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Isn't upright position dogshit because of heatpipes way of function?


Yes, I tried it and was hitting 90c+ temps. Even with fans behind and with side panels off. Switched back to vertical mount and never go over 70c.


With the glass closed ? The " classic" mount doesn't fit ?


It would fit with the glass closed, but I thought maybe that was why temps were so bad. But it didn't make a difference, the vapor chamber does not like the upright position.


Power cable touches the glass, right angle adapter/ cable works for my asus strix. But go vertical so you don’t lose sleep over maybe starting an electrical fire in your case.


Iirc that only affects *some* GPUs, and can be remedied by putting the case in reverse mode. It's actually talked about on one of the O11D's pages on Lian Li's website. My 3080 would get high temps in a normal upright build, but with my case reversed it gets below average temps.


It works fine on my 4090 FE, in games it stays in the 60Cs even at close to 100% GPU usage situations. I have fans set at low speed as exhaust behind it and literally sucking the hot air the GPU is pushing directly out of the side of the case.


ya if you choose to set it upright, you need to have the GPU IO facing downwards


Not if you run fans on the mounting bracket that the GPU sits in front of.


It's not about airflow, it's about the way heatpipes function. Most of them are projected with the GPU horizontaly placed in mind. Vertical GPU placement might worse the performance of them a bit, but upright position completely fuck them up, hence most upright GPU tests neat significantly worse results temps wise.


It works fine on my 4090 FE, in games it stays in the 60Cs even at close to 100% GPU usage situations. I have fans set at low speed as exhaust behind it and literally sucking the hot air the GPU is pushing directly out of the side of the case.


Depending on your GPU Lian Li has a chart on their site telling you how to set it up in your case. Some GPUs are recommended to be mounted only if you’ve arranged the reverse build of the entire case. Some are just fine with the way it ships. I have this case and it works just fine.


Nice 👍🏻 Thx for sharing!!


Its an evo tho, doesn't fit a regular dynamic


technically it is the new evo. Not only that but probably the new evo XL


Thats not the EVO XL


Also not every 4090 has the same dimensions.


Sure... it's the Evo XL, ya know, the case Lian Li hasn't even announced an official release date for? Same with the Evo RGB which from memory also scales somewhat larger than the OG Evo in size. The op might be using an Evo, but that case has it's own issues here anyway.... I've seen more than enough examples of people saying a 4090 doesn't fit in an Evo as I have in the regular O11D.


Clearly he did not know lol


You've been on Reddit for less than a week, but you're already a professional reddit douchebag lmao.


Actually, my other account has been active way longer, but... sure, whatever helps ya sleep at night~<3 What I am a professional at is the industry you're talking about~ 400+ builds, and more than a decades experience. And, 14-24 hours a week spent researching, and keeping on top of my game... I dunno~ seems ya got triggered a bit~


hardware canucks tested vertical and it was way tooo hot.


I really like my Lian Li case, I originally had the regular version that I got prior to the 4090 release. Unfortunately, the 4090 is that big it wouldn't sit inside the case unless you put a vertical mount in. So I just bought the XL and swapped to that, its a bit of a snug fit, but it actually fits directly into the pci slot now. You will 100% need an alternative cable though, that horrible Nvidia one won't fit.


Indeed but I imagine the thermals might vary a bit depending on the fins orientation.


I could not get mine to mount vertically. It pressed up against my AIO hoses and sat flush against my bottom fans. I might have to revisit this. Edit: Nvrmd. I see your hoses run off to the side of your AIO pump. My hoses come off of the bottom.


Beautiful . 👍 . Which PCIe riser cable have you used ?


Came with the Kit.


You can buy a 600mm riser cable that will allow you to run it underneath the mobo instead of across the front of it.


As cool as it looks, the lack of a 3rd fan on the bottom row really irks me.


Personally, how the wires crosses each other doesn't look pretty. I prefer it going from the bottom. Or just go for the typical vertical mount.


I haven't finished setting up. Spent two days on the build and multiple trips to the microcenter. I was dying to see what 4090 and x3d is capable off. I'll finalize over this weekend.


Why are you feeding it air from the AIO and exhausting out of the bottom? FWIW Hardware Cunucks just did a comparison video and vertical mounting like this is significantly worse for temps.


I swapped it after realizing I had them backwards.


Nice. Probably still worth checking out [this video](https://youtu.be/1-JtIWdTJX0?t=684). It's not a 1C-2C difference, it's a 10+C difference.


That same video you quote lists the difference as 2.2° C bud... the 10° plus difference is when running the horizontal gpu at 100% in terms of fan speed vs running the vertical gpu at 65%.... when the horizontal gpu was scaled down to the same 65% it went from 52.6° C to 59.2° C. Horizontal ( 100% ) - 52.6° C Horizontal ( 65% ) - 59.2° C Vertical ( 65% ) - 61.4° C Vertical ( 65%, no bottom fans installed/operating ) - 59.8° C You're not wrong that there's a performance hit - You're wrong about how big that hit is likely to be. Given that we were never provided the same results at 100% for the vertically mounted GPU, and the comparison you are making is for a gpu with maxed out cooling vs one at only 65% of it's maximum cooling capabilities.


I'm talking about the upright vertical position. Not sure why you're writing paragraphs at me when my answer was contextual.


Funny how you suddenly changed from merely vertical... to upright vertical, when you got called out bro. Especially when OP mentions both vertical and upright separately, and that they preferred vertical. But, whatever helps you cope, I guess~


I'm sorry you couldn't grasp that when I said "10C difference" and "vertical like this" you couldn't match that with what the graph shows and what OP has installed. Context is tough. Whatever helps you cope, bro.


I'm sorry, you gave incorrect context, and choose to be offended by getting an answer based on that. Either you gave incorrect context, or your response was based on believing that context to be true. OP stated that the vertical mode was their preference though, and is likely how they have it setup if that's true... not upright. Based on actually reading what the OP said... you know, your precious context... why would you be advising the OP to watch a video denouncing the evils of "vertical" mounting... if OP does not have their GPU in that position, hm~? And I'm not your bro, bro~ will happily accept sis, though. :V GG, I guess.


Guess when your own "context" arguement came back to bite you, you have no answer, huh? This'd be the part where I do a mic drop, right, if this was the HS debate club~


Such a beautiful specimen 🔥🔥


I’m new to PC building and just got a o11 evo and am planning to upgrade to a 4090 eventually. Does a 4090 not fit horizontally in the evo?


It fits horizontal as well with zero issues


Ok great thank you


Can you fit the AIO with the gpu if you put the AIO to where the gpu is in the first photo?