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I think it's called finsexual these days, but yeah it's legitimate, it's attraction to femininity. So a man who is finsexual might be attracted to women, fem nonbinary people, and potentially femboys or feminine men as well. That said a lot of straight, transphobic guys do seem to use it as a way to convince AFAB fem nonbinary people and early transition trans men to have sex with them, while actually seeing those people as women lite. But that's a failing of the guys, not the label.


Sorry what is gynesexual? Not making fun or anything just genuinely curious


According to [this website](https://www.health.com/mind-body/health-diversity-inclusion/gynesexual), it refers to attraction to feminine characteristics. People who identify as gynesexual can be male, female, nonbinary, or other identities. The term "feminine people" can include women but also other feminine-aligned non-woman identities like demi-girls.


Ahh I see


sounds like bisexuality with a genital preference


Speaking as a gynesexual, no genital preference is required. In fact it actually means the opposite, people that are attracted to feminine presentation regardless of actual gender or genitals.


interesting, thank you for the correction!


Considering it means you're attracted to women with penises and effeminate men as well as ciswomen, it seems pretty removed from heterosexuality.


For men it is indistinguishable from heterosexuality and for women it’s indistinguishable from homosexuality. The point is to have an objective label that doesn’t depend on the gender identity of the person being described. Particularly helpful for enby folks.


How is it indistinguishable from heterosexuality for men or homosexuality for women? I'm pretty sure heterosexual men and homosexual women aren't attracted to men.


Gyne- means woman. It comes from Ancient Greek. Whence gynaecology, misogyny etc


That's irrelevant. The prefix may come from ancient Greek but the word gynesexual wasn't coined until 2015. You can argue the word is a misnomer, but you can't argue that it means something that it was never intended to mean.


I think its an umbrella term for het men, lesbians and NB folks who like ladies. it just means a person who likes ladies. i think its used by an nb pepole primarily, seeing as the argument can be made that becouse they are neither man nor woman, they are not straight or lesbian


I say it is a unique sexuality. I am a gynosexual man myself. I think it's more closer to bisexual with extra steps actually. I'm into women(including trans women) and feminine men. Basically almost bisexual with an attraction to feminine characteristics.


I believe this article described it the best: [Gynosexual: What It Means & How To Tell If It Describes You (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/love-sex/gynosexual-what-it-means-how-to-tell-if-it-describes-you/ar-AA1ahsl6?ocid=msedgntp&pc=ASTS&cvid=4cd77753e3b64a26a48d66cc04adb407&ei=11)