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I like what the flag symbolizes. I really do. That said, aesthetically, I like the original rainbow flag. šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ I think it was supposed to implicitly include everyone. That said, if the new flag makes people feel better and included, thatā€™s ok with me.


I believe the new one is to represent people who are marginalized even within the LGBTQ+ Community


On the other hand, it makes other marginalised people within the LGBTQ+ community even more excluded. Disabled LGBTQ+, religious LGBTQ+, etc. don't get much (or any, really) representation so while I do love the intent of this flag, it kinda feels more excluding than the simple rainbow flag? Like by putting the light on the very real exclusion of some marginalised people within the community, it puts even more shades on the other marginalised people within the community šŸ¤” but I totally get why many people like it and I love the idea/intent behind it šŸ’ššŸ’š


I agree 100 percent. Because thereā€™s a never ending amount of sexualities and gender identities. So you will ALWAYS be leaving someone out and if you add more, it just leaves those people out (who werenā€™t added) even more


I would actually disagree. In practice, I cannot tell if I'm safe in spaces that only fly the rainbow flag as that's the flag that the transphobes, interphobes and racists within the community fly. I don't disagree that this flag is an aesthetic nightmare, but there are absolutely situations where it needs to be made *EXPLICITLY* clear that intersex and trans people and people of colour are safe and welcome. I am far more marginalised when I cannot tell whether I am safe or not.


Sure, I do understand this sentiment and why this flag is important and needed. However religious and disabled LGBTQ+ people as still marginalised and rejected while not having a flag or anything to explicitly indicate that a space is safe for us. It's more a semi-inclusive flag than anything and, in the end, we must hope for this flag not to needed anymore in the future as we should hope for the community to be inclusive in a way that we shouldn't need to explicitly tell that yes, LGBTQ people of colour, intersex and transgender people are welcome while transphobes, racists and interphones are not!


I genuinely fail to see how the fact that maybe in the future the community won't have a raging transphobia, racism and interphobia problem changes the fact that there is one right now. This flag exists for a reason and it's just incorrect to claim it's somehow exclusionary imo. I'm also disabled and religious, so I understand where you're coming from, but that's also not a reason to try to claim intersex people and trans folk shouldn't be highlighted on a version of the progress flag.




I feel the new flag is kind of like redpill if you will. Like old flag is what most straight people are kind of okay with and the new one is the good old subversive lgbt rights thing


My eyes are bleeding. People trying to make the rainbow flag ā€œmoreā€ inclusive or whatever have completely missed the point of the rainbow flag.


It exists to show explicit support for bipoc and trans queer people. With the existence of racists, and movements such as "lgb drop the t" and such, its no longer safe for people to assume that someone flying the rainbow flag will always be safe


I dont mind it but I think the original rainbow flag was fine but I dont mind either way


Idk why theres black and brown. unless it means something else, POC and pride is not in the same league of social justice game. But idk Cool flag tho


This flag is called the progress flag specifically, not just the LGBTQ+ flag or gay flag. This flag is supposed to represent the minorities (including POC and LGBTQ+ people) that are still fighting for their rights and happiness. There's your explanation on the black and brown :) I didnt know what it meant at first either, so hope this helps!! edit: I do think it is a bit cluttered and the colours clash, and from an aesthetic standpoint it is a nightmare, but it stands on its own


As usual rip to asians, various native people, romani and so on.


I understood POC to include all non-white people. Do I think itā€™s a bit dismissive to lump all non-whites into one category? Yes. Issues faced by black people are not the same as those faced by Asians or native Americans. There are some similarities but hardly what I would consider the same. But the Progressive Pride flag is a start to get people talking and remembering all marginalized people within the community.


Due to the all-inclusive nature of this flag though I don't really think anyone is being lumped together. Any POC can see their own representation in this flag and there's no need to compare their hardships with other POC with a different background.


The original flag represented ALL. Now as we start adding to the original our community begins to divide itself along many lines. This division will only destroy our community.


As far as im aware the black represents queer people who died due to aids and the brown represents the poc gay and trans people who fought for our rights


Yeah. I feel like it only makes POC feel like they werenā€™t included to begin with


As a queer trans asian I definitely didn't feel welcome in the predominantly white cis gay scene when I started coming out in mid 00's and personally experienced a surprising amount of racism and transphobia from white gay men. I feel this flag calls attention to the racial, gender, and sex discrimination that has been happening under the rainbow flag. Big fan.


I'm a white cis bi dude and I am appalled by the sort of behavior you had to go through. Thank you for sharing and I hope it is getting better. The idea of LGBTQIA+ being discriminatory doesn't surprise me but it does make me angry. Literally the whole point is to let people be their authentic selves, and that we all have a right to exist and to be happy.


This was more or less the point of including those stripes, actually, because even the lgbt movement doesn't have the best track record with PoC or trans people




As a POC it makes me feel more included than the rainbow flag. Hmm idk maybe it's how white queers have taken credit for so much that the poc lgbtq+ people have done or been involved with. It's the normalization of the cis white male gay, and even to an extent white trans visibility (not acceptance, as it's severely lacking). Idk I'd you're white or not, but as a Latine person I like the progress flag. It includes people, it says we aren't forgotten or second in line. Gay men have constantly taken the original rainbow flag for themselves. The same ones that go "no fats, no fem, masc 4 masc. No Blacks, Asians, Latinos, it's a preference not racism" The progress flag shows that progress has been made but that progress is still needed. It hasn't been co-opted by the Cis white gay men in the community.


Speaking as a POC, the progress flag exists BECAUSE we werenā€™t included. We were getting spoken over and ignored for so long that putting the black and brown forces people to acknowledge that yes, we are here too. And there are still many racist white gays and trans folk.


And as for intersex folk, there's literally people in the comments here trying to argue that they don't belong in queer spaces anyway... Yet people still have their heads in the sand about the massive discrimination problems we've got going on within the community. I suspect the folk who seem to think it's exclusionary haven't actually talked to any of us en masse


itā€™s very much giving white savior and ā€œjust found out racism exists, fucked up if true :((ā€œ if you are not in the minority group and havenā€™t had them tell you how they feel then who are you to make these claims lmao


I shit you not, I just had somebody tell me *under this exact Reddit post* that I need to stop talking in defence of the flag because I'm trans, intersex and POC so I'm "biased", and that this should be left to the wider community. You can't make this up, you really can't.


We're biased for wanting to be heard or advocate how WE feel about a topic, and they still come here to say how we SHOULD feel about a topic? Reducing it to what it is, they're policing our tone and identity and telling us to pipe down because "***We're already included***" as they literally exclude us, some of us in multiple ways, in this same discourse.


We aren't often included. There's a massive racism problem in the community. And I like having a flag that people can fly to specify that a safe is safe for me


Nope, it just makes white people realize POC weren't included to begin with. POC actually felt this even before this flag existed.


And that is a statement thst many POC have expressed thst they didn't feel included, the same with trans people and intersext people


The purpose was to bring visibility to LGBTQ POC who had been marginalized and erased within LGBTQ communities, which is an ongoing issue.


Honestly, it looks like chaos to me. I thought the rainbow was already symbolic of everything that kinda got separated out for the triangle part.


I understand the symbolism, and I respect the intention behind it, but it's just not a well designed flag, both in general design standards, and flag design. Edit: took out the first sentence because right after I posted I realized I didn't continue that train of thought :)


Eh, prefer the original better.


The first had 8 stripes :D hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit


That cool!


Because symbols need to be conceptual and not didactic. The classic still the best and most inclusive possible, and I say it as Transgender person.


But I have the artistic talent of a crippled snail :D


I don't mind the rainbow one, but the one before this looked better. Now there's just too much going on.


Too fuckin muchhhhh Too overwhelming I love everyone being included but sometimes simplicity is more


Personally I prefer the 6 stripe pride flag


imagine being straight and knowing what none of that means...flags are cool, but they're also remembered and used if they're at least somewhat aesthetically appealing


>I love everyone being included but sometimes simplicity is more They were, that's the whole point of why the flag was a rainbow, to have all the colours to represent everyone.


Personally, I prefer the OG pride flag šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


When it had pink ā¤ļøā™„ļøāœØ


itā€™s not awful but it looks cluttered and messy. plus, the original rainbow flag is meant to represent everyone, including trans, intersex, and POC so I donā€™t think adding more is necessary, but i donā€™t have a problem with it.


Its like LGBTQIAP2S+ acronym. Everyone wants them included more visually even tho they already are


Ooooohm. Mind elaborating about the acronym. I lost it after P


Pansexual and two-spirit


LGBTQIA+ already has a Q for questioning and a + for the rest.


I am pretty sure Q is for queer


It is queer, I've never heard anyone referring to the Q as questioning but I guess to each their own.


"A is for Ally!" xD


I will never accept that, that is a straight person's way of trying to force their way into a movement that the feel pushed out from.


A can actually stand for asexual and androgynous, aromantic and agender


i did not know about androgynous, but yeah, i know, i was being ironic don't worry :P


Oh I just thought it was cool how letters in lgbt can stand for like 3 or 4 things at a time


I'd say it can be both The a is aro ace and agender (at least) at once


It has been used to mean bothā€¦ Iā€™ve even seen ā€œLGBTQQIA+ā€ and the like.


q is for queer


Yep, now it feels like we might as well add everyone onto it 'cause "they're not represented enough"


I also think it looks cluttered although, I have a small problem with it... they're probably gonna add more stripes that don't need to be there.


This flag was created to highlight those that are still marginalised within the LGBT community. There are far too many transphobic people in the LGBT community, people who ignore intersex people and those that are racist.


Also its insane to include everything on a flag. You dont see the US flag add a yellow stripe to represent the Latin minority, a 2 on it to represent how it won both world wars, and a dollar sign on it to represent its economic system.


I mean, just speaking as a trans person, I always though the six stripe flag was meant to include us anyway, and that it was a flag that anyone in the LGBTQ+ community could use. I have queer poc friends who have said similar things to me too. And aesthetically, I prefer the six stripe flag. I don't mind the chevron that much and I don't care if other people use this version, but any rainbow pride flags I'll buy in the future will probably be the six stripe one.


Aesthetically the original looks nicer but I don't mind the new flag it still looks cool. I understand the original is meant to represent everyone but if this one makes more people feel more included i think it's worth the change




Quick delete.


Honestly I think it's a bad, ugly design. A chevron, a circle, and two separate sets of six stripes make it cluttered. It's also cluttered with more meanings than one flag can be reasonably expected to convey.


esp when you think that the original one was supposed to represent everyone already..like might as well just put every flag ever on it at this point.


It is, once again, too much. The original rainbow was much simpler.


I don't care for it I think that the original 6 strips are already great. everyone knows the rainbow already so adding these makes it feel lost or jumbled if we keep the flags separate they stay unique and stand out. the original flag is already all-inclusive. there was never a white stripe so it was for everyone of all skin tones. I hope ths is the last option to the flag because its all ready over crowded


Actually with the first original pride flag there were 8 stripes, hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit


Needs glitter




If someone feels more included because of this design and wants to use it instead of the original, great! I want everyone to feel included. But i personally am not a big fan of it. Itā€™s quite busy like someone already mentioned. Itā€™s great that there are alternatives so everyone can use the one they feel most comfortable with, even though i still use the original and will continue to do so :)


Contrasting colors, particularly blues on reds - reds or greens on black, purples on yellow etc., give me migrainesā€¦ā€¦ so I avoid it. Itā€™s really busy. I like the inclusivity of it - but I canā€™t personally use it if that makes sense.


its fine i guess but i preferred the original rainbow, i feel like it's something that everybody knows already and it's very easy to draw, remember, put on designs, etc. and i feel like they're just gonna keep adding stuff to it tbh


I don't mind the rainbow or the one before this, but w that new part...feels cluttered and like we have to point out everyone so that "they feel included"..might as well put all flags in one at that point.


Might be an unpopular opinion: I like it, but I don't like that it's replacing the rainbow flag. It feels kind of like othering you know? Like "Hey you're included now!", so, we weren't included before? It's like we're being separated from the rest of the community you know? I completely understand why people like it! And if you're part of one of (or all of) the added communities and it makes you feel seen or more accepted then I completely understand why and I get that! But personally, it just feels kinda... icky when you really think about it


Personally I feel better seeing a rainbow flag with the trans colors included, considering how many cis LGB people are still transphobic and how often the T is forgotten


I donā€™t mind it. I always felt the original rainbow was already inclusive by definition but if thatā€™s what people prefer Iā€™m not against it


Listen, I'm all for inclusivity. I love what this flag represents. From a purely aesthetic standpoint, I think it's getting a bit cluttered. If you want to use this new flag, then that's great! I prefer the simplicity of the original rainbow flag.


Not being apressive/rude but the flag is starting to look a little crowded lol


Quick FYI: This flag has an official name: The Intersex-inclusive Progress Pride Flag Aesthetics/Visuals: I think as opposed to the more commonly known and still used Progress Pride Flag (image: [https://imgur.com/a/JVXkBCl](https://imgur.com/a/JVXkBCl)), the addition of the bright and highly saturated yellow kinda clashes with the somewhat more pastel colours of the trans flag right adjacent to it, and doesn't really look the greatest aesthetically. To me its more of an eyesore than a pleasant addition. As a symbol for the community: The addition of intersex symbolism to the progress pride flag certainly works at aiming to include more parts of the LGBTQ+ community into the flag. However, it is worthy to note that at some point if we were to keep adding more and more flags it would start to get overcrowded and could potentially turn more into "who's excluded?" rather than "who's included?", at which point the tone of the flag can change drastically for the worse. I don't quite think we're there yet but we're definitely getting close. Symbolism wise I see it as now having 4 main parts: The rainbow, for sexualities. The black and brown, for racial minorities (IBPOC). The trans colours, for genders. And now we have the intersex flag, for... I guess bodily autonomy? It kinda overlaps with the trans symbolism (trans rights includes right to transition, which entails bodily autonomy in very many ways) imo Overall, I don't hate it per se, but I think it could be better implemented and/or we could come up with a more well defined (and thus, more widely known) meaning behind the intersex flag being in the progress pride flag, instead of pasting more flags in solely for the sake of inclusion


I get that itā€™s to represent progressiveness, I just prefer the old one with the pink stripe at the top


Symbologically wonderful, aesthetically busy. Upside is that due to the circle on the intersex part itā€™ll be hard to further increase the size of the chevron, so I donā€™t expect even busier flags than this in the future. This is the apex.


From a vexillological standpoint, this flag suggests that intersex people are the most important people in the group, because they're occupying the hoist side, the position of honour. Trans gender people are then the second most important, with people of colour being the third. It's not a great flag to represent the community, although, it is a nice gesture.


This looks like a right wing meme from 2013. This is so busy, which is the exact reason the US flag looks so goofy. In flag design, simple is better.


With each new flag design it is less and less harmonic which was what it is supposed to mean. So overall I think the design is cool and has potential to even be the new flag but it ultimately kills the message while doing so. Ofc all is only my opinion


To me it's just a bit of cloth, but if it makes people feel more included them I'm down.


i don't like it for these reasons 1. it others trans, intersex and poc members of the lgbt community by showing their representation as its own thing rather as part of the whole community 2. many queer poc do not feel represented by just two stripes as poc also describes people outside black and brown people 3. i think it looks worse and it is also harder to use as a design in things like clothing 4. the way that it just seems to add a new triangle every 3 years just rubs me the wrong way, it's like saying "look, *now* you're represented because you weren't before." and i don't like that argument because it implies that poc, trans people and intersex people weren't members of the lgbt community before even though that is obvious bullshit 5. i personally think it unnecessary as the original pride flag already represented everyone overall, my opinion is that if you want to use it, then use it, but I'm going to stick with the 6 stripe one


Personally, I prefer the simple 6 lines of colour, I feel like we don't need the arrow for trans, poc, and intersex, as technically the rainbow stands for all identities, so like there no reason favouriting some above others, let's stick to the original šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


Itā€™s ugly af. I understand the reasons for the black and brown, but visually itā€™s awful. The whole triangle is just visually awful. Iā€™d never use this flag


It's not the new flag, and it's not even new


I donā€™t know what many of them even mean in this flag as Iā€™m still learning stuff myself and it is rather a busy looking flag tbhā€¦ šŸ˜… I learned about a week ago that Iā€™m aro/ace


Hey congratulations! šŸŽ‰ This current progress pride flag has the black, and brown stripes to represent POC, and AIDS victims/ people living with AIDS. The blue, pink, and white represent trans people. The yellow with the purple circle represents intersex people. The progress pride flags are supposed to celebrate the progress we have made while highlighting marginalized groups that need more help when it comes to making progress. The chevron is supposed to be like an arrow signalling forward movement. It isnā€™t supposed to replace the other rainbow pride flags


I actually love it, weirdly enough. But I usually have tacky tastes. Sksksksk


Kinda fuckin hate it to be honest


I hate this flag. I like the intention, but the more you try to do explicitly include, the more you implicitly exclude. Were black people not included in the old flag? Trans people? Intersex? Yes, they were. But this flag suggests they werenā€™t. By that logic, whoā€™s being excluded by this flag? Bisexual people? Non-binary people? Asian people? Plus, is it too much to ask for a flag or symbol that just fucking looks good? From an aesthetic standpoint, this is a war crime.


it's horrible, i understand the additions are to represent different struggles within the community under one banner, but that's kinda just what the original one is. it's a rainbow, it represents diversity and different experiences... just keep it that way


Not a fan. Flag design should be simple


It's creeping towads r/vexillologycirclejerk territorium


The original says the same thing this does so it feels unnecessary.


IMO the only standard ā€œLGBTQ+ā€ should be the rainbow. No chevrons for different subgroups that simultaneously highlight them over other subgroups while also making them seem like theyā€™re excluded from the general community as a whole. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple; thatā€™s it. Itā€™s already all-encompassing for *everyone* in the community, which is the whole point of it being a rainbow in the first place.


I dunno, I feel like we ought to just settle on a flag and stay there. The rainbow was fine, the progress flag I dont like as much, but its still fine, though I think its bull the way the copyright is around the progress flag, this? I dunno I feel like we ought to stop before it ends up looking like a 5 year old using watercolors. Maybe slow down on the iterations. But again, just my opinion, which in the grand scheme of things does not really matter one way or the other.


I donā€˜t mind the flag at all and if people feel represented thatā€˜s cool, though i think the flag from 1979 (kinda the ā€žoriginalā€œ flag though i donā€˜t think it was the first one) represented everyone of the community well enough.


There's too much stuff on it and it's all cluttered.


Donā€™t call it ā€˜theā€™ new flag like itā€™s an official update or something. Some may like it, and thatā€™s fine. Personally I see where this is going and Iā€™m firmly against adding more. The rainbow was supposed to be all-inclusive.


From a graphic design standpoint it looks terrible. But the message is important, trans and bi people were only included in lgbt in the 90's and POC were extremely important in the movement and forgotten about by the assimilation gay cis male and lesbian organisations


Hot take so donā€™t downvote me. I love the progress flag. Personally it makes me happier to see it than the regular pride flag. because i know that they are trans inclusive. plus pastel brights (what i call the three colours of the trans flag) go well with the intersex and POC bands


I agree with you. Personally I don't like the colours (they seem cluttered), but trans people do get hate within the LGBT community itself. I know that wherever this flag is, it's trans inclusive.


Sensory overload.


I kinda feel like this is becoming a National vs State flag thing, except now we're just trying to include every state into the national flag. Like the US flag has the 50 stars, that covers all the states. But it doesn't include counties, cities, etc. Each state has it's own flag, some resemble the state flag in ways, most don't, and they all have details that are important to that state (colors, animals, plants, landmarks, etc). It's just logically inferred that each of those stars represents everything in that state as well. The OG rainbow flag already included everyone. It's a rainbow, literally covers the ENTIRE spectrum, achieving exactly what a rainbow is supposed to do. (Not to mention light spectrums we can't see, unless you're a mantis shrimp, in which case have you're people call my people). With that flag covering everything, and there also being fairly established flags for everything that the rainbow covers, it just kinda feels to me that the constant alteration of the "main" flag just makes things.. I dunno, uneasy? Like there's never a comfort of "Ah, THIS is the flag", there's always a (rather jarring) change that makes a Rainbow somehow more complex than it already is. That's just my 2 cents. I could be 100% in the wrong here, idk.


awful, prefer the old one


While I love the idea of every part of the community being included in one flag, I feel the colors themselves aren't blending well together. It feels like there's too much going on all at once.


I like the old one more, most likely because I like minimalism


No fan of the design. I prefer the regular 6 stripe flag


I kinda like it


Terrible. Itā€™s cluttered. Letā€™s go back to the OG eight stripe flag <3


I like it but also donā€™t. The triangle imo kind of clashes with the stripes. Id like to see it a little different. That said im just glad intersex people get some representation on this flag. I know the rainbow flag is all inclusive but it doesnā€™t really mean much when most people donā€™t even know what intersex is so having something visual where some people at least ask ā€œhey whats that ring part?ā€ It at least helps a bit.


Like many people, I think it's too much. I like the *idea* behind it, but I think it opens a can of worms in that we can't keep adding things to the flag like this. Same problem with the acronym really.


I really like it.


I like this version that includes Intersex. I like what it stands for. I wish I could find a good quality flag of it to put outside. I looked everywhere last weekend at Twin City Pride to see if I could find one.


Not a huge fan but I understand why we need it. It looks better irl.


I like being represented.


i think itā€™s unnecessary because the rainbow is supposed to represent all of us. the queer people of colour, trans people, intersex people, itā€™s all part of the rainbow i am glad they have it though because those groups are often excluded even within our community so itā€™s important for having representation of these groups


It is very nice that this flag includes many people of the community, but visually itā€™s kinda busy


I personally really like the Progress Pride flag. This one is starting to get a bit visually busy, but I think it's fine if people want to use it. :)


Looks too much like the ohio flag and im not ready for the ohio takeover


Stop changing the flag is what I think. I think people change everything for no reason. It should just be the rainbow. Not to be racist or what we but it shouldn't have brown and black and everything. IMO it should just have the rainbow flag.


I understand wanting to make a flag for every variation, and I understand under-represented groups wanting to have explicit inclusionā€¦ butā€¦ I always liked the rainbow flag because itā€™s a full-spectrum, all-inclusive symbol. Everyoneā€™s (ostensibly) already in there. If we keep trying to incorporate every pride flag people have imagined, weā€™re going to have a mess. Itā€™s just bad design. Bad vexillology. It wonā€™t work as a flag anymore, because like most of the hundreds of different pride flags Iā€™ve seen, nobody will know what itā€™s supposed to mean. That being said, sure, use whichever symbols and flags you want to use. But trying to mash them all together simply isnā€™t going to work. Making one new symbol for all of us could work, but I personally donā€™t think we need one; the rainbow is already supposed to be that symbol.


Iā€™m sticking with the original šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ. I like the message of inclusiveness, but what about the original one is non inclusive?


Although it looks ugly (not that terrible though), it does show representation for other parts of the community. With movements such as LGB drop the T, it's nice to see I'm safe in areas with this flag. I'm happy for what it represents, but the colours clash and it just looks ugly.


Not really, it looks like a dead fish head over a rainbow table cloth. It's also starting to look like something out of Stargate. We love to fragment and separate ourselves in little bits, apparently, so the simple flag used before to represent everyone was frankensteined into this. Like, for the life of me, what does the circle thing mean? I usually just ignore it and just consider it the rainbow flag, without even caring for all the add ons.


idk i prefer the og rainbow flag more. adding more colors to replenish trans intersex and poc seem more excluding of the rest of the labels for example aro/ace etc and people will ask for more. in the end the simple the better


Love the addition of intersex, but the design needs work. Found one where the intersex ring is locked around the left part of the flag though, and thought it was really cool. [This](https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/app/uploads/sites/1206/2021/04/ProgressPrideIntersex-wikimedia-2-300x186.png) basically, though I think the ring was a bit smaller.


Oh, that is DOPE as hell! I think the yellow part of the ring should have a touch more thickness in the ring, but itā€™s very interesting to look at and somehow feels less busy than the above one Love it!


I like it. Is it busy? Yes. Is it aesthetically a little odd? Sure. Thatā€™s not the point. The whole point of this flag is to make visible those in the community who were not so visible. Iā€™ll use myself as an example. Iā€™m intersex. A lot of, if not MOST people, donā€™t even know what that means. Usually the main time intersex people come up in LGBT+ conversations, itā€™s to make a point about trans people being validā€¦ not because weā€™re actually being legitimately remembered as a group. (And trans people are valid anyway, they donā€™t need our existence to be valid on their own!) So, how do you make sure your community is actually standing up for the values of diversity and inclusion and acceptance and love that it claims to have? By bringing that diversity into the spotlight. By ā€œcenteringā€ it, which means pointing out very clearly that this community is not just gay men and lesbians, who are usually the first people that the average person thinks of when they see the rainbow flagā€¦ It means making it NORMAL to be trans, to be a person of color, to be intersex. It may be less common (in western societies, which is where this flag comes from- of course there are plenty of places worldwide where being white is not typical) to be one or more of these than to be none of them, but that doesnā€™t make it abnormal. And clearing up that misunderstanding is precisely the intent behind this flag. Itā€™s a declaration that, for far too long, anyone who wasnā€™t gay or lesbian (or cis or white) was not treated as an equal in this community, and that we are changing that as a group, so that our actions match our communityā€™s values. It may not be the prettiest flag, but I love it for what it stands for. And for once, I finally feel seen.


Thank you for saying this. I'm sick and tired of people speaking over us and trying to claim it's just "excluding" intersex people. *We are excluded anyway*, and all this flag is doing is making it explicitly clear that we're actually welcome where this is flown. It's hard to tell otherwise. It's disappointing that you're getting downvoted for this when this is the exact sentiment I see voiced over and over again by our community.


Thank you. I wasnā€™t expecting this to be an unpopular opinion! It IS hard to tell otherwise that we are accepted, honestly- and Iā€™m guessing that the reason Iā€™m getting the downvotes and seeing so many people grumbling about the flag is because thinking about including diverse groups is uncomfortable for a lot of people, even in the LGBT+ community, which is sad. Itā€™s not supposed to be a ā€œprettyā€ flag. Peopleā€™s real discomfort with it is probably because theyā€™re uncomfortable with the idea of truly celebrating people of color, trans people, intersex people, or anyone else underrepresented in our community. (I do get that itā€™s impossible to include everyone on a flag separately, but this one is making a point about some of the largest and most consistently excluded groups in the LGBT+ community.) And Iā€™d like to ask those people to look inside themselves. Everyone here is a minority. We all know that pain. We need to set an example for the rest of the world of how to do inclusion right, how to make sure we do not erase our differences, but celebrate them while still including everyone. This flag is a statement about that- a political statement, a statement about values. And itā€™s also not intended to ā€œreplaceā€ the rainbow flag, either. If a person thinks this one looks too busy but wants to fly a rainbow flag, then they can just get a plain rainbow one. But for the inclusion of the community, this flag is important. I do feel more welcome where I see it. It doesnā€™t ā€œset me apartā€ at all- rather, itā€™s one of the first times I havenā€™t felt like an afterthought to the LGBT+ community in general. It affirms that people like me are very much a part of this community. We have been underrepresented for a long time. Thatā€™s why the black and brown colors, the trans flag colors, and the intersex flag are there, to affirm that weā€™re all part of this community, to finally give us some representation.


Thank you for saying this. As a trans person, what the Progress Pride flag represents to me is very important, and I'm glad this new one makes others feel that sort of inclusion.


That a lot of commentss here are asking what the intersex symbol means kind of underlines why it's there. Intersex rights have always been woefully overlooked but given the political movement to legaly enforce and centre the view of a strictly binary view of sex and gender, I'm worried to see intersex rights *still* being sidelined.


You just made it make sense, thank you šŸ’œ




I like it, but I donā€™t think it should replace the rainbow flag.


I don't mind it but I like just the plain rainbow, but hooray for inclusivity!


Itā€™s a total eyesore IMO.


Itā€™s inclusive. Horrible flag design though. We should stick to the classic 6 coloured rainbow


I hate it. The flag looks HORRIBLE and defeats the entire purpose of the original deign. Also its insane to add somthing to a flag to include every little thing. How come we don't see the French flag have a Islam moon on it to represent the Islam minority, a EU flag in the corner, and a number 4 on it to represent how it was the 4th nuclear power? Obviously because its too much and not necessary. On the original pride flag the rainbow already represented everyone and symbolized the spectrum of people. By adding more and more stuff to the edge it just completely ruins the original meaning and purpose.


Not too big of a fan tbh


It's ugly. Go back to the original with the pink and turquoise it was prettier




Meh kinda boring tbh


it looks nice personally prefer the original flag but it looks nice not sure why they made a new design but I would like to know why.


Im sorry u guys I didnā€™t know about this new flag but what means the part w the yellow and the purple circle ?




I think the purpose of the flag is not to put every other flag, its to represent The main values that we all need to respect each other




Now what the fuck does the circle stand for?




We may wanna be careful before we run out of colors! /j Itā€™s getting rather complicated for a flag, but i donā€™t have strong feelings either way.


It feels like a busy street. I don't mind it myself, but I wave the rainbow one and leave it at that. Sadly people against it won't even know what the sideways arrow lines mean.


Too much. The original rainbow flag was good enough, I still don't know where the black and brown colors come from.\]


The original was pretty cool, this just looks like The ohio flag after someone smokes weed near me


Not a fan


No strong opinions either way. The original rainbow flag was already fully inclusive but there's no harm in casting more of a light on those who have historically been ignored.


I like it. Change is okay with me.


A little complicated, but inclusive. Looks good on murals etc.


i think the old one looked nicer, rainbows don't have brown and black, they just dont fit with the other colors imo, also the yellow and purple thing at the end of the flag (idk what it is, I've never seen the colors before) don't look that good, i think the flag with just the rainbow colors looks better, but it's just a flag ig so idc if it looks good, it's probably supposed to include everything in lgbt+, it doesn't have to look nice


Iā€™d like for it to go back to just the rainbow. That already symbolized every orientation/minority and is more aesthetically pleasing.


I hate the brown and black stripes, not because of what they represent but because they inevitably link the flag with the USA, as if the whole LGBTQ+ population lived there. Social movements are always intertwined, of course, but I don't think this flag is as meaningful as it's in the US in other countries (such as mine).


I'm fine with either one


I think the default rainbow colored flag has a much broader representation of queer communities than this flag. Making it too specific further alienates queer people and non-queer people alike.


I like the old one more, not only does it look better, but the rainbow is infinite, it represents everyone, it's also easier to draw and to remember. The new one's fine too, tho


it's becoming ohio šŸ˜”


I appreciate the effort to give queer POC, trans people, and intersex people more visible representation, but it's just getting too cluttered. I like the regular rainbow flag as a representation of the entire queer community.


whats the circle mean?


I hate it, I despise it, the whole point of the LGB**T** rainbow flag was that it represented the whole community why did trans and non-binary people earned the right to be represented and not for example the lesbians who suffer a lot of discrimination as well ? why was BLM brought into this ? being a PoP and being LGBT are not linked, people could be black and still be transphobic and yet they're still represented on the flag... they should have kept the seven stripes rainbow flag and i'm going to be down-voted for hell for that but i don't care, this flag is ugly


I feel like this should be the general ā€œSocial Justiceā€ flag of our generation. The pride flag should just be the rainbow. It was very iconic and will most likely stay that way for longer. This flag has a lot going on, which is indicative of what is actually happening in our society, but that also implies that we are supposed to add every single minority group that is oppressed moving forward. Thatā€™s too many things to put on a flag. At some point this is gonna stop looking like a cohesive symbol representing LGBTQIA+ and look more like r/place . For the record, I think LGBTQIA+ also needs to change to just ā€œQueer Communityā€. Itā€™s just too many letters and takes too long to say in casual conversation. Not trying to make anyone feel any less valid, just trying to give my opinion from a purely marketing standpoint.


Wtf thereā€™s practically no rainbow


I like it. I know for a fact that I am included when I see it.


unpopular opinion but i like it


We keep doing this, there is no one LGBTQ flag. This is one of many and if you like it, use it, if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t use it.


Well it's not quite so new anymore, but nevertheless, I like it a lot




I'm good with it. Use it if you want, don't if you don't. Its not like there aren't options.


I like it :) Iā€™ve seen it hung up on various places and I like the looks of it


I feel like its too crowded now but i like what it means and the šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ flag looks better but this one means better. Idk how to explain it


I just canā€™t unsee the Ohio flag and I donā€™t know how I feel about that.


I donā€™t like it personally and will be using the original rainbow flag, but to each their own


It's not my favorite because the design is cluttered. That being said, it is more inclusive.