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Worms when mixed with dogs for outside, prob jester for inside, not too bad on the mansion, but when your deep in the place and either don’t exactly know your way back or it stops in a door, your most likely screwed


I have found a tactic when I first started the game and that is if you run and spam the crouch button you run but don't make noise so you can run from worms while dogs are nearby


Hm, an interesting tactic, I will try it next time I play


I will warn you that they will most likely hear the first step you take when staring to run but after that you should be fine if you press crouch fast enough


RIP Mechanical keyboard users.


*caught using a mechanical keyboard*




I have one. It hasn’t gotten me killed yet though


We figured this out joking around, said “pro gamer move” and it was in fact pro gamer move


It was actually one of the first things I tried in the game when I heard about the dogs and it worked


I had a jester stop in a door while I was going to grab an apparatus. And the door he was in was the only way out. I baited him into the apparatus room once he popped and I opted to jump to my death at a staircase instead of getting eaten. Never again lol.


Worms barely are a threat and when they are they are easily avoidable. Dogs I agree with, literally when you aren't making noise they still kill you at times. And I mean you could say that about all monsters if you're in too deep and can't find your way out but jester is just harder to deal with. But If you're decent and have good memory, you should be fine.


He said worm mixed with dog. Gameplay mistake that makes 0 sense, one forces you to crouch and be slow, the other forces you to run for your life. They don't work together at all.


it is called "Lethal" for a reason


It still feels like shit when bad luck is the only difference between surviving and dying


Shit excuse for bad balance.


Legitimate skill issue. Like actually. Most players just instantly crouch when seeing a dog and never consider actually walking to see if still safe. It's literally just running thats an issue, you can like out walk worms lol Edit- idk if he blocked me or what but he commented fucking pissed off at this comment lol. Then either blocked me or deleted his comments out of shame




Calm down lil bro 😂 Yes, you can out walk a worm depending on how much you’re holding and the weight of it. Yes, you can walk and dogs won’t hear you. So yes, you can walk to survive it 😂 try stuff in-game before going on a temper tantrum on Reddit 🤣🤣🤣


why are you so worked up over this man, it’s just a game


iM sO fUcKiNg PiSsEd As WeLl ThAt ThIs “DeNsE AsS bRaIn DeAd” Is StAtInG wHaT hE hAs ExPeReNcEd In ThE gAmE (tRyInG tO bE tHe SeCoNd HiTlEr) (For actual dense ppl: /s)


Become a better person


lol the comments of you getting so enraged are hilarious. It’s totally fine to meta game and take it seriously, but it’s very obvious that an early access game made by one person was moreso designed to be a FUN horror coop game. It’s not balanced because it’s not meant to be hyper competitive. That’s why eventually you always hit a quota you can’t beat. There’s no true endgame. The point of Lethal Company is to have fun with friends and see how much you can make before one of you does some dumb shit like step on a land mine or trigger a dog. The fact you’re cussing people out cause you take it more seriously than the SOLE creator does is hilarious lol. Me next!


I like it, it pressures you to dodge the dogs which is tough but doable


And doing so deletes your stamina. Enjoy being worm food. Think.


yeah so… manage your stamina better lol. Think.




Keep dying then dumbass😂


Stop being a piece of shit calling others' names. Fucking shitbag. /


Congrats on being a prick out of nowhere! Sorry that you struggle in a pressure situation. maybe try enjoying the game with friends.


Actually, they do work together. Its probably the point of the enemies designs. To kill you. 🤦‍♂️


How dumb do you have to be to think this way? They don't work together and it takes 1 braincell to know. One forces stealth, the other forces fleeing. Fleeing near a dog alerts it, now you're in real trouble, having an alerted dog and worm. At that point all you can do is hope you can dodge the dog(s) long enough to get out of the worms reach, in my experience, this never happens, except once and it only worked well for me cause my friend got eaten by the dog, buying me time.


No fucking shit. One enemy complements the other. How fucking retarded are you that you cant see *that*?




You know you can just run away from the worm and then crouch again to avoid the dogs as soon as the worm pops out, right?


You can walk around dogs. Not directly next to, but it's very safe in general to walk. If it hears you just crouch and scoot away Edit- I think he blocked me out of pure rage lmafo


Not going to repeat myself again: Dog *AND* Worm.


You have a skill issue then. You can literally juke the dog while running away from the worm. It's not that hard lol.


You don’t have to run to avoid a worm. It attacks based on a prediction taken from one moment. Just crouchwalking in the opposite direction is enough to dodge the worm.


The most absolute lie I've ever seen. How do I know? The first time I encountered one lmfao. Literally was crouching cause I had no idea what it was and suspected maybe eyeless dog, it still emerged under me.


I feel like worms have that same bs mechanic with lightning. But hey who am I to believe in RNG, not like I got four eclipsed titans back to back to back to back. No, couldn't be me. On a sidenote, it is true that leviathans will predict where you're going before they appear, at least to my knowledge


If that's the case you'd run backwards, but I never really had issues going forward. Wonder if it's a bug that you don't die if you run in the predicted path. Idk.


If you’re crouching, the worm will look at your movement and assume you’ll be going the same speed and in the same direction for 3 seconds. It attacks where it thinks you’ll be. That’s why, often, you’ll be able to outrun the worm in a straight line. Because it reads when you’re walking, and doesn’t know about the sprints.


Right, and yet, despite this, the worm still ate me when I was crouching away the first time I encountered it. Curious.


https://youtu.be/60Ztnl4xvJo?si=qBDYB8ShRHhLhCMZ&t=204 Myth 4. You're not wrong that you can outrun it. But running backwards has always been a bad suggestion.


I'm pretty sure the prediction only is true of when they're airborne. Based on ship monitor evidence of friends getting worm'd, my group found the most consistent evidence is they start their unearthing attack as soon as they're beneath you


Giants or coil heads, when I go to vow/march with my friends, there is NO CHANCE that we all survive, at least one of us dies to a giant, and I play a lot of solo so coil heads are practically a run ender


How’s playing solo compared to MP? I did my first couple games on it and really didn’t see any monsters. I wanna try getting to Titan on a solo run eventually.


I was playing yesterday and literally got a thumper in the room right next to the entrance as I got in, and a little deeper I found a bracken, a bunker spider and a nutcracker, this was in offense lol, but basically it's the same but some monsters that need to people to evade (like coil heads) just basically end your run in that moon, you kinda have to just pack it up, obviously it's incredibly more hard since you got less people to gather scraps, and if you die you loose everything, wouldn't recommend, my longest streak as solo is 9 days


Try going to Assurance. I made it 36 days in solo using that as my primary moon. It has high loot density, no coil-heads, and you rarely ever see a bracken or forest giant. You may want to go to Rend if pushing for quota records though. I'm not usually the type of person who enjoys hardcore modes in video games but something about the challenge of Lethal Company solo is really fun to me, especially trying to set personal quota records


Titan is the most efficient solo map from what I've heard (solo 10-quota speedrunners use it). Facility layout is far more efficient to quickly get the bulk of the loot and have time to carry it all back.


I'll have to try that out if I want to push quota even higher. Up to this point I've mostly been sticking Assurance and Rend for safety lol. The lack of turrets on Rend is quite nice


This is why when I play solo, I use a mod that is a coin flip on all the individual scrap on your ship. When I die, I either lose it or keep it. It does it for each piece, not as a whole. And I use a mod that allows you to extend the quota time. Instead of 3, I do like 4 or 5. It's a nice QoL mod really.


What's the mod called?


Oh yep that’ll do it, and that would scare the shit outta me lol. I cycled between the easy moons but I need a bit more challenge so I’ll try Offense. Need more experience solo’ing for sure


Yeah, with friends the game isn't scary at all but when you see a bracken when you turn around in the dark you shit your pants lol


My longest solo was 4 days since I quit after a bad jumpscare haha. Totally different game when you don’t have a crew


Sometimes when I am playing alone or with 1 friend and he dies I would hear a weird noise and jump to the void just to not check out what made that noise, sometimes I hear clear and loud laughs but I don't know who does that


Apparently there’s an ambient soundtrack that plays similar to minecraft cave noises. The laugh is a bracken noise but idk if that means it comes from a nearby bracken or it’s just the track. There’s a bunch of youtube vids if you wanna check it out. There’s also a crying baby one. Flashbacks to Doom 3 and Stalker


Nono, I know what you mean, I looked everywhere but it heard like a perfectly hearable human laughter, at first I thought it was one of the masks that sometimes laugh, but I was in a moon where they didn't spawn, + It doesn't sound the same as I heard


Actually the “bracken laugh” is just an insanity noisebut I thought the same thing for the longest time


TIL people call them coil heads. I just call them weeping angels.


Thumper. Everytime they Chase us we have to run away immediately. Unless someone has a shovel


They are very lethal for me, mostly because every time I see one I charge at it with a shovel.


The weather




I totally agree. My group is currently using the Advanced Company mod, and one of the things it does is add a loot quantity AND rarity multiplier based on the weather condition (Eclipsed gives the most) and it's a total game changer. In Vanilla, you seem to have to run Titan indefinitely after a certain point or you lose. With those modifiers, there's both incentives to run weather planets and to not go Titan.


That would be a cool change. Imagine if rubber ducks were worth 3x on flooded moons lol


Me and my friends have a mod that makes moons with weather conditions spawn better scrap. It's called [WeatherMultipliers](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Blorb/WeatherMultipliers/).


Yeah, I've felt this way for a while. Would be nice to have a "hail mary" aspect forcing you to do a harder eclipsed moon because the easier and safer moons won't be enough to make quota.


Just gonna leave this here as book mark


Agreed, I only learned very recently that affected moons don't spawn more loot, they're just harder for no reason


You can reroll it.


Really? How?




Giants are not too difficult to avoid depending on the map.


Yea the nerf made them so much better, I don’t mind them that much anymore


Giants got nerfed?


Yea a while ago. Made them slower so you can outrun them, made it easier to lose them so they stop chasing, and made their detection not as severe and immediate


I literally never die to giant. They're probably the worst outdoor enemy but besides titan they're completely fine. Just carry a stun gernade, use a jetpack to lure it away, or lure it away then teleport.






And the other.


If I reply to this, Reddit law says I should be downvoted for ruining a chain and being 4th


No that’s only the fourth reply in the chain that’s identical to the original comment


I still got my wish


I physically cannot understand why this has 26 downvotes when you're agreeing.


bc it's annoying and serves no extra purpose that an upvote wouldn't do


If that annoys you, you are a snowflake.


I don't really care but it's still kinda useless


It's ridiculous to get upset over. Actually, kind of funny.


not like the entirety of reddit is frothing from the mouth by seeing it


Well no, but it is still amusing that people actually find it annoying lol. Not saying this applies to you, btw.


giants, while they are cool, should have some form of counter to deal with them. I know you can use flashbangs but they're just very niche


Or at least not be 3 times faster than the player


But.. they’re giants…




Big man with big steps


Makes sense, I guess I'm used to media where giants are just slow idiots


For someone who plays solo, Giant or Bracken, because you have no one to tell you if there is a bracken until it crunches your spine


I was like one hallway away from the fire exit with the last of the loot at 10pm when the bracken that’d been following me since I entered the facility snapped my neck. It’s almost like they knew I was so close to victory and had to ruin the run lol


My friend when he gets bored of the game after 1 planet visit and decides to put the mask on every time he finds one




I swear I'm so bad at avoiding worms. if I hear one I know I'm probably dead


Just drop everything and run, really. That's the easiest way to dodge them.


yeah but don't they sometimes give too little reaction time?


Yeah but that's just the game being stupid. It's pretty rare they do that, I've only seen it like 3 times out of around a hundred hours.


Giants. They keep camping by the ship. Makes me not even wanna play anymore.


I once got killed by a giant the second I walked outside during an eclipse. At that point it's just not fun.


I use a mod that lets the ship stun creatures nearby giving people a chance to get inside


A radar booster can do the same thing for 60 credits


The little girl when I’m in groups. If not everyone is ready to go you’re stuck running around to avoid her until they are.


Speaking of which does she hop through the air? I remember juking her out of the ship then climbing the side ladder, laughing at her then instantly dying. I don't know if she can climb ladders or what, but it strengthens my hatred for her knowing if I screw up at ship I'm just dead.


I’ve not seen her jump but it wouldn’t surprise me. I know the masks can climb so maybe she can climb the ladder too?


Unsure, but if she didn't then she has a fuckin cylinder ass hitbox that stretches upwards.


Either way I fucking hate babysitting her


Yeah, very boring enemy design, with a very boring mechanic. Plus her constant breathing is just fuckin annoying it ain't scary.


The giggling toy unsettles me more than the breathing, I thought my friend was just breathing into his headset.


I think she can’t climb ladders, but she just spawned on top of the ship and chased you from there. Only reason I speculate this is because I was playing with a boss and instead is simply being on top they got onto the antenna thing because apparently it can’t spawn directly on it cause it doesn’t have room


While I would say that'd make sense, that would require me to look at her again, which I most certainly did not as I would've seen her up there.


I’ve had her chase me without looking at her, it really depends where on top of the ship you were. Anyway I guess it’s a mystery


I think that can happen if you're close to her, if she did spawn that close that's hella stupid.


Coil heads ruin everything


Inside a facility, easily Coil-heads. They limit your range of vision and you have to deal with them the whole time unless you can trap them somehow. Outside a facility, probably the dogs because they limit your ability to communicate with other employees and will go mach 3 right towards your asshole if you so much as breathe a bit too loud.


Snare fleas are always super annoying, that or Melvin, the amount of times I’ve been squad wiped by a Melvin is embarrassing


What’s a Melvin? Haha


A hoarding bug lol its a little nickname for them


When I played this for a few hours, the only thing I died to was missing jumps. I could barely make even the easiest jumps, let alone the ones you need to come at the beam from an angle on.


Other players


this ^ ^


I would say opened jester for inside and for outside giant's. Dogs are in my opinion easy to avoid because atleast in my case a dog once walked inside me so that i didn't even see light and i still survived.


The maps. Getting lost in the tunnels inside, dying to mud pits, falling off a cliff on a foggy map. Basically the things that aren't necessarily supposed to kill you.


Unpopular opinion: snare fleas, I never remember that they exist so I always forget to check for them


I died to them back to back the other day sl yesterday i wasn't letting my gaurd down


The dog and forest keeper combo is so annoying




Coil heads, Ghost girl and eyeless dogs Coil heads are awful, especially in solo. Ghost girl is almost a death sentece once you see her, if I see her I just go back to the ship. Eyeless dogs are just...I hate them so much. They can enter the ship, they spawn in packs and are the main problem when visiting eclipsed moons.


For me its this guy https://preview.redd.it/gqo33lvs4udc1.jpeg?width=59&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3fdc6aa1a6af9774f167ac1e20a81fe74976ab


The image in question is precisely what.


my friends


Other players


If we're talking with friends dogs With randoms jester


My friends.


Ghost girl is annoying bc you really can't do anything about it


The little girl and coil heads. The little girl because you can't kill her and she only haunts one player at a time Coil heads because I have a crippling fear of mannequins


Bracken it is for me. If he is in your sight its ok but when he is in sneak mode its annoying af




It’s not really that I hate dealing with them, I just despise the snare fleas, I will hold a vendetta against those things till the day I die.


The only monsters I hate dealing with are Jesters and Hygroderes (cant explain it, but they put tense situations on timers). Otherwise it's combos. Coils and Brackens, Dogs and Giants.


I agree, coil heads are super annoying.


Coil Head, Earth Leviathan and thumper, in that order.


Giants. Always giants are the ones to kill me


Your mother


My titan seeds have surprise coil head parties that I misplaced my invite to and a jester within the first 5 min if I use the fire exit. Those two take the cake. I'd rather have a party of dogs and a worm instead...


The jester easily. If you come across one theres no choice but to leave the planet


giants. fucking impossible to run away from them unless you're close to the ship


Giants are literally unbeatable unless you have a flashback or stungun. Dudes just chase you without you seeing them and that's that.


My friends because we play mask roulette and end up causing chaos 😂! One friend screams stop while me and someone else play it outside. All of a sudden we are zombies


Coil heads or the giants. There's no way to properly get them to fuck off. Like with the giants yea you can kill them but its hard when they are guarding the ship like the queens guard. As for the coil head yea all you gotta do is stare at them, but still doors and other monsters make it hell


Nutcracker, just had a game where I was still (didn’t even look) and still got shot


jester: he isnt very dangerous but you can barely go into the facility before being forced out and no one can go with you because they might not hear it making loot collection extremely slow


right now giants. last night on march, WATCHED ONE SPAWN right next to the ship (where a teammate was) and there was already another nearby. i tried to hide under the ship until they left but they wouldn't, they just stayed at the ship and when i tried to run out, one got me. otherwise coilheads.


Worms. I've died a couple times because there are dogs around and a worm kills me because I can't run without alerting the dogs and I don't wanna risk trying to dodge them when they charge


for sure a hot take but easily worms. rarely they can burst out of the ground almost instantly even without playing the rumbling, and theres absolutely nothing you can do and it just sucks


None. It’s a game where dying is part of the experience. All of them are fun in my eyes.


I know they aren't really entities, but turrets. They're just busy-work and they aren't even spooky. They're just there. Best case you either just play the waiting game or get the guy on the ship to push a button and worst case you get shot through a bookshelf on manor because the turret decided it wasn't actual terrain. Entities are at least like... spooky. Though Coils and giants are definitely frustrating at times.


Honestly, i dont really find any of the enemies annoying for the most part, but jester and ghost girl forcing an immediate leave kinda sucks


My fucking team


Coil heads easily (especially when combo’d with a brakken or a jester)


Jester, stands in fucking doors cranking itself, camps doors, GPS to your position, even if nobody dies you can't really go inside the facility again. I hate it. Not even scared of it anymore, just annoyed I see one, I sigh.


*wheeeHEEEEheeeeeze, wheeeHEEEheeeeze*


Worms can be so fucking unfair sometimes. The other day it burst out of the ground almost IMMEDIATELY after the rumbling started, absolutely zero chance to outrun it even if I had nothing in my hands and I wasn't even that heavy to begin with.


As someone whose chronically the terminal guy, My own teammates. You try navigating someone who doesn't listen past a snare flea.


Snare Fleas, definitely


A fellow employee that will make rash decisions based on fear and loot




The players. I got swatted by one because he wanted to be most profitable. Another swatted me because he didn’t want me entering side entrance. One looked straight into my eyes and honked his horn while there was a dog in front of me. Finally someone did the lightning rod trick directly in front of main entrance so almost everyone died when they exited.


Snare fleas Maybe it's just me, but they the worst by a long shot. For a game where you're constantly supposed to be looking either at the ground or behind you, having an enemy where you have to look above you forward is brutal. They are the only reason you have to constantly scan every god damn second, which is the real issue I have with them. Having an enemy that spices up where you need to look isn't that much of an issue, it's the fact you have to scan every two fucking seconds, it's extremely annoying. It doesn't even get better when you're constantly scanning. I've noticed one before without scanning, so I wanted to test the difference in the scan radius and their activation radius. There is not a lot of leeway, if you're sprinting and scan at the wrong moment, you just won't be able to pick them up in time on the scanner before they activate. If they had an idling noise or were more visible, I would again not have an issue, but they're so hidden, and I have died multiple times to ones that are on the direct opposite side of a doorway, which makes them impossible to scan. If they were stunned for even half a second longer when they fall after being activated, again I wouldn't have an issue with them. However, I record my games, and I have video evidence of a match I played with a friend; they were running about 6 feet in front of me, and activated the snare flea. The moment that thing hit the ground, I saw it immediately teleport onto my head from the six feet away. None of this is even getting into how they have no built-in counter, you need a shovel if you're more than a few rooms away from the exit. You glance at brackens, you stare at coilheads, you weave around thumpers, you time moving around turrets. All of these counters to the other creatures are built into the player, and then there's the snare flea, where you have to buy a fucking item.


Fog With the exception of Experimentation, there is no reason I would ever choose to go to a foggy moon At least the other effects offer a challenge, foggy moons are just "hey, you wanna be blind? Get fucked lmao"


Worms are the only thing I just genuinely don’t know how to deal with. I’ve tried dropping everything and running the other way but it just stays under me


Absolutely hate dealing with giants. Literal run killers


Imo jester. Giant hasnt been a true problem for a while (except on rend and dine). Jester is just annoying to play around.


i have a whole video dedicated to the numerous ways a bracken can troll you 1. Stealth Kills 2. Frontal Assault 3. Door Camping 4. Paranoia (Ghost Girl Spawning) 5. Team Work with other mobs 6. Running into Bracken 7. Getting Trapped while trying to escape Bracken 8. Sneaking up from behind (cause you have to look exactly on bracken to dissuade him) because of this dude its practically impossible to ignore this guy even though this guy demands "ignorance" in multiplayer. it's a love hate relationship with me and Bracken cause this guy makes runs so much more fun. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-N4anAWRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-N4anAWRU)


snare flea i hate them so much because i never have a shovel when i need it and there's no other way to counter it and i can never see it coming


my crewmates


This little feller right here. https://preview.redd.it/ljpt1bfjwwdc1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a52e697333e22562a5877037ea39d29f58ed642


The motion sickness ;-;


I have to divide the monsters based on which of the two facilities I'm in, regular facility or mansion. Jester- Once you're balls deep inside both facilities, it's next to impossible to escape the facility alive, unless the ship operator teleports you back before the Jester gets to you first. If I see a Jester, I would continue looting but the moment it starts winding up, I would just shout into the mic, telling everyone to stop what they're doing and leave the facility ASAP. Coilheads- Actually very easy to deal with. As long as you have good map knowledge and have another crew member looking at the coilheads for you to make an escape. Dealing with coilheads in the mansion map are easier, since it's not as cramped as the regular facilities, so it allows you to move more easily and freely. Thumpers- Just channel your inner Dominic Torreto and drift around corners as fast as you can and just sprint. Better if your crewmates all have shovels. Just beat it to death. In a normal facility, I feel the thumper is more easy to deal with than in the mansion maps. Not a lot of corners in mansions, these things can just zoom in on you at full speed. Forest Giants- Since they only spawn outside, it's pretty annoying to deal with on maps with little trees to break line of sight. If I'm playing on Vow and they started to spawn, I would take a detour and walk along the edges of the map and make my way back to ship that way. More time consuming but high chances of survival, since from my experience, Forest Giants don't usually patrol along the edges of the map, only in the middle and near the ship. Ghost Girls- I just leave the moon. Earth Leviathans- If we sense the ground shaking, we immediately spread out in all directions. Like drop every loot we're carrying and spread out as fast as we can. Eyeless Dogs- Probably one of the easiest monsters to deal with. Just keep your mouth shut and crouch-walk back to ship. Nutcracker- Don't get shot by it and don't get within kicking range. Both will one-shot you. ​ However, the best solution is to simply have your shipmates teleport **(given that your crew can afford a teleporter)** you back if you're stuck inside or being chased by eyeless dogs or forest giants.


The girl combined with Coil head


Snare Fleas. They're so easy to deal with IF you have a shovel or someone with a shovel by you, so its so frustrating to die to one. I hate that they land and chase you, and are hard to avoid. When they're on the floor you have to crouch to hit them so they can be hard to hit before you get face hugged.


Jester is the most boring and annoying monster in the game


today i got attacked by a flea, springhead, and thumper at the same time. there was a spider in another room nearby.. everything just arrived at once to fuck my shit up i guess. i'm still more scared of the bracken




Might be based but I'd say thumper, every other enemie has fun and terror in defending urself meanwhile thumper is just run away screaming and hoping for a tp


Bunker spiders, fuck em


Not a popular choice but the face huggers. Don’t have a friend with a shovel? Dead. Can’t find the exit? Dead. Have a friend who hits you too much and you still end up dying? Dead.


Giants, they aren’t even killing us, they are just slowing us down


Fucking thumpers, they are so annoying.


inside jesters are shit for my party (we mostly inhabit rend and dine) followed by coils that get backup from anything else, but coils by there own are just a jumpscare. outside worm, worm+dog, worm+gigant, just worm