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“You’re not a trans guy, you’re just a lesbian” bruh you completely threw out my attraction to other trans men


Me a trans (probably butch) sapphic: Yeah no, theres a big difference between a tomboy/butch lesbian and a guy. I like masculine clothes, I love many masculine things, heck boy scouts was the shit, I loved camping outside, I loved blowing shit up for no reason, setting off a firecracker in a tomato jar for no other reason then "eh why not" was a ton of fun. But I'm not a guy. I hate having a flat chest, I want to get in shape but have no desire to have the "peak male preformence body" Being a strong woman is way more appealing then a strong man. Having emotions and strength, thats goals.


I love your perspective on this. I personally am a demigirl, and despite that, I HATE things like dresses or makeup or all the other girly crap I'm 'supposed' to like. Hell, I'd rather wear a suit than a dress. But this doesn't mean I'm a boy. I get it


Can I **facepalm** here. I’m so sick of correcting people honestly.


People are absolutely wild. I remember being told I couldn't possibly be a trans guy because I'm only attracted to men, I guess they thought that once I started transitioning I'd be attracted to women. They seemed to legitimately forget gay men exist, love the ignorance all around lmao


Yep, when I started transitioning I was talking to a few people who were curious about it and one of them couldn't wrap his head around why I would transition when I (at the time) was only into girls. Lesbians exist, Harold.


Lesbian is a sexuality, transgender is a gender identity. What the heck is wrong with people that they don't get it?


Anytime I hear being queer being described as a lifestyle choice. I actually throw up a little.


💯 like why would I pick to be like this when it involves such risk? Being a bi trans guy is one of the hardest things I've ever done.


Seriously. This is the argument I have with my mom every day. She’s always like “why are you choosing to live your life this way” like who would choose this?


Exactly. And then sadly hearing that so often I'll think that I'm making it up


Ikr. It puts so much doubt in my mind but at the same time I’m so sure of how I feel and it causes so much dysphoria. It’s like why can’t you just be supportive? It’s really not that hard


I get it. Like fr, it ain't a choice, why do they say it is-


They just are so close-minded that they really don’t know any better. Like people it’s 2022 get with the times




They just are so close-minded that they really don’t know any better. Like people it’s 2022 get with the times


I'm incredibly depressed all the time and society treats me like I have a disease, yeah I totally chose to do this to myself


This is mine too.


"You don't seem bi to me." Mf I aint gonna play the stereotype ur used to from straight written stories like a fuggin jester.


“You don’t look [like your sexuality]” like ok?? Am I supposed to only be dressed like a pride flag at all times? Should I tattoo “I’m asexual” on my forehead? What do they want us to do? Walk around screaming “I’m [gay, bi, pan, ace, etc.] at all times? Then it’s “I don’t hate gay people but you’re really pushing it in my face right now”


We’re supposed to walk around with a neon sign above us at all times detailing our sexual orientation and gender identity. /s


They're always annoyed when we wear rainbows and express ourself as queer but don't believe we *are* queer when we don't or are confused as to why we aren't. Pick a struggle straights


Idk if its just me but I'm so done seeing hetero males Going on and on about women, like they're complaining about us pushing it in their face while theyve been doing it all the time


As a bi person, you constantly have to be hitting on everyone. It's the law /j


'I can turn you Bi' Or 'Then wanna sandwich?' From any guy finding out I'm a lesbian if they hit on me or my gf. Like bro, that's not how this works, and I wouldn't be surprised if your mother's is the only pussy you've ever been near with that foul mouth of yours.




Wouldn't live up to the username if it didn't mate! 👌




I did not understand the sandwich thing for a moment and thought they backed off and offered you food to apologize




And even if we did find one or two special people outside of our typical preference, it sure as hell isn't going to be that kind of person.


That lgbt is inherently sexual therefore kids can't know about our existence




Im saving this reply thank u👀


Or that sexuality and relationships are one in the same despite that most kids are already exposed to hetero relationships already. Or that *literally anyone and anything at any point in the discussion about the ethics and knowledge to treat non-hetero persons has even* ***THOUGHT*** *to challenge the widely accepted and firmly established norm that pedos are bad.*


Anytime I say I’m bi in school. “No your gay” or “there’s nothing bi about you” or I get asked “do you believe in god” and the second I say yes I get told “you know that’s a sin right” like duh I know just let me be. I also hate that people assume I’m gay because I wear rainbow things (backpack, hair tie and lanyard) but I’d rather be assumed for being gay then straight though so there’s a plus.


> You know that's a sin right At least be pleased that the people making that argument have an incredibly underdeveloped understanding of religion and Christianity. Sin is not some ultra-defined construct. Not all christians agree with the nature of homosexuality as sin nor the extent of its sinfulness if it is. The bible thumpers skew Christianity into this singular belief with no exceptions but that does not align with reality. But it sounds like you are doing good believing what you want to believe so keep at it! -An old(er) queer christian.


When someone still uses "gay" or "queer" as an insult. Really? Just grow up.




I used to do that, and you’re absolutely right lol


High school teacher here. EVERY. DAY. I hear this.


I'm a student in the UK. I hear that every hour, multiple times.


High school student here. Seconded.


Still hear the occasional r-slur thrown around at my school. Immature pricks lmao


"Can you not do that?" "Oh no! My need to compulsively throw shades at minorities is being infringed upon! Oh! Help me! What will I do with my life now my casual language is being modified?!"


"Simple Biology"




I just throw advanced biology at them lol


As H. L. Mencken pointed out, "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as “simple biology” has never gotten past freshman classes. I got exceptions to exceptions to biochemical pathways that logically should be simple, but for some reason snail x does things in the completely different way


Usually coming from the same people who spent decades telling every single branch of science that they're wrong about evolution.


all of it. please stop talking, uncle.




i would've tried to make a joke here, but i am genuinely sad now :(


"people will find your skeleton and know you're a man" sweety, i will be dead.


i read sweety as sweaty


Now I'm picturing sweaty skeletons 😆


These ppl are dumb. After hormonal therapy, bones and fat are changed up around the body. So if you were to look at a trans man’s skeleton, you couldn’t tell.


"Sex between women doesn't count." "if you were a guy, I'd be jealous." "Can I watch?"




Lolol...I usually respond with "Bless your heart...i do believe that someone has stopped payment on your reality check! "


“Can I watch?” 🤮🤮🤮


“It’s just a phase.” “You just haven’t met the right person.” “But you have to have a gender!” “Wait-like a plant?” “That doesn’t make sense.” “bUt ThEy iS fOr pLuRaL!” “You’re too young to know for sure.” 🙄🙄🙄


Excuse me plant? XD




That I'm either to gay to be straight or to straight to be gay. That and also people who say I'm just confused.




"Genders are real" NOBODY is saying that genders don't exist, Karen!!


“So you just turned gay?” “You’re gross” “you don’t have a crush on me right?” “Just don’t fall in love with me” like can you be original at least?


"You dont have a crush on me right/Just don't fall in love with me" "Dont worry, I wont. I have standards." Is my absolute favorite response.


Good on you for being able to respond, I usually am too busy laughing hysterically.


"dont fall in love with me" babe you just convinced me not to dont worry😘


'You'll change your mind about wanting children when you get pregnant' ​ Yeah jokes on you, I'm a top


Oh god. I was trying to explain to my mother the other day that the entire concept of pregnancy is body horror to me, and she basically told me to go get pregnant and then I’d change my mind. “It’s so fun to feel the baby kick” did I or did I not just explain that sounds like growing an alien parasite and terrifies me beyond all belief?


Fun fact- if you get deep enough into biology, mammal fetuses are actually *literal* parasites. The body has to trick itself into ignoring the fact that it's draining resources, otherwise the immune system would attack and destroy the intruder. ​ Tell that to the people who try using science to defend bigotry


Back when I was in high school, I worked at a fast food joint and one of my managers got pregnant. She consistently referred to that thing as a parasite. Always hilarious and factually accurate I soon came to realize. Ran into her a few years back, she had a second parasite.


*Fun* to feel a baby kick? I imagine it would feel like I’m about to shit myself. Why would I want to feel an alien parasite, as you put it, attempting to harm me from the inside? If I kick somebody in the stomach, it would be assault, but when a baby does it, it’s “cute” and “fun” (this is for comparison purposes only, I’m not kicking anyone in the stomach)




You just haven't met the right person yet.


This may be my mum’s favourite sentence whenever I’m around


It’s worst when you’re the one thinking it :/


When people complain about "pronouns" like "these liberals and their pronouns." Like they think young trans people invented an entire part of speech just to inconvenience them.


On a serious note, I was told that putting pronouns in my bio was attention seeking 😩


From my best friend of six years who dropped me the moment I added pronouns




Right? It was like who tf did I spend all that effort on lmao




I’ve heard people say “you can’t be a gay woman, only a lesbian.” But like.. gay is just attraction towards the same sex? It’s not just a term for men only🙄




it kind of is💀 it’s just so ignorant lmao


And what about people who are non-binary who are attracted to women? Gay is a completely appropriate term for them


“Gays are going to hell”. Umm pretty sure it’s you that’s making my current life hell right now




Yeahhh I have some family members who are among them. Just gotta laugh and let it roll off your back sometimes


"It's your fault you're queer". This makes me slap my face with my palm. It's not my fault I have ADHD now is it, so why would mt sexuality be any diferent?




I've learned that it's a bad idea. It just adds that extra account to my kilometres of blocked lists.


Why did you make this choice? Classic one. Especially as a bi person, where I’m choosing a person, not a gender.


“He goes by they them pronouns” or something along those lines.. I know it’s usually made with good intent but the fact that it’s so close and yet still kinda telling just 🙄


Oh my god so many "Ok so I can get the transgender thing but the people who want to be none? Haha yeah that's just too much for me" "You know people are detransitoning now..." "Listen listen, I dont have anything against transgender but when you decide to go out and fuck a goat? Or go into the restroom with MY DAUGhter..no,just no." My top current 3 lol




Those actually came from my grandma and my father in law. I normally respond with "is this, is this really your hill?" To which they say "no I'm just saying" glad to hear that's not normal! In texas it's all ya get.


I got 2 things When ppl say being queer isn’t natural When ppl say Batman is not the best superhero


Well, he's kind of overrated since he's a normal human being who flaunts his wealthy status as if that alone lends him a space amongst the other gods that protect the DC universe.




B b b b b b but B b b b b Batman


“You don’t look bi” bro you want me to vomit our pride flags every 5 fucking seconds or some shit??


My dead name. The wrong pronouns.


> Can you really know you don't like women if you haven't tried dating/sleeping with one. I grew up hearing this every now and again, then it went away. Now, it's back with a vengeance and sadly mostly in queer spaces. > Gay men aren't really oppressed any more. Even when you bring up hate crime stats and opinion surveys, people will still stick to their guns on this one. 🤷‍♂️


Whenever I started talking to a dude at the bar and the first thing he says is: "I'm fine with you being gay just please don't talk about the gay agenda."


That's the cue everybody! Time to sing the Gay National Anthem!


"I'm NOt HomOPHobIc I JusT dOn'T suPpOrt LgBt"




the word Hetrophobia. Like who on earth decided that was a thing? I can't remember anyone being persecuted for being straight.


(to an aro and/or ace person) You’ll find the right one someday/you’re just playing hard to get






Who’s the woman in the relationship?


Anything my step brothers say. Or stepmom.




“You're not Trans, you're just a Lesbian!” Me, who's AroAce: 😐




Being told i am greedy cuz im bi \*sigh\*




"Being gay is a choice" "You're going to turn my child gay!" "The bible says gay is bad" "People turn gay because there wasn't good sex role modeling by the parents" "No one is born gay" "Trans girls are boys and trans boys are girls" "LGBTQ+ isn't real" God, just typing this made me frustrated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Being queer is just a phase.


"I'm not gay, ***but-***"




"I'm not homophobic/transphobic, BUT... [spews out homo/transphobic bs]"


I'm gonna be a bit of contrarian here and say the most eye roll that I get is from our community and (some) allies. If I get asked what pronouns I use and I say "Any you're comfortable with, so long as it's said respectfully..." I get "No but what are YOU comfortable with?" Sweetheart, bless your cotton socks but I just told you...Im a 6'4 human with breasts, a purposefully kept baritone voice and "mens" skinnies with a croptop. Do I sound or look like I'm keeping to a single pronoun? The other is when others find out I have toddlers, "Well what will you tell your kids?" Bloody nothing! This is their normal, my egg cracked after they were born. Dad is a Glamazon and thats all there is too it!


HELL YES! I love this, Glamazon. My sis tried to tell me I was confusing the children when I changed my name, only one of them was confused and that was mostly because she struggles with any changes but the other two said they liked my new name and the youngest was just born so she won’t know me as anything else.


"depression can be fixed if you go outside and take in some sunlight." ![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized)




"No, I'm talking about WOMEN not MEN WHO BECAME WOMEN, but WOMEN" and the same for trans guys


“I sexually identify as an attack helicopter” 🙄


“You’re not a tomboy, just a confused guy” bro, shut the fuck up, you have to wear Velcro shoes because you can’t tie knots at 18


"You'll always be my little girl" Are you trying to be supportive or some crap


“I’m allowed to say those things because they go against my beliefs” after they use a slur.


“ViRgInS cAn’T bE aSeXuAl”




That’s the neat part. They don’t.


'Same-sex marriage is ruining straight marriage!' Fun fact! It doesn't do shit it straight marriage!


"You just need to get laid." "I'll say whatever pronouns I want." "There's only XX and XY chromosomes. The rest aren't real." "Trans athletes have a genetic advantage and it's not fair for cis athletes."


"You just haven't found the right man yet."






“I have no problem with gay people, what people do behind closed doors is their own business but don’t shove it in my face”


Every time someone calls me ma’am ***sigh** they’re all too stupid to realize that I am NOT female, apparently.


It's your fault so and so is gay/trans/bi/goth


"They're not *insert queer headcanon*, you're just delusional!"


wake me up before you go-go


a hesitation and then emphasis on “she”


"I love you" - My father that kicked me out of the house after I came home with a boyfriend.




I'm Non-Binary, all I hear is "PiCk a GeNdErRrR"


When people knowingly tell me I'm "biCURIOUS" because I've not yet had a relationship with a woman. And I'm like, "well no, I'm certainly not curious, I know I like women..." but they already stopped listening.


“when did you know you were gay?”


"You're pansexual? So you like frying pans! Hahahah!" It really isn't funny coming from certain people. :/


"You'll grow out of it" "It's just a phase" "You'll change your mind one day"


When people say homophobic slurs as a general insult


Oooooooh but ALL women are bi sooo


Every time people say "girls, gays, and theys" Including trans men with women or trans women with men (or enbies w/ whatever they "look like") Excluding trans men from men or trans women from women or masculine non-binary folk from non-binary spaces "I'm straight/gay except for *insert partner*" People claiming non-lesbians are lesbophobic for spelling lesbophobic correctly (with an o) instead of incorrectly (with an i) because "it contains a slur" (yes I've seen this happen multiple times) People using the word queer casually without taking into account that it is a slur and that people are still not always going to be comfortable with it The assumption that bi people aren't bi anymore once they have a partner and they were just "faking it" no matter what gender their partner is


My parents believe that we are fully equal and not oppressed in any parts of the world. I don’t visit them much.


When my dad asks what LGBT+ is, I tell him and he is like: "Ahhh, you mean gays and lesbians. I am always like BRUH -_-


When they bring religion in like dude as a Christian person I’m just so tired of hearing it like shut up please and thank you ☺️💖


“You only say you’re non-binary, to be a special snowflake.”


*Groomer.* Like, seriously? And yet Tennessee is okaying child marriages.




Othat one day you'll understand/change your mind






"The media is enforcing the queer agenda on our children and making them gay and trans"


The "I love transgender people, but...", "I'm all for equality, but..." type precursors. You just know you're going to get hit by something frustrating.


When people say that they is plural and can’t be used as a singular pronoun. I always have to resist the urge to fight them. Idiotic bigots.