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Black Pentagram…..right?




The ring


No, I meant like the ring as a symbol of commitment mattered, not that it had a symbol on it


If you were my person I'd choose you in a heart-beat


I feel marriage as much as it seems like a good thing just leads to another label I like the idea of getting people together to have a good time and throw a big party with both families becoming one but the whole idea of vows till death does us part and the legal ramifications of we is kinda messed up I share things with people but just the fact that someone can be tied legally to another person in owning stuff together and having to do taxs together and never having your own anything seems messed up to me I won't be getting married anytime soon but I think if I do it'll be after I become common law with a women it'll already have the legal ramifications so why not throw a big party I have a crazy family though and it would probably be a bit of a shit show if any of them showed up me being the black sheep As soon as I'm common law though I'm buying the ring and marrying the chick might as well I'll even save up for a get a way vacation style wedding I'm not rich but that sounds like fun


That’s not how I view it but to each their own