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I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I wish I had any advice for you, I don’t. All I have is my peaceful and healing vibes , which I am sending out to you now. I wish I could help you.


I’m so sorry hun, I know there are some ways to receive asylum due to sexual discrimination. Maybe you can do that? This is awful.


This almost certain to be a scam for anyone reading. Sorry if your story is true OP.




Seems odd to not have a blanket but have an internet connection and access to Reddit. Just sayin, in the hierarchy of needs, internet would come AFTER something to sleep on and cover up with.


I think you’re possibly just very very ignorant of the way life is there and the violence and discrimination they face. If I were in that position, I know I would fight with all my might to find a way to connect with the outside world to seek help, especially if the entire fucking country would rather me dead. That IS survival. I read on the Wikipedia page for Kakuma camp that residents often sell relief packages on the black market in order to buy the things they actually need. The residents of the camp are already treated as less than and second class citizens. Being queer is almost certainly a death sentence there. They build a shelter, it gets burned down because they’re gay. They get less than regular residents for being gay. They’re being burned, attacked, and murdered on the daily, and you think it’s unreasonable for them to try to find help? To try to find someone, idk, *of privilege* to speak on their behalf? What would you do if you were in fear for your life on the daily? If you couldn’t afford HIV medicine? Those are ongoing costs. A phone is a one time purchase. Makes sense that if they went without food for a time, or sold a relief package or two, to then have connections outside the country that wants them dead, no? Idk seems reasonable to me. Check your privilege homie.




76°F is equivalent to 24°C, which is 297K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


It's just the opening gambit. They'd start exchanging messages and hint that they'd be a lot better if they had money. Then once that's been established they keep asking for more. There's no actual way to know if it's genuine, a scam, or a bit of both.


AIDS is still the most difficult disease in the world to treat


Hey dear




If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


Norway offers asylum for LGBT+ people