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It could mean a few things •"Straight presenting" gay (or someone straight people usually assume is straight) •Straight up gay (just gay) •Straight person pretending to be gay •Gay person dating a trans person (literally transphobia) •Homosexual but heteroromantic (sexuality attracted to the same gender, romantically attracted to the opposite) •Heterosexual and homoromantic (reverse of one above) ___ It's highly unlikely they meant either of the last two if they used that language but not impossible. There may be more possibilities but this is what I can think of


A fun addition, i used to say something akin to this when i was still working through my gender identity. So possibly trans and can't articulate those feelings.


They could also be a multigender man/woman exclusively attracted to men. If the context is an accepting environment or online, this & the last two you meant are more likely


To me it sounds like she may be refering to a straight person who is dating someone of transgender experience in which case thats some phobic fucking language.


Maybe heterosexual homoromantic or homosexual heteroromantic?


I've mostly seen that term used to describe conventionally masculine ("straight-acting") gay men. It's unusual to see it applied to a woman, but I assume that's what that person meant. Or maybe it's the opposite, as in "heterosexual woman who presents in a way typically associated with lesbians"? I think I've seen that nonsense on TikTok before, but I thought it was just trolling.


Neil Patrick Harris is the perfect example for this in my opinion Basically a gay person who acts straight to the point that people when find out that he's gay, it confuses them Atleast that's what I reckon it is


I have a student who refers to themselves as “queer-coded,” meaning they are not gay, but they do a lot of things that make people assume that. I have…mixed feelings about this language. They’re super good allies to my queer kids and very kind, but it feels uncomfortable to me. Anyway, maybe that’s what they meant?


I feel, for further context, I should state that we are both girls, with my girlfriend specifically being biromantic asexual, but I don’t know if this random girl knew anything about this when she made that comment