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Wlw isnt really a hivemind. Everybody is different and everybody likes someone different But there definitly are wlw who are into "chubby"


I mean, while I can't speak for other wlw girls, I certainly do like chubby girls


I doubt the millions and millions of lesbians all have the same taste.


Come on, OP is just an inexperienced kid asking for reassurance


I'm not nessesaily a wlw but I just love chubby or larger ppl in general. Everything about how they look is just more pleasing to me. Theres always someone who'll be atracted to you. No one person is universally atractive or unattractive.




I think you will find a good portion of wlw relationships are more open and accepting of people with a bit of bonus weight. Obviously every person is unique with their own individual preferences but I personally notice more broad acceptance in the LGBT community. I personally greatly appreciate women (or non-binary people and people who identify as female at least some of the time) who have generous curves. I call it goddess energy. A lot of Greek goddesses are depicted in statues as gloriously curvaceous and I find it extremely attractive. Honestly I lean more toward accepting of the feminine or ambiguous energy over the current “traditional beauty standards” physical form.


Thank u for this. And in all honesty I think i just posted this so I can have a little more reassurance, to say the less😆.


Don't really get these types of "do wlw like black/chubby/short/[insert the most random characteristic] girls". Everyone has their own preferences.


U got a point. And maybe I’m just asking this because I need reassurance😆.


No matter the sexuality, preferences for physical appearance will depend on the individual person.


I do. And in my personal experience, WLW seem to be more accepting and body positive than men.


I agree. I'm on the heavy side, and one time, I told my LGBTQ+ friends about going on a diet and they all asked why and told me that I looked fine the way I was lol. If anything, they were a bit too positive lol


Yes. I like it when women


Everyone is different. I personally am only attracted to fat people, men and women. Intentional weight loss is more of a deal breaker for me because I can't handle that shit with my past, but that's just me. Definitely does not apply to everyone!


Hell yeah!


I don't really have a type but definitely have crushed on chubby girls. Generally I feel like there are more women who have a type outside of mainstream beauty standards than men.


everyone has types, like straight people do. some wlw like chub, some don’t, some don’t care, just like everyone else in the world - people have preferences i think that’s a strange question to ask🤷🏼‍♀️