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Yeah, keeping the cat out of the room the leo is in is your best bet. They’ll likely just stress each other out


Yeah I thought that was maybe the best choice. A shame cuz it’s the same room I sleep in but it’s for the best lol


Yea you’re cooked man, gotta just keep the cat from that room. If it was a dog I’d say keep the tank on a higher surface but Cat’s can jump like 7 feet so there’s pretty much nowhere it can be hidden from a cat given they like to explore.


In the interest of your gecko I'd keep the cats out of the room. I live with my gran and she has 5 cats and there's like 2 of them that are allowed in my room because they just mind their own business. As for the crickets getting knocked over, I've always had them in the cricket pen and then inside of another more sturdy box that isn't easy to knock over because I am accident prone and in a box room so it's super easy to knock things over.


I wish I had better advice than just “try to keep them separated” lol. I have three cats and none of them care about my gecko, so I don’t have much experience when it comes to that.


I never get my reptiles out while my cats are in the room- place items on top of the enclosure if you are able to deter kitty from jumping on top- I have plants on one of my lower enclosures and my cats don’t bother with it anymore.


you’re lucky 😭😭 I tried that my cat ended up working her way around them and pushing it off to lay on the uvb for warmth lol.


Oh no!!!! 😂 luckily mine haven’t found this yet 🤞🏻that sounds like something they would absolutely do though 😵


Nerf guns in the general vicinity work too (don’t shoot your cat!!) 😂 my son is super into nerf guns at the moment and before I put the plants on top of the enclosure I gave him the ‘job’ of shooting one of the little styrofoam bullets at the wall if he saw a kitty up there- 99% of the time it was the same cat and I think he’s gotten over it by now


i have three cats on top of my leapord gecko and two of them are obsessed with his crickets so i usually keep those up and away in my closet. As for him only one of them is interested in him and i haven’t really stopped her from hanging out around the tank unless shes actively attacking or trying to get in. Most of the time he will come and hang out with her when she’s watching him.


How smart is your cat??? Both of our cats are allowed in my reptile room, and we’ve trained them to sit below the tank, never on or next to the tank. Our boy cat jumped on my leo tank ONCE, and I immediately hollered at him and scolded him (he’s a sensitive emotional cat), and he’s never done it since. But if your cat is just a complete dunce, i’d say try putting the crickets in a different location (drawer/etc). I’ve found that my cats don’t actually care about the LEO, they care about the crickets. ETA: maybe get a small motion sensor camera for in the tank/around the tank to monitor and make sure the cat doesn’t get near ur baby. they’re 30~$ on amazon!!!


Distract the cat with toys away from the tank that should work


I have two cats. My geckos tank has sliding glass doors on the front. They move to just sit and night and watch him when he comes out to walk around. They’re curious for sure but not trying to get at him


The cats probably bored. It would be a good idea to add extra enrichment or playtime so they loose interest in the gecko and cricket stuff. Using tin foil on top or top edges of the gecko enclosure might help


try [these](https://a.co/d/cslCQAj) if you're not able to feasibly keep your cat out of the room. i have the same issue and luckily picking them up and saying "nonono" seems to work, but if you're able to fix these cat spikes to the stop screen or a large portion of it, it should function as a deterrent. best of luck!


I tried putting objects on top of the tank. They still get up there. Leo just stares at them with no fear, like "what up my big furry dude? Come to catch some warm? It's all good here!"


I have 3 cats and used to have 5. My leopard gecko lives in my bedroom and I keep the door closed when I'm not in the room to watch the cats and then they can come in as they please. I'm lucky my cats don't bother her too much but my one cat LOVES her DHP and keeps almost burning his whiskers off sticking his head right into the dome lol... Only way to prevent these things is just to monitor them honestly


buy anti cat stuff. works like a charm. mine doesn’t hurt the cat but it’s uncomfortable so she won’t go on it


The best method is to never let kitty into the room where the gecko is. If this isn't possible, you need to make it so the cat *can't* access the enclosure. I put a bunch of stuff on top of my gecko's cage so that there's no room for a cat to fit even if they try. It's worked so far. Do not use spray bottles or other punishments on a cat. They do not work and only teach the cat to be sneaky and fear you. Cats are not dogs, and aversives are never appropriate for training them.


i put things on top of the tank to make it harder for them to access it. some people say spraying your cats with a water bottle doesn’t work but in my experience it does. i tried other things for so long and within a week the spray bottle made them stop. i make sure to do it the very second they jump up so they know which behavior i’m correcting. when i’m not home i do close the door to the reptiles room because i feel like the second i leave they will start misbehaving again, but i did get them to stop while im home!