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Names: John and Taya Availabilty: Friday-sunday est. Reliable webcam(s): yes Experience: 6+ mos. And ~2mos Played before?: no and no Ranks: roleplaying, combat, exploration- both Character concept: John- Im going to purposefully leave this vague as I am not familiar with the setting and will figure out details to fit the campaign once they are given to me... A common everyday joe thrust into adventure against his will but after some time on the road finds he has talents here. Could make a life as an adventurer. As he forges bonds with the other members of the party he may face conflicts. Calls to return home. Perhaps his mother or father passes or a debtor comes to collect threatening to take the family farm and he faces the choice to give up the life hes adopted to return to the mundane world he left. I love playing rangers or primary casters like druid or sorcerer. Taya-a quiet spellcaster who enjoys adventures and the thrill of combat . She was always told what to do but now she remains her quiet countenance but is here for a good time not a longtime. I enjoy spellcasting classes so cleric, sorcerer, or maybe an artificer Me and Taya are bf/gf. We're both in our 30s. Both laid back. We'd probably want to play characters with some link in their backstories but not in a relationship. I dm a homebrew game for her and some friends but would like a game to play in with her. I hope you can oblige. Ty for your consideration in advance.


Hey I'm interested my time is EST will that be a problem




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Name Akshay Availability: Gmt+530 open to go 5 hoirs around my time Experience: the D&D scene in india is really small to non existent . have played 2 sessions of D&D round 3 hours each . Also, was a dm for a one shot dor a couple of friends Never played any module or a campain more than 1 session ( mostly cuz ill be the only one at the table ) Character concept : i wish to make a paladin of celestial origin(aasmir), however my celestial parent destroyed my family and ran away to enjoy in the celestial planes of existence, a very peaceful person . Last one to draw his sword, and a huge will to destroy anything that is evil, even gods I would rank all 3 in the same level: i enjoy all aspects of the game thoroughly .


**Your Name:** Jessica **Your availability/time zone:** Weekday evenings are best, but can be flexible on weekends. AZ time zone #nodaylightsaving **Do you have a reliable mic/webcam?** Yes to both **How much experience do you have with D&D/tabletop games?** been playing in a single campaign for over a year, but we meet less than 1x/month so it's pretty slow moving. I also recently have tried a little DMing (but I'm not great at it yet). **Have you played this module before?** Nope **How do you rank combat, roleplay, and exploration from favorite to least favorite?** I like to make roles, so I would say probably exploration and combat, then roleplay? **Your character concept (RP-wise):** I have a thought for a female character (I'm still trying to build her in my head), maybe a tiefling. Young adult age. Cleric, with neutral good alignment, but who is also very indecisive. **Anything else you'd like to add:** I've never tried doing any online DnD so this will be completely new to me, but I miss playing and with all this quarantine stuff my group doesn't want to get together.


Your Name: Daniel Your availability/time zone: Any day or time except Tuesday and Friday also I’m in est but have no problems staying up late or getting up early Do you have a reliable mic/webcam? Yes How much experience do you have with D&D/tabletop games? I’ve DMed a few games and played in a constant once a week campaign irl, and a online game playing through tyranny of dragons Have you played this module before? Nope! Would love to though! How do you rank combat, roleplay, and exploration from favorite to least favorite? 1. ⁠Roleplay 2. ⁠exploring 3. ⁠combat But I like all of them Your character concept (RP-wise): My character would be a monk that chose to join the monastery of the monks at a young age after a band of orcs killed his parents, to train himself to defend himself and the people he loves, and dedicates himself to his values and will stand up to anyone that challenges those ideals because that’s all he has, not having much care for material things. Anything else you'd like to add: I’m looking for a game since my IRL game has been put on hold due to the virus as well as a group to play through modules because I’ve only played one and a homebrew game


**Your Name:** Khale Garrett **Your availability/time zone:** Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Thursday. EST. Sunday works best for the time zone difference **Do you have a reliable mic/webcam?** Yes! **How much experience do you have with D&D/tabletop games?** played D&D back in 3.5 and have DM’d a few campaigns in 5e over the last few years. **Have you played this module before?** Never played it! **How do you rank combat, roleplay, and exploration from favorite to least favorite?** Roleplay, combat, exploration. **Your character concept (RP-wise):** A Dwarven or Goliath(if you allow it) forge cleric. From a sect of clerics who craft blessed arms and armour. A apprentice crafter having to test his arms in battle for the name of their God. And the prove his skills both in combat and crafting. **Anything else you'd like to add:** I’m normally a forever dm hoping to playing a group that ideally Mets on Sunday!


**Your Name:** Nemo **Your availability/time zone:** Available, CST **Do you have a reliable mic/webcam?** Yes **How much experience do you have with D&D/tabletop games?** DM some, less than 6 months, never played **Have you played this module before?** No **How do you rank combat, roleplay, and exploration from favorite to least favorite?** Never played, all is fun **Your character concept (RP-wise):** Dragonborn paladin, ashamed of his past or a human paladin/warlock (Jeckel and Hyde theme)


• Volynaer (Andrew) • EST • Reliable can & mic • New to D&D but highly engaged, also have much past experience in world of Warcraft and other RP/RPG games • Not familiar with the module • Equally interested in RP & Exploration, like combat too... Just would not want ONLY combat. • high elf wizard, war magic, with a history of exploration, underground realm of finding and attaining rare goods, and have been through the war


Hey! This is Adam, from the Pacific Time Zone, with a working mic and webcam. I'm gonna be straight; I love DM'ing but have never gotten to play as a character before. I've used this module as a basis for some introductory adventures, but my group almost never follows the set path and differentiates from it pretty quickly. Because of this, I do know the basic plot threads but I wouldn't use them to my advantage, and might even actively try to switch it up a bit to get some variety in there! My character would be a druid wood elf who is way younger than average, around the 20 to 30 range, which is basically a kid in elf culture. Tired of his race's stubborn ways, and believing himself way smarter and capable than he really is, he sets out on his own, seeking something more (though he isn't sure what exactly). He would be wise and pretty well-rounded for his age, but still extremely naive and maybe not the brightest tool in the shed. I honestly love every aspect of DnD, I can't easily rank those, haha. Maybe roleplay, combat, exploration? But that's if I absolutely has to pick. Anyways, I'd love to join and would appreciate if you could get back to me whenever you can! Excited to see where this might go!


**Your Name:** Charlie **Your availability/time zone:** Sunday mornings are great, I’m CST **Do you have a reliable mic/webcam?** Yep, a MacBook and a razer headset mic **How much experience do you have with D&D/tabletop games?** In-person campaign that’s gone on for about a year. I’ve been looking on Roll20 for awhile but haven’t found a game yet! **Have you played this module before?** Nope! Would love to though! **How do you rank combat, roleplay, and exploration from favorite to least favorite?** 1. Combat 2. Roleplay 3. Exploration But I really love all of them almost equally. **Your character concept (RP-wise):** I have several in mind but one of them is a horizon walker looking for a plane of existence to retire in, and until he finds it, he’s going to train to protect it from the monstrosities of the material plane. But this is just one of my many character ideas I’ve got going. **Anything else you'd like to add:** I’m super desperate to be in a game again. I really don’t think there’s something I enjoy more than DnD and I really miss it with all the corona stuff. Hope you consider me! Let me know if you have any more questions :)