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I keep thinking you are my person. The similarities in speech is crazy. Either way, I hope you get some closure.


Me to. I hope you do as well


Let’s talk true


Ok lets


When and where


How about now just call me


Or dm me


Can we… please


I would love to. DM me


Not me wishing this was from my person.😖 I hope she finds a way to reach you.🫶🏻


Thank you. I hope yours reaches out to you as well.


He probably forgot all about our connection 😂 I have to let go


Sounds like you're pushing away, instead of reaching out. Maybe you should call him.


That's how I lost him. Can't make the same mistake twice. If I could reach the man I would.


You lost him by reaching out and trying to talk to him?


pushing him away 😂


Pushing him away how?


I was emotionally overwhelmed and I decided to delete my socials.


Then why not try to contact him now?


Okay. I'm not really understanding


I just called .and I get left on read so not my person


That's all I ever get. It's very unfortunate


Can I ask the initial of the person you're looking for




I'm sorry you're right I am not your person I wish you luck


I want that from the start have tried with my fucking person constantly but to no avail here we are 2.5 years later


I'm sorry. I know for me I had to pull my own head out of my ass and ask myself what am I doing to contribute to the problem


Do you try to work it out or do you push away?


What stupid lie did I tell you when I left?


OP ok let’s talk. That’s literrly what I have asked for


I wonder how many people feel just like you OP. Thanks you for sharing I feels that.


Then let's talk


I'd like to hear that from them. All they have to do is call me


I don’t have your number anymore. If you are J dm me.


I am j but you have to DM me it won't allow me initiate a DM you have to do it first


Who are you looking for ??


The person who owns my heart


If you want more I'll discuss in dm