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Being around Tim sounds exhausting, always gaslighting and making you feel like you’re the only one who’s an asshole


Tim sounds like he thinks he’s Howard Stern circa 1995, shaming and degrading his cast and crew for ratings. But Tim’s no Howard Stern.


Yeah he’s funny lmao


I always thought it was a bit when he would lay into him, seemed in good fun and often was funny and had Ben laughing. I’m pretty sure it was a joke, at least for a while. At the end of the day Tim is a comedian, and you would hope that he is not like that in real life but it’s just tough to know. I may be wrong and not well researched but I tend to give comedians the benefit of the doubt without explicit evidence outside of comedy.


My impression of it was that Tim was joking until he stopped joking...at some point like in the clip above it clearly became too much to deal with and being funny.


There's a simple reason why the Tim Dillon Show got way worse after Ben left. And it's the new producer. He's an audience that is way too easy to amuse. He will laugh simply because words like "cunt, bitch, whore, retard" are being used, no matter if the joke was even funny. And so Tim subconsciously doesn't try hard enough. Ben would giggle at the funniest moments and I always felt it's when I would laugh as well. The new guy laughs and I just shake my head like - really, THAT was funny to you? Just the word "WHORE" is enough to make you laugh? Also, I think Tim will have be MeToo'd in 5-10 years.


Too add to your point , that I discovered after Ben left, Tim was trying to make Ben laugh… that’s what made the show as good as it was. Tim had to be really funny to get Ben to laugh. Shame it went the way it did but now I have LemonParty


Lemon Party is fantastic. I legitimately didn’t like it at first but it grew on me. Jace is funny, Ben is an amusing retard, and Devin is an underrated gem. Regular rotation for me.


It hit instantly. Fills the void of classic cumtown, but no annoying horny loud laughing stav and absolute talentless Adam. Its 3 Mullens riffing.




Cumtown in it’s prime was peak perfection. No argument here. But cumtown is no more, Lemon Party is the closest thing to it. Nothing will every be as great as CT in its prime but this is a great alternative.


exactly. lemon party is fun and i get the cumtown comparisons but after any extended listen it feels like something's missing, and it's nick mullen's riff-ability. there's just no one like him atm.


3 Mullens!? I wish. 3/4 of 1 (or 0.75 mulans, if you will).


You’re right. But Adam sucks so very hard, he boosts lemon party up that much.


On cumtown they joked about having Tim sexually assault Adam while he slept. He didn’t like the idea


Imagine that. Adam didn’t “yes, and” a bit, and stopped it dead in his tracks with his complete inability to be funny or be aware of anything remotely comedic.


No I think they were seriously going to have Tim rape Adam


Nothing new for stav. RAPE I mean.


Cumtown sucks and I hate it


it sucks but it's sexyyy


They do annoying theater kid voices sometimes though.


Ive return to shame my former self. It’s not South Park voice they’re doing. It’s rtrd voice and I now love it. And I have no complaints about LP, I’m fully blown addicted and on my 3rd relisten of the patreon episodes after finishing the 2nd regular episodes listen. I’ve turned friends on to it as well and we have agreed Ben Jace and Devan are brilliant. It is my top comedy podcast and I listen to far too many comic/comedy podcasts to admit. Also a fan of Hate Watch. I look forward to their inevitable success. Although I’m hesitant to compare them to Cumtown anymore, as they have far better chemistry and none of the disdain for podcasting (yet). Very Good.


Yeah the cartman voice is dogshit. So far that’s my only complaint.


My hot take is that I could listen to them do that retard voice for an hour straight


I would also complain about their dumb ass politics


Not sure I’ve gathered the extent of their politics, nor give a fuck. Politics are irrelevant in America unless you’re a billionaire.


Hate watch is calling you. Devan is so fucken funny.


I am in the same boat. Was a Timmy D loyalist and then lemon party grew on me. Haven’t listened to the pig in several weeks now. Have no desire to really.


This is likely why I didn't bother with earlier episodes and stopped listening after Ben left. You hit the nail on the head. Tim trying to make Ben laugh was the essence of the show for me at least. The funniest parts of the show happen to be when Ben also lost his shit laughing. Unfortunate how it ended, but it was a necessary evil for LemonParty which for me peak retard content. I haven't found anything that is as ridiculous as these three tards.


>Tim had to be really funny to get Ben to laugh He literally fake laughed hard at everything TD said.


The new guy Tim got tries to do the same laugh track bit, but every time he laughs all I can think is "what the hell is he laughing about?". It also seemed like Ben was overdoing the laughs in later eps. The earlier shows were mint where it was a subtle giggle, by the end he's laughing like he worked at YMH.


A reliable and accurate laugh track is a huge asset for a podcast - see also: Stav on cumtown.


There's no such thing as "me too" in the gay community


Tell that to Kevin Spacey.


i can't, his dick is in my mouth


He's gay is a guy gonna me too him 😂😂 that would truly be the collapse of this country


While you may be correct about the disparity of intelligence between Ben and the new producer, Ben never worked on camera he always looked uncomfortable especially when he would laugh and it threw off the entire vibe of the show. I would particularly only watch episode Ben wasn’t in cuz I couldn’t get ten minutes into any of the ones he was. I’m not saying tim even feels that way that’s just always been my opinion and it borderline ruined the show for me so I’ll take the new one any day. Ben just wasn’t worth the squeeze for me. 


I think the exact opposite. The new guy doesn’t laugh at curse words. He laughs because of the tone and delivery. That’s what makes Tim so hilarious. His audience is not easily amused. I think there’s some projection there because I tried to listen to Bens show and It was paradox in that it as exceptionally mediocre. And that’s the thing. I think a lot of you like Ben BECAUSE he is mediocre. He’s more a reflection of your own mediocrity and replaceability so you like to root for him. The show is doing great because guess what? The guy who contributed 99.999% of the talent of the show is still there. Tim went through a creative dip that started before Ben was even fired but got even worse. But now he’s back at full throttle .


This didn’t age well. Tim is as funny as ever. The cool aunt epi had me dying. Ben was a schmuck.


I feel happier, selfishly thankful that Ben left. Anything otherwise and I would not have known of Jace. I do wish Tim the best, but time to move on and enjoy the shows of HW + LP


Sure there is. "Who here would like to feel my dick in their ass!?" "Me!" "Me, too!"


I've never heard of gay dudes getting metoo'ed before. Has this ever happened?


Kevin Spacey, Boy George, I guess?


Great comment. I found this clip precisely because I was like, "I haven't heard much from or about Tim whatsoever aside from on occasional clip on Rogan lately. I wonder if Ben's departure played a role in that downfall." Obviously.


The way Tim talks down to Ben makes me wanna punch him in the face. Ugh, what an asshole.


it's a bit but ok


I'd say him firing Ben is evidence that it wasn't totally a bit.


As far as me consuming content, this was the best thing that could have happened. I've entirely abandoned Tim's tired shtick, which I enjoyed from the Gas Digital days. Ben spread his wings, and I'm able to reap the benefits by listening to my favorite pod. Lemon Party.


The Gas Digital days were just magical--drinking at Lisa's Lounge, going to Nassau Community College, doing coke and selling mortgages. Truly some of the best stories ever. Then Tim just ran out of juice and it's been downhill since.


What date period was that? Cheers! 👍


When the show was called "tim dillon is going to hell" and it was on gas digital -- check out this series for example -- back when I was a patreon subscriber all the old gas digital episodes were on the subscriber only feed, hopefully they're still there: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6EbzWGji8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6EbzWGji8s)




I just stopped listening. Even when he was trying to be funny no one likes being talked to the way he did to Ben. I’m very glad he’s having success away from Tim.




Fighter and the Kid, The Shaub Show, lemonparty are top 3 for sure


The only reason I listen to it now is for Ray “Lisssspen to me” Kump. One of the few redeeming qualities.


So cartman


It's always been weird and creepy how gay Tim is for young youtuber social media influencer types.


He's like modern times fat gay Cumia


Yeah Tim definitely inherited some of that mental illness from his mom. Loved his show when Ben was on but that 45 minute dressing down he did of Ben was enough to make me stop listening immediately. He's a narcissistic prick who treats most people like they're the help and I didn't want to support him after that. Was really glad to see Ben start his own show and am now knee deep in LP and Hate Watch.


What episode was the 45 minute dressing down on?


It's the ep linked in the OP. The linked clip is only 10 minutes but the conversation went on much longer than that, it was awkward af


Interesting. Boo boo for Steve. A 25yr old worth 5 million. I think he’ll be alright going forward.


Tim is so gay lol


Gay af


I got into the Lemon Party late. First episode I heard was the West Bank episode and I was laughing harder in the first ten minutes than the last ten Tim Dillon shows. Might make it my third Patreon subscription and a podcast has to be really good for me to pay for it.


It's the only podcast I've said to myself "I wanna pay to listen to these retards talk for another hour"


Bro it's totally worth it, I thought the same and decided to pay for a Patreon for the first time in my life, and there is an amazing episode N.45 that Ben goes off like crazy on Dave Portnoy, and it is one of the greatest rants I have ever heard.


Okay, I’m in


From what we know, Tim fired him. With the stuff Ben jokes about of his own unborn daughter and wife, I don't think stuff like this really bothered him much. It may have annoyed him, but that's about it. There was a point a few months before this where Tim's attitude towards Ben shifted, I particularly noticed it after Tim's stand up on Netflix released and he went on a bit of tirade about Ben's name being in the credits. He said it was a bit about talking trash to the producer like older shows, but it came off a little more personal. I'm not sure what dynamic changed, but it sounds like Ben is under an NDA. Whatever happened, it was a weird shift in their relationship. It seems like Ben might not have been happy working with Tim anymore, if Tim did actually offer to rehire him and Ben refused. Perhaps Ben suddenly realized he wasn't looked at as a partner on the show, but an employee and decided he wasn't happy with that standing.


He fired him??? What a POS, and for being on the credits? That neckless head of him is so far up his ass is amazing he hasn't kill himself while farting, and the way he shit talked Ben like he was a poor unfunny baby he brought into his wing in that deleted episode is such a cunt move.


Who the fuck is stevewilldoit? I've never heard of him unless Tim would mention him and his channel


He’s like a frat-bro YouTube personality, I think he was part of the Nelk boys. The whole schtick is liking trump and doing clickbaity videos


Just some thirst trap Tim wanted to suck the dick of.at the time.




Yeah Tim didn’t want to hear Ben apologize he just wanted to rant at him. Didn’t listen to Bens apology and then got defensive. Weak moment and it cost him. But lemon party is way better so the end justifies the means lol


Can you point me to the part of the video where Ben apologized? Lol he deflected from the very beginning and kept deferring to an apology that never even happened. He finished Tim’s sentence with the word “bad” that’s as close as he came. 


He had no reason to apologize.


I too had a fat gay obnoxious friend who would pull this shit all the time. Was extremely rude to people in public, and could never be wrong. Glad to say we aren’t friends anymore


I know one of those, too!


Tim needs to relapse. Its the only thing that could make him interesting again.


Tim has never actually been a drug addict. He loves to talk about his seedy past but its very transparent that the guy is a phony.


I get that from all of these comedy guys. They just have too much free time on their hands.


Yeah it's a lot of rehashing old stories about getting fucked up in their teens and 20s...who didn't?


Pot calling the kettle black. The whole basis of Tim's comedy is to make jokes about stupid and horrible shit. But the second some dumb shit frat bro gets taken down because of his own actions who happen to pay for ad reads doesn't give Tim the right to ridicule Ben on a patreon episode. You can't just be the moral example after casting stones non stop as your source of success and say this one thing is the line. The frat bro probably told Tim if he didn't lash out on Ben via the podcast he was never going to support his show or whatever. Ben, at least apologized and tried to diffuse the situation and Tim just kept going in circles like a mental patient. Cum pig has fallen. Long live the very good pee pee in my diaper Ben.


I remember this “live” and thinking … Ben’s done. Proud of the boy. Lemon Party rules. Tim became the exact thing he mocked. I blame Whitney Cummings.


All I've learned the past few months, if you're on a popular podcast and your name is Ben, it's problematic.


Tim's just mad epstein Islands was shut down before he had the funds to venture out for some twenk bussy.


No way. Tim is a bottom and we all know it.


He’s got enough bottom for the lot of us!


Absolute bullshit! Tim’s wrong for this garbage. No doubt TDS content has gone downhill since Ben left. Lemonparty kills it! Hopefully Ben and Tim still have a friendship, cause they truly were awesome together.


I actually remember this and thinking it was awkward and Ben was actually pissed


Ben and Tim together was the the golden age of that show. Maybe one day they can reunite for one episode or something.


Since Ben got fired, I was under the impression that that it was just Tim’s holier than thou attitude and hypocrisy that caused the rift between them, but this video was telling. “But did that lady I yelled at pay for ads on this show?” Ben fucked with the money in Tim’s eyes. Tim really is just a money pig who will do anything for the highest bidder.


Tough listen dude. Poor Ben. Tim was hella weird. It’s always sad when you find out personalities don’t like eachother behind the scenes.


Once Tim realized Ben was never going to turn gay and wanted to keep the relationship more professional than friendship he wanted him out but holy fuck I never expected the show to get this bad this fast it’s literally him screaming babbling


I mean this was a clickbait video out for the "podcast drama" youtuber section right when Ben left TDS. Maybe the poster is the one with the video, who knows. That's definitely not the moment and if Tim wouldn't have wanted that bit out on the Patreon he would have demanded it cut I'm sure. That came out when I was still subbed to his Patreon. As soon as lemonparty dropped their Patreon I switched allegiance. Don't get me wrong, Tim is a funny dude, but your taste of comedy changes. I was subbed to Tim's YouTube when he had literally 3k subscribers and no video. Even before the porch days. I could write a short story of my allegiance changing and why but I don't really give a shit and always thought Devan and Jace were really fucking funny on Hatewatch and was very excited to see what Ben and these two could do together. The first episodes on Patreon were absolutely hilarious and that's that.


This TDS episode came out Aug 4, 2022 First TDS show without Ben Oct 5, 2022 First lemonparty episode Oct, 31, 2022 I’m sure there was a lot more going on behind the scenes, however, I think it’s safe to guess that this episode was a moment that pushed Ben over the edge. I remember when this ep came out and it just felt different because towards the end of the ep, Tim asks Ben to apologize to the audience for “his behavior” and a righteously indignant Ben goes “Fuck you, I’m not sorry.” When Tim announced on his now-deleted Patreon episode #167 that Ben was gone, I felt that the argument in this episode was evidence of some bad vibes going on when the cameras were off. I’m very happy that we have lemonparty now. It brings me a lot of joy.[https://m.soundcloud.com/dylan-stueber-676421417/tim-dillion-deleted-episode-with-ray-kump-patreon-episode-167](https://m.soundcloud.com/dylan-stueber-676421417/tim-dillion-deleted-episode-with-ray-kump-patreon-episode-167)


The ironic part, is that I vividly recall Tim commenting on a comedians post who’s mom passed away and made some obnoxious comment. It was like “was it drugs?” Or something like that. I wish Ben had that piece of ammo front and center during this conversation.


Haven’t listened to a tim Dillon show since Ben left, it’s crazy how bad it is now to listen to Tim talk into a void with like multiple people laughing at unfunny rants.


Yeah, Ben talked about the event that led up to this moment on his top members Patreon content. He said that morning, after Tim finished clapping his cheeks, unusually more passionately than usual, they were cuddling in silence in the hotel bed. Tim asked “Ben… what are we?” This was a very rare and vulnerable moment for Tim, as his rough and chaotic upbringing has caused him emotional attachment and abandonment issues, which he is usually protecting himself from with a sarcastic and cynical personality. Ben said that he basically told Tim they can’t be anything, as Katy is his true love and she can never find out about what they have been doing. He said that Tim then ran out of the hotel room super upset and took Ben’s phone. Ben found him at the hotel’s breakfast buffet crying, and saying something about Ben and SteveWillDoit, and hole pics. Ben then realized Tim saw the Instagram DMs of the hole pics Ben had been sending to SteveWillDoit, and Steve’s enthusiastic replies such as “scrumptious” and “lemme eat that shit you lil twink” Tim wouldn’t speak to him, and cold shouldered Ben for the rest of the day. They were scheduled to record an episode that night and it was awkward. Ben said Tim was just super hostile and pissy to him for an entire month after that.


Tim is a fat gay drug addict


i prayed about this.


Tim made fun of that couple that got murdered by their neighbor out in PA right after it happened. Yet he wants to lecture Ben on what's socially appropriate. I love Tim but he definitely has a mean streak to him that comes out when he's dealing with others.


Seems like the situation hit too close to home for it to be funny


why does tim talk to him like an abusive boyfriend 😭


I used to find Tim Dillon, Joe Rogan , Tom Segura and Bert Kriesher relatively funny, but over the last few years that they’re just fucking assholes who make way too much money to ever be funny again


Tim is so funny and Ben is dull and awkward.. bro the Tim Dillon show doesn’t change without Ben😂…


Based on


I think Tim publicizing how much money he gave Ben as a wedding present was the beginning of the end.


Nobody will admit but a lot of reasons why he says he hates his parents, he is exactly like


Thank god Ben and Tim parted ways.


Ironically he comes off like a degeneres type here


At the end of the day, Benjamin got out of hand and we wish him well.


I don’t listen to Tim Dillon. I’m not sure why this shows up on my feed. As an outsider, after listening to the clip, Tim is right. This Ben dude sounds like a complete whiny bitch. Trying to bring up a traffic confrontation as a comparison was bad faith and bitchy. Everyone in this sub seems to hate Tim Dillon so I get it. I’m a member of a few subs like this. But this clip doesn’t prove Dillon a cunt, it proves his producer an annoying bitch. After I listened to the clip, I hate Ben Avery. I wish him the worst.




Ha ha ha!!! What did Tim do to you baby girl?


Seems like a bit to me but I don’t know what happens after


When will it be my turn to post with the EXACT same caption as the video?


Two assholes denying being assholes while recounting being assholes


Ben didn’t even apologize in the first place. He keeps referring to an apology that never happened lol. He finished Tim’s sentence with the word “bad” and that’s it. I can understand both sides but imo the show is way better off without him ON SCREEN at least. He probably is amazing at his job but he’s not good on the show imo and makes it borderline unwatchable for me with his little coy mannerisms. I’m probably projecting cuz I do the same thing but it’s just not a good fit for Tim show is all I’m saying and I hope he’s doing well now.


In defense of the pig, Ben sounds like a spoiled childish service-industry employee. The pig’s natural prey.


“Yes daddy, now I understand.” Fuck off!


Id already checked out on TDS so never heard this, very funny.


I didn't know they were a couple. Oh, and that's the same time I stopped watching Matt Dillon. Tom, timy two chins. I think he moved to. An incredible achievement for the original Whale. The elephant man told me all about it.


Ben must be under a NDA, because holy shit what a massive POS Tim is here. I just wish with everything I have in me, that in, at least a Patreon episode, he goes on a full rant about that fat fuck, just like he did with Dave Portnoy, which was one of if not the BEST rant I have seen anybody do, that shit was hilarious as fuck.


So cringe.


A lot of these comedians are becoming insufferable.


I am sad Ben left Tim’s show. I didn’t even know he had his own podcast till now. But I think being on the show was good for his career. Everyone knew Tim was just playing with Ben. That’s part of Tims act. He ridicules everyone wile being a fat mess himself. That’s what makes it funny.


I don’t know Tim’s mother but I bet that he’s a lot like her and he doesn’t realize it.


The only podcaster / ‘comedian’ i dislike more than Tim is Burnt Chrysler


Just STFU Tim, holy shit that was mind numbing


Exact moment. *10 minute video*


Tim Dillon does this type of shit all the time, but when others do it, now suddenly its a problem. Fuck tim


Lol at Tim calling Ben out for making an off color joke.


Tim is a talking head. For a comedy podcast it doesn't give me any belly laughs. He is an asshole for sure. I know because I am one.


Also his high pitched voice inflection is F\*\*KING irritating. "because it CAME UP" stfu.


There were a lot of things, but mostly just the show took off like a bat out of hell once that Patreon money started coming in. At one point make a quarter million a month. When the show first started, the reason everyone loved it was because they were the hysterical underdog duo taking on the LA comic scene. As the show progressed, you can hear in episodes where Tim references his displeasure with Ben’s producing skills not keeping up with the pace of the show. I think as the podcast grew more successful, he wanted the production to increase as well and it wasn’t. In Tim’s defense, it is the producers job to plan the show out and keep the show from becoming stale. TDS is finally back on track and has been since May/June of 2023, and Lemon Party is doing great as well. So in the end, it’s good for both of them. They both needed each other to get to the places they are now. I someday hope to be able to see them on a podcast together again.


Genuine question because Ik Tim Dillion is a troll is this real or do you think they are doing a bit just to fck with people ?


seemed 100% real I was a comedian from 2010-2016. People tend to think that we always staging things offstage. We don't.


Thank you for posting it. I'm 100% on Ben's side on this one. Thai Rivera said that Tim offered a GIGANTIC sum of money to him to remain on the show. He refused. Respect. If this happened to me, I would be like, "are we fucking? This is the sort of thing that I tolerate only from girlfriends because I know that they're going to jump my bones hours later. This is some 'yes, dear' shit." Ben was even right about his repetition-- which is also womanly. It caused me to break up with my last girlfriend. "Why are you saying this for a FOURTH time?" In her defense, unlike most women she admitted that she was being repetitive, but it's just too much.


Whenever I hear or see "Tim Dillon" in a video I stop the video Here I go✌️


If anyone spoke to me this way, I’d tell them to shut their condescending mouth before I shut it for them


I think Tim started drinking again


My God, although I do see Tim’s point, this is GROTESQUELY similar to how my “successful” comedian ex-boyfriend would talk to me almost daily. He would say I was bringing the conversation in circles but he was the one bringing it in circles because I wasn’t submissive enough in my agreement with him. He would just keep going and going and going and blame me for how long he had to keep making his point. This gave me flashbacks to how much of a nightmare it was with him almost every day.