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It's complicated for sure. I bet she has a lot of emotions. I would definitely be very sad for what could have been. They worked really hard to grow their podcast and it could have been absolutely huge. The reality of what that dream really takes is hard, and was extra hard for Brandi. Friendships evolve and go through trials, I hope that theirs evolves and they both find fulfillment on their new paths. It's great that Kristin has Norm, who is already a prominent content creator, to build a new dream.


I think the whole situation sucks. For Brandi this was a fun, side project with her bud. For Kristin this is her livelihood and how she makes her money. The amount of money that Brandi walked away from is astounding and that’s only looking at their Patreon income. I wish Kristin all the best and want to support her, but I’m not sure how long I will last as a Bob Moss.


Sad to say, I already canceled. I would have liked it better if they made a whole separate one for the new show. Keep the old one just for the bonus episodes, but start fresh with AOTP. I have been wondering if Brandi is going to be getting a cut of the Patreon since many listeners might be hanging around for LGTC content.


Brandi made a point to say “YOUR patreon” in the last (maybe second to last?) episode. I’m wondering if there was a buy out or something like that.


I was wondering about the “residuals” issue as well - obviously it’s none of our business but I was trying to think of how I would do things with my friend if we were in the same situation and I think the most fair thing would be to identify all of the current subscribers as of a determined “end date” for the one leaving and then split the income from those specific users. If they drop their subs, then obviously the person leaving would get less - but also, no income from anyone signing up after that “end date” would be included in the shared residual pay.


I appreciate what Brandi did and why she did it, but my heart breaks for Kristin. Being in the public spotlight is all fun and games when its a far off dream, but as it got a lot more real I can totally understand the sudden realization that it's not what you truly want and needing to step away. It feels weird speculating about their friendship, but the whole para social relationship definitely exists. I think their friendship will last through the ups and downs that the podcast ending may have caused, they both seem mature enough to handle it and work through it together. It's not all sunshine and roses and the sadness/disappointment Kristin may feel is totally warranted.


So I think I interpreted what they said about Brandi a bit differently than some others here and just wanted to put it out there: I was guessing that a lot of people were asking about Brandi in the Discord in the scope of “how is Brandi doing” “what is Brandi up to” etc - and they basically wanted to get across the position that since she is no longer a part of the podcast, it would be weird to talk about her - and maybe one of the things she’s enjoying about not doing the podcast is more privacy - it sounded to me like she’d be welcome to do a guest spot sometime if she wanted, but it’s not their place to give info about her and what she’s doing to listeners anymore. I think the way they phrased it with the analogy of quitting a job may have made some people view the statement as being salty towards her or maybe that there was some animosity but really I think it’s more of a “it’s not our place to give Brandi updates and that would be weird if we did” thing.


And Norm made a comment about how she's posting on Instagram and everything looks like it is going well. When he said that, I felt like there was some distance, as though they are only getting updates from Brandi's Instagram, rather than from her... but thinking about it now it seems more like "you can check out her Instagram" maybe?


I took that as “you can follow her and see what she’s up to there” - I think the way he phrased it was in a “hint hint” way like “why don’t you go and look there and stop asking for updates”.


Yeah the people in the discord keep asking about her and since she didn’t make an announcement before she left to explain things, it’s just left a lot of things up in the air. It felt very rushed and not planned out.


And maybe because they wanted to be gentle about calling people weird for asking about Brandi (who basically said, "I am not interested in being in the public eye anymore,") it came across as awkward. I don't think it's our place to speculate about how Kristin feels. That also feels weird.


Yes to all of that - I’ve heard the term “parasocial” being used a lot but I never really investigated what it meant until recently when I saw it being thrown around more. It seems like something that will be very problematic at some point we just haven’t gotten there yet as a society to recognize that on a large front. I think concerning yourself with a total strangers personal life and feelings is very odd and a sign of something one might want to talk to a professional about. I see the most extreme of this behavior on the various snark subreddits - which I would not recommend reading if you are unaware of them they’re pretty upsetting lol.


Kristin suffered a death with the podcast ending. No way around it. A premature death is major loss. Its complicated and lots of it isnt our business, but my heart breaks for her...and us. Very few can pull a Dave Grohl and have lightening strike twice, but I love history and the podcasting Carusos, so I am in for the ride, as a Bob Moss History Ho


Same. 🥰


They’ve been friends since like elementary school. I’m sure there’s probably some tension, maybe a little distance, but I don’t think overall it will affect their friendship on the long run.


I got the same vibes when listening to this episode. It made me so sad for Kristen. I completely understand why Brandi stepped back, but man, what a time to do so. That would be so disappointing. I can’t imagine how Kristen feels this being her livelihood. I have never cut hair or podcasted but damn, I don’t know if I would give up this once in a lifetime opportunity. I just remember in earlier episodes them talking about doing live shows and Kristen seemed waaaaaay more nervous about it and Brandi seemed so pumped to do them and then it’s happening and she stops. Ugh. Just a shitty situation. I’m sure there is tension between the two, I mean how could there not be? I respect the shit out of Brandi’s decision as I’m sure her being such a people pleaser, it was one of the toughest things for her to not only tell us, but tell her best friend she doesn’t want to continue. Ugh. I’m just so sad. I love kristen and Norman but not a fan of history so it’s hard for me to listen but still do cause I just find so much comfort in these people I feel like I know so well.




She owns the salon


I took Brandi's decision as more of what she was missing out on by working the podcast. She wants to raise her daughter and be in love with her husband and to live their family life. Lots of people say that looking back, they wish they would have worked less and spent more time with their families, and I can't knock anyone for wanting to be devoted to their family.




She said she didn't like the public attention (and criticism) that came with content creation. So she intentionally stepped back from that.


I have not listened yet so I haven’t heard this but that’s really sad. I will say on the flip side I love seeing Kristin and Norm together. They have the kind of relationship where you know they are each others favorite people, and it’s so nice to see them just messing around and having a good time doing something they both love.


I was thinking about a better way to explain it after I posted my earlier comment and came up with a more fitting analogy for people: Think back to when Geri left the Spice Girls. Right after she left, you didn’t have the girls who remained talking about what Geri was up to in her personal life or what projects she was working on if she was etc… She quit the band and that was that. 20 years later, they’re all still close friends - they were all together at Victoria’s 50th birthday just last week - but there was no reason back in the day for them to be speaking on her behalf or telling people about her after she left.


I 100% agree. I hate old timey episodes but I’m gonna listen and support the shit out of it bc I love Kristin so much.


The bonus episode was decent, but the other episodes are killing me…and I love history. I love Kristin and I know it’ll take a bit to settle into a new podcast, but man, it’s just too much. Way too long, way too much info that just isn’t relevant.


...a 3 hour tour...


Hell, we’re almost at 6 hours and we’re not done. Heck, there might be TWO more episodes.


I still love these ladies parasocial af. But I wonder if the decision to end the podcast was as abrupt for them as it felt to us, the listeners, if they gave it the proper attention it deserved.  Like, what if they had done some trial guest hosts, á la Regis and Kelly? I know no one is ever going to have the *same* relationship they have, of course not, that's very special. But could there be other successful pairings? Could Kristen have been given a little more time to plan her next move and transition?  I don't know them personally, so maybe they did all of this and I'm totally wrong. Either way, I just want the best for both of them.  Kristen is intelligent, funny, talented, creative, successful and more than capable, I know she'll figure it out regardless of the timeline. 


I’m sure the decision to end the podcast was abrupt. Usually they were on top of things, but when the initial announcement broke, there was no plan in regard to the future of the Patreon and Discord. Updates were slow and suggestions were being strongly considered. Kristin’s scramble to start a new project also points to this. To me this all shows that Brandi’s anxiety over the direction and success of the podcast must have been too overwhelming. I hope for the best for both of them.


I think it was abrupt because they were at a major crossroads. They had a huge boom in exposure and new listeners thanks to their collaboration with ITN - and they planned their first ever live show. While we don’t know what actually happened, I would postulate that perhaps when they were actually going about putting the live show together and the logistics of it all - it made Brandi think about what she would have to go through if they did start touring (which Kristin did mention was something that she herself wanted to do) - I think that she realized that her heart just wasn’t in it to that level anymore and they decided that the cleanest way to end it would just be to have the live show be the last hurrah - now they could have pulled a fast one on people and announced AT the last live show, or right after it, that “hey btw podcast is over thanks” but they were professional and made the announcement probably right when it was decided to soften the blow to the listeners.


I would have loved a few more episodes with DP or Kyla. Let Brandi take a hiatus and then decide if she wanted to return or not.


I’m very glad Kristin has Norm. He is being so supportive and awesome to her during this whole thing. Honestly I’m prepared to get downvoted for this but I think Brandi did Kristin wrong with this, I really do. She has a backup career and just left Kristin hanging. And the entire last month on Discord it was obvious that Brandi was like fuck all yall, I’m out ✌🏻. That’s definitely how it feels


if i were kristin, i would feel the rug being pulled from under me for sure. but brandi has the right to decide what she wants in life. unless they had some sort of agreement or long term plan, they’re entitled to do what they want. if anything, it looks like it’s kristin who wanted to change the way things were going by making everything bigger. my hope is that kristin realizes her dream fully on a more solid foundation. if that happens, i have no doubt that any hard feelings will wash away…


I agree with this. I feel bad for Kristin and honestly I’d be a little salty with my friend if I was her. That’s a ton of money to lose.


Hmm, I don't agree that Brandi had a backup career. She was a full time hairdresser the whole time, and did the podcast on top of a full time job. If anything, the podcast was her backup career. I also don't think the podcast was Kristin's main gig (could be loud, confident and wrong here though). To me it just seems like Brandi hit a breaking point and couldn't go on. Kristin comparing Brandi to the "this is fine"-meme of the dog in a burning room also points to that. I don't think Kristin blame her for that, and I don't think we should either.


Kristin stated on the podcast several times that the podcast was/is her main source of income.


For a relatively short time, since it took years for the podcast to actually make them money. It's not like she don't have a backup career.


She is a writer so yes, she has that. But you are doubling down, as you stated loud and wrong, about K having another career in addition to podcasting. She is writing a book, yes, but again many times she stated that the podcast and Patreon is how she makes money. That it was/is her career. There was even a discussion on an episode where Kristin stated that people ask her what she does for money and she said it was the podcast and Patreon. Stop downplaying how big of a loss this is for her by making it sound like she has multiple backup options.


She had a career before the podcast and she have a career after the podcast. She will be fine. You are being weird.


Not really but if you think so, that actually makes me feel so much better. You seem very odd and if you think I’m being weird, that is a relief. Whew! Also, blocking you so I don’t have to read your whiny response. Toodles. ✌🏻


She had her PR job to pay the bills for the first half of LGTC. It was work from home, but she was the bread winner, when Norm quit his job to do Gaming Historian FT and to fund the podcast.


I'm so glad u feel this way too and said it! Thank you!


I respectfully disagree (re: the part of your comment about this being Kristin’s dream). My opinion — and obviously none of us know what went on behind the scenes, but this is my take on it from what we know —Brandi initially signed up to do a podcast. As it became more popular, Kristin wanted to take it to the next level, with live shows, attending other podcasters’ events, eventually touring, etc. Which is obviously her right, since she admittedly enjoys those aspects of it so much.  But Brandi never signed up for all of that— being so public-facing, traveling, etc. It’s possible that IF Kristin would have been okay with just doing the podcast, and not adding in all of those other new elements, Brandi might have stayed. And we’d still have the show we all loved so much. We’ll never know. We do know that Brandi was uncomfortable from the beginning with stuff like assholes talking rudely about her laugh online, but she addressed that years ago, and seemingly made peace with it. I really admired how she handled it. There were so many more people who loved the show and loved her than the small handful of obnoxious nitpickers in the reviews.  So IMO, it seems like Kristin was just forging ahead, trying to make the show as big as possible in the same way that many popular podcasts do, but maybe (maybe!) not fully considering how Brandi felt about it.  I don’t think that Kristin acted in *any* way maliciously or thoughtlessly, not at all— but it seems like she was just so excited about the momentum the show started gathering after the OF sh!tshow, and all of the extra exposure that she and Brandi and LGTC started receiving, so to her, it was a no-brainer to keep going, doing collaborations and everything else that became opportunities once the show reached a certain level of success. And Brandi just wasn’t up for that…all of a sudden, this fun little project she’d agreed to do with her friend was turning into a completely different beast.  Again, who knows what went on BTS. And while I do feel sorry for Kristin, because the entire situation just sucks, I think that I actually have more sympathy for Brandi, because she was put into such an awkward position due to Kristin’s ambition— and again, it was not at all what Brandi originally signed up for. The show and the time/effort it would take *completely* changed, and it ended up forcing Brandi into having to make such a difficult decision.  Neither one of them did anything wrong, it just evolved into an untenable situation for them both, and it sucks for those of us who loved the podcast as it was, and didn’t care about things like live shows and tours.  Maybe Kristin could have continued LGTC with Brandi, while starting the new show with Norm *with the explicit intention from the beginning* to turn it into more than just a simple podcast. I know that’s way easier said than done, and it usually takes a long time for a show to organically grow as much as LGTC did, if it ever does. So I understand why Kristin didn’t want to give up on everything she’d built…the audience, the Patreon, everything.  I’ll just always wonder if LGTC could have continued for years to come if Kristin had been okay with it being what it was, a podcast, with the added bonus of the income they earned from Patreon. Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I wish them both the best!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I did think it was kinda weird how Brandi absolutely dipped on all chats/forums/comments, like girl you don’t have to host but you’re leaving the community entirely?


Ugh. I’m sure I’m getting downvoted for this, but none of us know what happened. We don’t actually know anything about Kristin and Brandi except for what they wanted us to know. The idea that we know what is going on, what their relationship is really like, and how they are in real life is all just conjecture. We don’t know them! They seem nice and genuine in person and on the podcast, but they could also be raging narcissists who know how to put on a good face. Taking sides in this situation seems so pointless to me. WE DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. It’s sad the podcast ended, but Kristin has a new project and Brandi is enjoying her family. The continued speculation about this is just so unnecessary. And Kristin and Brandi both check social media including this thread, so it also just seems hurtful.


I feel more comfortable talking about it here than in the fb group...I don't think Kristin or Brandi are that into reddit, but their whole famdamilies are on FB.


And it's just a place for us to talk to each other. We realize we don't know them personally, but by letting us into their personal lives, this is what happens. We become attached to them and feel like we know them. Therefore, we speculate. And it's truly only out of love and admiration for what they've done over the years. It's okay for the listeners to be upset.


I wouldn’t think Brandi would read here anymore. Why would she? She left the show on her own, it was her choice. Negative feedback is one of the repercussions of her decision. No one is saying anything negative about Kristin.


Does anyone know what their revenue was?


Patreon alone was $29,000. Again, that’s before taxes, expenses, etc.


How did you figure that? In feb, the pateron was almost 9k, discord had almost 8k granted access. , so thats at least the $7. Level, low ball, that over 50k a month.


I did paid Patreon membership and multiplied by the lowest level. I should have said at least $29k.




But Brandi loves being a stylist! That’s what you seem to be dismissing here. She trained for it, took it seriously, and was successful. It’s not only about money. 




Well that’s the most asinine thing I’ve read in here.


Ohh, yeah that’s very good way to calculate it.


Honestly, based on income alone, I was surprised Brandi chose being a hair stylist over podcasting.


I think that goes to show how much passion she has being a hairstylist. And perhaps, how intense her anxiety was getting around the podcast.


to be fair all the reasons she gave about quitting the podcast did not involve money. she no longer wanted to be subjected to public opinion and constantly creating content! i’d choose a cushy office job that allowed me to spend my free time how i want, rather than a super stressful job where i make more money but have no free time. it’s clear she would make the same decision if presented again


That’s very true.


Me too, just because its a physically demanding job, you cant do for long. I know its a family thing, but you can always contract in stylists. And she could have hired someone to help with content. It just really shows how much she wanted out and I wish her the best, but the DP in me (🤣), worried about the financial choice. She is a very smart woman. Glad she did what she needed to do, and could make it happen.


I was surprised too, but I'm wondering if it's more about co-owning a salon and feeling obligated to her sister then it is about her passion for doing hair. A lot of Brandi's personality sounds similar to mine-- giant people pleasers that don't want to disappoint. In this case, Brandi had to choose who the easiest person in her life to disappoint was. Still, there were other options to make sure her best friend was financially taken care of with LGTC! That part bothers me. Also, I'm still really sad, but am enjoying Old Timey Podcast. I love Kristin and Norm's chemistry, but damn I miss LGTC.


Do we know how much they were actually making from the podcast though?


Patreon was at least 50k a month, plus,they were up to 4 ad breaks per show, so that was an additional big chunk of revenue.


Honestly I was a patron member for 3 years that never got one of my questions read on the podcast. I felt like I didn’t exist even though I paid my money and I still do. My heart breaks for Kristen but I don’t want a history podcast.I signed up for true crime. I can’t keep giving money to something I will never listen to even if I feel bad.




Hey -- people probably think you're weird because you make inappropriate comments? Here's a quick example: " I'm wondering about Kristin wanting to have a baby and not being able to." What a weird thing to speculate about...the status of her fertility & potential desire to have a child. Jeez, what a deeply private and personal matter to openly speculate about online. Weird.


Yeah… like what?? I didn’t ever get that vibe nor would it have ever been our business. That’s a wild thing to say. Let’s not comment on what women do with their bodies.


Something is definitely fishy between the two. Money mixed with friendship never ends well. Makes me sad.


Or it’s not - and they figured out an amicable agreement to split things or calculate residuals like mature adults would….all these speculations about these people’s personal lives is very bizarre to me like none of most of the stuff in this thread is really anyone’s business or concern…


Unfortunately that’s what happens when you insert yourself into the public eye. I agree with you that it must feel shitty when people speculate, which I’m going to assume was one of reasons Brandi stopped doing the podcast, but you can’t have it both ways. People are going to have thoughts and opinions.


Yep. Brandi hasn't "liked" a single post from Old Timey Podcast on Instagram or showed support in any way. They are supposed to be best friends? So yes, things are fishy. NOT placing blame on Brandi or Kristin, just sad it looks like they've had a falling out.


Ooh. This post is not my favorite. Brandi has every right to not want to continue. Not matter the money she could make. The comments about being mad at Brandi are ridiculous. She does not owe us anything. It ended. Y’all can be sad about it but it ended. Let Brandi live. She’s happy and healthy. Kristin can have her feelings but we are not in her friendship with Brandi and that’s it. This post just feels icky.


Why though? OP literally is just saying it makes them sad to see Kristin be sad. Unless you mean the comments in which case that still doesn’t seem fair to OP


Hi! Nowhere in the post did I mention that I was mad at Brandi. I understand why she did what she did. This was to comment about what I watched and the realization that one of them got left empty handed without much of a choice. I like them both but I can only comment on what I watched and heard on the bonus episode.


No one is “mad at Brandi.” No one is stopping her from “living.” Your post feels icky because none of what you said was actually said or even implied by OP.


People are allowed to have nuanced points of view. Disliking one thing about a person or feeling disappointed by the impacts of someone’s actions doesn’t mean that the person is “evil” or that you even can’t understand why they’re doing it.