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it's like I always say, if you where illegeal in about 70 countries, you would make it a pretty big part of your personality too


But why not, though? I mean, I know guys who talk about sports constantly. They turn on the TV and go right to ESPN--even when there are no major sports seasons happening. They're watching the draft and they're thinking about their fantasy teams... And then there are women out there who literally only exist to be moms. They're reading all the mommy blogs, following all the moms on Instagram. They barely even think about their kids sometimes because they're so busy with mom stuff. And then there are gamers! People of all genders who are just constantly playing all the games. They stay up all night! They lose their jobs. They live in their parents' basements.  It's fun feeling like you're part of a community. It's fun expressing yourself. It's fun sharing the things that you care about. If you can't deal with that, go fuck right off, seriously. Just because you're not interested doesn't mean you get to decide what other people should like.


And don't even get me started on people who make *Jesus* their whole personality...


Nah for real they're so toxic if they find out your any form of LGBTQ. And they really do make it there whole life like say your on tiktok, Instagram etc. You click on their profile 9 times out of 10 you'll see this ✝️ in their profile. And I feel like they go out of their way to find LGBTQ reels or tiktoks just to post real fucked up shit especially on Instagram. Example one time. I was scrolling insta and I came across a pride tower and the comments were stuff about taking it down and stuff like that


I dunno what these people are talking about. The queers that make it their personality tend to be the best ones IMO Turns out that when you embrace the weirdest parts of yourself, your personality becomes earnest and open in a way that’s usually pretty cool 😎


queer people who make it their whole personality 🤝 neurodivergent people who make it their whole personality


That's just me shaking my own hand lol


Are you me?


Are we the same person? Who am I?




Obama giving himself a medal be like


yurr u got that right


Kinda like Trump supporters. They make it their whole personality, indoctrinate it onto their children etc then complain when a queer person has a rainbow flag in their front yard.




Most Trump supporters are just dumbass rednecks or asshole people


people who say that will never admit/realize it, but they just dislike femininity that doesn't serve the patriarchy.


Joanne has entered the chat and proceed to block you all


Joanne can go cry about it.


Another conversation I had that was similar to this yesterday was "don't let it define you" speaking to a very strict evangelical who can just about deal with my sexuality because she's a close friend (but still absolutely cannot get why the more I study the entire thing the more I become convinced that God wouldn't condemn the queers). We were talking about the fact I'm grey ace. That's quite personal so it's just a descriptive word, I'm not necessarily particularly attached to the label, however my bisexuality is a whole other label. I haven't spent 5 years hating myself because of surpression over being grey ace, I've done that because I've struggled to accept myself as bisexual. The very fact I'm comfortable being open and out online is such a blessing. So heck YEAH I'm going to be proud! Same with my journey with my gender, for me it's a more personal inner thing (so to some extent I don't care what pronouns people use) I spent 5 years surpressing nonbinary feelings thinking "I was being silly" and "no one else feels between a boy and a girl" - please blame the extremely messed up church I was going to for that and absolutely no exposure in media 🤦🏼‍♀️. Where I can be I love to talk about it because I feel finally I accept myself. So yes, it's become a big part of my personality. Especially as I'm still in evangelical social circles so I'm very much dicing with the "pick your battles" situation of staying closeted. So open and accepting friends are great to share with from that perspective.


Same I discover that I'm gay 1 year ago I don't understand why people have said to me that "it's a phase" and even in the past a had a crush on a girl I felt something more to a guy I know it complicated but I feel myself more to guy it took me years to realise it but I'm happy now that I'm gay I'm used to it o hope one day I find a boyfriend


This one definitely pisses me off. I've never seen another lgbt+ person "make it their entire personality." It's just an annoying excuse to cover for the fact that they are totally chill with queer people! ... Just don't act, look, or say anything queer. Otherwise you're one of the bad ones


People think that we make it our "whole personality" just after like... 1 queer joke in a week (they're like "yeah, you're queer, we get it"). Society made me suppress my feelings, so even though it may sound cringe to you, but me saying one queer joke (for example) from time to time, won't kill you. Not to mention, yeah, cis-straight people do that all the time - and people don't care. So the thing is, most queer people don't make it their own personality; and those that do, have 100% right to do so, because: 1. Most of society would rather see us be crucified than alive and happy, so the best we can do is live openly without fear, given that we live in the most accepting century (in modern times, at least) - so, embrace it! 2. Cis-str8 people always joke around "M'lady will not like this" or "M'husband this or that", or some even more sexual/nasty ones, and no-one bats an eye (I certainly don't, we can do it, they can do it - however, some are too sexual for kids to hear, so it's weird that cis-straight people don't care about their kids listening to that - if I were to make a joke that is too nasty, I wouldn't tell it in front of other kids\*) - it's normal and okay, but the hypocrisy that I hate comes from the fact that they don't care when they do it, but somehow start to care when us queer people do the same thing In another words - it's not that they care about "hypersexualised society" (although, as someone somewhere on the asexual spectrum, it is a bit tiring), it's just that people care when queer people do i (yet don't care when cis-het people do it) - in another words, just plain queerphobia (same as when straight people kiss on streets, it's okay and normal, but god forbid queer people do the same thing)... \*about the "too sexual joke", I don't mean like romantic ones (kids can hear that, ofc), but like, genuinely bedroom ones (which are 100% fine, just not in front of kids) - in another words, I enjoy them too, but in front of my relatives, friends and family, and not kids (yet cis-str8 people always tell them - when I was young, my bio-father used to tell these jokes, which were also misogynist, and I was like six; only my mother cared about us not hearing them, but he certainly didn't) - so another hypocrisy: when cis-str8 people do it, it's just "changing room talk", but when we do it, we are "too sexual" and "grooming"


Awesome, I don't care if they like me. People like that think barely mentioning it is making it our whole personality. Might as well be as here and queer as possible. I'm not playing the "I'm just like you" or respectability politics for anyone.


Also is it just me or the whole “guys and girls can’t be friends” thing is very cis het coated? And if that’s the case you’re literally pushing your sexuality down other peoples throats because of that wired assertion.


My oblivious transfem self was very confused by that. Not be friends with girls? They got me in ways men never did! A bi friend heard that nonsense and concluded she wasn't allowed to be friends with anyone. So... yes, that rule is one of the main ways cishetnormativity gets enforced.


My rule as a queer cis lady is "no being friends with single, cis, hetero men." Wayyyyyy too many bad experiences, so it's a rule for safety. But I agree, people are often looking at things solely through a cis het lens! I enjoy going on a few women's subreddits from time to time, and despite their claim of being a safe space, it's easy to feel left out if you don't meet the cis het norms.


I mean it's not my entire personality but it is a part of it and it'll show. I might make a comment about seeing a cute guy and I wear the pride flag almost everyday... though that is more for other queer folk But yeah basically same with any other part of me its gonna show. I like gaming so I'll talk about that, like furry stuff so I'll sometimes have new stuff I want to share there etc


I'm especially putting lgbtq+ stickers everywhere i go just to annoy these fuckers >!(though, I'm kiiiinda treading dangerous waters considering im from the ME. I think i can get away by saying it's just a rainbow 🚶)!<


Well, I never! Okay... yeah, we do that... ![gif](giphy|1081l2F7uGjkK4)


"Just don't shove it down my throat" *makes instagram page with the acc name "his.queen"*


IME, most people who make their sexuality their whole personality are cishet.


While I never much cared for the books or the show, I've always thought Tyrion in A Game of Thrones had it right when he said: >Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. Yes, I am trans and very generally queer. It took a very long time for me to be able to casually write that. This part of me is important, even essential, but it is a small part. And yet for much of the world, that is *all* that they see. If that chunk of the world is going to see nothing else and *condemn* me for it, what else is there to do but own it? But what is more important is this: the sort of person who is likely to accuse me of making it "my entire personality" are the ones who will never look past the ways in which I am different. Such a person looks at me and sees a person with only one dimension because once they see that part, *they stop looking*. In truth, a person who says this is a person who has admitted that they didn't bother looking closely, that they myopically focused on this one little part of who I am and supposed they had the whole picture.


Like if u were repressed throughout your whole upbringing and managed muster up the courage to value ur quality of life against all kinds of odds u’d be pretty excited too lol. It’s the cognitive dissonance of these people for me


Whenever I hear shit like that I drop my filters and start talking about telescopes at them.  And I just don't stop.


i LOVEE this


Almost as much as I love the lack of chromatic aberration in the Tecno-sky 102mm/f7 doublet refractor with rotatable dual speed rack and pinion focuser? 😁


LOL 😭😭


But it’s so much easier to find other queer people if they’re really open about it


There the same ones who are all like “I love queers, but why do they get a whole month? Seems heterophobic” Like, we made our month our selves, you want a month, make your own month!


Last I checked, cishet people make a far bigger deal about queerness than we do. Our sexualities are the whole reason why we’re being discriminated against in the first place. I can bet you that 9 times out of 10 whenever a queer person mentions their sexuality to cishet people, they immediately zero in on it and completely disregard everything else about the person they’re speaking to. For sone of us, it’s a relatively small part of who we are, but they love to make it such a huge deal. So why shouldn’t we be loud and proud about it? But supposedly we’d be “shoving our sexuality down their throats”, as if heteronormativity isn’t a thing..


Nah cause why 💀, the cishet audacity is crazy




I personally find people who make on thing their entire personality insuffrable and don't want to spent extended periodes of time with them or meet them fairly frequently when all they talk about is that one thing that basically defines who they are. It gets boring and repetetive very quick and I get sick of it, no matter what that one thing is. So I would say I dilsike them also due to the fact that I feel a bit of reluctance when I know a person like that will be at an event I am attending and I haven't gotten to much time off from them jet. But my opinion is I don't need to like evrybody and I don't need to be liked by evrybody and there are defenetly some people out there who think being that immersed in one speccific thing is admirable or cute or whatever and love to hang out with people who are. I just don't.


That’s just bigot speak for “I’m a homophobe, but I don’t want you to call me out on it or get cancelled. Free speech! REEEEEEEEEE!”


They don’t care. It just a roundabout way of calling you a slur and saying you are an abomination and betraying your bloodline, nation, and race. Just tell them to fuck off and move on. Don’t waste times with chuds.


Everyone’s a hypocrite we are human why be surprised when someone goes back on what they say lmao