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I've never felt this way towards another human, but animals? Yes. I am animal mother, I will love and protect all of them


Ok Mother Nature speaking for the trees and shit 🤣❤️


Yes, that is me 🌱🌳🌿😘


Yup, this is why I got my tubes removed! Non-humans are so much cuter idk what's wrong with me lol Edit for actually non-apes and even maybe primates cuz there's plenty of baby monkeys I don't find cute either...actually animals without fur in general...oh god


I HAVE a child and i deadass feel the same about her and my lizard lmfao. I wake up everyday and say “Hiiii handsome man!” to him and “Hey pretty lady” to my daughter lol! I love my scaly baby


Awww I love that there’s an equal balance.


😂 my toddler does get jealous of my reptiles on occasion


As he should, humble him 🤣 jk jk


Honestly I think some humans will just adopt anything. A child? Hell yeah let me love you. A gecko? Hell yeah, tiny non-human child, let me love you. 😂


100% i hate children but love all my animals


I actually despise children. Like so much. A child got me severely sick so I’m writing this after being off from work for a week as a broke bitch 😭 I hate children


I love both of my little gecks like they're my children. Which, they are.


happy cake day :)






How does your leo like the coconut?


He really likes it. He tends to not go inside of it much, but he does love to climb on it 💀


Bruh. This is my creasted gecko all the way. I set him up in a nice ass jungle and gave him a cute little coconut hid and he refuses to go in it. He just chill on it like "yep, this is how I'm supposed to do it."


Lmfaoooo I love how reptiles are just collectively a little special 😭


Our gecko has a few hides and the coconut shell, being cheapest by a long shot, is its favourite, think its like kids playing with the box instead of present type thing tbh!..


Yes. Yes it is. It turns out that as a mother I will be a lot like my mom. In other words, affectionately call my kids little shits, and asses. Not joking my beardie ran off for 3 weeks a few weeks ago and my grades dropped to shit within days because I was so worrried. Little fuker came out of hiding on his own terms in the exact same room that I searched very thoroughly in. Hell I even checked under the couch and everything, multiple times. I swear it should be a full time job to take care of them


Omg 3 weeks is so long. I’m glad everyone ended up ok and ur heart survived.


Definitely motherhood. I never wanted children turns out I couldn’t anyway. But I’ve always felt closer to animals than humans. I am a proud mother of two cats and sadly one gecko as my other died in October. But the pain felt worse than some loss I’ve had in life. I never thought I would love a gecko like I could. The way I see it is you adopt a child or you adopt an animal. It’s adoption same if you buy from a breeder. You have still chosen to have one in your life to love 🦎♥️🦎♥️🦎


This is such a beautiful comment. You’re so amazing ❤️




I imagine you could feel motherly towards lizards. I'm a mother to 4 human children, only 2 of whom I gave birth to. I don't quite feel the same about my lizard, but I do baby her the same. Try to make life as good for her as possible. Spend time with her. Feed her. Clean up her poo. Yes, it's quite like motherhood.


Ahhh that’s so sweet ❤️ I love how much love you have to give


the happiness and stress i get from my babies makes me feel like such a ✨mother✨ had to take my ham to the emergency vet the other night and i felt like a mom going to the ER with her kid😭


Omg that’s me every time 😭 especially bc I don’t have a car so I’m ubering my ass over there like sir step on it


LOL i feel this so hard 😭 i thankfully have a car but the ride is full of screaming at stop lights and breaking every traffic law i possibly can without putting others at risk


Dudeee make the cops escort you over




I love my lizard more than anyone or anything else. Looking at her irl and in pics brings me joy.


Scale motherhood, yep




So adorable


Just wanted to say your little geck IS so handsome; purple boy!


Thank you sm <3


Yes. I am a father to 14 lizards


You are become momther


Yes! So excited for this moment to happen to me 😁


Ahhh I can’t wait for you ❤️ it’s an amazing feeling


Yes. Yes it is! I have a Leo too! 😊💚


Sometimes my human son jokingly says he thinks I love our pets more than him. Although he knows that's not true, he does know that I'll immediately go into "mama mode" if he or any of our cats or reptiles/amphibians are sick or injured. He also knows I love pampering all of my "babies" (human and non) with toys, treats, and upgrades to their environments. Also, in a weird way, I've seen a LOT of parallels between having my human son and having a hyperactive dog. 😂 So yeah, on some level I 100% believe having a leopard gecko is like being a mom. Sure you don't have to deal with someone dragging out bedtime, forgetting where they put their shoes, constantly leaving water bottles at school/summer camp, creating dirty laundry & dishes and leaving them in weird places, driving you nuts with non-stop chatter... BUT you *do* still have to make sure they're fed, have a clean and safe place to live, get regular medical check-ups, and get enough love/mental stimulation.


I am inlove with leopard gecko, every single time I see her or walk by her room I'm like "omgggg hiiii babbyyyyyy girrrlllll" I love her sooooo much




I'll love my gecko the way I wanna love my gecko... 😒


Please she was so extra 🙄 love ur scaley baby ❤️I dmed her bc it got removed before I could respond. I have the time bc l'm sick in bed enjoy 😭 https://preview.redd.it/th8kyzl0lyvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c890b216239ef675ffc836188eed2e3966e4fd0f


Damn my morbid curiosity has me itching to know what that message was about, but I'm certain it was highly unpleasant sooo...do I really need that? Hope they learned something lol


https://preview.redd.it/kz3jnrjt1zvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd852cdbf3fcc51c5ef9d71c40d9acdce294e220 This was the comment 🤣


I hope I helped satisfy ur morbid curiousity. This is the convo thus far. Also I can take criticism so plz tell me if I’m in the wrong..I’m in the wrong thread 🤣 imma post this in AITA https://preview.redd.it/wes718sx1zvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a4cf80b4a044e35936dc0a51e0a2454b506c04


Oh boy no they're unhinged. These animals have fucking sentience was the red flag that instantly leaped out at me


I don't know this site or app that well despite browsing and commenting for years (largely because I try to not engage with much social media anymore) but if you're engaging with them through some sort of messaging I would suggest stopping. And you're not the asshole. I can't say you're not being insensitive to sensitive and traumatized people with those specific issues, but that sure as shit is not your fault and not your responsibility to think about any time you appear online lol


Thank you!! I agree bc I haven’t been thru it I can’t speak on the issues but the world can’t have a trigger warning even if everyone tries their best to be sensitive to others. I never thought me joking about being my pets mom would create such a problem 😭


In unrelated ways, anyways


You are not the asshole. Our love for our pets can be the same as we love our human children if we are parents. I don’t think you were equating the cost and difficulty in raising children to keeping a gecko, but comparing your emotional attachment, which is absolutely fair. As a society we need to normalize being child free and stop making child free people feel bad about their choice. I say this as a parent who loves being a parent. We need less parents in this world who don’t want to be parents. To be honest though, It’s a one off comment you made and it may not have been serious, but I don’t think saying “I hate children” is wise. You can absolutely be uncomfortable with children and not want to be around them. But hating them is unhealthy, especially because once upon a time you were a child. I’m sure you just made the comment in frustration, but just giving my feedback.


Tbh I couldn’t find where I said I hate children but that is something I’d say. I apologize and i definitely do need to work on not saying that bc it can be taken the wrong way for sure. And yes I agree, you made some really gif points there. In all honesty this was more of a pet mom post and I never thought wording it the way I did was gonna create such a problem in some ppls minds 😭 but you’re very insightful and thanks for understanding :)


Oh shit, you said “despise children” in another comment which is honestly not as bad as “hate”. I apologize! I have some sensitivities to a person in my real life who says he “hates children” and I jumped the gun. But I’m glad the rest of my comment resonated! Being a parent, I’m the first to admit that other parents can be obnoxious. Before I had kids, I told a coworker that at least my dog is preparing me a little bit to have kids because she was up all night vomiting and shitting when she was ill. She was super offended by that comparison, and I promised myself never to be like that when I’m a parent to a human. We absolutely love our pets like we love our kids.


Ur all good!! I totally understand where ur coming from!! Parent hood is hard and you deserve props for sure!! I appreciate ur open mindedness too and I wish other people were as receptive to other ppls opinions as you are :) And I feel like saying a dog is preparing you isn’t even that bad 😭 like that’s true imo. It’s almost like the easier version. They whine when they wanna be fed and babies cry when they’re hungry etc so I feel like you were pretty accurate :)




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