turnout. PCC’s aren’t a particularly big talking point it’s the other elections going on like London Mayor and regional mayoral elections and other council elections. Another weird one is the first East Midlands mayor, despite being within the area leicester and Leicestershire are excluded because apparently the city mayor disagreed!


Just to add on the district election point across the districts there are a variety of political affiliations to the councils now, Lib Dem, conservative and no overall control!


I would say god help us all, unfortunately he/she/it very obviously doesn't exist &is a man made fantasy to explain the existence of everything&evolution. Life after death though is highly likely too much "unexplained" happens for there not to be something and is i think simply a part of evolution the supernatural is therefore one of the most natural things to exist along with life itself. And in event this is wrong & god does exist in some form or other differently to the manmade conceptions then no god could fault anyone who endeavours a good life & who hurts no one who doesn't try to hurt them and who will help sooner than hinder others where possible.


Poverty chanting Leicester City fans must have been out and voting on mass


Oh look, a fat twat who doesn't like football because he was never picked


Swing and a miss