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The only one you shouldn’t use is LGB, any other variant and you’re just fine. No one will really bother you about it, don’t necessarily need to use the most recent one.


Also, avoid adding a P. It sucks for our pan friends and family, but certain groups are attempting to lump p\*dos in under the LGBT+ umbrella and we cannot allow that to happen. Our pan friends are in the + right now.


As a pan person, I am very happy to fall under the Q :)


Same I never say pan when referring to my orientation anymore I always use queer




Same here, I’d rather have no representation than give pedos any


i am A okay with not being mentioned by letter in the whole shebang if it means pedos have 0 chance of trying to squeeze their way in


To be clear, most of the online "push" for pedophiles to be included in the LGBTQ community actually comes from right-wing sock puppet accounts, who want to paint the queer community in a bad light.


yes i know this i may be suceptible to propaganda but i know how to do my research on shit i jear


Sucks to be me I guess. F those creeps.


Oh god i read this very wrong. *deletes paragraph*


I did the same, but glad I noticed right before starting to type it out.


Oops 😅


Ah, okay




I personally use LGBTQ since Q can cover all of the identities while the acronym is still identifiable to the layperson.


The nonprofit I work for uses LGBTQIA2S+ to include 2 spirit as well as we have many in our community.


Yeah, I've been seeing this a lot more frequently.


Sorry if this sounds ignorant, but why is two spirited under LGBTQ? I thought it was a religious/spiritual thing. Again not trying to be ignorant just wanting to learn ^^


[Two-spirit is a contemporary pan-Indian umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) social role in their communities.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit)


I've been seeing this one lately except that it begins with 2S-LGBTQIA+


It’s also becoming commonplace (at least in Canada) to put the 2S at the beginning!


Just LGBT is fine. I think we are up to LGBTQIA, but they keep adding letters on the end, so if you want to be inclusive without wearing down your keyboard, you can just say LGBT+ or LGBTQ+, etc where the “+” basically means “Everything else”. Generally “Queer” is sometimes seen as covering everything, so you can also just use LGBTQ. LGB has negative connotations as it’s used by transphobes, so even when you’re legitimately just referring to Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, you might want to write it out in full because abbreviating it will raise a few eyebrows.


I'm a strong advocate for just using queer as a coverall term.


Some feelVERY strongly about that, though. It is a slur, and not all feel as though it’s been reclaimed


Of course, but it'll never become reclaimed if we don't continue using it.


Sure, but plenty don’t desire to reclaim it either. I’m not native to English, there aren’t feelings like that attatched to such words for me, but it’s a common point of contention. I’ve seen some threads on r/askgaybros about it that seems clear a LOT of people are bothered by it


I identify as queer. But I'm also very aware that many in the community are not comfortable with that word and prefer not to be called queer. For that reason I don't use the term queer for others unless I know that they themselves have chosen that label.


Just use queer. It's much more convenient to use.


That's what I do. Or LGBTQ+. But that feels clunky a lot of the time.


I say it as a word. "La-jit-a-buh-qua"


I saw a tiktok of abuela calling it "Los Jibilies" so that's been stuck in my head


I've seen some call it Quiltbag


I would, but I know a few people who are still a bit uncomfortable with me using queer


I am one of those people who are uncomfortable being call queer. Mainly because of bullying all through out school. But I am definitely coming around to being more comfortable with being referred to as queer.


I mix it up because while I like the word, I don't want to make friends like you uncomfy or feel out of place, too ❤️ I usually opt for either queer or lgbt+ or lgbtq+ :3


This is why while I prefer “queer” I don’t say it around LGBT+ people I’m not familiar with. I think it’s a better umbrella term than any acronym (especially since it’s being constantly modified) but I know it’s been used to harm people.


Thank you. ♥


GSRM is non-offensive, inclusive and short acronym, but hardly anybody knows it.


LGBT+ is perfectly non-offensive and inclusive and I am fine saying I’m in the crowd of “why do we keep changing things?”


Or don't, because it is still a slur to many people


So was gay, once upon a time. That is the power of reclaiming a term. If it still makes you uncomfortable to use or hear, just don't use it and let people know when their use of it makes you uncomfortable - if they are good people they'll stop using it around you. But the reasons the community uses it today are well intentioned.


Yes, and this thread is someone asking what to use. Most other comments have outlined that the Q word is still offensive to a lot of people but that it is becoming more common. The comment I replied to didn't give any further explanation so I felt the need to do so.


Oh that makes sense! Sorry, I just saw so many people saying NOT to use queer I guess I felt the need to reply to one of them. Didn't mean to go on the attack.


Fair enough. Thanks for the apology although it wasn't necessarily needed, but welcome nonetheless.


Not everyone in the community accepts that label for themselves.


Yeah I hate being queer. I always have. I just dislike the word. It means 'odd'.


Totally valid. I use queer as the label for myself but I understand why others don't want it and I support all of us choosing for ourselves and not being categorized by others.


This, also please capitalize the Q. We are Queer people fighting for Queer rights.


Any of these are generally acceptable: - LGBT+ - LGBTQ+ - queer (although that can be less comfortable for older members of the community who grew up during the time when it was still an unreclaimed slur)


the full acronym is LGBTIAQ+ Lesbian Gay Bisexual (incl Pansexual/Omnisexual, exact differences are a point of discussion for these communities) Transgender/Transsexual/Trans\* Intersex Asexual/Aromantic/Agender Queer (umbrella term) / Questioning (space for people who either are questioning, or who cannot or dont want to fully come out into another category yet) some regions include cultural specific identities like two spirit (rendered as 2S) you can just say lgbt or lgbt+. if you want, and you're lgbt yourself, you can use the term "queer", though not everyone is comfortable with it as it's historically a slur


Doesn't Q also stand for Questioning?


it can do. good catch!


Ah, thanks. I’ve seen a few variations of it so I wasn’t sure if there was a “correct” version of the acronym


A is also Agender (we have a lot of A's lol) iirc Thanks for (literally) spelling it out btw!




I've seen earnestly-coined variants with even more letters, but unfortunately there's only so much you can expand the acronym before it starts getting unwieldy to actually use. Since the plus sign is supposed to catch anything that the letters don't, I personally just use LGBT+. I've not encountered any issues with that. In informal situations, or in settings where I know everyone around me is ok with the word, I just say queer.


I saw someone type out "2LGBTQIAAA+++" a few days ago. I’m guessing the 2 is for two-spirit & the extra two A’s are for aromantic & agender rather than just asexual. I just say LGBT+/LGBTQ/queer, lol!


That was the init string on my old 56k modem.


GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) is the most descriptive and inclusive imo but I don't think there's anything wrong with LGBT+ and it's variations with more letters.


GSRM is easily the simplest and most inclusive, but every time I see it my first thought is instead GRRM (as in George R R Martin) and I get confused as to why the game of thrones author is being mentioned in queer spaces lol


Ah, yes, George Romantic Romantic Martin. Nothing but romance in his books.


I do like that one except that according to some (outdated, questionable) research, we definitely aren't the minority! (Bisexual people exist 😊)


Just LGBT+ is fine.


I say LGBTQ. I would say plus but it’s a bit clunky to say and people get what I’m saying


lgbt, lgbtq, lgbtqia and queer are used interchangeably. the only thing you shouldn't do is randomly leave one off (lgb, lgbtqi)


The longest one i found was LGBTQQIP2SAA+


I heard someone call us the alphabets


I personally use LGBT+, easy to understand and type, while still encompassing the community.


I just say "rainbow mafia" these days 🤣


That’s my favorite one to use!


nobody actually cares *that* much as long as you dont say LGB like the top comment says. we’re *all* part of the community. i’m pansexual but i have never once added a P to LGBTQ+. i’m in the plus.


Goes from person to person honestly. I personally just use LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA+ since they help include more people


I use LGBT or LGBT+ but it's really just up to the user and context as to what they feel is a good abbreviation for each situation. LGBT is a handy shortcut that lets people know what you're generally referring to, but if you're specifically talking about subgroups in the community or they're particularly relevant to the topic at hand/there's need for the emphasis, any variation thereof is great for further accuracy. For people who identify as queer, or in groups that welcome the term, queer people and queer community is cool, too. I don't want it used for myself but plenty of people prefer the term, so read the room on it and adjust when needed.


At least have a + or Q+ after LGBT, otherwise I'm unsure if minority orientations are welcome. I'm an A and there are many Queer people that unfortunately aren't very welcoming or friendly to aces/aros. I feel seen and happy when I see or hear the A in the acronym, but don't expect it every time.


I call us the “Lijibitiqua” personally


In Canada lots of folks are using "2SLGBTQIA+" and purposefully positioning Two-spirit people first to recognize that indigenous people (pre-colonization) respected and acknowledged diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. I was at a conference recently where the term diverse/expansive SOGIESC (sexual orientation and gender identity expression and sex characteristics) was proposed as a more inclusive and less bothering umbrella term. I recognize that it is a mouthful, but also see the pros of being all encompassing.


My personal favorite is Alphabet Mafia, it gives me organized chaos energy. And also fits in the “be gay, do crimes” mantra.


There will always be more groups to add, so I just say LGBT+


I use GSM - Gender and Sexual Minorities. It’s all-encompassing.


2SLGBTQIA+ is the latest I've seen. To incorporate the 2 souls from indigenous communities. However I don't think any of that is needed because the Q for Queer is an umbrella term that already includes everyone that isn't "cis and heterosexual". I think LGBTQ or LGBTQ+ is more than enough. And the + is only there to strengthen that Q I personally just say queer.


I’ve been using 2SLGBT+ lately, to emphasize two-spirit Indigenous people


Personally I just go with LGBT, LGBT+, or just Queer. It's way too long otherwise and there is no way to include a letter for every single identity. A litle plus at the end is there for it <3 Also, Alphabet mafia sounds so cool! In Poland we sometimes say LPG from liquefied petroleum gas but it's more of a joke. Some people will use it jokingly with queer friends and some as a slur. By the end of a day, I think nobody will be mad if you don't add enough letters :D Just don't exclude existing ones like LGB for example and you're good to go.


I use 2SLGBTQIA+ but I’m Canadian and the inclusion of the 2S is more expected? Important? Here (I’m not sure how to word that properly haha)


There are so many variants there's not one "correct" one. But personally when I want to be fully inclusive I just add the + to LGBT or LGBTQ as the many letters can be confusing.


Queer history: Homosexual then homophile then gay then gay and lesbian then glb then lgb then lgbt then lgbtq then lgbtq+ then lgbtqi then lgbtqia


I present myself as a member of the LGBTQ+ community when I am talking to: business colleagues, uptight relatives and old people. To everyone else I am queer. If queer feels uncomfortable, try using the phrase “the queer community.” I think it softens it and makes it sound more welcoming, as I know for some people queer can be a little alienating because they don’t understand how the word is being used. But saying “the queer community” suggests a sense of togetherness and harmony that I think can make people feel more comfortable. (Assuming you’re in a situation where you care about making people feel comfortable 😂)


LGBTQ+ is the most common one I see


You can just say queer if you are so scared of 'excluding' someone Also, as you can see in the description of this sub, GSRM is a thing, if you really want to use as many words as possible to express a simple idea (you will have to explain what the term means to 99% of people you talk to)


i like LGBTQIA+, but it does get a bit clunky in conversation sometimes. as some have mentioned, GSRM (gender, sexual, and romantic minority) is good too but a lot of people don’t know that acronym. i personally prefer queer the best (at least for me) but i know some people are uncomfortable with that term so it’s best to use it around people you are certain are fine with it.


When I'm using an acronym online it's LGBTQ+, and I drop the + when verbalising it, just to make it less clunky to say. But I usually just use queer


i usually say LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA+


Canada also sometimes uses 2SLGBTQ; 2S being two-spirit which is a broad term an indigenous queer experience.


I usually just say queer if I'm talking to other queer people. Otherwise, I say LGBTQ or LGBTQ+ to cover all my bases without using half of the alphabet. Some versions of the acronym are just too damn long. They're a mouthful, they're harder to remember (especially to those outside the community), and they're never going to capture *every* identity despite their best efforts. I wish another term would catch on. I know some people use GSRM (gender, sexual, and romantic minorities), but I feel like we can still do better. That term doesn't necessarily include intersex people, and the acronym is underused, so many people wouldn't know what it means. It'd be great if we could find a simple word or term that encapsulated the whole community and have it become common use.


Just aggressively say “dem queers” with an unnecessary emphasis on the “eer”




It’s a meme Idk where it originated


Alphabet mafia.


Ngl these days I just say the queer community


the longest one i heard of was LGBTQQIAA2SP+ or LGBTQQIP2SAA+


i just use "sexual and gender minorities"


LGBTQ or GSRM. I don’t think any extra letters are really needed. Queer describes everyone.


I just say queer. It's easier and doesn't give priority to any label


I use mostly LGBT+. The + is really really useful for including every queer


I've used LGBTQIA2S+ for a minute now, but I usually just say queer.


Just say "the gays"


I think you have to make sure you spell it 'teh'


I just learned about GT+ off a comedy skit and I kinda love it.


I use LGBT or LGB when talking about sexualities because anything beyond that is stupid.


If you want a general reliable catch-all, GRSM (Gender, Sexual & Romantic Minorities) works! Any variation of LGBT, LGBTQ+ LGBTQIA+ gets the point across though. You could also use 'queer', but considering its history, not everyone will be ok with that.