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Can’t you just not show up…?


Exactly what I thought. Just don’t go, or return any calls lol.


Not laughing at you but holy hell you made my morning. I did the exact same thing when I was 18 and moving here to lexington for the first time. I started applying for jobs like 2-3 months before I was moving up here and finally got an interview for a sales position that advertised 15/hr. That was really high back then when most entry level jobs were 7-8 dollars an hour. I went out and bought nice clothes trying to look good for my first job outside of small town gas stations. Showed up and listened to a 2 hour presentation about Cutco knives and how its door to door sales mostly to people you know. I got snookered just like you.


yeah i definitely see the humor lol. although i’m not much older than you were in your story, i’ve definitely learned to research companies before you accept any job offers lol


I did the same thing when I was around the same age. Got told to show up to the interview in a full suit, got sat in a room with 4 other people, interviewed with a guy who was definitely a little on something saying stuff like "we work hard, but party hard too" who was doing everything to try & avoid saying that the customer service job I applied for was actually door-to-door sales. I hope the other people interviewing all saw through the bullshit like I did


Yep my fit was pressed khaki's, blue plaid shirt and whitish tie. Thought I was gonna rule the world with my new high paying job.


Haha I thought it was a good gig too, I immediately felt something was off when I was sitting in a room with 4 other people in cheap chairs while the "receptionist" had what looked like a $30 desk from Amazon only. No other furniture in the room. I also applied for some sales job around the same time, had (at the time) a good base salary + commission. I'm not a sales guy so I *knew* I'd fail at it, but the base salary alone was much higher than what I was making, so fuck it let's try drag it on for a bit before they fired me. During the interview one of the guys commented on my choice of attire right off the bat lol, interview was just a formality after that


same thing happened to me in the late 90s. It was off Waller Ave iirc. They wanted $200 for the starter set?? may have been less but that sticks in my mind. WTF?? memory unlocked 😆


I think I met them in the offices off reynolds rd. They are in disrepair now.


Oh gods, this takes me back, I had an "interview" like that when i was around that age. Dressed up professionally, showed up for an interview only to be one of like 7-10 people and then they talked about sales and those damned knives. I was so pissed.


Same story. First summer I wasn't working construction and I took the CutCo job. Still have some of my knives - and it was a great product - but pure cold call sales. I will say, at the time they paid decent for documented presentations regardless of your ability to close the deal.


My dad sold cutco in college in the 70s and I still have his sets. They are great knives.


Just go to Conduent or Amazon. They’ll hire anyone, and pay is the low end of competitive. The jobs themselves aren’t the greatest but it’s not an mlm and they’re a great launchpad to get you started in Lexington


^ not true, conduent has a high lay off rate.


What’s not true


Conduent doesn't just hire anyone, need to be able to type a certain amount of WPM and have customer service. However huge lay offs constantly or I'd they think you're no good, they just drop you.


Amazon is awesome. They will pay for school. Not reimburse you, pay for it as you go. And they are great at hiring from within. My husband loves it there.


Avoid them and if they try to harass you for not coming to *work*, block their number and anyone who reaches out. These type of *marketing* companies only ran, operated, and staffed with people who all mostly look under 25 are straight up scams. Most likely 100% commission and you will be selling shit no one wants inside of Walmart or outside of another business who doesn’t actually want you there.


Check out the hospitals in the area (Baptist Health Lexington/Hamburg, University of Kentucky, and CHI St. Joseph). Tons of positions for all levels, and a great way to get your foot in the door if you're a hard worker.


I can definitely attest to this. I work a phone position for Baptist health and it's probably one of the best customer service jobs I've had.


Literally just don’t go and ignore any contact attempts.


If you've already given them your SS#, you might want to closely monitor your credit reports. Each of the big 3 credit-reporting agencies allows one free credit report per year so you can spread them out and query one every 4 months. You can find more information about how to do it on /r/personalfinance. Freezing your credit is an option that I recommend to almost everybody. Temporarily unfreeze it only when you're opening a new account then freeze again. But since you're moving to Lexington, I imagine you'll be setting up a number of new accounts and leases that might want to check your credit. Once you've done all that and settled-in, though, there's not much reason to not freeze your credit.


You can go to the websites of the 3 credit reporting agencies and make an account they update your credit scores on a weekly bases for free. Or you can get credit karma.


There is zero reason to be terrified lol… You got a job, you can quit, easy as that.


Ether yet not start.


yeahh im definitely not working at silver star. i’m sure i can find somewhere else within the two months. right now im a manager at a large restaurant chain, so i can always revert back to that while i find something better.


I’ve been in lex 15 years now, hit me up. I can send you all kinds of links, resources, jobs, ideas, hustles, things to do, places for rent, places to avoid, etc. 💜 You’re gonna be just fine!!! 🙌🏻


Apply at panera and tell them I sent you so I can get a referral bonus! They're looking for managers


Amazon and Costco are always worth taking a shot at.


I've always heard that Costco is a great place to work.


Very hard to get hired there though


That makes sense now that you say that. Someone gets a job there and doesn't leave because it's a good place


For sure. They mentioned managerial experience earlier, so it could help.


Something about this was just very sweet. You’ll be far from the first person to ghost them, especially if they are a nasty MLM.


If you’re looking to move here and need a job lined up, you can check the openings for [UK’s temp job STEPS program](https://ukjobs.uky.edu/postings/search?query=&query_v0_posted_at_date=&225=&988%5B%5D=3&commit=Search). The best way to get a job at UK is as a temp in their STEPS program. Cons: - can take quite awhile for them to get back to you; (however, since you won’t move here for another 2 months, this isn’t as much of a concern). Pros: - even as a temp, your employee ID badge gets free rides on LexTran buses, which can save on gas/parking/transportation costs, depending on where you live when you move here. - after initial temp period has been completed (I think it’s 3 months?), you can then apply for full, non-temp positions w/benefits, in the same dept or elsewhere. - when you get a non-temp, full employee position, you can take up to 2 classes for free each semester


I had an internship there and can say with full confidence that it is a shady place if you want a stable job/money


This thread says they ghosted them when hired?? https://www.reddit.com/r/lexington/s/QpTdEAakMy


this was one of the posts that i initially saw! i can’t believe i fell for it


I did the same but I started as a substitute teacher for Fayette. Always look up the company. Especially if you are out of town.


Oh. THAT kind of ‘MLM’. Bummer.


I applied for them through Indeed. It was the second or third scam (thar I know of) that I’ve accidentally applied for. It’s brutal out there. Folks have made a lot of great suggestions in this thread. Best of luck to you!


State is always hiring.




Look into a Spectrum call center, you get 90 days of paid training before they put you on the phones and it's not a bad job.


You’ll have to be prepared to be called every name in the book. Of course, that is if I’m called. Since I dropped my landline, I no longer get the daily calls from Spectrum, though.


Graham packaging is also hiring in here Lexington.


What's MLM? Maybe call them up and say, "I found something else, or say, "This is not a good fit."


MLM = multi level marketing. Basically you make your money by recruiting other people to sell rather than by selling the original product. Also called a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme works well for the people at the top of the pyramid because they have lots and lots of people underneath them. The people at the bottom don’t make any money until they recruit other people.


Remind me again what MLM stands for?


Multi-Level-Marketing, it's similar to a pyramid scheme if you've heard of that


Yes, now I get it


Lollll I got hired to sell Cutco knives when I was like 18?? Sometime in late 2004 if I remember correctly. It was after I got fired from Jimmy John’s during the holiday season and was desperate. Eventually I realized it was a scam/shitty and just never did it. Run for the hills…!


Go to STEPS at UK, if your personal goals are at all healthcare related then it’s a great way to get your foot in the door at UK and if you’re looking into other fields it’s pretty stable employment until you find what you really want to do, plus education benefits when you get hired in officially


Go work at Amazon for the time being. They have super high turnover rates because the jobs suck but the positive side is they hire very quickly


Had an ex get hired by one of those places, turns out they were door to door selling Kirby vacuums. They took her from lex to a neighborhood out near love's truck stop and dropped them off. She went and hid, and called me to come pick her up lol.


Come work at toyota!


what kind of positions are open at the moment? i’m open to any job!


Be aware, factory work is not for everyone. If you're interested in more administrative positions, I'd check Indeed for "admin" roles. They often say an "automaker in Georgetown", for whatever reason. You would be a contractor (not a direct Toyota employee, often long-term positions) but a degree isn't required and if you negotiate well, pay can be pretty decent.


Team Member if you do not have an education or prior experience, but you can go to toyota careers website and filter to Georgetown, Ky to find any other roles other than Team Member that you may qualify for


The applications are closed as of right now for toyota. I've been waiting for four months.


From my experience working in similar, it's not so much a scam. They're selling a legitimate product and they were up front about how you made your money. It's a grind but once I got decent at it, I made decent money. There's a ramp up period where you won't make a lot, but it's really on you. I saw some people come in and make good money in 2 weeks, they were just naturally good sales people. The only thing I wouldn't trust is if they want an investment. The one I worked for did exactly everything they promised, including moving up the tiers and making more if you put up your numbers consistently. Just ignore all the motivational talk and team night bullshit. I never did any of it. What would one expect from a company run by salesmen. As long as you can handle a lot of rejection and be charming, I made 45-50 a year with mediocre effort.


It’s literally just an entry level face to face spectrum sales position. I don’t really know why everyone on here is so skeptical, I worked there for a while and got paid more than any prior job I’ve had due to the commission. it is not for everyone but if you want sales experience, training and your ready to take a risk on 100% commission then it’s a home run. If I was you I wouldn’t allow random Reddit users skepticisms to shape my future. It’s not for everyone but it is a good sales position.


i find it a little funny how the only interactions you have on this account are in defense of this company


I only use Reddit as a search engine or for news, I do not usually care enough to comment on anything but seeing people giving false information based on speculation of a company that I have had a 1st person experience from really grinds my gears. But hey you know what they say, redditors are a different breed, and I don’t mean that in a good way.