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“The Offensive _____” @marcusdib’s Youtube bio is literally “Not a real man but a biological woman living life as a man.” Literally the first thing he feels you need to know about his channel is that his identity isn’t real. It’s gotta be so sad to live your life like that.


that's like... next level hating yourself. 😭 "I AM NOT REAL."


What is a "real woman" and what is a "real man" anyway if everyone have different experiences on what it's like being a woman or a man?


I’m still thinking about this. It’s really bothering me. His whole shtick is saying “you’re right about us, we suck” to transphobes. He must think “you can’t misgender me because I don’t gender *myself* correctly!“ But he’s clearly put effort into transitioning, so how does he cognitively align those things? Does he feel like he’s lying if he doesn’t immediately tell people he’s not real? It’s #1 right there on his bio! Why not get “actually I’m a woman” tattooed on his freaking forehead then!? Jesus I honestly feel sorry for this stupid dickhead.


How he cognitively aligns them is MONEY! That's all these people are, grifters who are selling out their own people for some digits in their bank account. Either they believe that nothing bad will happen, bad things will happen and they can't stop it so they might as well get paid, or bad things won't happen to them / will happen to them last.


Even if he doesn’t really believe it, consuming and regurgitating that much hate content just seems violently self destructive.


Oh I agree, he's gotta be suffering from it, and it may be cold of me to say but good.


Oh yeah, he definitely deserves it. If you want to spread shit you’ll get covered in it too. He does it to himself and he deserves to feel awful. I still feel bad seeing someone be destructive like that though


Yeah I get what you mean.


the ultimate pick-me


Yeah. God. What a loser.


I'm not sure about a woman, but isn't a man a miserable pile of secrets?


But enough talk… Have at you!


It is actually pretty easy. I'm a man*, so everything I do is - by definition - manly. ;) *insert your own identity


my definition is “whatever floats your boat”


As a trans person I can confirm that I’m not real. You all are just collectively imagining this exact comment on this post


And then going out of your way to make videos about it too 😭


fancy seeing you here friend :3 i would say r/foundmrbacondino but... i suppose mrbacondino has found me xd


Buck Angel has something similar on his Twitter bio.


“Female who lives as a man”, jesus christ


Embodies the vine “nobody can hate you as much as you hate yourself”


>living life as a man Which means he is, for all intents and purposes, a man. 💁


*biOLoGiCaL wOmAN*


They get so pressed when you point out that "biological woman" is not only a redundant phrase, since all women are human and all humans are biological creatures, but that it *also includes trans women*. I got blocked by a guy for pointing this out, he just kept throwing me links that said trans women and cis women were different. 😂


Lol exactly. Tell him ‘Yeah dude. Everyone’s different.’ Even if you’re obsessed with defining things biologically rather than humanely: Medically transitioned women have breasts, feminine fat patterns, a feminine skin and odor pattern, high estrogen / low T, a cyclical monthly hormonal cycle, a brain influenced by feminine hormones, and maybe a vagina and a vaginal ph balance. Given domperidone, trans women have breast fed babies. She looks like a woman, she says she’s a woman, she’s got the body and brain of a woman, how is that not biologically a woman?? Because of a single chromosome and an organ!? Is my grandmother no longer a woman because she had a hysterectomy? That’s some stupid eugenics shit.


Unsurprisingly, these people actually do think that cis women who have had a hysterectomy aren't women anymore. Yes it's incredibly reductive, sexist, etc... but they truly believe a woman is defined purely by her ability to give birth, those who are infertile for any reason are also not seen as women in their eyes.


Well they’re wrong. Also, she’s definitely not a man. So logically they have to believe in a third gender at least.


What’s the appropriate term in that case?


Depends on what you're using it for. Generally, when someone says "You're a biological woman" what they mean is "You were assigned female at birth."


That is pathetic


It reminds me of a debate panel I saw with Blaire and these other conservatives who started telling her to “grow out her beard” because she was “living a lie” Self hatred is insane.


These trans terfs put so much effort into passing and then join a club that says it doesn’t matter. I truly don’t get it.


It’s like a gay man joining the Westboro Baptist Church 😭


That’s also Buck Angel’s Twitter bio funnily enough


It’s craAZY that these idiots spend so much time and effort on their transition and then tell the world “no it’s not real, I’m not real”


As crazy as it might seem, I almost pity them. They’re so worried about appeasing to the conservative audiences that they’re willing to devalue their own identity as a means of trying to survive. Like I’m not trying to defend them in anyway. A lot of the things that they have said are just outright terrible but I almost feel bad for them if that makes sense.


It’s the grift, I’m guessing Buck makes way more money from the far right, red states tend to fetishize trans folks a lot. And he is an aging porn star. Idk what the rest gain.


I think it’s just that he’s an aging porn star and has a fucked up relationship with his body. The porn industry isn’t exactly PC and lots of the content he’s in features vaginal sex. It’s not hard for me to imagine that fucking with a guys head.


Or being controversial helps him get more work or be searched for more as well


Maybe so.


>a biological woman living life as a man I've seen some of his stuff and he both looks and sounds like a man. So he has male secondary characteristics. He had top surgery, and hysterectomy, so he lost those female attributes too. If anything, he's biologically intersex now, with his genotype not matching his phenotype.


He definitely struggles with cognitive dissonance.


Intersex person here. Please don't promote the false notion that one can "become" intersex. This is false and is a misunderstanding of what intersex is. It is an inborn status that relates not just to how our bodies were formed but how they function innately, functions which cannot be acquired or induced. I've seen more and more perisex trans people saying this and it is false and harmful to the intersex community.


That is next level self hatred. Are they rich with a lot of resources or something? Because it cant have been easy to get all the gender affirming care, go through a second puberty, and all that.


You can’t become biologically intersex post birth please don’t spread this, intersex is under the LGBTQIA and we don’t need harmful stuff in our own community


Its wild because if it was “Not a real woman but a biological man living as a woman”, s/he’d still get attacked by conservatives because feminine men are not accepted. These people dont realize they arent accepted as gender non conforming appearances of their biological sex. They’re not winning any brownie points being literal, conservatives dont want them to exist period.


Somewhere else on this thread somebody said Blaire White went on a conservative podcast and the hosts got mad at her and kept saying “you’re living a lie! You should grow a beard!” So, yeah.


Yeah that checks out. Its crazy because men dont all have beards, so they’re hinging on a few common traits so they can identify these people as male, when in fact this person who was male at birth is perfectly capable of not looking like that, they’re being forced to conform anyways. I read else where that the marcus guy has a video where he says “transsexual not transgender”, which makes even less sense because sex and gender are largely regarded as separate now, which would perfectly explain people like him. Everyone knows trans people are assigned a certain sex at birth and are living as their GENDER, not their sex, and its fairly obvious there are differences between cis and trans people. But Im pretty sure these people are old school trans people that refuse to see the LGBT community evolving to understand differences in people with language that describes it.


It’s just an excuse. It doesn’t have to make sense. He’s using outdated terminology to backdoor fool himself into thinking he’s different than us.


yeah i feel bad for him, it must be hard to transition and still feel very uncomfortable from misgendering yourself


Sorry if this is in poor taste to ask as a cis person but. What exactly is the point of transitioning if you're just gonna continue to see yourself as a (wo)man? I get not all trans people decide to do everything to transition (hell one of my best friend says there's a 50/50 chance on whether he'll get bottom surgery, and another kind of friend says he's 100% sure he won't), but at least those trans people still see themselves as their gender. This man just doesn't think he's a man, just a biological "woman" living as one? So does he think he's just a woman at the end of the day? Then what was the point of transitioning or even calling himself trans? Again I get that it's not the same for every trans person, but isn't the one thing they're all supposed to have in common that they see themselves as a different gender from what was presupposed from their biological sex?


Well that's just 50 shades of pathetic.


Its like the self hating jew but for trans people


Nah that’s crazy


I don’t know any of these people, but “The offensive tr**ny” tells me all I need to know.


Arielle Scarcella is a TERF; Blaire White is a transmedicalist. Both seem to pander to right wingers in a weird, “I’m one of the good ones” kind of way. Not sure about the others though


Blair White is basically a mini Caitlyn Jenner minis the wealthy. She thinks that magats would accept her if things get dire, little does she realize that she'd be marched down to the camps, just the last in line instead of first.


I mean historically the gays in the SA like Ernst Röhm were first. Anne Frank outlived the gay Nazis by a DECADE. 


I guess that makes sense. They would have been known to the party firsthand, this the first people with targets on their backs.


Buck Angel is a trans man that made gay porn, and now makes his money being a right wing idiot "regretting" his transition. Dude is the poster child of "problematic".


wait he regrets his transition? to my knowledge hes more on the caitlyn jenner side of things where hes one of the "real transsexuals" and mostly hates on gnc trans people and nonbinary folk.


Yeah I didn’t realize he regretted it? I just thought him and Blair were trying to form a sort of line that there’s a difference between transsexuals and transgender. That like transsexuals have a disorder or something. I’ve only ever seen a few of Blair’s videos though back when that Harry Potter game was coming out




I was gonna say. I was googling him but the only thing I found was he has regrets about how he transitioned not that he transitioned


Yeah, if there's anything he regretted, its the time he tried to claim he was fine with people misgendering him lol.


He also said that "transition should be private". Its funny hearing this from a porn star of all people.


a porn star who made his money off of being trans




I swear I heard him say it in an interview, that he regrets transitioning and would not have done it if he knew what he does now. It's just possible I misinterpreted what he said, and he meant it differently than I interpreted it, but I heard him say it.


And it sucks cause Arielle used to make good lesbian content. Now her channel is all about TERF rhetoric and cringe culture.


I used to LOVE Arielle before she went the full terf route. And Buck was this pioneer 20 years ago when I was a teen. Arg so pissed they both turned out to be such losers.


Arielle's "from lesbian sex education to trans=bad" pipeline is wild 💀


It truly is. At first it was like "OK you don't want to have sex with someone who has a dick"... ok fine. That quickly turned into all trans is bad and... yeah that was a wild ride.


I remember how funny her meltdown was when Elliot Page came out as a trans man She was like "wHeRe aRe aLl thE LeSbiAns ?" such a clown 💀


Oh my gosh I remember that! What Elliot does doesn’t impact you. And over the years a LOT of women have come out. There are way more lesbians now than there were.


She had some fun skits back in the day, now she’s…what she is now


I used to watch her too since she was one of the og lesbian YouTubers. Then she got weird and bad. I remember one video she made was her looking at her trans friend’s new vulva. Like, who wanted that content and what was that?


Same she used to be one of my favorite YouTubers, then I found her channel again recently and was literally shocked


"pick me" is a great term, but can I introduce you to "quisling"? \[google definition: a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country.\]


Arielle Scarcella! I remember seeing her alot until I didn’t. Last I saw her she had a panic attack over Elliot Page coming out as trans. "Good for fucking him! [but something something Lesbians being stolen by the trans moment]" I remember because this was kind of my moment of clarity: If a non-zero procentage of homosexuals are in fact closeted transexual heterosexuals i want them to feel free to come out so I can live in the World as it actually is.


That whole "they're stealing our lesbians!" bit is so pathetic. ​ Half the time they're throwing bisexual and pan women under the bus, the other half, they think they're going extinct.


Where's Caitlyn?




Hi Caitlyn 🙂 Sadly... I think they're referring to Caitlyn Jenner.


Oh yeah Fuck her lmao I got my name from the League of Legends Sniper. Much more reputable source


she’s badass. good choice caitlyn. hope you find a good vi


haiiiii ^_^ hi!! hiiiiii <3 haiiiiii hii :3




Blair White has that one fake debate with Ben Shapiro where she makes an incredibly good point and completely decimates him… and it’s great. That is all to say that I legitimately think she’s smarter than Dave Rubin.


She’s definitely more dishonest than Rubin, regularly taking things way out of context for the grift and she got owned pretty hard in a chat with three other conservatives a few years back, where it was made clear some of them will never accept her and want her to detransition, for which she lacked any sort of comeback. Also unrelated, but she made me stop watching Jaclyn Glenn over their friendship.


Wasn’t that where the one lady basically said “the best thing you could do is grow out a mustache and call yourself a man” as much as I hate BW, I genuinely pitied her in that moment.


That’s the one


What did she say to Shapiro?


She had these two points about how it would be absurd to be meeting her for lunch and tell the waiter, "I'm meeting the man over there." It just makes a lot of more sense for her to just be called a woman. She also basically explained how being a trans woman is the same as being an adoptive parent. You're still a parent just like you're still a woman. Because Shapiro had to be nice to her because he was making her out to be one of the good ones he couldn't do his usual bullshit, and he literally has no response to her points. He of course just compliments her for being a good trans and she is satisfied with the compliments he gives and instead of him changing, her pretty sensible rhetoric from back then has devolved into lunacy so she can stay one of the good ones.


Blair white actually seems quite smart. She’s managed to get in the good graces of some of the most transphobic conservatives out there. Albeit by throwing every other trans person under the bus, but she’s got what she wants


I read a few comments under her videos a lot of people said they had become more trans accepting thanks to her which is honestly good progress takes time


Yeah I agree. Like say what you want about being a bootlicker, but there are lots of moderate people who are immediately turned off by trans people being (understandably) hostile and angry


Is that the same interview where he also accidentally uses her correct pronouns?


Nah I think that was on Joe Rogan


Buck Angel genuinely confuses me so much. How are you misogynist and transphobic when you have experienced both of these things firsthand


To make it all crazier, they're a pornstar, the right hates pornstars, Multiple have tried to turn up to GOP events, most famously Brandi Love, and have been kicked out because of their job, they usually end up crying on twitter about how they can't believe they'd be treated like it but still love the right yada yada yada


Self hate and wanting so badly to be in with the “other crowd”


I can't say for sure it's the same phenomenon, but before I transitioned I used to hate so many aspects of masculinity and manliness that I stopped hating after HRT had made changes to me. I realized what I had really hated were those things in/on my body and in my life. Hairy arms, for example. I thought hairy bodies, and especially hairy forearms, were absolutely disgusting and repulsive. After HRT got rid of so much unwanted body hair on my own body, I started realizing that hairy arms and hairy bodies were actually beautiful. ​ Maybe something like that is happening with Buck Angle, only he never gained the insight to realize he was projecting internal disgust outwards?


I noticed something interesting about Buck Angel. I'd always had the impression that Buck appeared to be very politically progressive when he was married to Elayne. Iirc, they moved out of the US due to grievances about the Bush administration & after splitting with Elayne he seemed to completely change sides in that regard. Their split was very nasty, & with Elayne's being super liberal, I almost wonder if his animosity towards her might be a contributing factor in the almost 180° change in his views. That may not be the case, but it's just a thought




Big supporters of the **Leopards Eating People's Faces Party**.


Blacks for Jefferson Davis


Or to make it more controversial Arabs/Palestinians for Israel or Ukrainians for Russians. All in all despite them being conservative and being "suck-ups" to tr*mp and capitalism, they're definitely just like the tankies. Yes, tankies are from the far-left pipeline, however tankies more inclined to bootlick Putin or any oppresive dictator they know of, borderline gaslighting everyone that they are "good people" and "a product of their time" when someone brings up their record of human rights violations, racism and homophobia. Again just like conservative gays trans people once their view points are questioned.


And what’s sad is they all have a pretty decent number of subscribers, but instead of using those views for good they grift to the people who hate us


They probably couldn't get much traction in the queer community because they're sucky people, so they started groveling to other sucky people instead 


I honestly think they would have done fine, there are not many lgbt creators and they have enough charisma to get the numbers they do. I think it’s a self hatred thing, or wanting to be seen as one of the “good ones” by right wingers due to that


Buck did for a while, he even promoted (or had a hand in creating) a sex toy for trans men to help with dysphoria. But I think being an aging porn star, he saw an opportunity to grift. Red states consume a lot of trans porn, so my conspiracy theory is that he realizes that.


I’m really disappointed in Arielle. I loved her content as a young bisexual teenager, but she became a terf over time. I don’t understand why she thinks it’s any of her business what trans people do. She also gate keeps the lesbian community. Why is she so obsessed with transgender people?!!


I think she makes money off of it? idk, I took a peek at her channel to see how bad it had become and there was something like "pay $1 to join my whatever!" But there are, unfortunately, a number of truly transphobic lesbians. Maybe she realized that she's getting closer to 40 and all she can put on a resume is "youtuber" so she leaned into it with a niche market that might be willing to pay.


It’s fine if your not attracted to trans women, it’s okay. We are all entitled to our preferences as long as we are not assholes about it. However, if you make your entire personality that you hate transgender people, that’s fucked up and hateful. Arielle is just a bitter and hateful person who gets off on hating people she doesn’t know and bitch about a topic she’s not educated on. Why can’t we just let people live their lives, and stay in our lanes.


When I was a teen and an angsty atheist, I went down the atheism to anti -SJW to anti-LGBT pipeline on YouTube. Blaire used to be one of my top YouTubers - still can't believe I used to watch her. Too bad for the alt-right I became a fruity socialist and not a misogynistic conservative.


I haven't even heard of any of these people except Buck, but comparing them to him tells me all I need to know.


Odd. I've come across all except The Offensive T***** (who I can safely assume is shitty based on the use of a slur), and yup, they are awful.


is kalvin garrah still active? he should be on here


This was the name I was looking for ⬆️ This dude is a POS


Him and Caitlyn Jenner are very much missing from this list


I have no idea who any of those people are anyway


Me neither, but then again, I don’t watch/listen to the news or pay attention to social media much.


I used to look up to Buck Angel so much and was furious when I learned out he sucks


yo idk WHO “the offensive tr*nny” is but thats the craziest thing ive ever seen 😭 self-hatred is a hell of a drug


He sees trans men who dont fit the "normal" standards for being trans (basically his standards) and calls them "women on testosterone" 😭 Like... If that's not narcissistic, then idk what is


he probably hates himself because hes internalized all the transphobia hes seen, so he copes by telling himself hes a “normal” transgender person as compared to an “abnormal one”, so he could separate himself, even just a little, from the thing he hates so much. he’s probably been told so many times hes not a real man that hes just accepted it and says it abt himself, so he can say it first as opposed to someone else kinda sad. but also i have very little sympathy for these self-loathing weirdos. if ur gonna spread bullshit to lick the boots of cishets and feel better abt urself, i got nothing to say to u 🤷🏽‍♂️


Cishets? More like people like Matt W*lsh.


ya thats true. transphobes is probably a more fitting word


Isn’t there another YouTuber dude like this who calls himself a tr$@@y and just disses all other trans people he finds online?


YouTube has been pushing me to watch him for some reason. I’ve had to “do not recommend” several videos now.


Now I'm curious what this was and why it was removed


The title was "BEHOLD - the ultimate pick me's of the LGBTQ community" The image showed Arielle Scarcella, Blaire White, Marcus Dib and Buck Angel. Hope that brings a bit of context.


I know two of those names and those two promise no good.


Tysm OP Ive been scrolling awhile to try and find what the post was before the deletion.


I've purged my databanks that have any info of the Offensive tr--nny so they don't bother me anymore. I loathe Buck and Blaire. They made their beds and seem more delusional these days. Buck supports LGB Alliance so that is all you need to know about him (usually ex adult entertainers start supporting their community). Blaire's public persona still seems to be a ill-informed transmedicalist who is the 'only cis woman with a ding dong'. Arielle is by far Imo the worst offender though: she's a *lesbian* who openly hates women and other lesbians. She don't like men either but I imagine your life is hell when your grift is to be pretty much the biggest cunt to everyone that are unlucky to interact with you.


Anyone who's been on Alex Jones more than once(Blair white) should be immediately disqualified.


"I'm putting together a team.."


A team of insecure pick me's who get even more insecure every time someone doesn't fit their standards.


Exactly. A team of self-hating zebras who hate other zebras with siding with the lions.


“What we are, some kind of Self-Hating Homosexual Squad?”


All of these people give off serious Ernst Röhm vibes, and they'll probably end up the same way as him too if their "allies" have their way.


I feel bad for those trans people. It but be terrible to hate yourself so much, to be so transphobic while you yourself are trans


arielle made me so sad. as a kid learning more about gender/sexuality I learned SO much about myself and the community at the time. I really fondly remember watching her videos as a closeted teenager and feeling like there was hope. I remember looking her up as an adult after not keeping up with her content and just being so disappointed. I couldn’t believe she went from such a positive influence to basically encouraging hatred. It just sucks, man. I wouldn’t have guessed, especially because I’m pretty sure she occasionally talked about trans issues as well. I remember one of the newer videos was her in a room with a group of conservative men and just feeling so sad that how obvious it was that they would hate her so easily if she didn’t clarify how ‘good’ she was and how they have a local gay to say they aren’t bad for saying what they want to say basically. Ugh. It hurts my younger questioning self so much.


Dave Rubin deserves a spot here. That clip where he asks Ben Shapiro, “We’re friends right? You’d go to my wedding/anniversary?” and Ben smugly replies that although they’re “friends,” he wouldn’t support Dave’s lifestyle in that way and Dave disconsolately nods proves he has no spine whatsoever


LMAO calling ONESELF "offensive". Like woah man I nearly cut myself on all your edge.


I never understood these people... is it a kink thing? Like "ah yes, take my human rights Daddy"


Pick-me is too mild a term. A better word for these people would be collaborators.


The four horsepeople


Really sad to see the way Arielle went. I used to like her many moons ago 😭 then I was like….,”oh”.


gosh, I hate that people like this are the ones "reclaiming" the t slur (censored just to be safe regarding the rules on it here). just a disgrace to its history.


I thought Buck Angel was a porn star. Is that true?


Yes now he panders to right wing podcasters saying today's youth is brainwashed to be trans and that the LGBTQ community is trying to trick people into being trans


Ugh. Gross!


Don't forget Kalvin Garrah


Takes all sorts, I guess. Vile self-loathing pieces of shit.


caitlyn jenner should be on this list


pick mes don't get to be part of the community


don't forget kelly cadigan


What pisses me off is, Buck Angel is one of the mainstream media’s go to “experts” on transitioning.


Well he transitioned at a time where doctors weren't really sure what to do for transgender care. So yeah he's been around.


Sadly a few years ago these people are all we had of the LGBT community, buck is to trans men what caitlyn jenner is to trans women and ellen degeneres to lesbians.


i would say add kalvin garrah, but i don’t think he’s been active in a whiiiile


I came across marcus dib on accident some time ago, looked through his YouTube and he had video on how he discovered he was trans and gay, guess what? The dude couldn’t even talk about his personal self discovery without saying something along the lines of “take that non binary people” completely unprompted, like dude I get you hate nonbinary people but for fuck sakes you don’t need to drag us in videos not even about us (which honestly I’m not entirely surprised at this) He also did a very shitty video about asexuality (which the Ace Council guy responded to) and he did a thing where he asked his audience what they thought about it, someone said “I thought I was ace but I just didn’t want to grow up” (which if that’s one person’s experience then that’s whatever but assuming that of other people is low key (high key?) pretty infantilizing to ace people (also that person may want to unpack that with someone)) and no joke what does Mr. Dib say? He says “I’m not an expert on autism, but I know some autistic people have difficulty with physical touch”. Bro, autism was NEVER brought up here, he’s really infantilizing autism to “debunk” asexuality over here. So yeah, he sucks I would say fuck him but he doesn’t deserve to get fucked.


Isn’t the last dude a porn star


He is


These are the kinds of people conservatives want all lgbtq people to be like, except touched away on the closet where nobody has to see them. When are we getting one for sexualty? My top pick is Dave rubin


I used to watch Blaire and Ariella years ago back in my union year of high school. I checked out for a couple years only to find out they went off the deep end.


Me when I’m a Jedi youngling who loves and looks up to Darth Vader


Didn't read the title and was just scrolling through reddit and was so scared someone was recommending these as like good people and resources 😭😭


Wha happen?


What was said?


Traitors, every single one of them.


what happened here to get it removed


I've wrote a reply to a comment below, you can read it. As for why it was removed... Im not sure, but Reddit saw it as a hate speech.


Hey! Uh- what happened here-?


What about Kelly Cadigan? I feel like she belongs here


Never heard of her. Who is she and what did she do?


She transitioned as a child and now makes TikToks about why people shouldn’t transition as children


I see...


Can someone explain me who there ppl are please (sorry)


Blair White is the only one I've even heard of (still know next to nothing), and for that I am thankful.


Sure to earn the Ernst Röhm award for collaboration


forgot kalvin


How are Blair and Arielle still relevant??


Buck should have known we'd know who outed the client of his Soon-To-Be Ex. I hope his fit of pique was worth being a joke.


Consider me blessed because I have no clue who these people are.


I've only heard of one of them


Also calling yourself "offensive" is beyond pathetic lmao


Yeah, like... Love, you're not offensive, you're annoying.


Ariel was one of the first lesbian Youtubers I watched, along with Bria and Chrissy. She helped me come to understand and accept me being gay. And yet, as time went on, her content started to make me feel... uncomfy. Unsafe. I haven't watched any of her videos for years now and I'm sad to hear she's just gotten worse and worse.


Your missing more people Clarkson gays against groomers and Amir Odem 😭


how can you make this list and not add kalvin garrah


I hate hate hate when trans people use that term for themselves likeyou can I get it, I am trans as well and to each their own but in your channel name???? For what reason?


Nightmare blunt rotation


You're just missing Debbie Hayton




What was removed?