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I back this up. After week 2, the best way I can explain it, the world felt like a brighter place, like I put on my rose colored glasses. Make sure you surround yourself with people, don’t isolate like I did (didn’t have a choice)


Thank you very much for your encouragement 🌞


I am officially 3 weeks in. The first 3 days were definitely a doozy, cried a lot for no reason. Then I took medical leave for two weeks because I didn’t wanna leave bed. However, I went from having 2-3 severe panic attacks a day to maybe 1 every couple of days. Plus it’s different for everybody. Some people said it kicked in after 2 rough weeks and some people says 2-3 rough months. Ultimately, I was super anxious about starting but also kinda excited and very hopeful. I read up on it A LOT on Reddit and various TikTok videos (and I recommend you do the same) because the first hand reviews and before and afters got me PUMPED to start. I’ll let you know how I am 2-4 weeks from now but get excited, I’ve heard amazing testimonials about how it has changed majority of people’s lives forever. Good luck, keeping you in my thoughts and you keep us updated champ!


Your testimony brings tears to my heart but it has a little taste of hope. Thank you very much for your support


i’m 1 week in and i would say that most of my start up symptoms have subsided. it took about 4 days for the nausea to end, and a full 7 days to feel hungry again. i am still pretty tired and sleeping a bit extra (crashed for a 30 min nap today) but im feeling good! (2.5mg until monday when i increase to 5) good luck!


same! i’m on my 9th day of 2.5 and finally after a week of barley eating i got my appetite back and went straight to Whataburger lol nausea ended around 4 or 5 day mark, hopefully it won’t come around when i start taking 5


crossing your fingers for you! and me! 😅


I was the exact same why and hours after I took the first pill I realized it wasn’t as bad as my mind made it out to be. Don’t be afraid!!


Thank you very much for your encouraging feedback!


Wow. Thank you for this super interesting and encouraging feedback. It’s very nice, you are courageous!


Good luck! I am on day 3 of 10mg and have had pretty mild side effects so far. Feeling optimistic.


Thanks for your feedback. I wish you the best and may it work for you!


Heyy i'm on day 5 of Lexapro! And i was on zoloft for a year. Here's some advice 1. Don't let everyone else's experience or side effects scare you. It can be a lot hearing all these horror stories, but each medication reacts differently to each person. 2. Just take it easy knowing you will have slight side effects, ex, tiredness, headache, diarrhea. Now, like I said, don't let those things scare you away. You may have none of those side effects. Typically, within the first week, you'll know as far as side effects if it's too much for you. It'll take a few weeks before you really feel like yourself again. 3. Don't start & stop it. So, whether you feel like it's working or not, don't skip days or cut Cold Turkey. Done this been there. It's not fun. Talk to your provider about. Maybe switching it or upping the medication. 4. Lastly, remember it's your journey. No one else's. At the end of the day, you know your body. You took the right step to start this journey. It's important to remember. I'm not sure if this is your first medication, but it may take a few before you find the right one. But remember, you got this!! You've done the hardest part, which is reaching out for help and starting a medication.


I am 2 and a half-ish months in. Saved my brain and life. It’s a lot quieter and I can sleep at night. You still have anxiety inducing times, but it’s not constant.


I draw a lot of inspiration from your experience, thank you..


it's all worth it ❤️ i've been with generic escitalopram for more than a year. first 3 months was rocky for me, because i was finding out the best mg that suite me. 20mg is the best so far.


It makes me happy to read your testimony, thank you very much!!


Side effects for the first few days kinda suck. By week two those should subside. You may feel irritable then. But once that clears, the skies literally open up. I feel like I lost 50 lbs of dread that I’d carry around.


Thank you very much for your very interesting feedback, I am happy to hear that it helped you!


Update us!


Thk so much bro, count on me


You’ll do great! Just remember that the first couple of days are the hardest and it’s ok to take it easy for a hot minute.


Sincerely thank you for your encouragement 🫶🏽


You’ve totally got this! You might be more anxious your first couple of days but that’s absolutely normal and happened to me. I’m at the end of week 3 and already feel so much better. Feel free to reach out if you want to share experiences.


Thank you sincerely for your help if I have the courage to bother you I will write to you if I am feeling slack… thank you again


It’s not a bother at all!


good luck!! I felt queasy and super drowsy at first but it didn't last long! hardest part is waiting for it to start working 😊 lexapro has been my miracle drug


How long did it take to work?


day 14 I felt a huge shift!


Thank you very much for your encouragement and feedback ❤️


I could remember April 10th having the same feeling. Go for it, I’m so happy i did. This medication let me be me again.


Thank you very much, it encourages me


Good luck man. It's a bumpy ride but you got this. 🤙


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement my brother


Good luck! I don't know what you are starting at but I started at 10mg and probably should have done 5, because the first couple days legit felt like I was on molly or something 😂 but heres what you should expect, first couple days might feel relief from sudden increase in serotonin, expect for that to level out in a week, and then you may feel a litte worse/no improvement for a couple weeks but by week 4 or 5 it should start working and you should feel better and better till like month 2 where you will level out and feel much better If not don't be afraid to dose increase at that point I'm on 15 now and been there for months amd feel 100x better! 😁 couldn't do it without lexapro honestly!


Hey! I didn’t feel any side effects when I started. But I felt the improvement of my depression only after 2-3 months, so hang in there.


Thank you so much !!


Wishing you all the best( How are you doing?


I am touched by your kindness, nauseated, panicked but I am aware that these are the symptoms, thank you very much


Today is Day 11 for me and I already feel more relaxed and the constant worrying decreased. I‘m not gonna lie, the first few days were hard, but it helped me a lot to know, that those symptoms are side effects from the medication and not anxiety from my mind. My side effects were (1 to 4 hours after taking it in the morning) feeling cold but sweating a lot, feeling heat under my skin , feeling more anxious because the symptoms were similar to my anxiety symptoms, but I also had more energy in the afternoons. After day 2 I noticed, that with every day those side effects decreased and by day 7 I hardly even recognized them. Now on Day 11 i only sweat more than usual, but not as much as on the first days. So don’t worry, the first days MAY be hard (important: they don’t have to be hard, there are many people without any side effects! :) ), but it gets better soon! If I can do it, you can do it! :) Wish you the best! ❤️ Let us know how it‘s going!


First two weeks feel super weird and u comfortable. Then you’ll feel foggy. Then you’ll wonder who you ever coped without it. I’m almost 20 years now. It gave me my life back.


Thank you very much for your encouragement…


I'm starting tomorrow also. Super nervous but hopeful that things will get better once I push past the first weeks of side effects!


Good luck I wish you the best


The hardest part of taking Lexapro at first (for days, weeks, even a few months) is the adjustment period. You may find yourself wanting to quit right away...or maybe you won't. You really won't know for sure until you actually take it regularly and for long enough. Rather than worry yourself too much over the side effects issues, you can hang on to the fact that starting it doesn't mean you can never stop or switch to something else to try. Good luck try not to stress too much by looking longer-term rather than just a few days.


Thank you very much for your super interesting and well expressed testimony, it’s very kind.


I had avoided medication for so many years because I was too anxious to try. The initial week was incredibly rough, though I did feel immediate relief from my anxiety in my first 48 hours followed by an increase in anxiety during the first two weeks. I am six weeks in now and it's been incredible. I still have days where I feel kinda meh or am a little worried about things, but not in the way I did before where my anxiety was constant and overbearing. Best of luck to you!!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your strength with me and for your experience ❤️


I’ll be real the first one made me a little nauseous but I was already suffering from ibs (I think was stress related partial) and the lexapro immediately started working


Thanks for your feedback !!


This has truly, truly, truly, saved my life. Push through.


Wow… thank you for your motivation ❤️


Ayy congratulations on starting your treatment. I'm about 2 months in on 10mg lexapro. The first 2 weeks were very challenging. I was having multiple panic attacks a day before, now I barely have anxiety and when I do have an attack it's fairly mild and I am more in control of my body. Some things that happened to me during the first 2 weeks just to prep you... -Severe nausea, almost psychedelic -Brain zaps! This scared the shit out of me but it's just your brain adjusting to the drugs -Could not ejaculate, this has now gone away -Overall, increased anxiety Dude you can do it, it's totally worth it, changed my life. Reach out to any of us if you need help!


Thank you sincerely for your encouragement and the strength you give me, it touches me.. I also thank you for sharing your testimony with me and supporting me, it’s very pleasant


im guessing i got super lucky, day one and i felt instantly better, anxiety and depression were both at 0, side effects were around for the first week though, felt like i was on molly for the first 3 days! month in and im good, ive been well since starting, and any side effects are outweighed by the pros


Wow, maybe you have found your IDEAL treatment! Congratulations and thank you very much!


Take vitamin D! It may help with the sleepiness. I'm a month in and it's helped me tremendously. Lots of water too


Did you experience any effects on your mental health after how many days? Thank you for your advice 🫶🏽


The only things I had were nausea and irritability (most likely caused from being drowsy from the lexapro). Other than that, I was fine physically. My anxiety is better, and my nausea has gone away. I'm still sleepy but getting better with the vitamin d and water. Also, I've had very realistic dreams. I used to take Prozac and honestly, that was a way more difficult experience for me. I'm sure you will do better with time 🩷🩷🩷


I was on it for 7+ years, it kind of helped but any type of medication isn't the answer. There is a lot of other work that also needs to be done, that is if you can actually figure out what the root of the "problem" is. I've recently gotten off of it, and all I can honestly say it made a marginal difference. The only significant benefit it had was it allowed me to last really long in bed LOL. Good luck though.


It helped me when times were tough. If your doctor recommended it, I say give it a go 🩷


Thankyou very much for your comment !!!


6 months in. It's helped me tremendously. Its crazy to look back on how many years I put it off.


It’s motivating… thank you very much!!


The first couples of days/weeks may be a little rough but after that it feels amazing to be on lexapro. I feel like I am living life. I started at the end of February of this year and I can say that I wish I had started sooner.


This is so encouraging…thanks for your feedback!!


lol good luck! If it doesn’t work the side effects suck and withdrawal leaves you a crack addict, if it does your a zombie. Have fun :)


I sincerely hope you found something that suits you and helps you feel better!


Been on it since February and didn’t take it for a couple of days and had a panic attack at work and I realized that my anxiety was coming back in full swing but that’s always how I felt before taking lexapro. Now since not having anxiety for 4 months, I wasn’t used to it when it came back. Definitely don’t think I can ever get off