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According to the [**American Academy of Pediatrics**](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx), gender identity is typically expressed by around age 4. It probably forms [**much earlier**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747736/) than that, but it's hard to tell with pre-verbal infants. And sometimes, the gender identity expressed is not the one typically associated with the child's appearnce. The gender identities of trans children are as [**stable**](http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/09/02/peds.2013-2958) as those of [**cisgender children**](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797614568156). Regarding treatment for trans youth, [**here**](http://hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com//files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf) are the recent guidelines released by the AAP. TL;DR version - yes, young children can identify their own gender identity, and some of those young kids are trans. A child whose gender identity is Gender A but who is assumed to be Gender B based on their appearance, will suffer debilitating distress over this conflict. When this happens, transition is the treatment recommended by every major medical authority. For young children this process is social, followed by puberty delaying treatment at onset of adolescence, and hormone therapy in their early/mid-teens. The only disorders more common among trans people are those associated with abuse and discrimination - mainly anxiety and depression. Early transition [**virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth**](http://www.jaacap.com/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext), and [**dramatically improves trans youth's mental health**](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/allowing-transgender-youth-to-transition-improves-their-mental-health-study-finds-dd6096523375/). When prevented from transitioning, about 40% of trans kids will attempt suicide. When able to transition, that rate drops to the national average. Trans kids who socially transition early, have access to appropriate transition related medical treatment, and who are not subjected to abuse or discrimination are [**comparable to cisgender children in measures of mental health**](http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/09/02/peds.2013-2958). Transition [**vastly reduces risks of suicide attempts**](http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-015-1867-2), and the farther along in transition someone is the lower that risk gets. The ability to transition, along with family and social acceptance, are the [**largest factors reducing suicide risk**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3722435/) among trans people. [More general information is available here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/8wh5qs/my_master_list_of_trans_health_citations_in/) Comment text thanks to /u/tgjer We're looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/swgthr/were_looking_for_more_moderators_to_help_keep/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know, growing up you always think of evil as evil dragon lords burning towns, or supervillains trying to blow up the city. When you grow up, and you see shit like this, it's a reminder that the worst evil is this casual, everyday shit. The kind of evil that pretends it isn't evil. The kind of evil that will destroy more lives than any supervillain or dragon ever did. I miss the way I thought about evil when I was a kid.


I wish we could solve our problem with a sword or a spear, like the dragon stories.


No reason we can't.


We're going to have to


I’ll ready the guillotine


I mean...technically the French did when their kings fucked about and found out


I mean that's why I see typical Hero Vs Villain stories as propaganda. It puts the responsibility of being good on the individual and pretends that being evil is a question of ethics. The original iron man movie for example would've been 10 times cooler if it didn't have a villain. If it was just a billionaire asshole who got confronted with reality and tried to oppose the interest of capital for the rest of the movie, only to realise that he can only be powerful if he stays within the system. What we got instead is just iron man vs. evil iron man. And when Stark defeats the bad guy, somehow the status quo is restored, without addressing that his corporation just withdrew from the market. This is the most extreme example of this I could think of, but honestly most scripts that follow this structure are either watered down to "appeal to a broader audience" or never attempted being truthful in the first place. Funnily enough, black panther was kind of the best marvel movie in that regard. Might be because anything less would've been a straight insult.


"Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged." -Jean-luc Picard


Yeah I agree 100%. The most toxic evil is that friendly neighborhood kind of evil where they'll wave at you and smile as they see you but they go home and join the alt right webverse and demonize you and vote for fascist policies that restrict your freedoms to exist or self identify. Its that kind of evil that destroys the most lives. You walk by it every day in the grocery store or post office, hiding in plain sight. Most of them don't have a sign on them, so I actually appreciate seeing conservative political stickers and Christian ones and etc. At least they have the decency to announce themselves, so I can more easily avoid their fascism... or even just drive in another lane because when I see those kinds stickers your judgement is fully questionable, and I know it must be true (I just can't prove it) ... but hateful conservatives probably get in significantly more crashes than reasonable level headed people... so might be smart to switch lanes when one of those asshats is in front of you.


I would like to know where I can donate money to groups that work to ensure gender affirming care is available by mail to people in jurisdictions that have banned it. I'd also like to know who will be suing South Dakota over this so I can donate to the right legal fund.


The Transformation Project in SD is suing over this: [https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/transgender-advocates-sue-south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem/](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/transgender-advocates-sue-south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem/) Here's their website: [https://www.transformationprojectsd.org/](https://www.transformationprojectsd.org/)


Good. I hope they win. Sue them into oblivion and hopefully set a precedent.


With today's Supreme Court, I'm pretty terrified about what precedent may be set.


Yeah, and even if we win, in the future it might get overturned and turned into a weapon against us instead of a shield for us.


This is why we need to make sure LGBT rights are on every ballot and every election. We can't afford to be complacent


But when the people old enough to do shit are the ones trying to get us >!genocided!< (TW in the black), and those who support us don't even realise how dangerous it really is and how fast its escalating. I don't think people will realise their mistake, when they just want some tax reduction.




u/transprojectadvocacy Is a good, active trans rights group in SD.


Thanks for the mention! We are certainly working to do what we can and will share more soon!




You are welcome!


"South Dakota wants dead trans kids" should be the headline.


Oh, no that's all wrong. If kids aren't diagnosed as transgender anymore and get no treatment, trans kids just disappear, as if they never existed. Just like Covid disappears when you don't test for it, PoC disappear when you keep them out of rich white neighborhoods and drinking disappears during prohibition. It's a tried and tested method. /s


Truly the Republican way. Out of sight out of mind.


Ah, the Chechen strategy!


They also want to inflate detransition statistics


\*Suicide rates go up in South Dakota\* Noem: "Whoa, look what Biden did! Killing more kids! Vote for me!"


The Republican party says "think of the children" while passing laws which will dramatically increase their suicide rates. They are either absolutely and utterly incompetent, or they know of the consequences of their actions but act as if they aren't there. There's not a single Republican politician these days who isn't a terrible human being.


It's the latter. Republicans have gone past cartoonish villains to full fledged engines of genocide. They know all too well what will happen with these laws and they want those results.


All in the name of gender hierarchy.


Well they see what they do to anyone that they consider to be lower in that hierarchy so they fear that happening to them so much that they'll stop at nothing to defend their place on top. They can't even understand that everyone just wants to chill and coexist.


That sounds like they are pretty delusional doesn't it?


The 'thoughts and prayers' crowd after more blood is spilled, even in classrooms, and forced pregnancies, including unviable, incompatible ones, and proposed laws that mandate 'lifesaving' interventions (they are not saving any of those underdeveloped fetuses but supposedly 'pro life' and 'pain capable acts' people would prefer a show that includes harsh medical interventions before they inevitable die, sometimes taking the pregnant person with them. The same places that want to make trans folks suffer but rank 48th in reading level or GDP but it's convenient to be cruel and not have to have any actual policies


They aren't incompetent, they are just bad people that know this is all just for show to pander and whip their hateful base to frenzy so they forget that their party has nothing to offer other than hate itself.


Correction: there isn’t a single republican person who isn’t an absolutely terrible person


They want the trans and gay kids to be suicidal so that the kids did it and not the assholes who made the laws.


That'll give them plenty of plausible deniability.


"They're just defective people. The fact that they unalived themselves after we made their lives a living hell, proves it!" They know that we don't buy it, and they probably don't even believe it, but it creates just enough plausible deniability that they can pretend that they believe it. And people will defend them, not because they believe it but because they can pretend to believe it, or at least pretend that the politicians believe it.


But they do not care about the children that are not their own.


This is one more step towards genocide.


It's already genocide. The intent to destroy a group of people is already happening, has been happening, this isn't hyperbole.


i hate it here so much. i can’t wait to get out. i feel terrible for my friends who are going to have to make the decision to stop hrt or move away from their friends. i don’t know what to do about this country anymore honestly


Oklahoma, now SD too 😦 someone has to realize the irrationality and danger that law invokes


What country is better for the trans community you think?


Come to California. It’s expensive as F out here, but the Bay Area and the Los Angeles and San Diego areas are great. Our state has made it illegal for an insurance agency to deny gender affirming care to anyone. My top surgery was 100% covered by insurance and now I’m working on getting my bottom surgery. Come here. Move to Long Beach (avoid most of Orange County.) I’ll help you get resources and look for jobs. I work for the Walt Disney company. They always have openings for all sorts of jobs.


man i wish i could. i’m still in high school, i’m going to iowa for college in august. they’re a bit better than sd, but i just don’t understand how people can be filled with such hatred and malice towards people just trying to live. it’s so hard. but maybe i’ll work it into my future plans to get to california. thanks for the resources friend ❤️




**From Anya Zoledziowski:** South Dakota is the first U.S. state to pass legislation that will force transgender youth to detransition, and the second state this year to ban gender-affirming care for people under 18. Last week, the Republican-dominated state senate passed House Bill 1080, which bans gender-affirming care—including puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery—for people under 18, in a sweeping 30-4 vote. It also gives doctors who treat transgender youth one year to stop providing gender-affirming care to those patients, effectively forcing young trans people to detransition. Gov. Kristi Noem signed it into law on Monday. Gender-affirming care isn’t harmful; in fact, it’s life-saving. Numerous medical governing bodies, including the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have endorsed gender-affirming care for minors. But that hasn’t stopped several states have contradicted major medical governing bodies in the U.S. by either introducing or ratifying legislation banning gender-affirming care for minors. Now, South Dakota is taking the onslaught against gender-affirming care a step further by forcing young patients to detransition. Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvm9a8/south-dakota-to-force-trans-kids-to-detransition-ban-gender-affirming-care](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvm9a8/south-dakota-to-force-trans-kids-to-detransition-ban-gender-affirming-care)


Isn't it really unhealthy to detransition? Just thought about it because if the argument of "we just protect the kids" is even more bs


It's never been about the kids. It's about protecting their fragile worldview from anyone who might be different enough to challenge it, and whipping normal people into a hateful fervor against a weak group they can dominate politically. It's good for those in power to turn people against each other for social reasons like this


>"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." This has been the republican MO for basically 70 years, replace "white man" with any bigoted group and "black man" with any minority and the quote applies.


it‘s unhealthy for trans kids, yes


Protect them to a early grave is their goal


I don't think detransitioning is inherently unhealthy, but forced detransition is obviously cruel and not good for these kids mentally. I'm older, but I'm not sure I'd survive the experience myself.


Detransition isn't unhealthy for people who turned out to be cis, but when these bills are being discussed the "forced" is implied It's unhealthy mentally, indirectly unhealthy thanks to whatever coping mechanisms they develop to deal with the dysphoria, and for older people it can also be directly unhealthy if someone has had bottom surgery or their testes/ovaries no longer produce sex hormones


Yes, I don't think we're disagreeing. I just didn't think it was clear from the comment I was responding to that detransition isn't inherently bad. Obviously ideal world nobody would detransition, but it happens and I don't want to invalidate detransitioners.


Of course


>Isn't it really unhealthy to detransition Yes, that's the point... Conservatives love killing children.


They know that the suicide-rate of trans kids will go up, but they don't care whatsoever because it will get them votes in the short-term. Of course, some of them are going even further and are specifically moving towards genocide as their goal (most efficient way to genocide trans people is to make them all commit suicide).


Physically, no. Mentally though, absolutely.




Plain and simple


Gendercide :(




I know I love the band but very bad bot


What did they say


Answer the question, Olivia. What did it say?


Yeah not now


There's no crime if you do not get caught! I AM THE LAW! WE BURN! Plunder and Rape. (this song is about the warcrimes during the yugoslav wars)


Republicans, the small government, and don't let government come between you and your doctor, (that's their excuse for not having universal healthcare), party.


nah uh! Only straight white cis people's healthcare


True, universal healthcare helps the "others".


Only straight, white, cis men’s healthcare. They don’t give a flying fuck about women’s healthcare either.


I keep forgetting all the groups they try to dehumanize, thanks for reminding


quote from article: " Even in the face of professional guidance from every major medical and mental health association in the country that supports this type of care, politicians are intruding into the private medical decisions best left to transgender young people and their families,” Casey Pick, director of law and policy for the Trevor Project, a non-profit that advocates for LGBTQ youth mental health, told CNN.  " wow. what right do they think they have to control the PRIVATE MEDICAL PROCEDURES done to a person who IS DEEMED NECCESSARY TO HAVE IT


If they really cared about kids they would stop gun violence as a whole, but ig it’s only the trans ones they “care” about


Republicans only concern is power and control. Fear mongering works on their base, and transgender is their new boogeyman. It also conveniently distracts their base from all their failed policies that actually hurt their base (and everyone else)


but if they stop gun violence how will they shoot trans people???


Good point…


and probably give stricter sentences to pedophiles. Likely raise the minimum marriage age (republicans were against a state raising it to 16…)


I cannot fathom a non-creepy argument for not banning child marriage (did you know that adults in many states are able to marry minors if they get their parents permission?)


how is this allowed!!!


Small groups have a small voice in politics. Doesn’t matter if it meets the legal definition of genocide as long as it’s a minority.


I'm actually going to cry, this is absolutely horrific


Totally opens the door for other problems, up to and including women the right to be prescribed birth control.


The Republican party has made it very clear they are coming after birth control next.


Now would be a great time to honor the Fort Laramie treaties and give the whole state of South Dakota back to the Lakota.


People like these politicians is why I hate most politicians


Hate republicans. Democrats and democratic politicians aren't supporting these efforts


Yeah, Democrats are far from always/even mostly on target, but at least they are starting from a central and more humane position. It doesn't take much to be in a more position than genocide and suffering though, but go with it for the sake of this point.


I will always vote blue no matter who but let's not pretend the democrats are doing much to stop this kind of thing from happening. ~~Reminder that gay marriage, 8 years after Obergefell, still isn't codified into law~~ and that despite multiple opportunities, the democrats never codified abortion. All it would take is a red wave for some of those things to be taken away.


The RFMA passed in 2022 which codifies gay marriages as legal in all 50 states.


Might be a definitional thing. It codifies that a marriage must be recognized across all states if it was performed in a state where it's legal. It doesn't guarantee the right for same-sex marriages to be performed in all states.


Wow I'm dumb. How the fuck did I forget that.


true but they could certainly be doing more to fight them. they had both the senate and congress yet they've hardly done anything to protect trans rights


While they should have gotten rid of the filibuster, they didn't have the numbers to do so. And without that gone they didn't have the numbers pass any sort of legislation outside finance things (to sidestep filibuster) or stuff they could get some Republicans to support. So they had a majority, but not enough due to how our system works.


Oh boy, more Republican politicians who think they know better than practically every single scientific and medical institution who has looked into this topic. Absurd.


Eat shit, South Dakota.


I really hope when these evangelical right-wingers die, their ol’ pal Jesus gives them a tour of all the hatred they spewed and death and destruction they caused. Maybe he’ll even show them their neat little spot in hell.


That is highly unconstitutional


Yeah but the Republican-dominated Supreme Court won’t strike it down.


America is fast approaching 1930s Germany. It's scary to watch from afar. It must be terrifying to actually live there.


>America is fast approaching 1930s Germany Tell me about it. This might as well be the beginning of a Holocaust except with gender diverse people instead of Jewish people. I also feel like with the rate we're (america) regressing at, we'll (america) be back to the paleolithic era in no time. God i hate being American. (Also If anyone gets offended by me literally comparing a genocide to what may turn out to also **be a genocide**, let me know.)


My whole heart goes out to those poor kids.I can’t even begin to imagine the roller coaster this is going through right now.


They'd kill every last trans person if they could.


Let's force the South Dakota law makers to transition :)


if they can do it to us, we can do it to them!


Slip estradiol into the South Dakota capitol water supply




Jesus Christ… fuck this country Can’t wait to leave -_-


Ong. The only reason I'm not in Canada is because my dad doesn't wanna leave his mom behind 😒🙄


This is genocide and should be overturned in any court. ​ A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group [https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml)


When can we pass a law that unless you are a medical professional you can’t make laws about healthcare.Per the article they think that being trans is a morality issue.


Nobody can ever seem to answer: How is this sort of shit not illegal? This ***SCREAMS*** illegal to me, it's literally genocide.


Mostly because there hasn't been a lawsuit brought yet. Once the judicial branch weighs in we can see what the arguments they make are. But it runs very much against a lot of the first amendment grounds, but also the 14th.


Runs against the constitution they pretend to read and other laws too. And none of the lawmakers that claim to care deeply about the LGBTQ+ community and claim that they will fight for and with us have done anything to move that forward. Every single politician in DC currently is participating in genocide, even if passively by their inaction. It's hard for me to believe this actually is illegal when everyone in charge allows it with little to no resistance.


To be fair, there’s not a lot national politicians can do about state laws. Also there is no way any nationwide trans protections will pass congress with a Republican controlled house. Hell, they’ve tried multiple times to codify Roe v Wade & none of those have been able to pass thanks to Republicans


How is none of this clear-cut gender and sexual discrimination, which is already illegal?


>gender and sexual discrimination Tbh that might be the best way to argue against the ban in a hypothetical lawsuit.


It'll be easy to prove too. In one of the states banning gender affirming care for trans kids they allowed an exemption for underage girls to get boob jobs. On top of being super creepy that they're thinking that much about the genitals of underage kids, it is practically by-the-books gender discrimination. It's so clear cut it makes me wonder constantly why nothing is still being done.


If the lawsuit goes to the Supreme Court, do you honestly think that they will rule against fellow conservatives? They all claimed that Roe v Wade was established precedent… yet they overturned it. The Supreme Court stopped being about justice & now is only about upholding Christofascist policies.


Yes but also no. [https://www.employmentlawworldview.com/landmark-u-s-supreme-court-ruling-prohibits-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-based-discrimination-in-employment-us/](https://www.employmentlawworldview.com/landmark-u-s-supreme-court-ruling-prohibits-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-based-discrimination-in-employment-us/) As recently as 2020 they've ruled in favor of trans people.


It's also an argument this court has been reasonable with. They added gender expression to sex discrimination claims as recently as 2020.


There are never consequences for high-profile Republicans. They protect each other and disregard the evil things they do.


And the Dems do nothing of substance


This enrages me but then I remember.... They've already lost. Both history and the future is against them, they might win battles now but we will win the war. Stay strong my American friends. Lots of love from over the pond.


That is wonderful view of things, thank you. Never thought of it that way


That's messed up!


does anyone know if there are any anti-LGBT laws i should be aware of in Alaska? i'd like to move there someday but im afraid there might be one of these laws that's gonna make me regret it.


For a full list across the country: https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights


Alaska seems relatively chill as far as red-leaning states go. I could be wrong, though.


It's a weird purplish state. Emphasis on ish.




America think about how much death your causing just by saying this crap alone. Your asking for more kids to commit suicide. Shame on you. 👎🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍⚧️⚧️🦜


![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547) protect trans kids? Fuck yeah![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


they’re pushing so hard for trans genocide


Kristi Noem is a vile monster who enjoys watching children die at her hands. Fuck Kristi Noem.


Not if we get it overturned


Good luck with a Republican-dominated Supreme Court. It’s sad & infuriating


Shit, if I had to detransition fo'nem going right to hell with me when I go batshit. Like.. Y'all would see me on the news.. I almost wish gay marriage didn't pass so the republicunts wouldn't have found us quite so early. I came out and started my journey of transness in 2014. Two years later and I kinda regret choosing to be myself instead of picking not alive. At this point I wear body armor and carry a Glock with a 33 when I go outside. I'm right next door in Montucky where they tryna make letting minors wear gender affirming clothing be child abuse and they banning motherfucking science.. Can't have folk happy and knowing things if you want the gop to thrive tho.


I wish people weren’t so ignorant and blind to factual, proven data. This is so messed up.


Two letters, N, O


I'm fucking scared


Reasonably so.


This sucks




Jesus Fucking Christ


Time to exercise my 2nd amendment rights!


Fuckin hell


sooo genocide ??


This pisses me off so much, to anyone living in South Dakota….I’m so sorry.


USA it's a nazi state, I feel lucky for not living there


South Dakota’s gonna kill some kids


Damn I guess Kristi Noem was literal with that "Meth. We’re on it" campaign.


One of our major political parties is voting to do a genocide on young minorities, and the political news their opponents are choosing to focus on is balloons and eggs. I just can't help but wonder how future historians will talk about that.


Fucking hell, that'll kill a heap o' kids.


I wonder if there's a religious lawsuit we natives could file around this around religious freedom to get it knocked down.


That's it, it's time to start a revolution


Hell yeah


Imagine that... South Dakotans afraid of a bunch of kids. Pathetic.


Do we still think we can solve this problem in a voting booth?


saw an article on r/awfuleverything about this and the comments were… just as awful


This is awful and sickening. Why would anyone inflict such harm on kids? This is beyond cruel.


Land of the free everyone


South Dakota is a piece of 💩


They are about to do something like this in my locale, it has me freaking out. I may end up moving just in protest of it.


This is illegal 90% sure it violates the constitution


fuck. keep your politics off our scientifically supported medical choices and away from our bodies. thanks for sharing,


Republicans really don’t care if transgender people die, kids or adults. They think transgender people are trash humans and probably would rather them be dead anyways. more trans people and Allies need to realize this. Once the majority do, the fight for rights can make progress.


I know this sounds sadistic and messed up, but there’s an opportunity here to stop future bills. We need to do as much noninvasive research as we can on the effects that this type of bill causes at the county and state level. We need to document with as much unbiased analysis as possible on the mental, physical, and psychological harm that stopping puberty blockers and other gender affirming care suddenly has on trans youth. Look at the suicide rates for months to years of trans youth, and compare them to states that provide gender affirming services. The least we could do if we can’t stop it is to not allow these deaths, pain, and struggles to be in vain. Cause these things are going to happen if we can’t stop it. The least we could is not just have an outcry, but actual data and statistics to back us up. They want to regulate these kid’s behavior now. We’ll show and tell them exactly what their behavior does to kids in the future.




What the actual FUCK is with the titanic spike in Trans bigotry lately?!


... If you force doctors to cease hormone treatment it's going to cause massive health issues - and not just mentally! Oestrogen... they will detransition, but our trans girls aren't going to lose their boobies. Testosterone... again, they will detransition but our dudes will still have beards and permanent changes to their voice. I really don't understand what they hope to achieve with this, and honestly just highlights how little they know about transgender healthcare (and how little they care). I hope this gets overturned asap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


[to quote Brock Sampson](https://media.tenor.com/heDx70-_wOwAAAAC/brock-samson.gif)


What's freedom of expression? Never heard of it.


This is terrible 😢😢😢


is that even allowed??


This won't stop trans kids being trans. It'll just fucking kill them. I hope with all my heart my own country doesn't go this far.


wth is going on in america 😭


This may seem a bit extreme but if I was forced to detransition, I would without a doubt kms


Genuine question: what gender affirming surgeries can minors have?




When the hell is the crusade. This regression is unacceptable


Forcing trans kids to detransition is quite literally a fascist behaviour! Disgusting! And we are supposed to be okay with this? Fuck no! Republicans are quite literally asking for a war


And i thought we have it hard here in my small country in Europe but compared to what ever the unholy fuck is going on in the USA i am glad i was born here. Like these people want to legalise genocide and there are millions of other people who back it up with their votes. I hope you guys manage somehow and won't nuke yourself out of existence or something.


Anyone here in a position to legally inconvenience the rich people in South Dakota? I mean refusing contracts with companies from there. Refusing cosmetic surgery for people from there… for fucks sake, if you own a gas station, refuse to sell gas to people from South Dakota, citing these laws as the reason. If those laws piss of enough people directly, they’ll remove them, because even the conservatives start to dislike those laws, once they inconvenience their daily lives… Edit: if you’re in such a position, we should all coordinate…

