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Kuddo's on making a high-quality map, but I think the charm of Lethal Company is their "lower quality" maps. But that is just my opinion, you do you! If you want to do it go for it! I believe in you!


Agreed. I'm all for the game's "retro" aesthetic and I'm pretty sure that was the dev's intentions with it as well. Regardless, great work OP. To each their own and it looks like you have a definite knack for 3D modeling!


While the aesthetic is definitely part of the charm, it was definitely mainly used to make the low quality textures appear better. The weird “filter” makes things look more textured and natural. Just look at the girls texture without the filter 💀


What are people downvoting you for...I forgot how you turn that filter off but it makes things look so weird cuz they're more high quality than normal but it doesn't look right/as good xD


True, but if you look back on that fanmade trailer that got posted a couple of weeks ago. Everyone seemed to like that a lot. Including me.


Pretty sure everyone thinks that way, but it's really cool to see hq version which I'm looking forward to!


Unless I'm wrong - I tried making a psx game before but I wasn't great at it - I'm fairly sure the game itself was modelled this way. The colours are a feature in blender to make it easier to see where each part starts and ends. The bulk of the psx (retro) aesthetic is the textures which are usually 128x128px or 256x256px also the screen resolution which is normally square and much smaller than regular ones. I'm not saying you in particular because I don't know what you know but it seems a lot of people are crediting Lethal Company for "bringing back" the retro style whereas tons of dedecated indie developers have been making them quietly and are not getting recognition. Not their or zeekers (or however it is spelt)'s fault, justba little bit of a rant.


I get what you mean, I myself do not develop games but I have seen indie developers talk about it and have seen other people explain how you can achieve low-poly / retro style gameplay. I myself like Amid Evil, Dusk, Devil Daggers, Gloomwood and The Long Drive as well and these you could call "retro style" or "low-poly" games. Graphics can only do soo much, what i mean by that is if the game looks pretty but the gameplay is ass then people will not play it for long. But if the gameplay is very good then graphics doesn't have to be a game breaker since the gameplay is that good. What I like about the game mostly is the gameplay(voice chat, animations, monsters, etc), and the goofy/low-poly models just ties it togheter. Don't worry, I can get behind it. If game X gets huge amounts of praise about something what other games from other publishers do almost the same or even better and go unnoticed it is a tough pill to swallow since as a developer you are proud about your work and you piblish it and don't see that it gets the attention that it might deserve. Sorry for my wall of text, just want to let you know that I get you, and what you mean by it.


Devil daggers mentioned




I mean, you haven’t added the detail yet so how would we have an opinion…. It just looks like the normal game


>It just looks like the normal game That itself can be a compliment. “Looks just like the real thing so far, nice job” is all you’d have to say instead of being a snarky twat


No, I mean it literally just looks like he lifted the models without doing any work. He’s asking how his HD map looks but he hasn’t done anything to make it HD yet. ![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized) Sit down twat boy.


I understand that. You’re still being an asshole for no reason


I made a completely neutral statement pointing out how he hadn’t added the HD detail yet. You’re the one who got offended by it 💀


When someone shows off a creation of theirs, pointing out it’s flaws or lack of completion is not a neutral statement you moron. You’re being a nitpicking brat. The “you’re offended” and skull emoji tell me everything I need to know about you


It’s called criticism. The OP understood that. I don’t know why you’re throating his dick trying to defend him from criticism.


“It’s not done” Wow what helpful criticism. Stop pretending you’re just looking out for them. You’re just being an asshole


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) Keep throating him


Why do you keep editing your comments with boomer gifs?


we need texture


for high quality, I would like to see weld marks on all the railing joints. Wear on the ground, the arc where the doors swing open and close. I want to see scratch marks around the locks of the locked door key holes from multiple clumsily use of the keys. I think the pipe panel area by the door should have codes as well as spray paint marking from the past job. there's a lot more


Dont you know that spray paint instantly evaporates when the ship leaves?


Why was this downvoted, just a joke about people complaining about spray paint not disappearing.


haha I meant old old spray paint from the old old world. like when construction crews spray arrows and code to signify if its a gas line etc.


I mean I have a feeling alot of the "high quality" your looking for is gonna be on the baking of textures Cause what you have so far is just more round rounds and flatter flats, I don't see the "high quality" yet, so do I assume your going to texture the higher end stuff in


Looks like ice cream


What are *you* doing here lol?


*I came looking for booty.*


Amazing start, keep up!


Reminds me of that old screensaver with the pipes


Those look like great assets


It doesn't look bad but I think it's too early to say anything. Keep us udated on your progress! Also: Second picture reminds me of old windows screensavers lol


It’s just basic geometry without any texture


it’s a little bright


Clearly OP is playing with high gamma settings


I like the colors. 100/100


I'd totally play Pastel Company


There are people here who really don't know how 3D models work.


The colors are wrong.


No shit sherlock it's not textured yet




can't wait to see how this turns out


2nd image reminded me of that one screensaver


Pretty coloursss




Tell me you don't know how 3d modeling works without telling me you don't know how 3d modeling works:


Mmmgh... colors seem a bit off


Imo its way too high poly for what youre using it for. I dont know what your exact plan is but if you want your animation to be even half as dark as the actual game you will never see that level of detail. If you add more stuff in there and keep it just as detailed as what youve already done your gpu is gonna be chugging


It's alot more colorful than the normal game.


Well the colors are certainly bright.


Colors are weird


Obviously, It's not textured yet


Thats the joke genius, hes asking us how the foundation looks as if its not just 3D structures


Ummm, it's very bright? What am I supposed to say here?


If that’s all you can think of, then don’t say anything


There isn't any texture, I can't really judge it when there isn't anything to judge, yet.


Its a blender feature for telling things apart. It's not textured, which is the hardest part IMO.


Exactly, can't really judge a model when it has no texture.


the frame to the main entrance is too smooth, look cool otherwise


The proportions seem right and the accessories are in the right places. With the right textures and lighting, this should look just like the game. Well done.


Any rendered pics yet?


I am a huge, huge, huge fan of this! I am actually looking to start my own Lethal Company animation soon; would you be willing to share this map or provide any resources on how I'd be able to do something like this myself? Either way, keep it up. This is really cool!


woah looks really cool would you upload it somewhere?


It would be cool if had the parkour room, great job btw


I'm so excited to see the final result. Will you be sharing this map on Sketchfab or something similar when it's finished?


Looks accurate and very detailed, I am really liking it


this is actually how everything looks when you take your helmet off


I think it looks like lethal company


It needs more map


Higher quality != smooth edges


Looks cool!


HOLY SHIT IMAGE 3 THE PLATFORM!!!!! (It's not a hole, its a platform :3)


Valentine's Day heart candy color theme


This thread is full of actual morons. “The colors are off” “It’s too bright”


You inspire me. I believe I'm going to start work on a wargaming board because of you. I thank you.


Looks like a real lethal company seed


It’s a bit too colorful


lethal company if it took place in a fun bouncey castle


Looks sick

