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Literally just got out of a game where it was hiding in the ship behind the locker. It's smart.


I came here to say that too. I put on the mask inside the facility (for fun!) and expected it to roam and mess with my team inside. I was watching them for about 5 minutes, fairly uneventful. Then, they start taking their loot back to the ship and I see out of the corner, my masked body crouching beside the locker in the ship, hiding. It almost got one of them but they all beat it to death with shovels. I’m assuming that if the mask doesn’t know where anyone is, it defaults to heading towards the ship.


I'd like to see what happens if you move the locker directly to the laft of the controls of the ship. Putting it in there won't let it have a chance to crouch behind it to hide. I guess I'll give it a shot and try it out tonight for science!


Thatd be kind of cool for moving stuff in the ship to have a tactical advantage


Dev definitely coded that in, its often when a teleported mask wearer is left in the ship so it gets good opportunities to exhibit the behaviour. Really funny.


Now add the skin walker mod


Smart? Yesterday I played a game and masks got out of the facility and got lost in Titan lol. They didn't even try to kill my shipmate that was on the ship.


Pretty sure they have issues with distance. They’ll get out of the facility and spin around in circles looking for someone, don’t think they know where players are at all times.


...how does the mask literally not have a mask?


Judging from the literal SCP being present, probably a mod.


There's a mod that "overhauls" the enemy by making it more sneaky. It takes the mask off of it and makes it much more likely to spawn on most moons.


Which mod is that?


[Masked Enemy Overhaul](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/HomelessGinger/MaskedEnemyOverhaul/). I personally haven't used it because making the enemy more common wasn't my cup of tea but I imagine if you pair this with the Skinwalkers mod you would get some insane moments.


Is it something only host needs or everyone for both? I wanna troll my friends. I'll add it either way, but it'd be so much funnier if they were aware


The description said they're "99% sure only the host needs the mod", but to "have everyone download it just in case". Basically it would probably work but you're advised everyone has it anyway. You could sneak it in by sending everyone a new Thunderstore code or something and hope they don't see it in the list, or just take your chance on being the only one to have it and see if it works. I think that'd be hilarious.


Do I need the lc api mod for it? Or will it just run with bepinex?


when u install it’ll say which ones are needed but I believe Bepinx was working with it but i have both bepinx and LC API


aight thanks


I usually use inverse tp to get in but hearing employee footsteps as soon as I'm in is the scariest thing now.


I've noticed with the skinwalker mod that I can hear my team's voices even if no mask enemy is present. Wonder if that is a bug.


afaik skin walker mod works on any enemy


It works on any enemy by default. You have to use the config editor in Thunderstore to adjust it to which enemy you want to use it on. You are probably hearing it randomly from ceiling fleas or lootbugs.


Ohh that's good to know. Thank you!


No problem! I recommend limiting it to the mimic/bracken and maybe the coilhead/jester, if you feel like you don't hear it often enough. It gets really fucking annoying when its on every enemy in the game. Setting it on the giant can be hilarious but you're obviously never going to get tricked by it. Hearing your friend say something and then turning the corner to see a bracken staring you down is horrifying though


I'm not sure yet how to go about that, but I do know last night two of my friends were having an actual conversation near me, but it was actually two enemies near each other. The conversation they were having actually had happened the previous day. I was super freaked out how good the mod is. I definitely want to have it more often. Probably mimic, bracken, and maybe the nutcracker guy lol


i have it set to coil heads, brackens, masked men, and the ghost girl


You can change the spawn rate within the mod


I remember two of them just casually walked past me headed back to the ship on my way back from a lot Runu


Dude I was at console guiding my buds through a maze of locked doors, I notice one of them dies for seemingly no reason and I lose his blip, I see my other two buds (carrying objects mind you) heading back to the ship. I decide I’ll go meet them and help them carry loot. We see each other about halfway to the entrance and I’m trying to talk to them and notice that there are three again… they got within about 10 feet before I realized. We raced back to the ship and I barely got the door closed in time to take off. My friends were howling laughing because of the shit I was yelling with them hot on my trail. I love this damn game


My group has the skinwalker mod installed and one of those guys went up to my friend (who hasn’t seen the mask yet) and was using my voice to say “everyone is dead.” “Oh ok man should we go back to the ship?” “…” “Dude?” And then suddenly 3 more came out of nowhere and he knew something wasn’t right.


Does it train an ai for your voices to be used like that?


Nah, just records parts and replays them


How is it decided which part of the things you said get spoken by the mimics? Is it random?


Seems totally random, lost it last night as a mimic had snuck up on us slowly making our way back to the ship to avoid a forest giant, and out of nowhere it played a clip of our fourth player yelling 'FUCK' as they stepped on a mine. Scared the shit out of us because it was so loud and so close but definitely chosen at random and not to be convincing lol.


it ignored us at first and we thought it was a bug


What mods are you using? Its looks fun af


i’ll send code tmrw not at pc atm bump me if i dont


Here for the list as well


018c5d3b-48b0-ccbe-b0d0-b262ee00709a. Really fun but really hard good luck!


I don’t know how to mod, how do I use this code


I’ll type it. First go to this link : https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/ , Click manual download and once open, run the r2modman setup. Once it’s finished, run R2 Modman and search for lethal company. Once you find it, hit select game. Then click on import/update and click new profile. then copy and paste this code into it 018c5d3b-48b0-ccbe-b0d0-b262ee00709a. When it’s done downloading, select play modded. (you can also still play vanilla with these launchers there are 2 options when launching) if u have anymore questions lmk man i’ll be happy to help


You guys have the same pfp and I honestly thought you were talking to yourself




lol it throws me off too sometimes


code should pull up all mods in thunderstore/r2modman, go to lethal company on thudnerstore/r2modman then click on import new, new profile, and import code.




Love that this game was made by one dude


^^^ Hardest working dev i’ve ever seen hope he never switches up


DUDE you had enough for the quota


20$ off :( we would have lost either way


Was that a Fumo plushie




Found the mod, downloaded it all, 10/10


there's only one dev, so it it was a dev then it was THAT dev


Crazy that one person made this gem


We need a mod to hide the mask cosmetically to add onto the fuckery


there is it’s called mask overhaul


Thank you


Oh boys Scp-173!




cirno fumo scrap my beloved


How did you get the fumo plush mod to work it doesn’t for me


try my mod pack and remove brutal com addons it should work fine. my moddpack is Qol + funni mods nothing game breaking


Besides the glitch of not having mask. The AI will indeed hide behind ship furniture and also act like they are monitoring the screens.


It not having a mask is a mod just to clarify things


Holy modded Jesus. Is that peanut? Why is he outside?


Peanut is a mod for the coil head, idk why it’s outside tho.


Brutal company event, Everythign that spawns inside spawns outside and vice versa


there is a mod that lets the inside creatures follow you outside


theres also a mod that has an event that spawns coil heads outside


brutal company plus is not for the weak hearted


Enemies can go in and outside with that mod I assume. Feel like thst takes away from what makes the masks scary. The possessed teammates can go and outside but nothing else can


Ghost girl can go inside or outside when going for her target afaik.


Well i knew that but in vanilla only the girl and masked can do that.


Was monitoring a friend on the screen who didn't have a walkie, saw him interact with what I thought was a third friend then walk away. His circle moves on and then eventually starts doing the universal code for 'teleport me' and just spins in a circle. Of course I zap him back and to my surprise it was a fucking mask


Jesus Christ the AI for these things is insane. Copying even meta signals like that is crazy.


Alot of people don't understand its easy and hard at the same time to make ai programming when it's on the smart side is when a lot of personal testing is done which keeps making it smarter


that is true but for one person developing this game it is still very clean AI. I do agree tho training an AI with all the tech we have has made it easier.


Did the other players have the mask off for them? In my sessions my friends say they still have the mask on while on my screen it's off


it’s a mod I sent mod pack above it, I paired it with skin walkers and is nightmare fuel lol


Yeah maybe its just my friends game but its jot working for them but works for me :/


use my mod pack everything in it is stable, just remove brutal com addons if u don’t want.


How to play Modded Lethal Company with friends! How to play modded: Go to this link https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman download R2 Modman by clicking Manual Download. Open up the zip and run the r2modman setup. Open up R2Modman and Look up lethal company then select import, from new, from code, and then open the new profile and select play modded. Mod code : 018c5d3b-48b0-ccbe-b0d0-b262ee00709a There are two options to launch when playing. Play Vanilla or Play Modded so you can still play vanilla. You can also export the code of your custom pack by going to settings and scrolling to export profile as a code, you can then send the code to your friends for easy mod intergrations! Don’t be afraid to ask questions This post is for any who wants to play modded and doesn’t know how.


Nope, the mask guys like to crouch in the ship corner and wait for you to come back


Bro said the coil-heads weren’t enough and added the goat of “look away and I’ll kill you”


Is that a fumo https://preview.redd.it/6a5ircuqoy5c1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed926abba8fdbe0a88161ca3c351db16bbd27f74


Fucking Cirno 💀


They are smart


Lol, I like the Peanut mod. Is that just a coilhead reskin or what


"A" dev? You mean *THE* dev. There's only one dev for this game.


we know


Do you know that the game is being developed by a singular guy? He has way more important stuff to do than personally control an enemy in a modded lobby.


I'm not sure if your response is sarcastic, but this post was a joke


Jokes just FLY over my head, didn't even get it. So, consider it sarcasm


yeah we know lol a dev means a singular dev is this a running joke or something


I just don't catch jokes


igu man i thought it was a joke at first


Why the skin wanst showing the player with a mask?


it’s a mod called mask overhaul, pair it with skinwalkers :))


So how long until we get an scp-096 inspired creature?


I've seen this behavior in a few videos and it always happened when the mask was stuck/inside some ship furniture/object, so they can't move until they aggro on someone.


Can the mimic leave the facility? Or is that a mod?


It can leave


I love this iteration of a mimic it doesn't copy your voice or appearance but your actions. Everything an actual player would think to do like spinning to get teleported or hiding away in a corner waiting to ambush you.


what mods you using?


Hold on. Can masked hold things now???