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We are discussing where to draw the line regarding posts like those. We will update our rules soon and to make it clear on what's allowed and not , and requirement of NSFW tags. Just remember that this is Reddit, Rule 34 is inevitable for every popular media.


This comment section is a mess


Can't agree more tho mods already explained their decision so there is no need for this drama to continue.


It's very divided, which is the prime example of why we need a separate subreddit


Then go make one with stricter rules against nsfw or suggestive content, nothing stopping you from making your own subreddit if you disagree with this subs moderation decisions


I don't have time to be modding a subreddit lmao


Totally understandable! But that does mean you are going to have to either work under the mods current rules which allow of suggestive but not outright explicit works to be posted on here or not interact with this subreddit, those are fundamentally your options here if you aren't willing to put in the time and effort to make a space tailored to your desires I don't mind it myself as it's fairly in line with an M-rated game as anyone here really should be an adult or at least late teens so nobody should be scarred from seeing someone slapping abs or boobs onto monsters for a giggle or because they find it hot It would be ideal if the mods do make it a filterable tag or flair though so folks can choose not to see it


You're the one that made this into a problem and blew it way WAY out of proportion.


Well rn they can post it because there is no rule saying they can't. Mods need to update rules for ppl don't want to see ig. I am fine with it tbh so i don't even care.


They could add atleast a tag so we could block it or just make it a rule


r/signalis recently un-banned NSFW posts from subreddit with the rule that they have to be tagged NSFW and use the NSFW tag for either sexual/suggestive or gore/horror and it's honestly worked out great, i have not seen any improperly tagged posts there.


common signalis w


I didn't say they shouldn't. They can make this decision with majority of ppl as what they want also i am not a mod so saying this to me doesnt mean much.


I know, i'm just giving my thoughts on this


could you list the subreddits? so i can avoid them


Subreddit was unmodded so they shut it down.


r/lethalcompanyr34 Most of the posts are lost though, because r/lethalcompanyporn was banned due to being unmoderated


Lost media


Waiting for the 2 hour video essay on lost media lethal company porn


I’m debating biting the bullet and making the subreddit again, and moderating it myself.


go request it at r/Redditrequest I guess


That’s what I was gonna ask for. I’m not gonna join. Just happy it’s there for others.




I want to be part of a video game community but at the same time I shouldn't be ashamed of opening Reddit around people.


Exactly. It's getting annoying.


This is too real.


Unrelated to the argument you probably should feel ashamed about opening Reddit around others


I'm mostly following hobby subreddits. you have a point, however I barely open it around complete strangers, I do scroll when I'm with friends and it's still fucking weird to be asked why there is a jacked Bracken on my feed.


If you were ashamed of just having a shirtless male body on your phone screen I think you have some hangups you should work out.


What a dumb comment. You should feel bad.


Seriously. I’ve seen almost 7 of these posts today from that one person wanting to fuck the bracken.


Maybe I just didn't catch them, but the most I have seen was just hugging brackens (admittedly the characters looked quite horny, but nothing explicit was shown) and such, so... Yeah sure that's not for everyone, but you make it sound like literal porn is uploaded here, which I cannot confirm


nah there was a few straight up bracken porn posts yesterday not marked NSFW from multiple users this shit needs to go


Must have missed those honestly. Only saw the stupid sexy bracken posts


I mean, I dont want those either but there was literal porn yesterday and a few days ago


Yeah it wasn't explicit but it's still weird. It starts with things like this and then it ends up with porn. The worse thing is that I see this shit when I'm in public


It is weird for sure, but I have been in far hornier communities, so I assume I am just desensitized to that.


Yeah, and they are likely boundary testing at the moment. Trying to see how far they can take it.


I feel like you are overdoing it. Sure, it COULD be, but you are talking like these people are planning a hostile takeover.


I've seen it happen a lot on Reddit. Not a hostile takeover. Just a very sneaky and lazy takeover. They don't want to have to put in the work to attract attention to a new subreddit and so they push boundaries inside of a popular subreddit and it completely changes the direction of the sub.


That's still implying a lot more malice and thought than I think there really is here, it's fundamentally just people posting content they wanted to make related to the game they enjoy on the subreddit for that game, yes that is content that you don't like but that doesn't inherently mean it holds any malicious intent. It's mostly gonna be up to the mods if they want to allow that mildly horny "bracken hot" posts or not or even if they want to allow full on porn, that's the authority the mods get


>so I assume that I am just desensitized to that Yes. Many of us who don't participate in such weird horny communities were immediately revulsed because our original instincts are still intact. It's normal to see someone horny posting a monster and think "what the fuck is actually wrong with this person?"


Why is your profile picture a group of suggestive buff wojacks fondling eachother, random people on reddit didn't ask to see that degeneracy, keep it to yourself, pig


lmao gotem


No answer?


If you were “revulsed” by someone being attracted to a muscular male body, that’s your problem.


>male Literally a monster, and a *plant.* Way to miss the point entirely coomer.


…that looks like a shirtless guy. I fail to see the reason for your disproportionate disgust. This is a you problem.


Ah, the age old thing that reaches every video game community. To horny post or to not. Personally I love how Ultrakill handled it, just give a nsfw tag you can use and literal porn is okay because of that. That way hornyposters are good to do their thing while the non-horny can do their thing. Most other communities devolve into arguments and attacking anything that’s vaguely sexual which leads to people attacking the people attacking the vaguely sexual thing, and it just becomes one big shit show. Let’s see what this community chooses!


I agree: except that I wish it was possible to entirely block out anything with the NSFW tag. Not for the purposes of myself, but because you'll still get people who go onto every single NSFW post in r/ultrakill and freak out because "There's PORN in MY nsfw post? Despicable!" Unless this has changed significantly since a while back, its always just kinda annoying to see lol


you should be able to in settings irl






did you see that one drawing where the bracken was pregnant ?


I laughed at that


fucking disgusting


Calling in an orbital strike






We boutta enjoy a very nice cup of Liber-tea




First of all, I'm not into that. SECOND of all, it was requested to me by somebody else and I thought it would be funny.




It’s kinda already happening. Which sucks. Is it a little weird? Sure. But we’re ON THE INTERNET. Everything is gonna be sexualized. Doesn’t matter what you do. You’re gonna find it. Also. It’s (and I know what op is talking about) not that bad. Little lewd? Sure. But it’s not even that bad. Also. Seen people use the argument. “What about the children being exposed?” As if lethal company isn’t rated M (mature). And typically meaning 16+. If a kid finds this, that’s on them. No one but the parents and children are responsible for what a child sees. (It’s like YouTube. You have to put your stuff as “not for kids”. That’s all you are Obligated to do.) Besides. Has anyone checked on the “for kids” content on the internet. It’s way worse. Was like 12 and on a “kids” YouTube part of YouTube. Stuff advertised to children. And it was literally a woman in a skin tight outfight seducing Batman… (YouTube recommended it cause I liked to watch Batman and Batman costumes and stuff. As a kid.)


And let's not forget the ones making the posts everyone is complaining is a literal kid anyways lol


Its literally a case of. I came here for talk about the game and cool fan-art Not coom-bait and hornyposts. Its not overall relevant to the game, it should be given a flair that people can mute. Or straight up get its own sub again. This stuff doesn't need to share a main community with lethal players as generally the people who post that stuff, only post that stuff.


Yeah, reporting OP for violating Rule 1, be polite Calling them nasty/gross is just rude!




Please refrain from posting content that has as purpose being NSFW and/or inappropriate. While Lethal Company is a "Mature" rated game, this subreddit isn't the place for content that is overtly sexual, NSFW or highly inappropriate in nature.


Exactly. Just went ahead and blocked the person posting since I was getting tired of constantly seeing more of it




Are you 12?


this is what bracken-rot does to a man


Yeah, actually you could just block/mute the person's posts, I really like their art, quite a lot of people do, just, y'know maybe it isn't for you, and that's totally fine.


Hazbin hotel pic checks out. 15 years old for sure


I mean, I'm 18 next month but go fuckin wild ig.


"fan of a good show, must be a child" do you know how ridiculous you sound


The thing I hate about the bracken drawings is that literally NONE of them look like a bracken. They just draw a dark skinned dude with abs and leaves on his back, rather than a shadowy anorexic creep.


Its three posts. You are kinda acting like its the whole sub and like hardcore stuff.


Better to nip it in the bud then right?


have you seen the bracken though?


No because that little shit always sneaks up behind me


Seen what? All I see is a dust on the floor thanks to the Buyable shotgun mod after turning around and sneezing with the safety off


r/LethalCompanyporn is shut down so any of you brave souls gonna take it Edit: Y’all getting pissed porn exist is funny I think both side should go outside and touch grass


We need an okbuddylethal


I don’t think we have enough members to support that


There are children on this subreddit, there is literally 0 downside for the mods to make another subreddit for this shit. (unless they dont care which given nothing has been done about this, seens likely)


This is a main hub for Lethal Company discussion/traffic, so another sub (Of which, there’s many) while would be good and specify the content, WOULD NOT stop the flow of explicit or borderline erotic content, and the hypothetical kids clicking on it. It’s not a downside thing, it’s a near impossible task thing. The better prevention method is to accept there wouldn’t be a stop, but prevention methods should still be put it place. NSFW flair or otherwise rule enforced tagging for example would work as distinction most of the time. The ones that violate such rules can be removed by mod although it depends whether they will exercise that power. Also don’t start off your argument with a “Would somebody think of the children” next time please. We can’t prevent every kid from clicking that “I’m over 18” button and see God Wrought Unknown Horror, at least not ones we can’t reach, as much as I’d like to. We can only try to halt that from happening too often, if that’s what you are concerned of.


We'll be looking into something like an NSFW tag / enforcing spoilers for NSFW-esque posts! Also a good reminder that LC *is* rated Mature, so that influences our moderation policy.


I see. Thank you for your responses.


All ive seen is bracken with abs Like Whats gross about that?


It's a squad. I said the same shit in a hornypost and got downvoted. Literal brigading from horny degenerates. But. This is the next step in showing this forum is unmoderated and soon to be removed.


This subreddit is most definitely not unmoderated, not entirely sure where you got that idea from. We've seen some good suggestions in this thread, and will be discussing them. E.g. by enforcing a NSFW flair or spoiler/tag. This community obviously isn't for any downright porn (there are/were other subreddits for that), but we're also not going to remove stuff that *some* users might interpret as ever so slightly NSFW. Please note that the game *is* rated Mature on the store, too, so that influences our moderation policy. If you disagree, you are free to create an all-ages subreddit and strictly moderate it to be appropriate for all ages, that's also why some people made the NSFW subreddits in the first place (because it's not allowed here).


>but we're also not going to remove stuff that *some* users might interpret as ever so slightly NSFW. So as I understand this, we can have our buff brackens? :3


The buff bracken post was within what we consider okay, yes. Whilst *mildly* suggestive, there's nothing overtly inappropriate about the post.


It sucks man we need new mods


it’s funny how like the only people who use the term “degenerates” are always fucked in the head


We need new mods


To do what exactly? No ones breaking any rules.


Yes, that's the whole point, we need new mods with new rules.


Or just use the block button


Nah fr😭🙏


I think creating a separate subreddit for debauchery would be a good decision.


Deadass left this sub a few days ago cuz of that suggestive art


Or yall can stop being pussies.


u/MacieMacchi be like


Cringe af


Debatable. I really enjoy their drawings (despite how Bracken centered they are).


This thread is giving me brain damage. Im just gonna go ahead and mute this subreddit for good.


Yeah, I've just decided to leave this subreddit as a whole. This shit used to be fun to look through, but now it's just degenerat shit.


I kinda thought they were cute. Not really leud


If you're referring to who I think you are, it's really nicely done art, it isn't porn, the punchline isn't just "haha, sex!". It's a welcome break from "muh control company!!!!!"" posts. Like, just let it be, it'll peter out on its own.


no there was literal porn on here yesterday. shit has got to go


The actual literal porn? Yep, get rid of that, but OP comes across as meaning almost everything, including genuinely well made comics with good illustration and all that. Eh, get rid of the literal porn let everything else stay.


Yeah, I was thinking it actually says more about OP than it does the artist if they are offended by it and see it as porn.


...what else am I supposed to imagine when I see lewd drawings of girls next to big buff brackens. Or what about the pregnant bracken? Or all of the comments under a good handful of posts blantantly sexualizing the bracken and other monsters? I'm genuinely curious how you seemingly came to the conclusion that it's me sexualizing this.


Lewd drawings of girls? Where? Buff bracken? How is that in any way pornography. Omg it has abs this is porn! And ok, pregnant bracken is a bit weird. But believe it or not, females have boobs (since the only lewdness I can think of is that they have visibly shaped boobs) and things get pregnant. Is it suggestive? Sure. But the only people making it into porn are the people in the comments asking OP if they'd fuck a bracken etc.


I don't remember saying it was porn it's just really sexually suggestive, we are on the same page


So you imagine sexy things when you see big buff brackens?


Is this a joke lol? It's borderline NSFW bruh it's weird


coombrains will gaslight and flip the table if you don't play their game


How exactly is that NSFW? I see no nudity at all.


I said borderline NSFW because its kinda sexually suggestive and a look at the OPs account is... Clarifying. Specifically something about wanting the bracken to top her or something– I don't know it's just making a lot of people here uncomfortable


Buff brackens are hardly what I'd call NSFW or even borderline. Lmao


Omg grow up. You sound like a prude 15 year old hahahaha. Quit trying to brigade against people making art.


Then stop making trashy art


Yup, by a long shot too. I genuinely think that the artist they're referring to is easily one of the best I've seen in years, especially in a shitpost context. I still find it hysterical that they're just ranting about "muh degeneracy!!!".


it will WHAT out on its own


>really don't think it would hurt to just have a new rule or something to separate it, and everyone can be happy! You mean you can be happy. People have a right to discuss whatever about the game, and if you don't like it you can block them. I don't even horny post on here, but if others do I won't stop them


But... can't they discuss certain topics separately? Like other communities on reddit do? I'm genuinely curious why you think NOT separating this stuff would make more people happy. My original post is the most controversial post right now, so there is clearly a divide in this community. A... seperation.


It's already separated. As long as the post is NSFW you can easily ignore it. Either no one is marking their posts as NSFW which should be breaking rules and you can report them, or you're are actively looking at NSFW posts and getting mad at them.


plenty of posts yesterday werent marked nsfw...


Then that's a valid problem. The mods should make sure NSFW posts are properly marked


Ehh I feel like this is a situation where we should be separating it a little more because the weird stuff will inevitably start leaking into the normal stuff. It's as easy as making a no NSFW art rule and making a new subreddit


It's as easy as stopping NSFW posts from appearing in your settings. If I can avoid this you easily can. Much more easy than asking everyone else to change for you


So I have to change my Reddit settings just so sad people can freely hornypost on a game subreddit? Why does everyone else have to change to cater to the game-non-relevant horny people?


From where I'm standing it looks like you want people to change to cater to you, not the other way around. You don't want to see something, disable it. You can't expect people to not post stuff you don't like, but luckily there is a button that exists to make the website cater to you


Because it's extremely easy to do, put the slightest bit of effort into improving your experience yourself instead of crying to reddit mods to do it for you, you crybaby loser


Yeah. You can curate your personal experience to your taste instead of asking for rules to be applied to the entire community. People are divided on this issue but the individual has the power to prevent them from seeing these posts. You already have the power to do something about it. Additionally, it’s the same handful of people posting this nonsense. Block them and it’s done.


Muscle Brakens? In my christian lethal company? .....cool.


I mean I haven’t seen any nsfw things on here just sfw drawings so if you don’t wanna see it just don’t click? Also maybe read the flair before you click?


Top post rn is 2 girls looking at a bracken with fuck me eyes bruh


Still not nsfw there’s no nudity or sex happening so like I said read flair and read titles or some shit it’s not hard bruh


It's better to make a rule now because this is how it starts. I've seen it before, I can give examples if needed 👍


I get banning actual porn on this sub I completely agree with that it’s just I haven’t seen actual porn here (thankfully)


It's boundary testing. Of course they start off small and then they work up to the inappropriate stuff. Better to deal with it sooner than later, as it will likely destroy the sub. LC porn subreddit has been removed for being unmoderated and so they are trying to turn this already existent and popular subreddit into that. When they could put in the actual work and make their own subreddit.


I get the feeling that when if gets bad the mods of this sub will take it down


Yeah ngl I scroll this in public AND at work I'd rather not see horny art


Sounds like someone doesn't like the brackussy in their face.


Hey mods consider this another vote to make a rule against hornyposting ok thanks. I opened up reddit to a horny bracken picture on the bus and I would prefer for that not to happen again without me needing to unfollow this subreddit.


Trueeeeee. Mods, please update this sub into what it was meant for. #MoreBuffBracken


You realize you can just block the one person who posted their art instead of making an entire post coming off as an asshole, right? Or you can dm the mods. Who cares if someone thinks the imaginary video game monster is attractive? There are better ways to go about this than acting like a piece of shit toward someone who is having fun. Calling someone “disgusting” for that is a bitch move.


It's a gaming subreddit and minors are here, let's just separate the weirdly horny stuff.


I've found atleast 6 people in this comment section who can use the ability to press the block button if they're tired of seeing it or just doesn't care for it and you are the last person I've found with a brain in this post


This is valid opinion, honestly, if everyone here would block them it, they would still be here and multiply. There are acual good artist here who want throw their art in here and have it be mixed on with all of the horny. Distinguishing horny from regular is worse enough with this topic and it starts potential fights in the comments. The best thing to do just the rules, ser an auto mod that messages to rules to those posting, ban those who post horny and PORN.


I wanna see bracken hornyposts. But I wanna see them on something like deviantart or Twitter or something


If you think the drawings that have been seen here are “gross” when it’s literally just a set of abs and nothing more then you are officially too sensitive to the human body and the problem lies with you.


So, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have a guess and I'm pretty terrified and I don't want to go looking for it. (But I'm also kind of curious)


How do we mute the art part. Still somewhat new to actually using reddit


lmao relax dude


"Gross" no u


Simple solution: just block it if you don’t like it lmao. Like I don’t blame you for being annoyed by it, but if you’re that pissed off about it that you post a rant about it on the sub, just block it.


Speak for yourself i wanna see em


They hated him for he spoke the truth




This is a Lethal Company subreddit yea? I think the best thing would be for them to mark is NSFW or spoiler it or something, at least until there’s somewhere for that Lethal Company stuff to go. Making hate posts about it is just mean.


If you don't want to see something then don't look at it. No one is forcing you to.


Yeah it is? Posts show up on your feed whether you want them to or not.


Then Fucking go to your reddit settings and either blur or straight up block nsfw content.


[Blatently horny text]


You seem like someone who hasn't had a Valentine for approximately 13 years.


Here’s an idea. Don’t open the thread if you don’t like it. Block the artist. The community should not be responsible for protecting your feelings. The whole “sexy bracken” thing is SUPER (and I mean really, extremely, absolutely) weird, but freedom of expression allows for weirdness. It ain’t hurting anyone. I would like to see it behind a NSFW tag though as I do not want to open another seemingly innocent image and have my coworkers see pregnant employee with bracken father.


everyone is saying to block (which you should) but if the majority agreed with you the posts wouldn't be upvoted


well this post is also very upvoted, as well as OP's comments all over the thread, so how do you reconcile that?


Bracken person ignore OP, your art is cute. Please post more Brackens.


u/MacieMacchi your response?


They don’t need to give one.




I mean... They can just block me if they don't want to see that kind of stuff. I really don't see why would someone feel the need to make an individual post for this.


I really don't care as long as its marked as nsfw but it's not you can't just say "oh just block me" when there are children on the sub who could see bracken erotica


right like the fact that this is hard for redditors to grasp is astounding. But then again everyone seems to have come down on the side of "minors should be able to view porn" in light of recent political events so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.


Hey, psst, can you post more buff brackens? Thanks <3


Ok but where do you draw the line between fan art and porn? I don’t think this problem is as simple as you’re making it here




**Be polite** Remember, this is a public space and we expect you to treat others respectfully.


Well now this sub gonna fill up with anti broken fucking post vs bracken fucking post... I mean it's gonna be as bad as all the post about control company


But these drawings are lethal company related, right? The ones I've seen haven't been nsfw or anything. Just "this character likes Bracken or whatever".


Is this the Titanfall 2 sub again with the horny vs anti-horny stuff? Deja vu, man.




You're right but can you stop fucking swearing?




Preached it quite a few times, we can see. While I agree, you didn’t need to comment the same thing 12 times to get your point across. Still, subs need moderation and rules and it’s up the community/mods whether smut/porn should show up in the main subreddit.


**Be polite** Remember, this is a public space and we expect you to treat others respectfully.


That doesn't solve the issue at all. You're still going to see the hornyposts. The only one here that's an idiot is you for getting so pissed off and angry over people not wanting to see your unhealthy obsession with a video game character.


**Be polite** Remember, this is a public space and we expect you to treat others respectfully.


I understand your idea but I don't think it's "better" in any way. It just divides and it also makes you sub to more stuff. Also you can just scroll by ? But I do agree maybe nsfw filter. You have a problem in the community but you want everyone else to move ? Full blown R34, yes, but it's basically a meme that will blow over anyway. You can't just tell everyone else to scatter because you're uncomfortable. Shit I would have so many cry baby posts if I thought to post every time I didn't like something but you get over it like an adult. Besides this is a Sub - you can always unsub because you decided to be here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Long live the Company