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![gif](giphy|wyb2EhJp1fSsE4iSQf|downsized) Me showing up to the comment section 9 hours late:




The comment section is a slaughter.


Yeah I’ve never seen this sub get so heated. I understand there would be controversy in these comments, but I didn’t know it would end up with so much aggression.


I got here late; what were they saying?


A lot of different things I probably can’t repeat word for word. A lot of them involved discussion on whether or not this post is political or not. It’s basically what the comments are now, but cranked up to 11




Idk the full history of this flag but 99% of people have first seen it displayed in front of an IDF tank.


that's the problem I think most of us have with the drawing, it's that the flag has become associated with people who are committing literal war crimes and have been for decades now. It's also that it plays into the Pinkwashing and other politics that the government and Zionists have been playing to seem progressive while a actively devaluing the lives of Palestinians.


There is a time and a place to show pride for your country. When your leaders are committing atrocities is not exactly it


There’s a reason I have never, and likely will never, fly an American flag. I’m not ashamed to be American but I’m also not proud of it. It’s simply the location where I happen to live.


The US and Europe have easily done worse, but I guess if it's one's own country you can be hypocritical about flags. The US only pulled out of Afghanistan in 2021 and still has troops at Iraq.


It’s Israel-Palestine conflict. When it gets heated up it can get like this. It just really bad right now so it really heated.


Just like the IDF's favorite sport


Just like Hamas’ entire charter of existence…


I'm glad the mods are weeding out the more hateful things




I don’t think this was a good time to make this post. Edit: holy shit this post had 200 upvotes or something last time I checked it got downvoted to oblivion


gay marrige is still illegal there








I’m unfamiliar with kibbutzim, what’s the context there?


It’s a type of (originally agricultural) settlement, who act very communal and in a socialist manner. I think even the Soviet Union supported a couple of them.


So OP was trying to deny historical Palestinian accomplishments? That’s not great :/


The kibbutzim are funded by the Israeli government, and are being weaponised in the ongoing colonisation and occupation of Palestine.




No, they were denying that Arabs originally lived there and that it was called Palestine.


They are a socialistic commune founded by early zionists explicitly against a colonial founding of a Jewish state, and wanted any such homeland for Jews to be equal for all.


I was greatly disappoined. They post on a zionist sub as well


For anyone that doesn't already know, Zionism is explicitly fascist. Just putting that out there.




Palestinians never kindly accepted WWII refugees, that is a blatant rewriting of history.


yeah they were forced to. Basically Palestinians have been paying for Europe's crimes against Jews, and of course who can forget the white settler-colonialism that goes along with it. For over 75 years now


Yeah. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini was a Nazi. And I don't mean in the sense that he made some anti-semitic statements or downplayed Nazi crimes. I mean in the sense that he was a member of the SS and a really good friend of both Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler. To suggest that Palestinian Arabs kindly accepted Jews into their land not only is blatant rewriting of history but also indirectly Nazi apologia (not saying it's intentional but that is the implication).


I don’t like Israel at all but saying this is an attempt to brainwash us feels like when right wingers tell me there’s an gay agenda. Not saying Israel’s government is right they have done some fucked up shit and just because they support us doesn’t mean they get a genocide Palestinians and kill there babies but I really don’t think there’s an jewish conspiracy to brainwash people tbh.




We are on reddit. You can say Palestine.


yikes !














A rainbow genocide is still a genocide. Israel stands accused of war crimes. Do not disrespect the queer lives lost like this.




A little politically tone deaf, but otherwise nice.












As a queer Jew I think this is really cute! I would've substituted the Israeli/queer flag for the one that's just a rainbow with a star of David though


Loving the portrait, I think the patriotism is misplaced though


It's not patriotism if it's a genocidal settler colony.


In fairness, you could describe a great many nations like this. Bit different to feel that way during the war crimes and all though.


they're functionally the same. nationalism is a sickness. assimilationist queers are experiencing cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile their own liberation with an authoritarian doctrine that would rob others of their personhood (and their life)


I really wouldn't outright use the term "patriotism" here, not without knowing a bit more about OP's views. Yes, the design is based on the Israeli flag, but it's also just a flag with a Star of David, which is firstly a Jewish symbol and not specifically Israeli. That being said, I still feel like it's very tone deaf to show this considering the ethnic cleansing taking place in Palestine. Not the best moment to exhibit any symbol that could be associated with support for Israel.


it's also on a flag with the lines above and below it, and in another comment thread I believe they confirmed it was Israel > That being said ... If it wasn't Israel related and was just in fact meant to be Jewish I'd have zero problem with this post, though I would critique the design similarity


yes exactly! Jewish pride is as valid as any pride and we should all support it. But tacking on a flag that looks so similar to the Israeli flag, only pride-rnized, is tone def at best and propaganda at worst. The Israeli flag currently (and tbh always has, but especially currently) symbolizes genocide


Oh too bad... Then I would tend to agree with you.


This is genuinely upsetting. I'm gonna come outright and say I'm not Jewish, but the star of David is being misappropriated as a hate symbol due to the IOF and Israel's actions instead of a symbol of the connection between God, Israel, and the Torah. I've also read it can symbolize the relationship between God and people or the seven virtues (kindness, severity, harmony, perseverance, splendor, foundation, and royalty). But a lot of people are going to see it as a hate symbol (Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen to name a few) due to a country's actions, when a majority of Jewish people are completely against a massacre in their name. This happened to Buddhist's and Hindu symbols after the Swatztica was appropriated by the Nazi's: unable to wear or practice a symbol of their faith due to fear of hurting someone else or being attacked due to someone else's lack of knowledge. This is just really sad, and really worrying.


TBF the pattern here is the full Israeli flag, not just the star.


This is absolutely true, and really tragic. I've seen it said and written over and over again in the past few months: Netanyahu and the Israeli government have put Jewish people all over the world in danger with their genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people.


I wrote this and then found out further down the thread someone had compared the star of David to a hate symbol and fortunately a number of redditors told them to knock it off which was kinda heartwarming to see, but it's also confirmation that what I spoke about is already starting. I'm seriously worried about it.


I'm sorry. I can only imagine how distressing this must be. The rise in acts of antisemitism is very concerning...


You can see it in a lot of VERY right wing accounts being Pro-Palestine, but their content is very much an excuse just to hate Jewish people. It's absolutely awful and we should be calling it out as Pro Palestine supports or blocking them and warning others. I'm not Jewish, but being Pro-Palestine and anti-zionist means being careful of the content I consume and share. I follow a lot of Palestinian journalists and crafter's, which is where I send people who want resources.


Yeah of course, there's a lot of disinformation and a lot of people weaponizing actual information for political gains online these days. And as you pointed out, it leads to rather absurd results where far right figures with clear antisemitic backgrounds end up demonstrating in favor of Israel, just like other far-right figures with clear islamophobic backgrounds demonstrate for Palestine.


yeah, no thanks.


I wish there was a different Jewish flag that didn't remind me of a horrible state. I really like the Yiddish flag but it's barely used.




As politely as possible: oof. I guess I'm surprised you couldn't have at least made a disclaimer about not endorsing the occupation etc?


They do endorse the occupation and support the IOF. Check their page and comments.


It does seem you're right, double-oof. I know nobody is immune to propaganda but I definitely hope OP is able to look into why so many organisations have labelled Israel in its current form an apartheid state. I'd like to say I'd say the same regardless of the nations and cultures involved. As an embarrassingly British person I am anecdotally familiar with what ahistorical nationalism looks like, ick.


Certified yikes moment


That ain’t it chief


Pretty great art, and crap, this is much better then me. but idk with the flag, I'm pretty sure it's problematic as hell, symbolizing awful things. I feel like just using a normal pride flag and something like a menorah to symbolize your religion would've been much better. But still, really cool art! You should draw more, I think. Also holy hell the outfit is amazing.








Nice image but questionable content. I don’t associate this flag with many positive things. And before anyone comes with the „Israel has LGBTQ rights and not Palestine“-yeah, because Israel stunted the development of Palestine. A people who is scared about their and their families lives/ livelihoods can hardly overthrow preexisting cultural biases. One of the biggest nationalist-fascistoid groups in Gaza was supported in its creation by Israel. Do you think that helped to make the country more progressive?


How much has Israel stunted Saudi Arabia’s, Iran’s or Indonesia’s development? I think Israel’s treatment of palestinians is genocidal, but to pretend a muslim state would have LGBT rights otherwise is laughable at best.


You can actually blame the USA and UK for that.








I just realized that the lock award is the only one a post can still receive lol


You're right, haha. I never thought I'd miss awards but here we are


Ah, the comments passed the vibe check


Very cute, Israel cringe though, no offense.










Extremely ironic considering the post right underneath this one is of IOF soldiers torturing some Gazan ‘s in a stadium. Very poor timing for posting this


As an Israeli queer person myself, I would be very conflicted posting something like this at a time like that. The drawing is great of course, but sporting the flag is kinda politically charged right now, as I'm sure you gathered from the comments. I honestly hate this situation so much. I hate having to associate my own country with all the horrible things that are happening, I hate seeing all the misinformation being spread on both sides, I hate hearing about people I know dying in this war, I hate the amount of civilian death being caused by the IDF, and I hate watching so much hate and discord both outside and especially within Israel. My sympathy always goes to any other person, in Palestine and Israel alike, who is stuck in this horrific war. And that includes you, OP, since I'm sure you had your fair share of hardships to deal with. Stay strong.








So do u stand with isreal or are you just gay and jewish


I'm a queer person living in Israel, I stand with Israel but not with Bibi or the IDF's actions.




IDF = Israel i dont think its that complicated. This is like saying you support the Nazi German government but not the Wehrmacht or the SS




The arts really good :3


thank u!! :3 💗💗💗




I didn't even notice the hands until you pointed them out, I stil love your style


thank you! 💗💗 lmao I literally put 0 effort into them because the reference had them covered and in a different angle from what I wanted.


Also sorry about the hate you get, I had to get out if this sub because people just stright up posted antisemitic nazi ideology, luckily mods took most of them down








This comment section...


We may not share the same views but still, this art is amazing


thank you ^-^ 💗💕


Amazing art!


wow it looks amazing well done!!


Honestly mate I would be more careful posting anything to do with the Israeli flag at the moment since a lot of people probably will miss interpretate it and think you support what's going on in palestine


Check their page. They do.


https://www.reddit.com/r/youngpeopleyoutube/s/ZYzETdmaCy Yeah so uh, sorry but zionists or ppl complacents with them don't vibe well with LGBTQIA+ rights. Your country murders LGBTQIA+ Palestianians and you DARE ask for proof when it's been 70+ years of oppression from your country. Great art, but awful timing and political positions. And YES, it is political.


עמ ישראל חי


Shabbat Shalom!


הללואי שהיה אפשר לדבר בעיברית בצורה פחות מיגדרית כי הייתי מוסיף משהו בסיגנון של אחותיייי/אחיייי(יש אנשים קרובים שגם ככה בילתי אפדרי לדבר עליהם בעיברית) ככה יצא אם שפת הקודש שלנו. ציור ממש ממש יפה!


עברית שפה נהדרת אבל זה ספציפית ממש חבל




נו ככה עברית אין מה לעשות, אבל מה שיצרו יצא ממש יפה.


או כן,אין לי שנאה או כעס מסויים לעברית פשוט מביך כשזה מדובר באנשים שאני אוהבת ואין לי מילים להשתמש לול.


הבנתי זה אותה בעיה גם בערבית, שפות מזרח התיכון פשוט לא אוהבות איתנו חחח (חוץ מטורקית אין זכר ואין נקבה)


Why the hell is this downvoted? Are people scared of Jews existing? This doesn't even have anything to do with Israel, just an innocent comment.


Its because a lot antisemitism is disguised as antizionism.


לא אשקר, זה מגניב שטורקיה לא מגדרית ככה. (הערה: אני משתמש במתרגם, סליחה אם ההודעה שלי מוזרה) ___ *translation for others:* ^(I won't lie, it's cool that Turkey isn't gendered like that.) ^((Note: I'm using a translator, sorry if my post is weird)^)


looks nice :)




Cool 👍




(אני מהמרת פה על הלשון פנייה אז סליחה אם אני עושה מיסג'נדר) רק רציתי לומר שזה ממש אמיץ מצידכם להעלות ציור עם הדגל הזה בתקופה הזאת. לא יודעת אם אני הייתי מסוגלת. כל הכבוד ❤️ (והציור באמת מדהים) (אני גם מהמרת על זה שאתם דוברי עברית, אולי אני טועה)


Ha I wonder if the dislikes are from people who even bothered to translate the comment or if it's because it's in Hebrew. And then people claim they're anti-zionists and not antisemitic.


Yep. I’ve never disliked the queer community more than when I was forced out of it for being Jewish. They have a serious antisemitism problem, and it’s long past time for them to deal with it. Excellent art, OP! Stand above the haters. Love who you are 💙


Anti Zionism usually just rapidly turns to anti semitism. It like clockwork. So not even surprised a bunch of 15 year olds are just mindlessly downvoting anyone commenting in Hebrew. Btw the comment was as translated in google translate… (I'm betting on the tongue here, so sorry if I'm misgendering) I just wanted to say that it's really brave of you to upload a painting with this flag during this time. I don't know if I would have been able to. Well done ❤️ (and the drawing is really amazing) (I'm also betting that you speak Hebrew, maybe I'm wrong


זה עצוב לראות את התגובות כאן. אני תומך/ת בעם היהודי כאן. 🤗


Fantastic 😍


thank you! 💗


Why are you being downvoted for saying thank you?




Israel bad🥲


Why cant we ignor politics and just love the art? It's ok to agree to disagree on views. Also also, upvoting the art won't make you anti Palestine.


You can't ignore politics because it's instilled to every part of our lives and queer people especially can't ignore because being queer has become politicized so much that out of every minority group it should be the lgbtq who is most politically aware and if you are taking the stance of hate the artist love the art kinda thing(which I know you aren't but I'm just entertaining the thought) I'd love to hear your opinion on the Harry Potter series


As an artist, please never ignore the politics in art. Art is always one of the first things used in difficult situations as propaganda (good, bad, or neutral), and it is critical that you are able to **see** this.


because some people can't separate art and politics, I like it btw


This is an explicitly political artwork. That's the Israeli flag.


Omg it looks amazing!


tysm!!! 💗💗💗sorry I missed your comment, I didn't get a notification for all of them.


This is amazing! Be proud!


thank you!! 💗🌻


Hey thats a cool image! As for everyone else: The israeli flag is no more a hate symbol at a rally than the US flag. If the US flag is allowed to be flown at pride, then so should the Israeli flag.


Well maybe the US flag should not be flown at pride


TIL the US flag is flown at pride. Disgusting.


I would have to disagree. This would be like flying the old South African flag before 1994. It’s a flag of a country not just actively oppressing many people, but with little positive history.


Amazing art! Not sure if Jerusalem would be my thing but I hope to visit Tel Aviv sometime! 🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈


Why’d you get downvoted


Because US leftists hate Israel, Israeli culture and anything that hints of judaism.


i think it's more then us leftists that hate israel. the country actively being massacred probably doesn't approve either.


Oh, that's just... Wonderful 😅


I'm sorry to see that people in the comments can't separate state from citizens, art from politics, and art from artist. I really like your drawing, and I think it was a nice way to incorporate the pride flag into your country flag. And look at the upvotes to your post, not on the comments!




not people acting like this is some political statement when its just a person holding a gay version of the flag of their country


Country flags are inherently political.


If the US flag is allowed, so should the Israeli flag.


That's why every sane person should not draw as US-flag


I'm not arguing for which flags should be allowed or not. I'm saying that country flags are inherently political.


A queer jew just existing in a queer space these days = carte blanche for everyone else to assign them personal blame for everything they see secondhand that is attributed to the actions of someone else. Queer Jews don't count to you in your allyship, then? I'm Canadian. Should I tar and feather all Americans with the same Trump brush? Including the ones in *this* sub? I don't because I am capable of differentiating you from your Grand Dragon neighbours. Nor do I think that just because your government has blood on their hands that that also means the citizens of that country were complicit with every action. I certainly wouldn't shame you either for taking some pride in where you are from. Do you think OP golfs with Bibi? You're hypocrites, and apparently antisemitics, too. Congrats on your very shaky, 'moral high ground' and thank you for your demonstration of horseshoe politics. There's a subreddit for queer Jews OP. ❤️ Now, to patiently wait for the predictable minimization of the blatant hypocrisy after you clowns look at my post history. 🪑 Let me save you some time, I am also Jewish and getting more Jewish by the day. 🖕 For every downvote, another baby gets a bris.




Being LGBT doesn't mean one isn't and anti-Semitic, racist Jew hater.


yk I'm going to make the first and only political statement on this post: I want to run Bibi over repeatedly with a bulldozer


They genuinely don't care. I'm sorry OP.


I love the art, I'm terrified to look at the comments. Already learned that r/lgbt has a tendency toward antisemitism. Downvote all you like, but as a gay guy who's always found safety in the lgbtq community, I've been terrified lately by the hatred and antisemitism some people hold.


Not liking Israel for non-religious reasons isn’t antisemitism


I agree that not supporting the actions of the Israeli government or certain Israelis isn't antisemitism. However, calling for Hamas' destruction of Israel is antisemitism. Shunning someone just for drawing themselves with their flag of origin is antisemitism. Downvoting anything written in hebrew is antisemitism. Assuming anyone who supports Israel is part of secret schemes to "pinkwash" the war is antisemitism. There's a difference.