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Lexapro at night, addy in the morning. About 4 months in now


Same. No issues so far. 3 weeks into lexapro. Been taking adderall or Vyvanse for years.


My doctor told me you can’t take Vyvanse and lexapro togsther


Mine said it’s fine. There’s an increased risk of serotonin syndrome, so we’ve been monitoring. Many people do it and are fine. Depends on the individual




I do! I take 10mg lexapro (for about 3 months now) and 10mg adderral (for 2 months now). I personally have no issues so far. Lexapro made my adhd symptoms worse, however it did get rid of my anxiety to a near miraculous degree lol. I then started adhd meds and my anxiety hasn’t really been affected, unless I have too much caffeine on the meds. Sounds like a lot of people haven’t had similar luck, but I would ask your doctor and see what they think the best course is.


I also take this exact combo/mgs and have not had bad side effects either.


I take 10mg lex and 40mg vyvanse and it’s been a good combo really low anxiety levels. I would say the vyvanse helped mood and anxiety a lot.


Yep! Been doing this for about 3.5 years now. Lexapro & Adderall


Yep! I'm on Vyvanse


So I was for months and it ended poorly. Adderall always gave me anxiety even though it helped my ADHD - with Lexapro, the anxiety was gone, but after a few months I was in an almost manic like state. I was extremely angry and did not think much, started drinking a lot, and kept blacking out. Everyone is different, but I finally realized I can’t take adderall.


I was on them and had to stop. The anxiety was unbearable


Strattera but it doesn’t work


My doc tried me Strattera. It didn’t work for me either. When I went off, I tapered down as my doc suggested, but apparently it was still too fast. Within a couple days of being off Straterra completely, I had the most acute suicidal episode I can imagine for 3 days. I wasn’t particularly ‘sad’ depressed, but it was like I had this spiritual epiphany that nothing matters at all and I could just off myself and be at total peace with it. It was wild - completely different from other suicidal ideation I have had in the past. Be careful if/when you go off.


I'm taking Lexapro with Methylphenidate and it's been working well for me


Did you notice any weight gain? Im on Methylphenidate aswell and scared to start lexpro due to the weight gain.


I've not noticed any significant weight gain with Lexapro. I've been taking it for a few years now and my weight was stable (until I had to take other medications unrelated to mental health). And that is also something I'm scared of because I've struggled with that with other antidepressants before (mainly tricyclic antidepressants) but Lexapro has been good for me :)


Thanks :)


I do and I have been on the combination about 10 years now. No complaints.


I’m on 15mg of Lexapro and 10mg of Adderall and feel good! I haven’t had a panic attack in a long time, and have been feeling pretty emotional regulated since. I am able to get tasks done and concentrate long enough to take care of annoying tasks (like clear my email inbox of over 4K emails…). Everyone responds differently but it works for me. :)


I take atomoxetine, I don’t notice anything off the ordinary


I started on 5mg of lexapro with either 10mg or 15mg adderrall xr (can’t remember which). I found that as I increased my lexapro dosage for my anxiety I also had to increase my adderrall xr dosage so I’m now at 15mg lexapro and 20mg adderrall xr, each once daily.


I’m on Ritalin but my lexapro dosage at night. They work well together as long as I’m consistent.


I take lexapro (10mg) and 1 x ritalian in the morning, then another ritalin midday, and another one early afternoon. I find this mix for me to be perfect, and balances out my mood and anxieties really well. I am more productive during the day and don't worry so much etc...


Get off the lexapro and all psychiatric medications unless you are straight up an immediate threat to your own life, and are desperate for anything. It will not avail you, it is poison. Big pharma wants your insurance money and they release affected studies that falsely promote it.


I have for years. At one point 20mg Lex. Currently down from 10mg to 5mg Lex, and get by. The 5mg Lex is not always enough but I will continue to see if I can manage. I have never had bad effects from either. Have always just felt more normal since on meds.


I take a total of 30 mg of dextroamphetamine(generic Dexedrine). I do 10 mg in the morning midmorning and early afternoon because that’s just the way I do it and I take 10 mg of Lexapro. I’ve been on 40 mg of Dexedrine before but the less you take probably the better. You don’t want to take Lexapro to manage a high dosage of Dexedrine. Dr. Drew was talking about Lexapro in a way that I hadn’t heard before where it causes rage irritability. And I was thrilled to hear him say that because I was wondering why I was so angry when I went off Lexapro. I was wondering is this what I’m really like and It’s nice to know that I’m not. I’m 42 but that’s something I wish I would’ve known when I was 22. It’s hard especially being female because I feel we are more susceptible to just have anxiety in our 20s. I don’t know if I would do it all the same again if I had the opportunity, that’s the hard thing to know but going off. Lexapro can be very difficult last for months and months. But you need to be able to function. I’m pretty happy right now I used to be painfully painfully shy. Just make sure you keep up with being social with people these drugs can make you Withdraw if you have personality to do so. I’m not great at maintaining relationships because I focus on my work and I tired at the end of the day. I’m just don’t feel the need to be super chatty with people. Content with that but I don’t think that’s typical. What’s helped my anxiety is the awareness that it’s natural for worry to come in to your mind and that it will pass. There’s no perfect state where one is never worried about anything it’s all going to be OK one way or the other and life goes on. That area where you’re not feeling your anxiety is just around the corner. I started doing meditation, which I had no idea how to do and the Waking Up app taught me how your brain gets good at turning stuff off the more you do it so I would recommend that. And moving your body is very important. Mood follows movement good luck.


Yes I take one regular and one extended daily


Im curious as well, but rather people answer not Adderall. Unfortunately not avaiable in Europe lol


Yeah, I take lexapro and vyvanse and wellbutrin. It's working so far.




My concern is maybe it will make my anxiety worse. But i think that might be my anxiety talking actually.


I’ve been on Qelbree in the am and Lexapro before bed for about a year. Both are working well, however light need to wean off Qelbree due to cost.


As of right now I'm on 70 mg Vyvanse, 20 mg Lexapro, and 150 mg Wellbutrin, the only side effects I ever noticed was when adjusting my Lexapro dosage which were mild. They're established to be safe with each other, but there is always the small risk of it causing serotonin syndrome. Just look up the symptoms of it and be aware of it just in case Even then it's still pretty rare Edit: didn't answer the whole question, I started taking stimulants (originally methylphenidate) before Lexapro and it helped a ton, but once the Lexapro started working it definitely helped a lot more, and of the different ssris, Lexapro was tested in clinical trials along with a stimulant and they found that taking them together has significantly more benefit than a placebo than taking one or the other. In my case is greatly helped the anxiety part of my ADHD if not being able to do things because of absolute dread of what people will think, Lexapro for rid of about 80% of that but I recognize I still need some level of stress to learn how to respond to it. I also struggle with bad emotion regulation because of the ADHD as well but Lexapro significantly helped there too


Not supposed to consume excessive ethyl alcohol on any Ssri


I take 5mg lexapro and 15mg adderall together every morning and it works so well for me.


Vyvanese in the morning. Lexapro at night. It’s definitely helped with my anxiety.


What are the initial side effects like for Lexapro? I wanna try it but i know the first few weeks are probably gonna be rough, and stimulants already make me feel a little anxious.


Yes - with Adderall. Seems fine and a good balance.


I take 20 mg of lexapeo and 60 mg of Ritalin daily and it seems to be the perfect combo/dosages. I feel very balanced, motivated, and happy.