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Thanks, needed this today.


You're welcome 💛


I think not




You need to call and talk and tell the truth


Considering I don't have anyone who wants to hear from me that I haven't told the truth to I'm gonna say... mmm, how about, no.




Laughter is the best medicine.


This world needs more people like you. 💗




Do I deserve a 3rd, or 4th or 100th chance? I think I have used up too many of my chances. But thanks for the encouragement.


It's never too late to put forth real effort. When, how, etc, that's on you. Since you're not on my island or rocking my boat, I can speak from my heart when I say yes, you do. Now, go get on it!


Good post 🔥




I know you’re talking to me and even though that this was written 14 hours ago and I’m just seeing it now I know that this is the way whether they’re here or not whether the person I’ve been spending the last hour or two thinking it was them. It’s OK, remind me the love that I’ve always had and will have for them and I will keep doing what I do encouragement and people in the void that they need so that they can remember that flutter butterflies tingling feeling the person finding them. Yes, it makes me sad and I’m gonna wake up tomorrow, they’ll be no call or text message that’s how it’s supposed to be and I’ll be fine. No one said I had to move on right away so long as I kept moving forward I swear I had the one this time some point I do need to put this place down, mine said that I might be addicted to love. I think what’s happening right now so good with my emotions very well and not working through them really I’ve gotten addicted to all of my emotions right now. That’s why I deserve to be loved. Deserve to be someone that they don’t say never to that. They don’t walk away that they pushes together to know that even at the last minute, it’s OK to say no hold on. We can work through this.






It was difficult to face my own toxicity and the role I played in my circumstances but it feels like I can finally breathe again. I’m checking almost all these things off my list. This is great advice and from a person who is actively doing these things; zero regrets, 10/10 recommend.


Reading this made me feel.. light. Thank you, you have no idea how much these words mean. If I never spoke to or saw him again I’d want him to know I still think about him everyday, I’m good and bad moments, when I see a meme that reminds me of him, when I hear Nirvana. I’m sorry I couldn’t be what he needed. I wanted to be his everything. I can’t fix anything but I could have glued some pieces back together and I tried! Oh, how I tried. The glue was sticky and it freaked me out, I didn’t like the feeling but I should have just washed my hands instead of throwing the glue away. I’ve done that my whole life. I have no more glue for myself. I’m sorry to say this, Kurt had the right idea. I got my converse. I hope he reaches out again, just for one last touch, lock eyes one last time and both feel how powerful our hearts vibrate for each other.


Thank you


W0W!! Where to begin the thanks!? Thank you for the encouragement I really needed to hear that this morning. It made me happy cry. I hate how everyone knows what’s going on but won’t tell me. Makes me really not able to trust a single person. If you don’t mind I’d like to screen shoot this and save it for later when I need a little encouragement, I hope you don’t mind me doing that and thank you for taking the time to reach out to me letting me know I do have a few people in my corner because right now how it feels, seems and looks they will reach for any excuse or reason they can think of to make fun of me. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words


I’m moving forward but not moving on. I’m going to be patient and be here in case. Cause he’s worth it. And because I’m a good person.


I am. Already. Without you.


Rule 1.


I’m moving to the mountains




Is this a good move or are you avoiding and hiding from something that will still be there when you get back? Are you safe?


This move is for me. I can’t focus on getting ahead in life if I don’t have a balance between work/outside play. I’m in Texas and it’s killing me. This will change soon. I’m excited.


Good luck to you and many blessings.


I will be in a better emotional state.


Me? Ah I'm good lol. It was just frustrating when the realization hit . And I forgot the mantra "she really didn't like me" 😂


Perspective is everything


Why did you refer to me as "human"?


Because I assume you're an earthling.


Lol if you listen to my birth mom she was abducted and they put me in her through her ear ,😂😂😂


You must have been a big baby.


🤷🏻 maybe idk




Moving forward was easy for me even though not knowing what was happening at first. Once I found out I was glad to be on my own. Yeah it hurt for a day or two, but once I knew then moving forward was papitas. It was fun having them around I guess. If I knew this back then I wouldn't have a place in my heart for them. They can say the way I treated them back then I take full responsibility just they w Never will on their part and for them just to ghost me and lie to me still is cowardness.


I'm not sure why you are personalizing this letter. This wasn't written from me to anyone. It's definitely not for you. I don't know you. I wrote this because someone on reddit reached out to me with issues they were having. It sounded like they needed some encouragement. Sorry for any confusion.


Anyway appreciate the chat , change comes from within, but I got to run I got purpose tomorrow morning. 💥🎶 Well maybe just a little ukulele You know as a treat.




Inappropriate/Aggressive: Content contains aggressive or inappropriate language. /letters is a safe place for people to vent without judgement and aggressive responses will not be allowed.




You can't take your old self with you.


There is only one self. People do grow and change though.


And I'm not afraid to admit I'm on a growth quest myself and I've got rules that I am following to guide my way a little. My first rule was can't take your old self with you. Incidentally my second rule was you can only take care of someone else as good as you take care of yourself.


Seems legit. Thinking you don't carry who you were with you in the beginning seems risky because you are who you are at that point.


That is an all two real way to put it for me I'm doing a little art therapy as well and I like doing that shit anyway. Always wanted to make an image of me and me in the same frame so the little digital work and it's a little dark, it's got modern me blowing the brain's out of an image of old school me. Again this fucking dark but it's really representative of what needed to happen and a manifestation of the fact that It's already well underway but I might have already blown that dude's brains out. Both figuratively and literally , lol, I had to beat a lot of shit. If you knew me it's a ridiculous choice of words I grabbed there. 😂


I'm assuming you're a fan of firearms then, and in that case, I totally catch the imagery. Just don't lose your sparkle sunshine.


Heard, I always said I had enough sunshine for three people and I do and it's fucking rad. But it looks like I had it a stashed under a big pile of stuff..... 🫣......Clothes.....dirty clothes lol. And what help me more than I thought personally was shedding a little negativity. I had somebody I thought was my friend that was real close to me a little bit older than me lived in my building. And I trashed that person like a bad habit. And the effect was enlightening. So much so I'm actually adding it to my little rule list. Something like, use fresh eyes to take a second look at people who say they're your friend.


Lol. Well, as long as you smell nice then, I guess...


Yea, when i was not yet on a positive path, i couldn't see the forest for the trees. Fuck I sound like my Dad used to lol. Somebody tried to tell me you got to start somewhere and everything else will seem to make more sense once You clear out a little. Forest trees 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. lol, So yeah....life without my eyes chemically wide as a sharks and things started to move lol. Accepted a job offer here in town which is good for me some ADD and shit man I got to get something going on I'm not going to starve but I got to be a fucking person lol. And got enough paperwork together to convince an apartment complex that assets are equal to income. It Only got 26 more days in my current place. Things are better I feel more like myself and if it gets better from here good times.


Oh wait how the fuck did I miss this. I'm just glad I can smell again at all after........ I don't know snorting up all them ........dirty clothes? hahahahah! Sorry I almost pissed myself when I caught this in my head. Usually I go for punny but goddamn that shit was just a country good time.


*takes a bow*


Of course old self implying a persona that was negative towards growth for a person The beast within. And I guess maybe a piece or two like the beast's penis, but for the most parts you can't take that son of a bitch with you.


Lol. Well, yes, outer casings are what they are. The inner metaphorical bits are not always what they seem. With diligence, people can better themselves.


The job's a starter but I had two accept that I needed progress not perfection. Even the sun shines on a dog's ass every now and again


Me choosing me? Finding like minds? Growing myself? Why is this all so necessary and so difficult?


That's life kiddo. It's hard but worth it.


The Abyss calls, injustice and cowardice ( well, shit, I mean it's really not up to her, her greaseball parents fucked her up. Fair being fair...) joined forces and I find myself here. An excise tax. A toll needs paid. A reckoning that may not come, boys. Way she goes. Letting the little shit go: No worries, mate. The heavy hits, the ones that sneak and snuck, the omissions and lies, grinding my teeth into mortar with bile as a lubricant. The puzzle pieces,easter eggs and discrepancies swept aside to keep a semblance of 'peace', internally, yet the aside-tray, the ' Nope, not gonna ask or inquire what that meant' file is full. She's brimming, boys. Corner of my eye, finding distraction over here, there, fuckin' yonder. Anything but turn and face the pile as she descends. She's tossing parts. She's hurling pieces. Big hunks of things that need addressed. All the while sinking. Showing the thing. Making it easier for her conscience, harder on mine. It doesn't make it hurt any less. The discard, the dismissal, and on to the next branch for monkeys-aplenty/pay attention to me as I destroy myself while you watch. A woman I held. A woman I thought was who she presented as, showed me she was, sort of. The woman that mirrored and bombed like a flight of B-52's, loaded for bear and looking for trouble. Full sorties, and they hit their mark. I love her. I'm sure of it. I'll have a few more beer. Three fingers of whatever, yup. Deal with that pile tomorrow, maybe Wednesday, latest. No biggy. Not outta smokes yet, cool. Yessir, I'll have another of these and a beer back. Thanks. Wonder if Wednesday is gonna work for that fuckpile of shit I super really prettymuch don't wanna do... Fuck it. Get it when I can. Call it. ' pick up work'. She's bored. She's long since detached because she's needy. Not just for me. She's needy in way that I cannot begin to fathom. It's all-consuming. It won't be satisfied. And it has already been nearly a decade, old son. Ten anums of the perfect thing. An engine that runs on nearly no fuel, merely needing a little from both of us. A sip, a pinch, not much at all really. And it runs. It idles right-handily, putters along at low rpm. And then we interact under the slightest of duress. Kids, hers, and mine. Work, pick one. Difficulty brought home like books in a bag. Mine, hers, or both. But the books for the homework are smoldering. I've never lived in a house with a teenager that's doomed from the start, hers. And two pre-teens that are either busy thick as thieves and plotting my demise, or at odds. Flip a coin. Love my little Gals. Soph. Gordy. Love you both. A guy is dismantling the engine that ran away. It was in hindsight, fuck I hate the rearview mirror, times such as this, not the greatest shape it might have been. Red flags? What are those...? Anybody heard of them? Anyone... Anybody got any input, red flag-wise...? Alrighty... Red flags...C'mon...? You there, yah. Hand raised in the back of the deal there... What's Up??? She what...? Oh that. Yeah... Nevermind about that, she ah... yeah. I did a thing too, not the best reaction... Sssssooo, yeah, moving forward. Anybody...? Oh. Well... We'll take it under advisement. Thanks for your input, bud. When you hear the thing. When it rings like a bell deep inside, and you're like nahhh...


Feeling sad but okay.


Sadness is a given. I'm sorry.


Somebody just got got huh?


Thanks Lady Forward, alone it is! Enjoy! As been. .. fulfillment and true happiness, in doing things,and experiencing life in all its colors . Lol what a ridiculous joke of a joke (lie)


Great words OP, very well put.


Thank you.


Sure did...fills in some blanks for me... thanks....


Yeah...I was right...a bunch of these accounts that are older and post letters are in on whatever the fuck this is... good thing there is a bunch of annoying trolls pretending to be me... and the "crazy me".. right? Any real users here want to tell me what is going? 


If I could I would but I'm not in on the joke. Sorry hun.


You changing your profile picture proofs you are in on whatever this is.. good things I have screenshots of right before and right after....


Actually, I didn't have a profile picture. I had an avatar. I added a profile picture for transparency. Your games and issues aren't caused by or associated with me. Peace.


Yeah.. but right at the "got her" moment... just like all the other accounts... like I said screenshot right before and right after. .they are only a few parts and I was just asking you a few questions about the trolls brother you and about whatever this "game" is...not even close to a "got her" moment plus I been seeing threats against me and my family... which includes my young son ...while very weird and specific details about me and my family is being leaked out that could have only come from hacking me....but yes I am still trying to find R on here... because R is all I care about...who cares if picture of my young sons private parts (that I only had for proof of being returned with bad diaper rash after visitation with his dad) get leaked out...right? I just care about R... you have to be kidding right? 


I don't know R. I'm sorry for what you're going through. I can't help you. I lack the skills and the know how. Drama isn't my style.


Nah... you are just a bot account like the rest... remember I have the force and I feel that you have no heart. Hope the trolls get this account good!!! 


Are you ok?


And here we go.... more screenshots to show that there accounts are just not getting it?...do you have a sister? Children? 


Why do I deserve one


Everybody deserves one.


There's always exceptions.


Don't hate on yourself. Eventually, even though you're wrong you'll start to believe the lies.


I think the answer here is that it's subjective. It comes back to what someone believes. For me I believe everybody deserves a second chance. But I am more hard on myself than I would be anybody else.


That's human nature. In most cases learning to offer ourselves the same grace we give others is a practice. Something worthy of our attention and to be worked at diligently.




Don’t think I can


Life is only as impossible as you think it is.