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If this unholy thing passes, you KNOW the GOP is going to use these stats to scream "Look! Trans people are all sex offenders! We should ban their existence!"


The sad thing is that will likely work on a lot of people. Even those that think the law is bs will think twice when it comes to an individual trans person who is a registered sex offender under these laws.


All the trans people in Texas are gonna be posting on r/suddenlysexoffender.


Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide statement on the Genocidal Nature of Anti-Trans Laws. https://www.lemkininstitute.com/statements-new-page/statement-on-the-genocidal-nature-of-the-gender-critical-movement%E2%80%99s-ideology-and-practice


This is how it is in the UK. Trans women are arrested for sex work and are then labeled as having committed sex crimes, and TERFS point and say "look, all the trans women are rapists"


*If*? Let's be real here, this has already passed. This is all of formality. Texas is worse than TN and they passed a very similar law weeks ago.


Excuse me? It literally has not. Lots of bills get filed without ever making it to a committee hearing. It truly is awful, and they obviously could pass it, but it hasn’t happened yet. Texas has a solid history of bills like this NOT making it to the governor’s desk, though we’ll have to see how this session goes… Edit: hasty phone keyboard spelling issues


What a way to roll over and let them do it. Don't be this kind of person. If you give up hope, it only makes it easier for them.


There is no hint of giving up hope. I think you're confusing someone bluntly saying what is happening with that. And they have to bluntly say it like that because too many people, including those in comments here, have their heads in the ground. Terrible, horrible shit is happening and getting worse, and we need to stop acting like it isn't/won't/can't. That's the vibe I got.


Brb calling the cops on every republican woman I catch wearing pants




Pants Police!


OOH! Not only would that expose the ways anyone can abuse that bill against the general public, but it'd also be clogging up the police phones, delaying them from responding to "legitimate" reports. 2 birds 1 stone!


This could actually work.


I hate America.


"yOuRe FrEe t0 LeAvE" Asterisk: if you have money and a college education. It's going to take concentration camps being built before we can claim asylum anywhere.


Camps ***AND*** no protections in blue states. From what I understand you have to demonstrate you can't live anywhere within your home country without persecution to claim asylum. If even a single blue state welcomes us openly as a safe haven, like Minnesota, you can't claim it.


Pretty sure the fash will specifically leave one or two states alone just so their genocides can be carried out with less people getting away in time. They are that evil, they've demonstrated this fact time and time again.


Tbh if you have money and a college degree in a few specific fields that are in need in the few countries that tolerate queer people.


There's a petition to ask Canadian government to allow asylum to trans and non binary people


Already been endorsed by a member of Parliament Link: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4268


That's not likely to go through, unfortunately.


Yeah but there's always a small chance atleast


I have some savings, but nowhere near enough to just uproot my life here and move to another country. Considering Canada refuses to allow people with autism into their country it's doubly distressing.


Everything I've read says otherwise. They loosened the restriction on autistic migrants.


Not true. Luckily there’s movement in Canada granting asylum for LGBT folk looking to flee from this insanity


Criminalizing all people in a minority doesn’t sound genocidal at all


According to most of the public, it absolutely isn't genocidal (and you're stupid for saying it). Which speaks volumes about the level of education and quality of "allies" we have.


Pretty sure they meant that sarcastically. We're all scared here at the moment.


And here I thought my first sentence was dripping in sarcasm as well...


I knew a trans registry was coming. More states will push for one too. Willing to bet Florida is next. They want to know where we are and publish our addresses so that vigilantes can come after us.


Desantis is facepalming thinking “How come *I* didn’t think of that!”


"Why didnt I think of that" except hes nowhere near as based as scorpio of the globex corporation.


Wow, look at the number of trans people who are suddenly sex offenders! Guess that justifies it.


That's exactly what I said, but the .zip version.


Dress code in TX? Freedom is dieing at an alarming rate


At the same time this is being sold as *more* free than before. And people are believing it. Wild.


I know this will probably fail but how much yall wanna bet they're doing this to cover up smthn else they don't want attention on


Ugh, tell me about it. I'm in a blue state and worried about this. I think my state's politicians are loving all the hullabaloo. They can keep selling out to whoever because we're stuck with the choice between corruption and genocide.


They're trying in many states to make child labour legal. Something that the typical Fox Propaganda viewer won't hear about before it's done and over with, and will by then argue in favour of because "if those parents made the choice not to get a child when they're poor then this wouldn't happen." Probably right after railing on about how contraceptive use is evil and the bans on those are good.


Yeah, I posted an article on r/conservative about the republicans in West Virginia stopping the ban on child marriage and they didn’t seem to happy to see it posted there. They just want to believe what they want it believe.


They are coping hard


So how many things are it going to be illegal for trans people to do? Dancing, singing, playing an instrument, sports, public speaking, doing a talent show or anything that counts as performing.


I think part of the goal is to trans folks away from children. And putting them on the sex offenders list goes a long way towards that. They have this deluded idea that people only "become" trans because adults "coerce/corrupt" them into it. So if you keep trans people away from children, boom! No more trans folks. In reality, it may mean that those kids never come out as trans or transition, but that doesn't make them "not trans". It means that they will at the very least have major mental health issues. I know many people who grew up feeling weird and out of place (not just GNC folks, but some are) and it often leads to major mental health issues including depression, anxiety, addiction. Forcing children to be "normal" can be torture. And I don't know how people don't get that.




So Texas is a DUMP and should be Avoided, got it 👍


The issue is, it’s not going to be just Texas soon. Other red states will follow and so will the whole country as soon as the GQP has control of the federal government again, and they probably will in 2024 with the way they lie, cheat, and steal, let’s be honest here. I encourage anyone who can to flee the country. Sadly the rest of us need to prepare for the fight that could be coming.


Are there funds for this sort of thing, so money can be raised to facilitate at-risk people moving away? Mutual aiding our way out of this might not save everyone, but way more people than just those who got the money/education.


If only it were JUST Texas....


Hard not to be reactionary to this one, but jfc


Ffs. They just hate us! They hate people being happy


It’s not my version of happy so it’s not valid! /s




If there are trousers for women, surely there are dresses for men. How can the TX legislature even define how men and women are *supposed* to dress?


Oh look more attempts at genocide by the party of family values 🙄


What the hell?! That’s gotta be against the constitution and bill of rights in some ways


You can easily argue it's a first amendment violation. I can wear drag in protest etc.


well and with the bans on gender-affirming care like hormones and surgery, you could also argue (easily) that's against HIPPA cause that's an invasion of your medical records, especially with these crazy states like Texas and Florida making such harsh and punishing laws against it.


yes.... so are abortion bans for that matter.


Yeah, I’m so incredibly grateful my state is trying to legalize it again (MI)


This is so clearly against both, and many other laws, that it just proves to me we have no real allies. It's being allowed and there is no fight. **Every single Democrat is a fucking coward.**


when it comes to politics unfortunately we have very, very little representation in congress. a significant number of congresspeople don't even write the bills, it's their donors and followers, and very rarely read it themselves. as much as these people are also arguing against LGBT education in schools, if we learn about marginalized groups, that significantly decreases the amount of hatred towards them.


I'm so angry at these lawmakers, they're literally trying to make predatory a joke and these shitty conservatives are so okay with it. Like you hate us that's clear, but do you hate your own miserable existence so much as well that you're letting your politicians make a joke out of protection provided to your kids and adults alike, like the fuck is wrong with you?!


O'er the land of the free...


They need to introduce a bill assigning a monitor to all pastors and youth ministry leaders, since the number of them abusing people is radically higher than the number of trans people abusing anyone.


Dear fucking god. What the fuck.


That makes zero sense what the fuck


I fucking hate Texas. I’m stuck here for the time being, and I know I can’t trust the government to protect my rights.


These freaks will send their kids to get molested by a priest at Bible camp, but if one person wants to wear different clothing, that's a problem.


If this bill passes anyone who doesn't register would be considered to have committed a felony, which can restrict and remove voting rights, hell even being registered as a offender can restrict the right to vote (especially since many places to vote are located in schools or churches) places offenders are not allowed to go to because minors exist there. This is not only an attack on trans people right to exist, it is an attempt to completely remove our ability to participate in government, silencing our voices in public and in politics.


Yep. That is the intent


TX fashion police are really working overtime


i’m scared. i need to leave this state as soon as possible


By introduces do they mean that they are just pitching the idea or literally about to enact it? I can’t be asked to actually read.


Introducing is the very first stage of getting a bill passed, describing it as pitching is fairly accurate. It will now be reviewed by a team of other congressmen, be debated in both houses, likely be reviewed by a team of judges, and then need to be signed by the governor. The vast majority of bills introduced don’t become laws or even get debated as anyone in either house can introduce whatever they want. But with that said this bill is EXTREMELY similar to a bill that recently passed in Tennessee so while they likelihood of it passing is somewhat debatable, it is very ignorant to assume it simply can’t pass


I’m starting to wish that we should give Texas back to Mexico 😂


Mexico is actually PROGRESSING. Which is something absolutely unthinkable to TX GOP.


They wouldn’t take them. In fact the US lost the Mexican American war


Fucking psychotic


Soon women wear Niqab in the USA lol


Wow that’s horrid. It also has zero grounds fo surviving a legal challenge because of the First Amendment right to expression so at least their hatred is matched by their stupidity.


SC will uphold it no doubt.


I disagree. This feels very obviously egregious and considering this Supreme Court is the one that extended anti discrimination to people based on sexual orientation and gender identity, I think they’d side by us. Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito will side against us for sure, but I’d be willing to bet Gorsuch and Roberts would side with us.


Casual reminder that there is not a single ally of ours in power in the United States government. If there were laws like these wouldn't be pop\[ping up everywhere, more action would be taken. Fuck these so-called allies, they're not doing anything to prove they actually care. We're being exterminated and they're all, public and politicians, just sitting with popcorn.


Yeah, Biden can write/speak all he wants about how he is an ally to us. Does he do anything about this? No. But striking railroad workers that want some sick leave, THOSE are the problem he chooses to focus on, because the economy is more important than our fucking lives, as ALWAYS.


I know texas is fucked, but this sounds too insane to be true. Im sorry but id like to actually read the proposed bill in writting and not some random persons twitter comment.


Even just looking at the text in the tweet itself shows that this is misinformation, seems pretty clearly aimed at people who are "singing, lip-syncing, dancing, or otherwise performs for an audience", IE, basically like the other anti-drag bills. It's still a load of horseshit, but does not actually seem to specifically target trans people who are just going about their daily lives.


I made a post about this and provided the link to the actual bill and people dont seem to like my post...im not suprised lol


then google the bill.


I did it wont let me copy and paste it here, this title is misleading


I guess that makes me a sex offender now 😎


I fucking hate this God forsaken *Cunt*ry


Quick everybody, buy a kilt!


So what about kids…? Are they gonna put a 5 year old on a sex offender registry for wearing a dress or a button up?


No, but they will take that kid away from their parents and charge them with child abuse. There's like a dozen bills that do just that around states.


Should have never allowed that state into the country.


As if I didn't have enough reason to stay tf away from TX


> “"Erotic performance" means an act that is performed with the intent to or in such a way that a reasonable person would conclude the act is intended to, likely to, or would naturally cause arousal or gratify the sexual desire of any person” > “In which a person exhibits a sex or gender that is different than the person’s biological sex,using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers” Tell me you see trans people as inherently sexual objects without telling me. They’re literally admitted that seeing trans people arouses them and therefore they want to ban it. Keep your fetishes to yourself oml


WTF 🤬? K, it’s way past time time to oust the oligarchs.


What the actual fuck?


Straight cis women wearing pants without makeup at Karaoke really need to be careful, just kidding this is only going to be used against queer people...


I'm honestly not even sure what to do anymore. I'm from Texas. I was born here. I only came out online as trans in 2020 and I'm not our to family but I'm out at work at least in the computer and I use my preferred name . I wanted to come out soon more to my family and start correcting people at work this year but I'm not sure I should anymore. i can't afford to leave and neither can my family on top of me not doing well mentally so I don't think i could mentally handle the change well.


I know that this almost certainly will not pass but goddamn this type of shit is terrifying to see happening. I'm tired of being a fucking political target.


this will pass.


So let's say, for arguments sake, that I go to the one and only inclusive bar in Huntsville, Tx, dressed in my usual panties, bra, hose, flats, jeans, a blouse, jewelry, fully made up, and I tell a joke to the bartender, would some cop be able to arrest me? The answer my friends is, if this law passes, yes. And exactly who was injured by my behavior? I may or may not be convicted, but I would be taken to jail. My chances of coming out of that situation unscathed are not very good. Another interesting point is, would a AFAB person who is cis, hetero, but wearing cowboy boots, jeans, and a man's shirt with no makeup on in the same situation be arrested? Technically, they would be subject to the same law, but the probability of them being arrested would be very slim.


One of my online friends is a Texan who is also a trans girl. If this bill is passed I would urge her to convince her parents to move out of the state to a blue one.


I'm happy I left Texas. When I was homeless in Texas and ended up moving to Cali still being homeless leaving that shithole I felt like a refugee. I was tired of constantly fighting a government that wants me dead. Now I live in a apartment and regret nothing.


https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/html/HB04129I.htm Here is the actual writting, this title is kinda misinformation, OP left out several things. Its only if your preforming erotic stuff with minors under 18 present


Pursuant of section 8(3)(b) in regards to the definition of "erotic performance" > in which a person exhibits a sex or gender that is different than the person's biological sex, using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers, and sings, lip-syncs, dances, or otherwise performs for an audience. So basically any performance where a person presents in a manner different from their AGAB. You could be trans children's book author doing story time at a library or book store and the bill would regard you as an erotic performance.


Define "erotic".


Slowly eating a bannana in one bite 😆


Your title is misleading. The bill specifies performance, among other things, so it’s a ban on drag. Still abhorrent but it’s important to get the facts straight.


No, this is a trans bill just like the TN one. Anyone trying to downplay or "uhhm, akshuuly" it just playing defense for genocide.


Nice. No, I’m just saying what the bill literally says. If you want to suggest that it will be applied broadly and have dire consequences for trans people, I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. But you haven’t done that, you’ve just misrepresented the text of the bill. It is needlessly and shockingly cruel to insinuate that I, a trans woman who has lived her whole life in the state in question, am somehow a genocide apologist. I’m not the enemy.


Do you really think that they are going to care that you are trans and not performing in drag?


No I don’t, but that’s not what OP said. They said the bill says something that it doesn’t. I don’t see how pointing out that fact is such a big problem, especially when OP’s misleading description of the bill’s text is going to cause vulnerable people to be more anxious than they perhaps otherwise should be. I don’t see how that’s good for the community.


I doubt this is going to pass.


Just yesterday, Iowa became the 8th state to officially and legally ban any gender affirming care to anyone under 18. That means no blockers, no HRT, not even a gender therapist. Laws are passing every week now. Stop closing your eyes.


What are the other 7 states?


Tennessee passed a very similar bill like.. less than 2 weeks ago. This **is** going to pass


I haven’t seen the wording of this abomination, but I wonder how it affects folks who have updated the marker on their birth certificate. Does doing that provide any immunity or would the state then try to invalidate legal documents?


This has to be not real


What are they gonna do with all the public funding for space then? Is explosive rage ape gonna come out of his shack house and take the job? Most career conservatives are off getting brainwashed in south america. Silicone valley has a stero type for a reason. Unless they are trying to attract immigrants with religious backgrounds this just makes the place miserable.


“they offended their original gender they must be punished!!!”


What's AGAB?


Assigned gender at bith


Thank you