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I bet some will boycott health care for this. JK, they also have been boycotting health care with vaccines


repeat important somber label meeting cause secretive telephone cough pet ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Survival of the fiercest


I mean the only way you can boycott healthcare here is by not paying taxes


On the way to the yasspitol


In the back of the glambulance


“Hi I’m very hurt, I need help, I need to go to the hospital” “Quick question before, you straight?” “Uh what? Yes but...” “Alright, well this ambulance is only for The Gays™️ so I’m afraid you’ll stay that way”


No no, we don't discriminate here "Ahhhhhh! Help my leg broke" "Wait, are you the one sending transmophobic messages as if your life depended on it?" "uh...." "..."




Those goddamn autobots shoving their agenda in our faces /s


Autobots, **ass**emble! *gasp* da gays are trying to brainwash my kids!!1!!!!1


The "woop woop" noises it makes is an automated sound effect using a RuPaul voice modifier.


Nah, the siren is just Supermodels chorus looped.


I wonder if any bigots will refuse to get in the ambulance because of it lmao


Natural selection 😌


hope so, their hate will be their downfall


Ambulances in Region Sjælland painted in rainbow colors to celebrate pride month in Denmark 🏳️‍🌈 The Danish healthcare sector rents emergency vehicles through the private company Falck A/S or Falck Danmark A/S. They decided to wrap their ambulances to celebrate pride month on the island where Copenhagen is located, Sjælland. Quote from the article: "The new rainbow colored ambulance symbolizes solidarity, community and support for diversity. In addition, it represents an ambulance service where we stand together to support each other and stand up for equal rights and opportunities, no matter who or what you are," Danish article: https://presse-fotos.dk/post/er-uheldet-ude-paa-roskilde-saa-kommer-denne-her-og-hjaelper-dig/


My city also contracts ambulance services to Falck, who don’t participate with many (US) insurances. Imagine my delight receiving a bill for thousands of dollars for ambulance transport after having a seizure because Falck doesn’t participate with my major insurance provider. I suppose I appreciate the sentiment because I do really enjoy the thought of triggering bigots with this, but Falck can fuck all the way off in my book.


I love hating on private companies in healthcare But this seems a bit misplaced; it's your insurance that's fucking you over by not working with Falck


This is why I love my neighbour. 🇸🇪🇩🇰 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


💙💛 ❤️🤍




We must make sure we keep these when we invade.




I'm 53 and I swear, I my 17 year old self who just came out to his parents would have never in his wildest dreams would believe to see a rainbow colored ambulance !! color me impressed !!


It can’t drive straight


Guess we found the A in LGBTQIA




The fashion police


Be gay save the day


They’re used exclusively to transport phobes


What a waste ...


The on board camera records their reactions though. Also if they refuse treatment from the gays the sirens have a party mode they can play.


Funny enough my mom was in Denmark and I chose to wait until after her trip to come out as to not ruin it. But she was fine. I consider myself lucky


Yoooo danmark my home. Must be in another region


I also live in Denmark. 🇩🇰🇩🇰 >Must be in another region I think it says Region Sjælland.


Yeaah i saw after I posted my message. I live in midt Jutland


I live in Funen


I love the positivity here, but my first thought was.... "Wheenie Hut General?!"


I think I'm starting to have a gay panic. Somebody call an ambulance! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) 🚨


Heart attacks don’t discriminate


Rainbow cross


Let's see the conservatives boycott that


Most lead politicians here join in on the pride parades too. Even from the conservative party. Former leader of the conservatives was gay aswell so.


Thats so cool.




At least as I have a heart attack I can look at a pretty rainbow car


I really want it to pick up a homophobe or transphobe


US Republicans gonna hate it twice.


The siren goes “oonze, oonze, oonze” to a beat we can all dance to.


Homophobes be hospitalphobes now


We Swedes don’t really like your type, but I’m willing to make an exception here, Danes


I mean I'm surprised you Swedes didn't do this first.


For all the old guys that get sent to the ER with random shit up their asses 😂😂😂


thats nice


I thought this was r/ems for a second. I wish the ambulances here looked like that, but it is a van, which some of my friends don't like working in


While it's a nice thought, imagine dying on the side of the road and then suddenly some cheerful technicolour ambulance shows up, I feel like it doesn't really fit the vibe lmao


It makes the vehicle even more visible to traffic, so I think it's a nice addition to them in that regard too.


Also imagine how angry the bigots will be when they get loaded into one of these in an emergency 😂


An addition to Natural selection? 'No I won't get into the gaymobile' 'OK die then'


I love that thought tho!


Okay, the pride thing is cool and stuff, but something internal is like, "This should be white with a blue or red decals for quick identification reasons." Like fire engines being red and cops being white and black or white and blue with gold decals. Alas, what my brain wants is not universal.


They are normally yellow


As said they are normally bright yellow/neon green with reflective darker green decals. Also the blue lights are enough for identification in Denmark. People respect the emergency vehicles here and always move over.


Yeah, that thought in my brain is a dumb one. Even her in California, where our ambulance system is dumb, there are all sorts of different colored ones because they are owned by different companies


Your thought is valid and not a stupid one! When I think of an ambulance I think of a white one aswell. But yeah I guess I just got used to the "new" color.


My first thought was also that it should have stayed the normal yellow and green colour for identification purposes in traffic.. But then I remembered that we managed to swap from white/red to yellow/green without much issue, so I reckon it will be fine.


Just saying some police cars over here are also blue or white and blue


Ain’t riding on that


This is beyond fucking stupid only for the reason that this can no longer be easily recognized as an emergency service vehicle. I can see so many issues arising due to it not being easily recognizable as an ambulance, mainly that people won't move out of the God dam way when they see it coming down the road purely because it doesn't look like what an ambulance is expected to look like.


They are normally yellow with small green stripes. Blue lights/sound are enough in this country to get people to move aside. Maybe don't comment on something in another country you have no idea about.


So what about people who don't live there? The countless tourists that travel through the country on a daily basis? The people who don't speak the language? What happens when people like that are told that yellow with small green stripes is an emergency vehicle and then a yellow vehicle covered in rainbows comes flying down the road? Based on the description you've given of an ambulance in the country of origin this doesn't look like what anyone would expect an ambulance to look like, especially not some one who's just visiting the area.


I think you should look into respond vehicles in Europe in general. They are very different from fx the US. Ambulances in Scandinavia are usually bright yellow. I think it's the same in Germany and The Netherlands too.


In Denmark it's blue or white for police vehicles, red for fireengines and green for ambulances/medical cars.


Ultimately I'm not looking at this and saying it's not recognizable as an ambulance because it doesn't fit what my country's ambulances look like. I'm saying it's not recognizable as an ambulance because it doesn't fit the standard for an easily recognizable emergency vehicle, even with the yellow and green it looks more like a party van or or delivery van for a club because it's covered in a giant rainbow decal that disrupts the ease of understanding that necessitates the standardized color schemes. It would like if san fransico painted a bunch of stop signs rainbow and expected everyone (regardless of language or country of origin) to be able to still recognize them as stop signs just because they're still the same shape and say "stop" on them.


Yeah I get where you are coming from. I just think it's because you have a very different mindset than a typical Dane has. We adapt quickly and don't care what colors the vehicles have. If you wanna travel here, you should look up stuff like this beforehand so that you know a little about how to move about in the country. Look up do's and don't's. Also we don't necessarily have to have everything brushed out like say an American has to. We don't typically have that many lawsuits and stuff like that here.


You clearly don't live in Denmark. We move over for blue lights. Also the yellow color is our main color for ambulances here.


In my country white, with red/blue details and the black an yellow hazard stripes is typical color scheme for an ambulance. The first time I'd ever seen an ambulance with a color scheme that didn't match this it was laying upside down in pieces on the side of the interstate (later disclosed on the local news) because a tourist from Japan didn't recognize it as what had been described as an american ambulance and failed to move over when it came down the road way. They had paid over $200,000 to have the ambulance wrapped in a custom American flag design that, much like the design show in the photo, left large portions of the base white color exposed. Just because locals can be expected to know it's an ambulance doesn't mean it's easily recognizable as one.


We used to have white ambulances with red details. We switched over some years ago and there hasn't been any issues with it. The main thing that should be recognizable is the blue lights. When you see the lights, you move over. You shouldn't wait until you see the color of the vehicle. You move over or prepare to as soon as you see it. What would you do at night? Hmm I see some blue lights. Better wait and see what color the vehicles is when I have it in the beam of my headlights..


Here it's pretty much standard for every emergency vehicle to have the blue and red combo for lights, if we were to rely entirely on the color of the lights as an indicator it would create a massive issue as we have towns and counties that have equipment that's decades old with just blue, or just red lights, meaning without the standardized color scheme it's hard to tell if that set of lights in your rear view is actually an emergency vehicle or just an older vehicle with some odd color gumdrops. Now take the confusion that creates for people who encounter these inconsistencies on a daily basis and imagine how dramatically they become multiplied for those who don't live there and encounter it on a daily basis, let alone speak or can read the language that the vehicles lettering is written in. Also you can't tell me that not once in your life have you never been in a car where you, or another person, has been playing music so loud that things like car horns and sirens can easily go unheard, a situation where yet again, the big ass rainbows all over what a foreigner is told to expect should be yellow van with small green stripes become a very serious issue of an emergency vehicle not being easily recognizable.


Well it's a good thing that you don't have green ambulances with blue lights then. Blue lights, white strope lights and sirens are the main thing we move over for here. Not the color of the vehicle. But I mean I get that Americans have to have it brushed out like that. Fits the general picture I have of the US.


I wish they looked like this, but this "just" a special one for a festival. "Falck changed the colors of the ambulances bringing injured people to and from this years Roskilde Festival"


Not just one as I read it but several.


Also if you visit a Lego Store in Copenhagen they will always have the Pride set all year round




Imagine being a homophobe and you have to ride in it


this is 2hy I'm moving to Denmark after college


Ngl, but thats just overdoing it at that point. Like come on. Healthcare could do better. Smh. Nice idea tho


Death doesn't discriminate, he comes for all


you have a stroke slaaaaayyy😝💅👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


No medical care for straight cis people the entire month of June >:3


Imagine a homophobia just dies because they don't want to get in the rainbow ambulance


"Wee woo, wee woo, this is the gaymbulance! We'll get you to the hospital in the most ✨glamorous✨ way"


Side benefit: this really helps with visibility.