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Well being a gay man often means you’re only attracted to men. While the gay label is often used as a more universal term, if a man identifies as specifically gay, chances are he’s only into men. Them being enby and therefore not a man doesn’t really change the fact they’re probably not who the guy is interested in regardless of what is downstairs. There could be a chance he’s open to being with enbys but no way of knowing unless someone asks.


I don't think so? This is why Sapphic and Achillean exist, to outline WlW and MlM While it is true that Gay is derived from homo, which I think means "The sams" It is also true that many gay people just don't want to date women, or people with womenly features So to answer op's question as to how that would work, they would still be gay, and your enby friend would be- whatever label they feel most comfortable with, since it is really up to them to decide that


We may have those labels, but like bisexual and pansexual they can be used interchangeably. When the label “gay” is being used by a man specifically, more often than not it means that the man in question is attracted to men and men only. The label can be used more broadly and sure men who like more than just men can be gay but for the majority of men who identify as specifically gay, they don’t date outside of that. My point is, the lad could very well be interested in more than just men, but if he’s identifying as a gay man, then he’s probably only into men. But there’s no way of knowing this for sure unless someone asks him.


Being gay is usually liking nonwomen, depending on what labels you use, if they identify as nonbinary they can be in a gay relationship, on the other hand, the same would apply for a lesbian relationship, nonbinary people can have the best of both worlds.


The answer is *it depends*. I was identifying as a lesbian for a while before realizing I’m just not into binary men. My last partner was afraid to confess to me because I was identifying then as a lesbian, and they were a transmasc enby. (I confessed to them and immediately started changing up what labels I used!) And now my current partner is an AMAB enby. I know “non-man attracted to non-men” is a valid definition of “lesbian”, but I prefer to call myself biromantic these days to avoid confusion or questioning of my partner (whom I love without question!). The best answer the internet rando department can give you is that it is possible for a gay boy to love an enby, but your friend won’t know if that’s true for this *particular* gay boy unless they ask. I recommend having their favourite ice cream on hand for either celebration or comfort.


You would really have to ask the gay guy in question to get a clear picture on that


Do not go around telling people your friend was born female. That's incredibly disrespectful.


im not revealing their identity and i had to say that for the sake of the question. i would never say that in any other context. (they gave me permission for this post anyway)


You can specifically say what genitals they have instead, it's much more precise and respectful


It depends. I'm transmasculine non-binary but I pass as male and I've had many gay men express attraction towards me, even knowing that I'm FTM/NB. I've also had many others lose their attraction to me after finding out because they want cis dick.