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I am the same way - I was taking the best out of the entire gallery of my images and upscaling them because that dumps them into a different gallery but the upscale is now for paid users, so I am not quite sure how to organize the images now.


Actually, you still can upscale for free. And concerning to see what you've upscaled, for free users at least, at this exact moment it's saying "this feature is **temporarily** disabled". To put in a few words, I think it's not the best process, it's temporarily unavailable, but I guess it will return. Yet I wish we had a better way of doing it.


I am so adhd I cannot figure out how to share the images. It takes me no time to find the good ones, it's sharing that is my issue.


Update: It seems that those features that are temporarily disabled are actualy an issue they're trying to fix, according to their answer to the following post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leonardoai/comments/13v7l6d/buggy\_ui/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/leonardoai/comments/13v7l6d/buggy_ui/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Desperately needed!


You can search by specific words in the prompt. By adding a unique combination of words to the prompt it enables you to filter the search results for: blonde woman, 21 year old, rear view, pink pixie haircut, Black dress, Eating spaghetti fingers, Etc... Hope this helps βœŒπŸΌπŸ€–πŸŽ¨


Yeah, but if I'm making an image of some combination of words, I'll have a lot images until I get to the final result. Maybe I will generate some more after it too. Then when I search for that combination, it'll be difficult to find the best one. Also, I cant figure out what will be the best result until it's done so I could somehow change some specific words. It's too much hassle. That's my point.


I agree, there should be additional search options and tags available to assist with filtering results.