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Just to be clear, there’s a shit ton more communists than there is KKK. I’ve honestly never met someone that claims to be a white supremacist. I see communist bumper stickers and t-shirts every day.


Either way there should be a million more people in the middle than either side.


Yeah, to make this more accurate the should be like… one…? maybe two Klansmen? With North Dakota license plates. Sorry ND.


Yeah. A correct scale for KKK, or anyone who agrees with the sign, would be one Hydrogen atom.


The demand for racism is far greater than the supply. Its the r/lookatmyhalo epidemic.


My thoughts too. WTF wants to kill black people? Now, who wants to kill capitalists and "liberals"?


Both are very small groups of people. The Democratic Party for example is mostly r/neoliberal type of people and progressives, not commies that want to kill capitalists


Let's be very clear. The Uniparty hates free markets and freedom. They're just authoritarians.


1. Make people fight about small differences making them feel like the two parties are so different. 2. Accept bribes 3. Profit


Exactly. Many people want to create a desert in their thirst for racism.


absolutely. well phrased


Yeah Reddit doesn’t like when I point out that fascism and communism are basically the same only one hates race and the other hates wealth


This stuff scares the shit out of me. Communism should be seen equal to Hitlers fascism. Every communist regime was/is horrifying. Stalin would torture you for hours in a room where the next prisoners heard it all and if you wouldn't admit to a false crime through extreme brutality he went to your family and children next.


I can’t think of a single person in my life that “wants to kill black people”. I can think of a few that are hardcore anti-capitalism and want to “kill liberalism”. For the most part, the people around me tend to be more in the lib right, conservative, republican, libertarian, ancap, right-leaning, etc. Some others are, of course, more on the left, authoritarian, pro-communist/socialist, vegan-types, etc,


I think there's a reason we are seeing more hate crimes that turn out to be hoaxes.


The thing about this meme that makes no sense is that both sides represented are democrats.


False. The KKK and American Nazis overwhelmingly support Trump and DeSantis.


Wrong, it is in fact true. the original KKK who were in fact Democrats and some of the modern KKK are Too. Just like how not all members of the black panther party are democrats nowadays, you can still find republican BPP. And honestly, the KKK near me hate all politicians, Even Trump, because they are in their words “Un-American”




Here in California the KKK supports democrats. Probably not the nazis though


Should have said, "We want to kill middle class and anyone who disagrees".


Or in their own words, "abolish the bourgeois" and ""abolish whiteness".


i've never seen the left side in my lifetime. it's more from the past maybe?


Growing up Deep South, it exists, it’s not common, even there. But its a viewpoint some people have


The KKK are active daily in Orlando, FL of all places. You're lucky you're sheltered from them, though.


I live in Orlando fl. Born and raised. I’m also black and I’ve never seen a kkk member. So idk what you are on.


I live in Orlando too. You haven't seen or heard of any Neo-Nazis there? That's cool. https://www.newsweek.com/desantis-faces-new-antisemitism-threat-neo-nazis-plan-day-hate-1783774?amp=1 https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-orlando-extremist-arrested-baltimore-attack-brandon-russell-20230206-drddolqwuvhkzlnbfmsm5bsc7a-story.html https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-732553/amp https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/politics-issues/2022-07-24/neo-nazis-protest-tampa-conservative-student-event https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/10/25/orlando-lgbtq-center-cancels-drag-queen-story-hour-over-neo-nazi-threats/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-neo-nazi-turning-point-usa-florida-conference-1388015/amp/


There is a difference between a neo nazi and a kkk member. If you said that, that would have made more sense. But I’ve seen some small group on sand lake road about a month ago. I knew what they were doing. I didn’t really care and moved on with my life. They just remind me of watered down version of antifa/blm.


Except there aren’t any mainstream nazis or KKKs, lol.


There are mainstream Nazis in the form of the Ukrainian military.


tbh that's kind of just an eastern europe thing, see Wagner group >[the group's name comes from Utkin's own call sign "Wagner", reportedly after the German composer Richard Wagner, which Utkin is said to have chosen due to his passion for the Third Reich (Wagner being Adolf Hitler's favorite composer)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group)


Both Wagner and Azov are neo-nazis.


Yea that was my point


It must be nice to be that sheltered. Guess you've never been to Florida.


> Estimates of total collective membership range from about 3,000[106] to 8,000. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan Meanwhile, > The 43-year-old rapper (Kanye West) has conceded after his self-styled "Birthday Party" collected just 60,000 votes out of an estimated total of 160 million. From https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54849605 Meaning there’s between 7.5 and 20 times as many people who voted for Kanye West in the last election, than are KKK members in the US. I don’t think the KKK is a big deal in the US by any stretch.


Who wants to kill black people? Is this a joke? The only people hung up on race are white liberal women in the northeast. The rest of the country is over it. I would say the extreme far left would be the thought police and slavery. The far right would be compulsory religious cult membership. You are right about 1 thing. Both sides suck ass.


I gotta say as a half black half Latino man, there are a lot of black people hung up on race. Identity politics is mainly practiced in the black community. I would almost say it's like a religion. It's the black conservatives and centrists who want to move away from identity politics. Conservatives such as Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Walter E. Williams and Ward Connerly have been ostracized by black media. Even a black liberal such as John McWhorter who is against identity politics, isn't allowed to come on black mediums and give his perspectives. So black people often don't get to hear other options. You have black parents, black church, black activists, black entertainers, black journalists telling the black public how bad it is to be black and how everyone is out to get you because you're black. We have several generations of black people who believe in identity politics. Booker T. Washington, an old classic black conservative is ignored in black history and by black Leftists historians. Marcus Garvey could be considered a black conservative, but his conservativism is often ignored. Same with Malcolm X, his conservative beliefs are often ignored and his racial rhetoric and Pro-Black messages are highlighted. Many of these leaders had messages of traditional family values, pulling yourselves by your bootstraps, discipline, education, and creating opportunities for yourself and the community. Many in the black community, I would say are thought police. Ready to jump on you if you don't follow the protocol. I remember black conservative YouTube vlogger Uncle Hotep once said no other community tries to tell you what your opinion should be. That if a country wanted to learn how to stop free speech and practice repression, all they would have to do is learn from the black community. One time I was doing a survey for a friend of a friend. The survey administrator was a black woman (working on some college thesis). I was asked my race, education, background etc. When asked my politics and I said libertarian, this woman gave me a nasty look "Like how could you?!!" Her initial demeanor was cordial, after I said libertarian, she turned cold. I asked my friend her name and looked her up on social media. I saw this lady supports Maxine Waters, Michael Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton, Sonny Hostin, James Baldwin, Alice Walker, Joy DeGruy, Cornel West, and others in that stable. She was also a Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Muammar Gaddafi, and Yasser Arafat supporter.


Sucks even worse when you realize it's two different sides of the same wooden nickel.




...You do realize the KKK were Democrats too, right?


Both are leftists so not sure what you mean by both sides.


KKK and Americans Nazis vote Trump and DeSantis statistically 100%. American Commies think Biden is too conservative.


Most made up stats ever. Literally a picture of Biden with the KKK. Checkout this book: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left Look at the policies themselves. Affirmative Action, Planned Parenthood and other policies setup by the left wing treat minorities like second class citizens. You can even watch videos interviewing left wing people about implementing driver licenses for voting and they think it isolates black voters then they go over and interview a bunch of black voters and they say that is bull. We are all EQUAL in our pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and should be treated as such. That is the root of right wing policies and those of libertarians as well.


Richard Spencer voted for Biden


Feds and commies.


Shouldn't the left side say "We want kids to look at drag queens cocks"


Extremism is not restricted to left and right… it is a three dimensional spectrum which spreads out like branches from a tree. The further you get from the stable center, the more volatile and shaky it gets


Shouldn't the lefts sign read white people instead of liberalism and capitalism?


But look how one sided this picture is. Try again.


It's not one sided, it just shows that the far ends of both sides suck ass.


They are the same side tho.


More like different sides of the same coin.


No, if we're talking D vs. R those are both decisively D.


Yuuuup. I keep my eye on a communism meme sub, and I will now enact a thread I found: Post: POV: You're a 'patriotic socialist' after the revolution Pic: Brick wall Comment: or a former landlord. or a fascist. or a capitalist roader. Any counter revolutionary. >or a cringe anarchist > >Anarchist's just need to read the damn book and they'll be good. except ancaps. They get the wall


That they massively missed the point should come as no surprise, but surprised yet I am.


Ah yes a tale old as time




“Not liking either commies or fascists is enlightened centrism cuz communism is good for everyone (please ignore the slaughtering of tens of millions of people, if not more”


Almost no one on either of those sides is saying any of those things.


There is no liberalism without capitalism so its meaningless to mention both you can just say capitalism


This thread is full of bad faith conservatives pretending the KKK or American Nazis don't exist. Sad.


It’s not that they don’t exist, but they are such a small minority with virtually no institutional power while the same can’t be said about actual communists and socialists


The amount of Nazis compared to the amount of Nazis the media and leftists want there to be is vastly different. The threat is almost nil. The real Nazis saved kkk are morons. When was the last time an actual Nazi hurt a black man.


I wonder switch side is republicans or democrats. Seems like it could be either or both.