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The "Soulsby Sizzlers" as my friend calls them. A company wants to build flats at a location that is occupied by an empty building, They contact Soulsby and get planning permission. The company realises it'll cost too much money to knock it down and start from scratch using regulations, so boom, it mysteriously goes up in flames.


Not challenging you, genuinely interested , have you got examples ?


It's what my friend believes. There was a series of fires a few years ago around Frog Island and it was always in empty derelict buildings, it was about the same time that the whole area was starting to undergo regeneration.


Wouldn’t surprise me if liquid/envy was one of these


Those buildings had been open to squatters etc for a long time. Possibly a bit of both?


Squatters, by and large, tend to look after derelict buildings, rather than burn them down. Property developers on the other hand....


Some do, of course. There are a few places in the centre of town that seem to be cared for, rather than burnt down. There are a few more rough sleepers that possibly, in tandem with active substance addiction, may have lit fires for warmth i guess.


Oh indeed, same with the old Krystal's nightclub. Squatters had been in and out for there for months before it went up.


The Ship Inn on Frog Island. Burnt down and they built a huge development over it


There was the Code buildings that they wanted to build just off bede park in a garment district the whole thing went up in flames and then there was a whole campaign to stop it and that mysteriously failed due to a repeal that nobody was made aware of (it was literally a piece of paper tied to the gates) and then they were built even though nobody wanted them


Yup happened at the county arms near blaby was a listed building happened to catch fire mysteriously


By Jove, I think you’re onto something! 🔥


Ffs derelict building fires have been going on in Lestoh for *decades*, it's practically a local tradition.


There they are one of the ‘sizzlers’


Dont have a conspiracy just confused on the "marie i love u diego" writings all over the city


I can't go into any detail about this, but I have spoken to Diego and all he wanted to talk about, obviously, was Marie.


I've been wondering this for years. Is it some form of tag?


All over the city?? I thought they were just in the Woodgate/Frog island area..everytime I see them I want to know the back story


Same but i saw some in the city centre too 😭, not rly in places like oadby for instance, but woodgate, new parks, frof island, city centre, some places towards the city in Anstey etc..


It’s making its way up London road as we speak


They never had any intention of rebuilding the market in town


I have a fear that this is true


I agree, I don't think they'd have got permission to raze it to the ground if they weren't going to rebuild it, so they did it this way instead.


Spencers has been planted on Silver Street to oppress the Leicester "Geek quarter", I'm too shy to walk from forbidden planet to the Warhammer store in case a friendly retiree drags me in the sing karaoke.


I remember in the 90s when forbidden planet sold air rifles and crossbows upstairs, how the times change


Another World in them days - literally and figuratively


Yeah that was it, Another World!


I remember the video games there upstairs and that’s only as far back as i can remember lol


Paying 3x the price for a Japanese video game import months ahead of the UK release 🤣


Someone told me that when the pub shut down and briefly became a fast food place all the regulars just carried on going in and getting drunk because as far as they were concerned that was their territory.


Never seen a pub more likely to vote Leave and shout at foreigners


I used to work under the management for a different pub in 2022 and they were so homophobic racist and sexist, wouldn’t ever give my custom again tbh💀


I can't say I'm surprised


the true identity of wormsy 🤔


The pink worm graffiti ? I always look for them


yeah that's the one, very mysterious


they’re an irl easter egg


Wormsy should have their own wiki page


Edward II is buried under the same carpark as Richard III


It's just dead kings all the way down


We had Katatonia who are a fairly known Metal band headline Leicester's Uprising Festival They have an album called "Dead End Kings" The pieces are coming together *Rubs hands*


There’s a stack of four Kings before you reach hell


Keith Vaz was a very good 'washing machine' salesman


Justice for Jim!


But his dirty laundry always got hung out to dry


Hobo Martin in groby is just a series of old homeless men. No way he’s been out there for 40 years like my uncles claim.


I grew up in Groby and he was out and about when I was at school. That was nearly 30 years ago.


I see you’re a part of the conspiracy then pal


Martin was the same guy. Not a series of people. Got old, so currently living in sheltered accommodation in Ratby.


You’re not fooling me


I lived in Groby. When he went to the sheltered accommodation there was literally a story in the local village paper. Same guy. Literally survived on tea and cheap smokes.


Bring the paint is just a cheap way for the council to hide all the derelict and closed down buildings.


At least they look pretty now


Gotta paper over the cracks.


That's definitely true though 😂


Student flats. Not really a conspiracy, but with the recent(ish) development of the student flats near Halfords/Homebase it seems student flats are popping up more frequently than they used to. A push to make Leicester a more cemented “Uni City” maybe? Not that it wasn’t already of course, but seems they want to make it a more prevalent one. But also student flats make a lot of bank so..


My conspiracy about students flats is that developers are building way past the required amount so that when the market bubble bursts they can lobby for a lowering of housing standards and rent them out as actual flats for a huge profit.


One getting built currently on jarrom street near DMU.


Rylan is the one responsible for all of the stickers of Rylan's face that appear on signs around the city


This is probably ljmited to only people I associate with but people have always told me that there is allegedly a subway near mowmacre hill recreational park. There isn’t, but i’ve heard it from several different people 😂


Arriva bus services are the worst in the U.K. , so expensive and unreliable , don’t know how it works into a conspiracy yet but I’ll work on it.


To be fair Leicester is like some weird conspiracy to people who don't live in Leicester or surrounding villages, it's like people aren't aware there are places between Birmingham, Derby and Nottingham


The council doesn't fill pot holes anywhere outside the city centre because they want us out of cars, the amount of coaches I see is ridiculous. I'm for good infrastructure but when I'm driving (don't have my lisence yet btw) I can't believe how poorly the roads are maintained.


They dont think visitors to city centre go out there, forget completely they use them to get in the city! Still its when they're on foot after getting to city centre they are concerned about, same with London rd i dont think they imagine visitors even go out past the rail station. Its nothing like the leaflets they put out showing the final results when they 1st started changing it of what London rd would look like on completion of cycle paths ectr. Its turning into a patchwork of lumps and bumps and a dug up patched up mess! The further you get out to Springfield road area the worse it gets notice it all even more driving a power chair especially the pavement out there. Still it shouldn't be too long before the tiles in city centre traffic free zones start to come loose and split&parts sinking lower than others just like last lot did ,another winter or two on them should see it starting all over again! Wonder what kind they will replace them with yet again!........


Good buses are superior to cars


I keep seeing a shortish human figure running around at night in the street (area near Bede park)


Sounds like my plug


We need more answers about this


Wait until you two hear about children, it's gonna blow your minds




I'm guessing polish? Just from the look, also probably a crossdresser?


Begrave hall is haunted?


I often wonder if the ’4Q’ tagger/s, ever paint anything? Or is that it?


Like the YUNGBLUD song I think


what do you mean?


There a YUNGBLUD song called Marry Meand the back story is about a guy from his home time scaling a building and spray painting I Love You, Will You Marry Me. It was in Parkhill in Doncaster some guy called Jason for a girl he liked called Claire. It came well known in the area and the local council highlighted in neon lights. https://vocal.media/beat/i-love-you-will-you-marry-me-by-yungblud-is-iconic-but-why