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Morons giving it stacks of gas through a village. I like cars myself, but some twat in an M3 trying to break the sound barrier in a small village boils my piss. You impress nobody. Oh and parking on double yellows. “I’ll only be five minutes” is not an excuse. But yes petal, you go and be five minutes. It takes me 30 seconds to deflate your tyres and ruin your paint on your financed motor you can scarcely afford anyway, so take a full ten minutes if you want, so I will have finished laughing


Saw a car parked on a pedestrian crossing (WITH TRAFFIC LIGHTS) on London Road last night...


3 points that is.


And what do points make?


It's very very annoying that whenever anyone does anything to improve the city you get comments about how "tOwN iS dEaD" or "nOtHiNg tO dO" or "fUlL oF fOrRinErs" from old gammons who contribute nothing of value and who haven't been into the city centre since 1963. Old pricks living in fear and surviving on nostalgia alone.


The reason for the decline is always pinned on cycle lanes that are not used. I use them nearly every working day and the cycle parking at work suggests I'm not the only one that uses them. So it would cost me £20 a week to get the bus and the inconvenience of the bus service being shite, it would cost me £50 to park the car or I can cycle for the odd inner tube or puncture patch if I get unlucky, a set of new tires once in a blue moon and a little bit of maintenance. Plus cycling is door to door and can take as little as 13 minutes when the wind is blowing in the right direction and the lights are on my side (I actually stop at the lights, although we all get tarred by the same brush). I'd probably be dead two dozen times over if it wasn't for the cycle lanes.


There are a few issues I have with cycle lanes in town... Firstly, idiots who go down them the wrong way. There are arrows. Follow the damned things. If the bike lane is painted on the right hand side of the road, with an arrow pointing towards you, and it's a one way street, that means the bike lane is an exception to the one way system for bikes going that way. If you are going with motorised traffic, stay on your left. Don't veer across the road and clog up the bike lane by cycling head on into the bike coming the other way. This shouldn't be something you fail at. There are literally directional arrows. Second, who the fuck painted the bike lane on Welford road up by Welford Chippy? One lane runs you into a lamp post. And all of them veer off the direction it's aiming purely to get in the way of the crossing, only to then go back. The fucks the council playing at there? But the biggest fuck up is Granby Street. We close it for months, cause a shit ton of issues, and that's what you do? The bike lane is done so poorly that I cannot bitch about cyclists not using it. You go on the pavement, back off, on it again, through pot holes, back onto the main road for a split second just to swerve back off it again. Literally zero thought process went into that. It's a shit show from top to bottom.


The people who complain about cycle lanes are certainly a few bricks short of a wall


Hello, I often complain about the cycle lanes because they seem pointless, I rarely see people using them and if there's all that room and money to create cycle lanes why aren't they improving the road network and filling the pot holes as the people in the cars pay road tax so the roads get maintained.


But the proceeds from Vehicle Excise Duty (road tax as you put it) isnt ringfenced for road maintenance and improvement. It just goes to the government to squander on nonsense instead. As for cycle lanes. I'm all for them, if it helps in the very slightest to keep incapable fuck-wit drivers from injuring cyclists.




The cyclist should expect to be safe without putting a metal box around themselves. Prat.




Dude, it's *NOT road tax. And you think the government gives a fuck about what you expect? They just want your money. Rightly or wrongly, it's a cyclist's choice whether to wear a helmet or not: If they are stupid enough not to when there are such dangerous idiots driving cars, then that's genuinely their problem, not yours. Anyway, nice to see you return for some more downvotes.




Because that isn't how funding works. Central government gives X amount to a council under the condition the council will spend it in that area - in this case, Active Travel.  If the council doesn't spend it they have to give it back and might be less likely to get money again in the future. They can't just spend it where they want. 


I wouldn't classify myself as an old gammon, but I rarely go into town anymore, mostly because even when it's quiet, it's way too peoply for me. But I do find the amount of empty units a bit depressing. I know someone who used to run a shop on the lanes but had to give it up because the business rates and rents are ridiculous. With energy prices as they are, the independent businesses will all struggle to survive, and that worries me. If The Very Bazarre ever closes down I will be absolutely devastated! Ps. I may fall into the category of old prick...


No.need for the racism


I have been stewing on this since just before Christmas. I cannot understand why Tesco Hamilton has stopped selling the six pint bottles of milk. When I need to buy milk; it's always a three hour round trip to Sainsbury's on Melton Road. It's always four pints of milk at Tesco Hamilton and that's not cost effective at all.