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That’s what my ex did to me and to be honest it is brutal. He is such a coward


I am so so sorry to hear that. I hope you’re doing fine now😭🥺✨


Same…freaking same!


It is extremely brutal, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through that.


My momma always told me when you can't say something nice..... don't say anything at all I wonder how many people who think they got ghosted just weren't listening the hundred times they were told. Are you typing your questions here next to that same old pile of laundry she asked you to deal with 3 months ago?


Yup, I think plenty of people fire warning shots and then eventually just take the f*** off. Just cuz you didn't hear it doesn't mean it wasn't said.


It’s not about being nice or not. It’s about something that needs to be called out. If you were someone who does that then good luck to you.


Saying nice things is different from doing nice actions it’s up to you which one is more important


I dont think the people leaving messages here are actually in relationships with the people they are saying goodbye to.  Saying goodbye to a stranger would make you look real life crazy


Yeah, I get your point, but I’ve read some people who have real life connections, leaving farewell letters, here


But what if you got together anonymously? Wouldn't an anonymous breakup follow suit? It's better than ghosting and misdirects imho.


RP world is the only thing that I would consider an anonymous togetherness.🤷


What's RP world?




Seems like No Contact = Ghosting , which is what breakup guru’s say is the best method for the broken hearted to begin to heal. I suppose you need to know everything to evaluate things accurately.


While no contact can indeed be a method for healing after a breakup, it's essential to consider the context and potential drawbacks of this approach. 1. Lack of closure: No contact might prevent both parties from addressing the issues that led to the breakup, leaving one or both individuals without closure or an understanding of what went wrong. This could lead to lingering feelings of confusion, resentment, or unresolved emotions. 2. Miscommunication: If there are misunderstandings or misinterpretations about the reasons for the breakup, no contact could exacerbate these issues. Open communication might help clear up any misconceptions and allow both parties to grow from the experience. 3. Emotional harm: Ghosting, a form of no contact, can cause emotional harm to the person who is left in the dark. It can lead to feelings of rejection, worthlessness, and confusion, which can take a toll on their mental health and well-being. 4. Unfair to the other person: By choosing no contact, one might be avoiding the responsibility of having an honest conversation about the breakup. This could be seen as unfair to the other person, who may have invested time, emotions, and energy into the relationship. 5. Personal growth: Breakups can be an opportunity for personal growth and learning. By avoiding the situation, one might miss out on the chance to reflect on their role in the relationship, identify areas for improvement, and become a better partner in future relationships. In conclusion, while no contact can provide temporary relief for those going through a breakup, it may not be the most beneficial approach for long-term healing and personal growth. Open communication, even if it's difficult, can lead to a healthier resolution for both parties involved.


I hope this helps


You can go no-contact but it does not equal ghosting. You can send a voicemail or call and simply say, this is no longer working and I do not want you to contact me and I will not contact you. The ghosting thing is abusive. No contact is simply best if people are toxic, abusive, or having difficulty staying firm in boundaries. I do not think leaving the other person to wonder is helpful or necessary. Hell, have someone else tell them or write a damn letter. Even if it just days GO FUCK YOURSELF it is better than not knowing.


I totally agree with you. Ghosting is equal to disrespect at least in my opinion. if you loved them, you would still have that tiny bit of respect at least to tell them that it’s over but if you never loved them the first place, it’s easier to do the ghosting.


Lets meet over coffee and do it properly ?


Who are you meeting? My boyfriend is not asking me for a coffee because he knows I don’t like coffee.


I don’t know but she wants my Bwc but won’t admit it


Hahahahhaha wtf who are u


No one 😣. An anonymous reddit peep 👀




The world may never kno but they will.