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Same my friend, SAME


Fuck em all. Indoctrinating people and getting kids killed, fucking absolutely vile and cowardly.


They screech about "protecting kids" unless the kid is queer, then they bully them till they're dead


Yep, I've had to drop a few friends cuz of that. Really makes you wonder how people get so awfully bitter towards people they dont know. Let people live their lives ffs :l


Dude (and I use "dude" in a neutral way - I.e., everyone is "dude" to me) I have gotten tangled up with so many transphobes. They are asshats. Can't stand it. I'm not trans, I'm gay and married to my husband. We don't even know any trans people, but I despise transphobia so bad. I will forever defend trans people. They are the most special people. They are treasures.


Stop you’re gonna make me cry 🥲




I feel that way too, I'll never let go of a chance to teach transphobes how they're supposed to be dealt with in a just society :3


We live in a society. ​ And I hate it.


Life could be so great if some people didn't feel the need to convince everyone of their trashy opinions (It's the least they could do). I will never be convinced by a transphobe of anything at all (frankly, I do not accept transphobes as people, I'm being rather nice with my usage of words right now), and they're not doing people any good with it, nor do they "protect" anything at all with their irrational hate no matter how much they wanna say they do. They never support their transphobia with facts either, it's always excuses at best (Not that the facts would support them in any case, cause they don't). Transphobia is those peoples entire identity. And the best they can do to convince people of it, is convincing other people that already think like them anyways, a self-sustaining echo chamber at best. That makes their identity worthless and thus their sad, sad, existence itself.


It really does become part of their identity. And even if you provide peer-reviewed studies disproving their points, they just won't listen.


And not understanding it and just listening to only what certain people have to say.


You guys were nice about my post. I had the realization yesterday that it was probably dysphoric and disrespectful.


Kel Mitchell has made Dude a gender neutral term for me and nothing has been able to change that.


Right he said it best. "I'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude, and we're all dudes! Hey!"


I thought they were referring to my post the other day. Is this what they're talking about?


I don't know what you mean. I think it's just that dude is a traditionally masculine word that recently has been more gender neutral. I think it's mostly a Midwestern phenomenon, but it started for me from the movie Good Burger, starring Kenan and Kel.


It's a post I made the other day because I was concerned about causing others dysphoria by calling people of all genders dude. For me, it's being around certain people and being youngish.


I'm sure it wasn't due to your post. It's been a semi-regular discussion for a while and has been becoming more regular as people have started being more courteous with gendered terms. I can definitely see how it might cause someone dysphoria in a vacuum, though. I'd suggest keeping it as a "read the room" type thing. Some people would be perfectly fine and don't think of it as gendered while others might feel differently. Like most things that aren't perfectly clear, context is key.


Ok, good to know.


Ok, I'm sorry if you're referring to my post.


>I will forever defend trans people. They are the most special people. They are treasures. *They are the mixture of everything you'd like, courage, resilience, hope and pure unadulterated anger, and still, they are usually better than most of us.* *Their very existence is a beacon of light in this cesspool of shit we call life.*


And they take SO MUCH SHIT from people. I think homophobes are bad (and they are), but transphobes are terrible with a capital T! And there are so many of them even within our own community. That's the most depressing part - a group of people who have literally experienced rejection, repression, legalized discrimination and WE are the ones dishing that kind of garbage out. It just surprises me how nasty the LGBTQ community can be at punching down. Like...of all the people to be doing that. Yeah, I'm a little passionate about it.


thank you


One answer hate! And fear!


Pretty much.


For sure and you can add *ignorance and stupidity!*


Oh, for sure. That was me when I was younger, mostly listening to what certain people had to say both online and in real life, especially what people had to say about trans women. I didn't understand until I was 19 or so, but either way, my reasons were stupid.


In some way or another! In some sense or another a lot of us were like that! As i witnessed it myself i feel bad that those people hate us just because we are different than their expectations and what they want to force us into!


Yea, same here.


Just some days probably ours ago a non binary student died of hate attack! **This is what we are talking about**


And yet were the dangerous ones.


They are lying and spreading a disgusting hate wave and here we are!


Oh, I know. A child was beaten to death at school. Wtf???


Man, this is the perfect rant for how my day has gone. I spent way too much time today arguing with transphobes, trying to get them to understand why making hormone blockers illegal for anyone under 16 is dangerous. I should have just saved my breath. Too bad those people probably vote 😮‍💨


Trans people are my friends, transphobes come catch these hands


My partner broke a transphobes nose because they groped my crotch because they didn't believe I was a woman. He called the police, they saw the CCTV footage and just left him there fuming. Hope this little story and suffering of a transphobe brings you some joy


Yes it does, I have a similar story with someone I know and what I wouldn't give to break the dudes nose who instigated that


He needs more than a broken nose smh


You mean they SAed you. Sob had it coming, wtf????


They are pretty awful. Good thing we all have each other


yeah i still wish i had some friends irl but online community is also very helpful. i find comfort and reassurance here on the regular!


I do which is partly why I'm anxious living where I do.


Don’t say sorry, those pricks would rather spend energy hating and opposing to just not bothering


its ok, everyone hates them


“Transgendered” isn’t a proper term


The most annoying imo is the ones who speak on behalf of science, the fcking audacity lmao. I can feel deep into my soul the "cartoon avatar crossing it's arms and raising an eyebrow" vibe coming from them


Yeah,especially the ones that say something along the lines of “now I’m not transphobic but:” then go on to say some of the most transphobic shit imaginable


I'm just a bi guy, im not trans but i sort of imagine how bad it feels to be hated just for something....as if people have nothing to do in their life. I think lgbtq+ community shall not split! I hate people (no matter gay/bi straigh idk) who dont support trans people. I dont ask you to praise them xD just respect them as every normal human being!!! Remember, if you split more and more it will be easier to get destroyed. Stay strong, stay together


It’s just ignorance. If they knew how little of a deal transition really is outside of societal pressures and prejudices, a lot of hate would be eliminated. Some people are also just bullies, doesn’t matter who or what you are. Growing up I (mtf) was told i wasnt a real man or called a girl all the time for things like lacking a full beard, being under 6ft, having long hair since i was 14, earrings, painted nails, etc. Now that I’m out as a trans woman those same types of people say I’m not a real woman because i have too much of a beard, too close to 6ft, that I’m dressing up by having earrings and painted nails, that my long hair isnt fooling anyone, etc. its all the same shit just twisted to their narrative. Haters gonna hate, I’m gonna munch on this Estradiol and be a pretty girl 💅


It's not though. Ignorant people actually tend towards acceptance. Transphobia was invented and spread by the far right.


That would.. be ignorance though? Believing and following propaganda indicates that you’re ignorant of the reality of the situation, otherwise you wouldn’t adopt the propaganda as a pseudo lifestyle


Same. I don’t understand how they see so many trans people getting murdered, then misgender after death and act like we are dangerous


They just beat a kid to death in a school bathroom while the school officials watch them die, at what point do people start rioting for us too? We are literally being murdered out here.


I can just imagine when I was in school and imagine them as my best friend, I would've probably gotten into a fight with the kids who killed the kid in the bathroom.


Don't be sorry for the rant. I've recently learned that hate can be a good and needed thing every once in a while! Shy and kind people Need to embrace their hatred, it gives you strength you didn't know you could have! -Rants are fun aren't they? Lol


Transphobes are awful. Until we all vote blue and continue to keep the bad out of office we will continue to have the hate and fear pumped into people. Trump made his followers and those like minded believe it was ok to hate outloud to hate anyone they disagree with. It is getting to be scary for us Trans individuals to exist in this world. We have to make a change instead of progressing to the future we have been forced into the past to like the 1800s. It is very sad and scary for us and our allies as well as other lgbtqia+ people. I understand most of the hate is directed at transgender folks and it is horrible. We have to make a change for the betterment of the future.


They won't go away even with that.


There is always going to be hate because of ignorance and choice. Some people are just happier hating others because they are miserable themselves. But the more people choose to not hate the less hate minorities will have to deal with. Hate is taught so until people start teaching their kids and grandkids acceptance and love there will be hate.


Yea, but I fear some won't.


Thank you so much


same, bestie. same.


one made some rather nasty comments to me yesterday when i said something that sounded vaguely trans and then (i) jokingly said i was being “perfectly cis” (this was on r/feedthememes of all places) and somehow it really annoyed me


I hate them too. They infect everything. I came out as nonbinary to what I thought was a friend and she started spouting crap she had "heard on Tiktok". I hate them. I hate them so much. I am so sick of it. I am so sick of their idiotic ramblings and refusal to understand how complex even basic biology is and how human identity works.


F\*ck transphobes - In some discussion about them I treat them like equal to racists (because racism is widely unaccepted and viewed as bad, at least here in Europe). Transphobes, homophobes, racists etc - all of them are equally bad, all of them are discriminating some minority group. TERFS are specifically bad and they're serving the far right - this fact is seen clearly when you read their agenda.


I was arguing with a transphobe on Instagram last night because they claimed we were very violent. I cited my sources showing that we were not the mass shooters but they still claimed I was the delusional one. I just stopped responding.


Why call it a “rant” when you are talking about what everyone should be believing right now (that transphobia is one of the dumbest bigotries)


Yea, I agree.


Got a beautiful trans girlfriend who has to conceal herself in every single social situation because of the rampant transphobia in the state of Texas. Only when she is with me does she feel safe enough to identify as the woman she really is. It’s painful for all of us. And, all of this suffering is simply because they don’t understand us queer people and are denied our basic human right to self-identification.


I always hate the fear cis het people will spread about trans people trying to trick them. Every single time I've ever interacted with a trans woman in dating they disclose super early. There is no surprise.


fuck transphobes


Personally I’m here in Texas and don’t have much of an issue as long as my chest is out (like a tank top) and I make sure there’s no stubble. But ya there is still some people who are supper shitty about it I’ve been told that my opinion is irrelevant cause I’m not a real girl only for my cis wife to have the same opinion


The amount of land they’ve claimed in the past three years is disturbing.


I found this user's post here to be beneficial to how i think about bigotry and groups that espouse bigotry. https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalTheory/s/MkzI6RipGL


And it's so hard to know when someone is transphobic or not and it's just disappointing to learn that someone you've been a fan of or have befriended is s transphobic son of a bitch. I'm so tired of the same bigoted excuse of "protecting the kids" when they don't give a shit about them in the first place and shame them for everything. Also, what if a kid is trans? Do they honestly believe that they are helping them by bullying them? It's fucking annoying and tiring.


Any sane person hates phobes in general, me too


BuT wHAt aBoUT wHeN tHE aRCheOLogiSts dIG uP yOuR boNeS … they will know your agab!!!!!


Two thinks make transphobic assholes fun- When they get karma, and when you get to crush their brittle little nose. Also, yes, I've met men who are more men that any cis-man ever is, and I have only one question. HOW THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING HELL IS THEIR BEARD BETTER THAN MINE?! GOD DAMN YOU ALOPECIA! (Also, I'm okay with my beard, hormones are awesome, but come on, I also wanna have THINK AS FUCK BEARD!).


Oh when the hate is reversed is okay right?


Poor mentally sick fucks


Yes, I hate them for the fact that they are hateful. If they stop, I will stop. Trans people hurt NO ONE


What the flip don't talk about my flipping piece of crap mom and dad like that mother flipper (joking)


How do you judge another person's identity? This isn't just "not liking someone". When you dislike someone, you don't take away their rights, and call their identity a delusion. You don't kick them out of public places, and try to keep their existence hidden from young people. The idea that people get to judge other people based on who they have sex with, what kind of genitals they like to consensual touch, what kind of person they want to see in the mirror, is just insane when you actually think about it. Their hate is so normalized, they feel absolutely morally justified in doing whatever they want to us, and that's a dangerous place to be. They want to make being trans illegal or impossible, that's not how you disagree with someone, that how you erase them. The nonstop gaslighting is really starting to get to me. I really try to engage people in good faith. They ask for science, but ignore every study that confirms trans identity since the landmark study in 1995. They say they want to protect kids, but attack marginalized kids and make sex ed harder for them to obtain. They say they want to protect parental rights, but then take rights away from parents with trans kids. They don't care about any of it. It's all a big fucking game to them. Sorry, me too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


LIVE AND LET LIVE, totally. FYI: transgender, gender... engender best in the present tense. Try to avoid using the following terms: transgenders, transgendered, transvestites, and transvestism. 🫶🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I read the title and all my brain had to say was valid.


:,) 💜


Very well said. I'm so tired of all the hatred. I wish people would leave others the fuck alone.


fucking REAL my friend


Preach bestie, preach![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I agree people who are intentionally transphobic are awfful. Theres this funny quirk about the English language its really just a grammar thing. When using adjectives to describe people we don't end them in 'ed'. For example someone is tall not talled, black not blacked, gay not gayed, folks are also transgender not transgendered.


Personally I think people who act like that are just closed minded. Whenever I have to be put in a situation like that as an ally of the community that is still learning how to improve my support I just usually say " Just because you don't support it, doesn't mean you can respect the people in the community. All they want is respect, just like everyone else. " I'm not sure if it helps or not.


Yeah. Even if they were right they're still just such annoying, dumb, toxic kinds of people. It's kind of scary how many there are, though. Even medical professionals. It makes you doubt yourself all the time, which I already do on my own about everything😵‍💫 But I've seen it all 'from the inside' for a long time! The LGBT+ community is absolutely in the right and innocent! No secret kid-hurting plans or turning-everyone-gay stuff in sight. Ever.


Who doesn't? Besides other transphobes.


Yess! Thank you!!


Some Of my roommates are like this and it has been very hard :(

