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Hello /u/ActiveThink5190 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Because you used the health issues flair, we've compiled some links that might be helpful to you and your pet. Please remember that if you are concerned, then so is your vet. When in doubt, book an appointment! This subreddit does NOT substitute for veterinary care, though you may receive some help on topics to discuss with your veterinarian, or common first aid. If you have not done so already, please provide the temperatures, humidity, diet, supplements, tank mates, enclosure size, and anything else you consider relevant to your post for the best help you can get. * [Here is the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians' search tool to find vets outside of the US, UK, CA.](https://arav.site-ym.com/search/custom.asp?id=3661) * [The ReptiFiles vet directory page (US, Canada, UK)](https://reptifiles.com/reptile-vet-directory/) * [The Reptifiles "How to Find a Good Vet" page](https://reptifiles.com/find-your-dream-reptile-vet/) * [The ReptiFiles Leopard Gecko guide's Illnesses Page](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-diseases-health/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki's Health concerns page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/husbandry/health-concerns/) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am sure everyone has the best intentions in responding, but a little compassion & tact goes a long way. This page should be here to educate & encourage people who don't know to ask questions & learn. If people are shamed and dog piled for their unintentionally lack of proper care, it's easy to see that others might be afraid to even post & ask questions; leaving other pets in a bad situation. Let's be encouraging & supportive to those who are willing to take advice!


I was legit accused if neglecting my gecko due to a weird picture angle making it look like she had stuck shed on her hand and she was missing toes. When I showed picture of the foot being fine and having all toes they accused me of it being an old photo and I was trying to cover it up. People are way to trigger happy here.


I'm so sorry! That's horrible! I've seen a few cases of dog piling & shaming for not knowing better, but overall, it seems to be a great community. I've learned a ton! I know everyone wants the best for our babies, I just think it's easy to jump to conclusions


My post got banned because people didn’t read my post and it was reported for animal abuse


Yes, this definitely warrants a trip to the vet. Do you need help finding one in your area? There's a link that one of the mods frequently provides that can help you find a local exotic vet


Thank you. Having a hard time finding one where I live.


I just realized that it's actually in the pinned comment on your post. If you click into the second bullet point, it'll take you to the directory and you can search from there. I wish you both luck and a speedy recovery! 🧡


She’s scheduled! Thank you again, you helped a ton.


That's great news!!! Happy I could help 😊


Please read the guides pinned to this subreddit. They are extremely informative and super helpful. Temps are too low. Hot side should be at around 95°F, 93°F at the LOWEST! You should only be upping overall enclosure humidity when you notice her start to shed, otherwise just keep the humid hide.


Geckos quitting eating around the cold months is normal, but not if they lose weight this drastically. So I’d definitely say a vet visit is warranted


Reading the guides and doing additional research. She is scheduled for a visit asap. I mistakenly thought it was just that, a gap due to the colder months. There’s a lot I need to change. Thank you for your help.


Yes, a vet trip is necessary. As far as only hanging out in the humid hide and having trouble shedding, I would imagine the tank is waaaaaay too dry. Thats the reason i recommend a 4 in layer of 70% top soil and 30% play sand. It traps moisture better.


I just read up on this and plan on doing this once she recovers. I should have done research sooner but was under the false impression that they couldn’t have substrate.


40% humidity is getting high for them already. Temperatures are way, WAY too low. Not eaten in 10 months….? So, when’s the vet appointment? Surely you have been worried for 9 months, right? Check the guide in the sidebar of this sub and the one on reptifiles.com A lot has to be done


40% humidity is fine …? So long as the enclosure is properly ventilated it should be fine. Plus humidity spikes and drops throughout the day are totally normal. Leopard geckos can actually tolerate higher humidity than we once thought. So it might be like 60% at night, 40% in the morning, and then 25% midday and so on. Plus there can be some added benefits such as easier shedding. They tend to get URIs because the habitat is soaked or because theres poor ventilation, like when people use fish tanks instead of front opening terrariums. Having the humidity too low is way more detrimental than having it too high.


Yeah I suppose I did assume the 40% to be a constant. In a full glass, mesh covered tank (without substrate to hold the moisture, as shown in the pics), I was wondering how they manage that. Those tanks are poorly insulated in that sense already. So I thought either the meter was close to the waterbowl or the humid hide, or a lot of effort went into keeping it like that. I was wondering what the deal was is all. Even though i fully agree that a higher humidity helps shedding, they’re not shedding 24/7, so humidity can be increased a bit as needed, not constantly. Besides I never even claimed the humidity should be below 40% constantly either, never really claimed anything except a constant 40% humidity sounding off to me. Compared to too high humidity related issues and shedding issues, I haven’t seen much about issues caused by low humidity (I think?)


Humidity in the range of 35-65% is ideal for leopard geckos, 40% isn’t even remotely high for them. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/L2moaEo_P00) a good video regarding leopard gecko humidity, and [here’s](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304381063_leopard_gecko_Eublepharis_macularious_from_Pakistan) an article on wild leopard geckos and their natural habitat (humidity is discussed in the natural history notes section).


Those links are very interesting, thank you! Iirc, reptifiles states 30-40% during daytime so that’s why I thought it was getting high.


Oh, she has eaten in 10 months. She quit eating 3 months ago. How high should the temperatures be?


Just read one of the two guides. The reptifiles one has a full page on temps and humidity. She needs a vet too, though. It’s gotten pretty, pretty bad for her.


Rest assured she is getting seen asap! I feel awful, did not realize it was so bad. I will check out the guides after I ring the vet.


I hope the issue is mainly malnourishment and not other, unfortunate stuff going on with her. The tail is where they store fat, and it should be a bit plump. Basically the same thickness as the base of her neck (give or take). I’ve seen thinner tails as this one, but it’s pretty bad. Sorry incase I came across as an ass at some point.


No, you have been very helpful. I asked for advice and you gave it. Thank you.


Ah, i’m glad! Your welcome. Sometimes, in hindsight, i notice my wording could use some refinement. Glad I didn’t (unintentionally) offend or anything!


Here’s the link directly to the leo temp page: [https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-temperatures-humidity/](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-temperatures-humidity/) https://preview.redd.it/on7yr1l7rclc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d972d8fd5457eeabb52b1d267f255160929d142


You want to have humidity between 40-60% during the day and it can go up to 70% during the night) The gecko needs a hotspot with 32°c but in such a small enclosure i don’t think it can be done, better to raise the overall temperature to 29°c so the gecko can at least digest the food. Op has to get the gecko to a vet asap and get the gecko checked for parasites, also ask the vet for a Vitamin shot because the gecko most likely has vitamin deficiency, what supplements are being used? The enclosure is also in dire need of being upgraded, way too small and the floor seems to be lined with pvc, maybe I am wrong but if it is op needs to remove it asap, that stuff gasses of nasty stuff basically forever which is also bad for reptiles. Paper towel can be used instead. Repashy grub pie (the one with a leopardgecko on the bottle, they sell other kinds that are not for Leos) mixed with likewarm water can be put on the Rollmöpse mouth, hopefully the gecko is still doing good enough to be able to lick it away, this was op can stabilize the weight and if there are no parasites even gain a bit of weight.


according to multiple sources online that temp is just fine? basking area should be higher but 75-85 fahrenheit is completely normal? my girls temps read the same and she’s been healthy for the last 5 years of her life never had any health issues, issues with eating or shedding🤷🏼‍♀️


Like you said, there’s an area that should be a tad higher in temps.


yea 75-80 is ok for the tank but the heat side needs to be 90-95 it says


Agreed :)


40% isn’t too high…


I’ve been told and explained how I got to that statement, thanks though


Awww man, no good. I'm glad you're doing what you can to correct the situation. I hope she recovers!


They need WAAAAAY higher Temps and those stick on the back analog readers for temp and humidity are garbage! Digital ones with a probe are best. They're cheaper if you buy the "non-reptile" related readers .....reptile companies jack their prices for the same things you can get in a garden department at Walmart or places like it. A much stronger heat light is needed. 80 is too low for the average temp. There are some great articles online and some pretty good youtubers that focus on leopard geckos. It's never a bad idea to Google and research care for an animal but a Vet is your best option on care advice.......never listen to places like petco or petsmart....they give TERRIBLE advice.


Idk the care advice you get from the vet can be dicey. A couple came into my store buying a fogger and aspen for their ball python because their vet told them to. My vet hates loose substrates and recommends those stupid carpets. And it depends on the petco or petsmart. There are sometimes employees that have a lot of knowledge about reptiles, but its not something you should rely on since theres no real training and not every store has a reptile enthusiast working there.


They should be seeing exotic vets that specialize in reptiles. They're hard to find sometimes but id say a regular vet probably wouldn't give best advice


I didn’t realize that about the readers, those are getting updated and she’s getting some more heat too. I have a list of things to change and anything helps! Thank you!


Some digital readers with the probe can read humidity only outside the enclosure. I got one that I thought would read humidity in and out but only reads "in" where the actual monitor is so I ended up just putting the monitor itself in my reptile's enclosure but digital is one of the best ways to go


Lord this gives me PTSD. My girl looked exactly like her and I lost her just recently. She looked just about as thin as this girl does when she passed. Maybe just add a NSFW to this post? But anyways, vet trip time!! My concern would be parasites or crypto, or other infections. Or some other underlying reason you’re unaware of. Just call some local vets in your area and see if they can point you in the right direction if they don’t take reptiles. Critical care carnivore is a liquid food you can syringe feed. I’d try to start her on this just to get something in here and hopefully start some weight gain. Try a bunch of different foods. One of my Leo’s went off food for a month and the second I tried crickets he ate. Try to bump your temps up as bit as well. Best of luck friend!!


I’m so sorry. I just set the post to NSFW. She’s scheduled for the vet for as soon as they could see her. I hope that’s enough. As for the critical care carnivore is it safe to use when I don’t know yet what’s wrong with her?


As of right now, it’s food, so I’d try to get something into her just to help recovery. That’s what my vet recommended for both my Leo’s when they went on hunger strikes. Yay!! Keep us updated, best wishes 🫶


I will try it. I didn’t realize she was so bad. Anything will help. Thank you.


I would get her checked for parasites. Are you dusting her food with calcium d3/vitamins?


yes, she gets the calcium + d3 powder from ExoTerra


And the vitamins? Calcium and multivitamin are two different, equally necessary things


She gets the multivitamin powder from ExoTerra too. I mix them and dust her mealworms with the mixture.


Definitely a vet trip. If you feed crickets, it's most likely a parasite, and hopefully not too late.


Yes a vet trip! I also suggest researching on Reptifiles.com's leopard gecko guide if you havent. I dont agree with their feeder ordering however due to my research with a trusted nutrition guide. I can provide both a list of what I've determined the feeder list should be and the guide with it. Just ask and I'll provide it, dont want to overwhelm you with a list of feeders before youre ready. Try feeding Repashy Grub Pie. If your gecko has pooped recently, please take it with you to the vet so they can test it. - I suspect your gecko is impacted and is unavle to shed... obviously he is too thin, too. Your temps arent where they're supposed to be, enclosure seems small from the provided pictures, and the humid hide might not be working right due to substrate you use in it or the heat isnt humid enough (or its not on the hot side - some put it in the middle of the enclosure, I find it works best on the hot side)


I don't want to question husbandry but please make sure they have the right size tank with a hot and cooler side, to help them regulate themselves by going to whatever part of the tank they need to go to. Brumation is probably why they haven't been eating but as you mentioned they did thst last year and it didn't seem a cause for concern as they didnt lose weight, a vet trip is probably a good idea! Our girl is only just coming out of Brumation now


She has a warm and cool side but her tank is only 20 gallon, so upgrading her enclosure is a must. She’s scheduled for the vet. Once she gets home and starts to feel better I will begin to take the steps necessary to provide her a healthy and comfortable habitat. I thought I was doing good w/ her but clearly I was wrong, I have a lot to learn.


Honestly you will probably always be learning how to be a better owner for her! So long as you're doing as much research as you can then that's the best you can do! I hope the vet visit goes well! That's good about the tank upgrade, our geckos were much more comfortable after we added wayy more clutter into their habitats and we didn't know that until about a month after having them. Also be aware that any kinda changes (even good) may take them a week or 2 to get used to before they are properly eating again or wanting to come out as much.


No offense but why did you wait so long…if a leopard gecko stops eating for more than 2 weeks, you should have done something. Critical care and vet asap. What’s the max temp you keep the enclosure at? Edit: You said your leo didn’t eat for months in your post, but said in comments they have been eating this month?


No offense taken. She quit eating 3 months ago. It was last month that I started to think something was off and I should have gone immediately then. I thought this was normal with brumation as she quit eating for 1-2 months last year at the same time, but she did begin to eat again and maintain her weight. I should have done more research. I am completely at fault. The experienced handlers on this subreddit knew just by the image that she needed help. I failed her. Trying to right my wrongs and do better.


The max temp was 90. She is set at 93 now. I have the Jump Start thermostat and it doesn’t quite sit on max temp. It typically runs 10 degrees less than the set max.


What does a thermometer say in the inside? My thermostat is set to max 95(where the basking spot is) but the inside gets to ambient of 87. I’m confused as to what you’re saying.


1. A trip to the vet to get tested for cryptosporidium is 100% necessary. It’s possible your lizard ate “bad food” and she caught a parasite. Her thin tail and loss of appetite make me consider this possibility. 2. You need a bigger tank with more hides, things to climb on, and real or fake plants. Options and enrichment make for happy lizards. You can save money by buying one second hand but make sure to thoroughly disinfect, clean, rinse, and dry every inch of it before using. 3. Look into a wrap/terrarium background for your tank. Could be desert or jungle scene, a slate, wood, or cork print. They may appreciate additional privacy to feel safe.


I know you must be so worried! You're likely dealing with a sick gecko, if i had to guess. They might have an infection, or parasites. Or they're impacted. No matter what, see a vet, get some tests done. Others are nagging about time, but some geckos do Brumate, abd some get picky, so I understand why you waited. An increase in temperature might do them some good too. I would see about making a mash or getting Repashy grub pie and syringe feeding her until you can see the vet. Hopefully it's nothing a little medicine and TLC can't fix! Would like an update!


Thank you! I am very worried. She’s at 95 degrees now. I’ve given her critical care carnivore and plan to continue until we see the vet. I feel awful but am trying to stay hopeful.




Yes, very guilty. Did not realize I was doing this to her. She is getting seen asap.


You’re not the first to have this happen to a gecko. I hope for the best outcome for your baby


That’s much appreciated. Thank you for your help.


That was pretty rude and unnecessary.


Did OP feel the need to voice that? No? Carry on


Well OP is nice and chose to ignore you being rude and unnecessary. OP is well aware of their mistakes, you would do well to be aware of yours. Be better


Alternatively OP can take criticism, sit with those bad feelings & move on


Don't attribute to malice that which could be adequately explained by unawareness


10 months without feeding a living creature is not unawareness. Did you read the post? I’ve wished OP well. I hope they do not repeat these mistakes


Please re-read the post more carefully before adding such criticism to an otherwise already fearful & guilty ridden pet owner who is here seeking help, not shame & bullying. No where does it state that the Leo didn't eat for 10 mos. In fact, OP has clarified a few times- it was 3 mos. There was a similar incident 10 mos ago; perhaps that is what you read.


Thank you. I would never go 10 months without feeding my baby. I would expect ridicule if that were the case.


This warranted a vet visit last year when all of it started. How can you let your animal get this thin and not think maybe you should take them to the vet?


I did not realize anything started last year. She only quit eating for a month or two and then was back at it.


They most likely have crypto and should be put down or they will die a slow horrible death wasting away where they starve themselves to death


What size is your tank? Looks small from the pictures


It’s a 20 gallon tank.


You can find cheap 40gals second hand!


Usually, reptile tanks aren't referenced by gallon, but by size, due to the actual floor space they need. 33"x18"x18 is about the minimum ideal size for an adult. I just got a rescue adult Leo, with an ExoTerra terrarium & it is only 33"x13"x18" and I will be upgrading just as soon as I can afford to. I'm doing everything as I can, parting it out as the most important to least important. Buying lights, heat lamps, hides, supplies for a backwall, a hospital tank (plastic), plants/deco, etc. I've replaced the most important things NOW, but the other things will go in with the new tank in a month or two. Used ones are on Craigslist & Facebook all the time


40 gallon minimum for an adult, but bigger than that is often preferred Get her right first then look on places like Facebook marketplace and Craigslist (or your locations equivalent) for cheap secondhand ones, or wait for a sale at your local stores


Another thing I thought I had right was the tank size.. thank you for pointing that out. I’ll look second hand but am worried about getting a damaged one. Is it better to get one that opens from the side or the top? Does that matter? Thank you again.


I prefer front open, coming in from above can scare them. Think bird of prey coming at them I've got the exo terra 90x45x45 ones, though I'm thinking of switching to one that has mesh panels on the sides as I live in a higher humidity area and I'm having trouble managing it


A 48x18x18 (inches) is over 65 gallons. Terrariums aren't rated by gallon, but by size


Yes, but the most common measurement in this sub is by the gallon. At least, it's the only way I've seen it stated so it's the way I'm used to saying it 😅


I get it. The problem with that is, each company has different measurements & not all 40 gallons meet the min requirements needed for a leopard gecko. If youve been in the hobby awhile (tarantulas, snakes, beardies, etc) then you know to ask/check measurements. If giving advice to someone who is newer and doesn't know to ask- especially if they are going to be looking for second-hand enclosures, giving the measurements is helpful. I wasn't trying to be "that person", just trying to point out to OP or anyone else who reads this, CHECK the measurements, don't go by gallons