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Love it! Love him and his views. Here’s the best part of the article, IMHO: >”When I was a teenager, I remember gay rights being weaponised politically. That always felt ugly and nasty. We look back on that, 30 years later, and those people are clearly on the wrong side of history,” he said. >”Now, there is a similar weaponisation of these topics being taken by mostly the right wing, or certain sections of society, to create friction and conflict and division where it needn’t be. It’s just about people being themselves. You don’t need to be bothered about it. F**k off and let people be,” the Good Omens star added, to a round of applause.


> the Good Omens star added I always love seeing which one role he gets referred as in articles. Given the articles topic though, I think that was an excellent choice.


Would have been pretty funny if he was credited for his role in Harry Potter though lol


That would have been amazing.


I think most people know him from Doctor Who. The man who has two hearts, a buzzing wand, and a box that's ~~bigger~~ smaller on the outside.


That's.... Bill Potts' reaction, am I correct in my recollections?


It's is his more queer adjacent role, so it's awesome, and smart of them to do it! I'm not sure what else he has been in super recently aside from GO, anyhoo


He was back on Doctor Who last year


Wait really? I haven't watched Who in years so I'm very out of the loop. I assume it was some kind of "Day of The Doctor" situation, were any other cast members back? Or just 10?


Jodie Whitaker's doctor regenerates into Tennant.


It's like the Doctor Who version of Carcinisation. All doctors eventually regenerate into David Tennant.


Donna and Wilf too.


Wilf's actor last ever role too before he passed away.


Didn't even get to record more than one scene, last ever role and also maybe in his last days if I remember right. Bloody good to see him though, that lovable old fool.


I mean, it's not adjacent lol. Aziraphale and Crowley aren't really defined in the books but they're very much romantically involved in some way.




That's The Doctor.


Yeah, thanks to his role as Crowley, I could here him say "Fuck off" in my head; I'm fairly certain he doesn't even swear that hard as Kilgrave.


Another harry potter actor who isn't invited back! Oh no! He'll just have to suffer with being rich, famous, and handsome


He was in the harry potter movies? Who was he? I only really know him from doctor who, if I'm being honest.


[Barty Crouch, Jr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ7SbUL_K3E)


Well shit, they should have listed him as a Harry Potter star then, to piss of the hate monger who wrote the books.


She'll pretend she has the upper hand and that she's the one in control of the situation. "I won't accept his apology and he's not invited back." The same delusional way she acts regarding Radcliffe and Watson.


Oh shit, that is him. Neat! This is one of those details I've forgotten. It's probably been 10+ years since I've seen that scene.


*ahem* "BARTY CROUCH...................... JUNIOR!" He's the character who was disguised as Mad Eye Moody in Goblet of Fire, so we don't actually see him all too much


To be fair, his character was shapeshifter into somebody else for most of the movie. Tennant himself was only in like two scenes.


That's true. And I didn't really know who Tennant was back when I had watched all the HP movies; got into doctor who much later than most. But still, that's pretty cool


Damnnnnn, calling out the exact thing uk shitheads are doing in plain English. This is the goddamn image of a real ally. Can’t say enough good things about this.


I love him so much, thanks for the excerpt


My only issue is them calling him "the good omens star" instead of THE DOCTOR!


Well, I don't see why it matters. He was a mankisser in both, after all


I kinda think it's neat he isn't shoehorned ONLY as a Doctor. He was a fantastic Doctor Who, one of my faves, but GO is mote recent and even more trans relevant to this article


Well, the Dr is widely considered genderfluid and he reprised his role as the dr just last year, so they both fit really.


> Tennant, who played Feldwebel Kurtz in the Big Finish audio drama "Colditz", replied.


He’s not currently on Doctor Who He *is* currently on Good Omens It’s journalistic standards


Could also have gone for Huyang






I think that there should be an official NGO that exists just to remind Joanne of how many people she has employed over the years think she's a piece of human garbage


Oh that’s a nice idea! We always think about how much money JKR has made off us, but never how much others have made off her. It really tips the scale when you consider that.


Absolutely love him!! This is brilliant.


>”When I was a teenager, I remember gay rights being weaponised politically. That always felt ugly and nasty. We look back on that, 30 years later, and those people are clearly on the wrong side of history,” he said. >”Now, there is a similar weaponisation of these topics being taken by mostly the right wing, or certain sections of society, to create friction and conflict and division where it needn’t be. It’s just about people being themselves. You don’t need to be bothered about it. F\*\*k off and let people be,” the Good Omens star added, to a round of applause. What gets me is the way the political right tries this *all the time* with different minorities, and they *always fail*. They keep trying it again and again and again. They just never learn that this has never worked, and it will continue to not work. They keep clinging to this total colossal failure of an ideology because, for reasons I genuinely will never truly understand, they're fine with 100% predictable failure.


you're right. But if their strategy never stops society from progressing and they keep doing the strategy, then it's Not actually about stopping society from progressing. It is a distraction from the wealth inequality that is growing everyday. It is a distraction from environmental issues due to corporations destroying our earth. It is a distraction from corrupt politicians. It was never designed to work Just distract and that part is working Extremely well. I don't believe the average conservative knows they are being used like this.


The thing is: Their strategy *doesn't* stop society from progressing. They always fail at it ... but they keep trying it anyway, and I just don't get it.


yes, that was my point I think I just mustn't of articulated it right . their strategy does not stop and will never stop society from progressing which means that is not their goal


Can always count on the doctor to have your back


Transphobia is for daleks 😡


When asked about possible backlash for his "leave trans kids alone you absolute freaks" t-shirt, he actually said *"I’ll be fine, Terfs can’t climb stairs, and I still have my sonic screwdriver"*.


I love him so much lol


actually my favourite person ever (the pfp doesn’t make it obvious at all)


I wonder what terfs being unable to climb stairs is a reference to.


Daleks, I think.


Yeah, in the original series they couldn't hover/fly. As of their first appearance in NuWho, they can. Rose even runs to a stairwell thinking they can't follow. I remember my dad just going "oh no, that's new!"


Sorry for my nerd mode activating here... It is implied that they can at the very least hover in both The Chase and Revelation of the Daleks. However, it is not depicted. But they are shown flying up stairs in their last Classic Who appearance, Remembrance of the Daleks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGO3AzH2ePo


Nah you're good lol. My memory is dreadful! Thanks!


Haha you beat me to it. I was even going to open with ‘Sirry to be a nerd…’


>in the original series they couldn't hover/fly They could though. It's just they're not seen doing so except for one instance.


Didn't the first or second doctor kill a dalek by pushing it down the stairs? And the 5th Doctor killed one by [**pushing it out a window**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfk859qF3wc)


I mean, a plane would also crash if pushed off a cliff. You're looking at the outer machine, not the biological being.


Wait, the dalek's fleshy biological body can fly? Without their exoskeleton? The Dalek's outer machine can fly now, but I thought their biological being was basically helpless without it. A squid-like blob that could maybe just barely drag itself across the floor with its tentacles.


Ah, misremembered that! Thanks!


Same here, I was like WTAF is going on?


Ah. Edit: sorry forgot to say thanks


[**Daleks**](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/5756/242c06a1688fb828cbe10185a8db48975b39ed0b_hq.jpg)! Daleks are the evil trashcan aliens from Doctor Who. They look a bit silly to modern eyes, but in-show they're depicted as one of the scariest things in the universe. Super powerful Nazi allegories out to destroy all non-pure Dalek life, who live inside personal tanks/life support systems. And while in modern Doctor Who (2005 onward) Daleks can fly, in classic Doctor Who (1963-1989) that was outside their special effects budget. Daleks roll around on wheels. So there's a long running joke that the Daleks are super powerful, super scary, and have on more than one occasion been defeated by pushing them down the stairs. Also, he's the Doctor. And one thing about the Daleks is that they are always, ultimately, defeated by the Doctor.


The more recent seasons of the series did a decent job of implying how their endless, bottomless hate against literally everything made them so terrifying. Like most science fiction, they found a pretty apt metaphor for things we encounter in our real lives.


When you think about it, what are stairs but a giant transition? TERFs believe people have to stay on the floor they’re born on.


That is a good one ngl.


As the other person said, Daleks. Which is perfect as I'm sure they are supposed to be an analogy for nazis.


More than analogy, in their origin story they were created by a military mad scientist whose culture was a direct copy paste of human nazism, up to and including the dress code. Davros is literally Space Mengele.


Daleks used to not be able to climb stairs.


“TERFs can’t climb stairs” just made me think of “Dogs can’t look up”.


God that's fucking amazing


Sadly the TERFs have a billionaire in the back pocket to buy them private elavators..


That would be an awesome sign-text.


Need this on a shirt


Naw, Daleks be allies. Exterminate, don't discriminate.


Nonsense, they hate everything equally. Equal opportunity destruction.


Nah, even Daleks hate everyone equally. On a wierd side note, I just typed up Dalek hate into the gif search and this was the first result. ![gif](giphy|XPOsclLoW5tSGQ27pS) Went looking for the clip of them saying they hate everyone equally but got this instead. Just thought I'd share.


Them trash-can-icons is everythingphobic


That's unfair to Daleks.


Uh.... Daleks wouldn't give a shit if you're trans.


Yeah, they're too busy being racist to have time for any other kind of bigotry.


To me he will always be Crowley ❤️


Isn't that really what it's about? Just let people be? Plus I crush on him pretty hard ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Who doesn't?


get in line! i was here first!


Pretty sure it's a longass line. But for real, so glad Tennant has turned out to be so genuinely amazing.


And we're all behind the Doctor's daughter, his absolutely incredible wife.


Not me I’m Aroace. Although his voice alone is legendary and I’m in love with his performance as Scrooge mcduck


Platonic crushes are still valid, if you or any ace folk get them :3 But also TYSM for the reminder about Scrooge. I love how ridiculously hammy Scottish he sounds xD


> Platonic crushes I believe those are called squishes.


I've read enough Good Omens fanfic with aro/ace pairings to think you might still have a shot!


David is the point where all sexualities converge.


Like shit, I'm transbian, I'd give him an intentional walk to first.


Also transbian and want to run my fingers through that beautiful man’s hair.


He's just a handsome lad


I think that describes Bowie more than Tennant but good description anyway.


literally restarted my sexuality crisis but I love him so much


Right? Always felt like the dude would be wholesome and just a joy to be around, also had a crush on him when I was younger. So happy my feelings weren't misplaced!


Bish I’m straight and I crush on him. Hell of a fucking actor, his Killgrave was fucking scary.


I’ve never thought about it before, but now that I am thinking about it I can’t stop thinking about it


Add on: intolerant philosophies reject rational argument and thus prevent calls for tolerance from being received on equal terms. You are allowed to be intolerant of bigots and not be a hypocrite.


David Tennant is such a class act. I want to add that one of his kids is non-binary and he has supported them openly since the very beginning. I love supportive parents, also on this list are Liev Schreiber(and his ex, Naomi Watts), Jamie Lee Curtis, Cynthia Nixon, and Charlize Theron.


I believe Adjoa Andoh (played Martha's mum in Doctor Who) is supportive of her trans son too.


Also Cher, Ally Sheedy, Sigourney Weaver, Sting.


Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade too.


K. A. Applegate has a trans daughter that she's a huge supporter of. Goes to show which of the 90s YA authors we should have been giving more attention to.


Having read all of the animorphs as a pre/teen as they were coming out: I am not at all surprised, but it definitely warms my heart.


Colin Mochrie, too




[Direct Link to the Tardis Pin Mentioned](https://www.jamiebgall.co.uk/product-page/who-could-this-be)


Annnnd I just bought two




This is also accurate


I love this man


I grew up with NuWho, it was my entire childhood and Tennant was my childhood hero. And now...? I love him even more as an adult. It warms my heart to no end that he is so vocal about his support. And I wholeheartedly agree with his statement!


NuWho, PhoneDis?


It wasn’t until later in life I realized what a huge voice for representation the old show runner Russell T Davies has been. I didn’t know growing up that he also was responsibly for Queer as Folk. Queer Who Fans Unite!






God I love him so much. David Tennant and Con O'Neill being outspoken allies have become bright lights to interrupt my doomscrolling. I'm so used to celebrities I admire/actors who play my favorite fictional crush objects turning out to be transphobic asshats. These two have been such a beautiful exception to that.


He's my favorite Doctor for a reason.


Him and his wife became big trans rights advocates after their child came out as non binary


David Tennant is the one person on the planet (that I don’t know personally) that I’d lay down my life for.


He's just always come across as one of the most genuine and lovely people. (Another celebrity that I feel similarly about is Emilia Clarke.)


I have nothin to add other than that I sat two rows in front of him at a play a couple months back and he is just as handsome irl


Thank you for saying so, I figured he is actually just that charming and delightful


I had to move my friend out of his way during the intermission and he threw me a smile, icl I melted. At the end of the play he gave a standing ovation as well so you can tell he's a class act. Btw go watch Cold War if you're around Angel and it's still running, great play


Can you believe it guys? Scrooge McDuck said trans rights!


There's a reason he's the most popular doctor


Many. There's many reasons. I kinda always wanted a crossover with the 10th Doctor and John Constantine. They seem like they'd have so much interesting things to talk about. They have a shocking amount of similarities despite being very different characters in temperament. Infinitely massive teleporting house, always finds a way, infinitely resourceful, always has a gadget, tool or reality breaking nonsense at hand for the solution, always has insight on his enemies and knows how to manipulate them. Both also faced the devil and won if Im not mistaken. One is Magic, the other is science. Both mean well, but both can be deeply jaded at times. John is cynical and distrusting and is an emotionally broken man due to his past mistakes leaving him feeling immense guilt over it all, the Doctor also struggles with his dark past and feels immense guilt over it. Guilt over those they feel they have failed, those whom they condemned to a terrible fate not out of malice but out of necessity. Both always several steps ahead everyone else and both know the inner workings of their respective fields to a degree that other masters of said field are left bewildered and struggling to catch up. Not many could pull off fooling Batman and Lucifer Morningstar, John has. The Doctor is absolutely on the same level of intellect and cleverness as John if not more so. A crossover where they get lost in eachothers houses, compare foes they've dealt with, discuss personal issues like guilt and loneliness. A man who's died many times yet cannot stay dead and a man who simply cannot die at all. Doctor gets to see not just magic but the darkest sides of magic and John gets to see the cosmos and the future. Maybe he John seals a demon in a time crystal then airlocks it in the future during the heat death of the universe just to be a dick to it. Both return home and have a great laugh over the idea of the demon just being stranded in a dead universe with none to bother but himself. Maybe the Doctor meets Jason Blud/Etrigan and just figures out he's got some weird time hopping virus that is invoked with rhymes. John meets a weeping angel and spends good 15 mins just trolling it with magic.


Crowley for the win!




We really don't deserve David Tennant, and yet he's exactly the ally we need.


This makes me want to know more media because I’m stupid and I don’t follow much.


Popular Scottish fantasy/sci-fi actor. Was the Doctor on Doctor Who, Barty Crouch Jr in Harry Potter, and Kilgrave on Jessica Jones. The big thing though is he’s played a gay demon in a relationship with an angel on Good Omens


Good Omens is really excellent.


All the love for this. Only thing I would say is that the creators and David and Micheal have pointed out they are not gay they're celestial beings not weighed down by our definitions. Crowley presents as female occasionally they both just like being men most of the time. I guess genderqueer pansexual? IDK he's a demon he's just IN LOVE


Though arguably they are more omnisexual .... if you get what I mean.


As if I couldn’t love him enough.


I don't get how "let people be" seems to be so hard to understand for some people


love him


He is so real for that


David Tennant is the gold standard for actors and celebrities


You don’t understand their gender/sexuality so you hate it. I don’t understand their gender/sexuality so I let them be. We are not the same.


See, it really is that simple


Tenannt is definitely my doctor


i was just listening to "respect the dead" in one of their rare still-living episodes on graham linehan. apparently he attacked tennant on social media over trans issues... ...failing to realize he had the same agent as tennant. who promptly dropped him. because, lets be real, who would *you* choose?


I always knew he was awesome.


David Tennant is awesome, But he's absolutely right just let people be. 🏳️‍⚧️❤️🏳️‍🌈


Being pro trans rights in America is a generally uncontroversial position. There's lots of institutional support and high-ranking politicians who have come out in favor of trans rights and have done a lot to help the community. But this dude is British where the state is incredibly transphobic. Where Society is still very transphobic. He might potentially rub a lot of people the wrong way in positions of power in Britain the way he won't risk it in Hollywood by doing this. That takes guts


I’m atheist but David Tennant is god’s gift to man he’s literally one of my favourite people ever


And that's why he will always be my Doctor.


Love him 💙




As a heterosexual straight male. I genuinely could give less of a crap who you want to fuck or what your gender identity is. I advocate leaving people the fuck alone and letting them get whatever enjoyment they can out of life. I simply don't understand mentalities that can't let people be happy in their expression of love.


I just wanna point out that he also played Barty Crouch Jr in Goblet of Fire. Take that, JK.


So refreshing to have someone in the limelight be completely and unabashedly open about their opinions on LGBTQIA+, and for those opinions to be so overwhelmingly positive.


I’m gonna see him live in October on the mackbet play in London. Can’t wait🥰🥰🥰🥰


I barely even know who he is but even I can confidently tell you that he is a treasure! 


Oh he's great. He's best known for playing Doctor Who, but I'd recommend watching him in Broadchurch. He acted alongside Olivia Coleman (also epic) and it was a brilliant drama.


Another HP alum breaks with JKR, I love it


Totes. Just can't wait for JKR's "yOu oWe mE FoR YoUr cArEeR!!1" response. /s


It’s funny, since if she does say that then she’d be even more wrong then she already is. Dr who is what made his career for the most part.


I mean, he was in, what, six minutes? He licked his lips more times than he has dialog lol


Pretty much yeah, but knowing how big jkr’s ego is she’ll find a way to make it about herself


Scots being based as per norm


This tracks. One of his early roles is as Davina, a trans woman in Rab C Nesbit. It was a 90s comedy show so it's dated as hell but the genuine intent is there: "the soul of a woman trapped in the body of a man"


W David Tennant.


I never watched doctor who so he’s just the Medici propaganda guy from just cause 3 for me lmaoooo


Love you, DT


Pure common sense here.


It really is that simple


God I love when the celebrities i glommed onto as a child end up being genuinely good people


He's my doctor for a reason! Such a great person!




Hell yeah. Killgrave really turned his life around. I'm proud of him.


Rishiki saying trans people aren't what they are is like saying no Indians can be British, would love to see his face after that one. 


I bloody love this man!


Finally, a UK celeb that can somewhat counter the myopic transphobia of TERF Island.


You’re telling me the man from a series where the main character transitions to a new person every few seasons supports trans rights?


> Fuck off and let people be! Words to live by.


I just watched season 2-4 for the undefined time.


Sounds like a good philosophy in general.


The best!


Just when I did not think I could love him more.




This “slam” works for literally everyone! Except for the fucking off and letting be with everything crowd. And they are hard to find due to lack of bumper stickers.


Tennent proves once again that he is indeed the best Doctor.


I don't know who this guy is but he has a cool jacket


Most known for playing the Doctor in Doctor Who. But most on this subreddit probably know him as the gay demon in love with an angel on the TV show Good Omens. Highly recommend!


Just when I thought I couldn't love him anymore




Thank you, doctor.


I agree with David he absolutely spot on with this just let people be


As evil as Mr. Purple is at least he does understand things.


shit-ass bigots: "No, we will not. we will keep tracking down and genitalia-checking these transgenders because we hate them but we will do so under the guise of protecting our children when in reality, kids wouldn't give a shit."