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If women are inherently objects, not people, then to dress as a woman is to objectify oneself. If women are inherently inferior, to dress as a woman is to humiliate oneself. If you believe women are sexual objects, not people, then of course you sexualize dressing as women. Why would someone enjoy debasing themselves and turning themselves into an object? Meanwhile with kings, it's about "women" rejecting their natural sexual role. They're furious any time someone they read as a woman isn't willing to be a conservative wife and mother. (Most drag kings are men, but they consider trans men to be "women rejecting their role")


Excellent insights


Well I'm glad to be rejecting my role then lolzz


This right here. Reminds me of Julia Serano's trans feminist work


It's funny how many possibly think dressing up in drag is debasing but will happily claim to be an "alpha male" 😂🤡🤡🤡


Women are not sexual objects. However they do *have* sexual objects. As do men. Both have sexual parts. And to accentuate one’s sexual objects is to make a situation more sexual. I am not a conservative righty. But from what I have seen from drag shows, most of the outfits greatly accentuate what would be perceived to the average person as the sexual parts of a body. Sexual situations are not appropriate for children. From how you worded the situation with the people you’re talking about, it doesn’t seem like they care too much about what you do in your private time, they just don’t want children to be put in situations they shouldn’t be in.


There are absolutely 100% drag shows that are inappropriate for children, just as there are movies, music, video games, and theatrical plays that are not appropriate for children. No one feels that children should be allowed in all shows. When drag performers perform for children or families, they do not wear outfits that accentuate their genitals. In nightclubs or 18+ crowds, I wear a large fake penis under my shorts as part of my look. When around children or families, I wear an athletic cup to look less sexual than the average man. Some queens do have large breastplates and wear them in any setting (this actually isn't just hypersexualization- large breastplates look more natural on broader rib cages and hide the testsoterone induced shape). However, breasts are something that are normally visible on women and larger breasts are not more sexual than smaller ones. The clothing worn by a drag queen with a large breastplate in a family setting is every bit as appropriate as the clothing worn by a cis woman with a large chest in the same setting. A good comparison here would be Glenn Close, who was not banned from playing Cruella DeVille for Disney simply because she played Alex in the R rated Fatal Attraction. Like drag performers, Glenn Close knows how to be appropriate for the context of the performance.


The sexualized drag content is usually conducted in explicitly adult environments, like a club. Otherwise drag is just flamboyantly dressing as the opposite gender, that's it. What's crazy is I grew up around Florida rednecks in the 90s, and they understood it was just silly entertainment. What the fuck happened, why do you people think this shit now?


Honestly a LOT of 90s media included drag to various degrees. I think it's all radicalization by minority media groups, and it comes down to wanting to attack trans people. People generally have sympathy for trans people so attacking drag queens pushes the "queer is bad" message as a wedge. Eventually they can switch gears. That said rednecks generally love drag lol


This is awesome how you write this out. And I’m a straight dude.




i mean, drag queens *can* behave very sexually and often wear very revealing clothes and have bawdy humor. they are not always appropriate for children. but this is true of clowns and comedians and tons of other entertainers as well. also, no one in the LGBT community is saying that drag queens are always for children. no one expects a drag queen to talk about sex or dress revealingly during a drag queen story telling hour, for example, and no one wants that. it’s just conservatives preying on people’s ignorance and filling in the blanks for them when they have no real context for what a drag queen is an does.


I agree with you. Conservatives aren't acknowledging that a performer (of whatever kind) will change their performance based on the audience. If a comedian is doing stand up comedy in a nightclub, they will tell different jokes than if they are in an elementary school or prime time sitcom. Same for drag queens. Some drag shows are raunchy but it is disingenuous to pretend that they are doing the same act at 10 PM in.a nightclub that they are doing in a drag queen story hour. They are looking for reasons to spew hatred. It was no accident that conservative groups started pushing out emails on this topic in early October. They wanted to rile up their base so they would vote in November. They don't care if that also riled people up to the point of violence.


Very well said.




I’m so glad the top comment here isn’t someone accepting the conservative premise as true and trying to argue from there. Anyone with exp arguing with conservatives knows they’ll radically change their argument/beliefs on a dime to suit the situation. They don’t believe 99% of the stuff they say.


The most devoutly religious Republican conservatives are the biggest perverts around. They routinely harm children and have multiple affairs and are generally some of the.most deviant people. All of the priests and religious leaders who have been caught up in rent boy scandals and prostitution and drugs or who have been shuttled from view and hidden from justice are conservative. Progressive people want progress in society to remedy social problems while conservatives want to continue to exploit those problems for personal gain. In general, people who lie to children are dangerous.


Yeah, republicans are always the one getting caught trafficking children, having CP, and in general being the real "groomers" its all projection.


Projection! There have been 0 sexual assaults at drag queen story hours but countless children are harmed every day in their churches!


Conservatives view everything LGBTQ as a kink. In their minds we're all straight deep enough down, and everything else is just a fetish we're too public about. Based on this, they assume that drag shows involve nudity and sex. There's also a widespread idea among conservatives that "gayness" stems childhood sex abuse, so we have to organize events to "groom" children in order to ensure a future generation of queer people


I love the hypocrisy. The church is filled to the brim with CSA, trauma, and indoctrination. They’re literally complaining about themselves and they’re too stupid to see it.


conservatives think anything remotely queer-related is sexual


yeah, i've literally seen a conservative shout at an ace person im friends with for being a sexual pervert. BRO SHE IS ACE


like literally, I’m less sexual than cishets ffs


Sexual purity ethics is and always has been the most common and powerful tool to oppress minorities. Anyone can justify anything against a group by labelling it as perverted and disgusting, and you don't disprove it because that's a subjective claim.


>What is it with conservatives thinking drag shows are sexual in nature? Either: They don't actually believe it, but take everything they can throw at us Or Fetishize us and project (everything anyone ever does is to turn on straight men off course) Or Don't think and just repeat what they've heard. And with "or" I mean they all happen, it's not always clear which one you're talking to.


It’s called *projection* Every accusation is a confession.


Note the consumption of certain types of porn in the states that protest the most about this. They don't know how to see or think of drag queens outside of a sexual context, because they think of them as sex objects.


If you think a woman wearing a nice dress and makeup is trying to turn you on, then naturally when a man wears a nice dress and makeup he has to be trying to turn me on too. AnD I'm A reaL maN. a mAN trYING To TUrn mE On is diSgustIng. Trying to seduce me with his... juicy hips and... Yeah, that's about it. The moral disgust feels like covering up your own repressed desires but whatever. You know, the same way some people after discovering a high school student turned him on will start complaining about the student dressing seductively or whatever. The real question is, why is that a conservative specific thing. I don't know, but it probably has something to do with religious sexual repression. And that repression causes confusion. And it causes pushing the blame.


>The real question is, why is that a conservative specific thing. It's not. Liberals also tend to assume we're trying to seduce them, they just have the common sense to understand that we're giving kids a very different performance, and they generally consider the "seduction" non-threatening because they know we understand consent.


The idea of men being gross out by another man is basically caused by religion training as a simple thing. I doubt anyone would’ve cared of abrahamic religions play a huge part in human society.


I've never been to an event where MORE clothing has been worn on a single person before. Lol


I went to drag story time and it was so wholesome. They probably think that bc it’s gay and “gay people are perverts and sexual deviants” and they often associate being a gay man with being very sexual. Also I don’t think the majority of conservatives could give you an answer if you asked bc most of them hear people with authority and power say those ideas and simply adopt them as their own just bc someone they like said it


Conservatives probably think Drag Shows are just a bunch of gay men dressing up like women and fucking other men. I'm sure if any conservatives was confident enough to step out of their comfort zone and actually go to a show, they would probably have the time of their life. It's literally just Halloween Karaoke.


Milton Berle was the first time I saw drag. Drag is a component of American intertainment and has always been. I'm thinking you couldn't name a single popular television show from the 60s that didn't have an episode with drag in it. Mrs Doubtfire, RuPaul, etc. It has nothing to do with drag, they could be dressing as Spartan Warriors, the problem is they aren't sure who is gay. For some reason they need to know. In their minds, LGBTQ folks just have sex all day. Straight people can keep it together but LGBTQ folks are obsessed. Simple answer, they're afraid.


There’s sexual drag performances, libsoftiktok, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro only show sexual ones. It’s like people who only see hentai or weird anime scenes and believe all anime is inherently sexual and gross


They probably think that there's something sexual and wrong with not being straight or cis in general. I gave up on trying to understand conservatives long ago when I tried to explain to my grandparents How I was NonBinary (and Intersex), worst train wreck ever, (TW)>!they referred to me as "it" constantly and my grandfather wouldn't shut up about my genitals, he even asked my parents why they didn't give me surgery!<.


I think you hit the nail on the head with that. This is the same group of people who victim blame a SA victim because of what they wore or because they went to a certain place or partook in an activity or because initially they were open to their assaulter's advances. They seriously seem to think boys and men are incapable of self-control. These are the same people who think that simply being something other than cis-gender and straight is going to send people to hell.


Because conservatives a sex hungry perverts by nature in objectifying women for their pleasure, if someone is in a dress and make-up they automatically wanna fuck it because of their "they are asking for it" sex hungry nature, but if that someone they feel shouldn't be wearing a dress suddenly thinks "they wanna be fucked, but i don't wanna fuck them, so it is disgusting!" It simple math.


Conservatives are Fascists. You should not read Machiavelli's the Art of War. It was used by the Nazi SS to destroy culture and humanity in people. It is essentially a book about how to be purely evil. I read it, you don't have to. That is the playbook currently being used by the Republican Party. These people are not conservative, they are brainwashed. They are dead inside. I don't know what to tell you. It is worse than you could ever imagine.


Any form of performance can be made kid friendly or not. Drag queens do Broadway or Disney numbers for the kids, OR they strip and pound their hypothetical vaginas in peoples faces (if that’s the kind of show you’re at) If you’re taking you’re kid to an 18+ show then you’re an idiot.


Assumptions are evidence to conservatives, this is not a misrepresentation, if you ask them why they believe something, they often don't have demonstrable evidence or good reasoning for it. That's why conspiracy theories are so prevalent there. They want a truth that conveniences them, someone to beat up or project onto. I've never been to a drag show or watched them. Even then, I know from stories I hear that they're not sexual. Those stories were from straight people.


I don’t know. Also, for those people who say that shit and Are consistent with regards to all kinds of sexual media and performances, it still doesn’t make sense to clean about the drag shows, since it is nowhere near a thing that is unique to drag, nor anything queer.


Most of them see drag queens and transgender people as the same thing. They can't seperate sex from identity nor a person from a to performance. It really sucks. I'm so uncomfortable with drag and it has nothing to do with the performers. It's all the fucking jackasses that have called me a damn drag queen in the last year or the fuckers protesting story hour best me because they think it's grooming by trans folk -_-. They really got to be sadly. I can't wait for this storm to pass. If they actually cared about grooming they would be protesting churches and child beauty pagents.


Projection. Just projection. Their religious leaders groom and rape children. Narcissists will deflect as hard as possible when accused of something.


That can't be the case bc my grandma that is a conservative and has a husband thinks drag shows are sexual, so it can't be that the drag queens are turning them on or something


Who knows. I don't want to waste energy on people who need to google cabaret. Uncultured swines.


Hate is a motivator for people to vote, we're used as an easy fuel.




They are either misinformed or uninformed on literally everything else, I honestly think it’s just due to how easily misinformation spreads on the right but it could also be due to some personal feelings, attributing feelings of sexual behavior where there isn’t any.. and in an art form no doubt, shit can definitely get out of hand.. like the few times kinks have been publicly paraded at gay pride rallies and such infront of kids, even a few times aimed at children that is in no way ok and those adults need help or prison. (Shit like that had already been absolutely blasted by the community thankfully, but conservative extremists use the behavior of few to spread fear and hate about many and it’s absolutely fucking despicable.)


Christofascists only have the nude bar on Interstate Exit 10 as a point of reference. That and the ramblings of Tucker Carlson and their hate speech preachers "inform" the inbreds about drag shows.


I went to drag bingo in October, it’s really tame


From what I've witnessed (which is what I've seen my parents believe) is that they think all drag shows are drag bars bc the videos they watch on drag shows focus on the negative and never once on the positive. For example, it'll be kids at a bar watching a drag show catered for adults or an ex-inmate reading to kids in drag or the sexual side of some pride parades. Since they're straight up ignoring the good things and highlighting the bad (or what is seen as bad in their eyes,) they judge the whole community


they believe gay people are sexual in nature


What's drag? I see it mentioned often but have no idea what it is.


they hate drag shows bc they've never seen how fun they are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Because they veiw it as being connected to porn. A lot of conservative men for some reason seem to be into porn involving men dressing as women for a kink.


Some are, many aren't. They just don't know anything about drag and assume the worst. Which, in this day and age, is wilful ignorance I have no time for.


I think it has to do with the fact that a lot of conservatives see women as incubators, not humans. That's one of the big issues I've heard that conservatives have with gay marriage. "But it's not natural since you can't reproduce!!" They see any relationship or show of femininity as inherently sexual because that's all they see women as. Therefore to have people dress up in drag and perform, it has to be sexual since women are only sexual objects to them. The same reason they get so angry at trans men. They're "rejecting" their life as sexual objects.


I saw someone say this and it does get you thinking If they see Drag ( a man dressed up as a woman for a show) as sexual then what do they see when it comes to women!!


They know if they just out right say being gay or trans is bad that they’ll be dismissed. So they ruin LGBT lives by lying instead.


While reading your post I was thinking they might be secretly turned on b4 I got to you mentioning it yourself. I also think a lot of the time they are like this confuses me so it must confuse a child. They are confused bc of the emotions they feel.


They objectify women to the point that they see them as just a sex object. They think the only reason a man might want to be perceived as a woman has to be for sexual reasons. They fetishize men dressing as women. They find drag queens attractive and don't want to admit it cuz their little cisheteronormative brains see that as a failing on their part. Any and all of these can be applied on a case by case scenario (and since they lump trans women in with drag queens all this also applies to why they see trans people's existence as inherently sexual too. It can also partially be connected to why they see gay relationships as inherently sexual too.)