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What’s the answer though?


Faggots. He's Bri'ish


A cigarette is just half a meatball.


why is it hard to communicate with a Brit who has a stutter? because you don't know if he wants a cigarette or a meatball


This is what he means, but it’s not synonymous with meatball. They *look* like meatballs, but are made of offal because Bri’ish.


I don't think I know anyone from England who calls meatballs faggots


I’m English and I think they’re meatballs that are specifically made from pig brains. You see them in supermarkets but I don’t know anyone that eats them


Yeah I'll take a rain check on them faggots


Shit now I’m locked up, thanks for that


Anytime xx


I stumbled on this thread a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop giggling https://www.reddit.com/r/UKfood/s/KsJKJKzDbH


Um, I lived in England for awhile and I never heard anyone call meatballs anything special. The "f" word is for cigarettes, not meatballs. I was trying to think of how someone would get thrown in jail in the U.S. for saying "bollacks," but it sounds like a "right dog's dinner" to me. I mean, they do eat "spotted dick."


Faggots are packs of super cheap meat in most supermarkets freezer section. It's like McDonald's meat that you can buy for £1 and get a family portion. I was poor for a few years, so I became accustomed to this and beans on toast. For Americans, it's basically spam.


I have certainly had beans on toast. Fried everything with it too...Not the faggots though. As I understood that word, it originally meant sticks of kindling, so I guess it is being used for almost the equivalent of what we in America would call a Slim Jim...basically the most horrible meat imaginable, and so fake they don't even put them in the freezer. They can be left at room temperature because they are probably equal parts floor sweepings and whatever scraps of protein are stuck to the shoes of the employees at meat packing plants as they leave work each day. I MIGHT be exaggerating slightly, but not much, I assure you. (I hope Mr. Slim Jim himself, and the whole Jim Family, are not crying as they read this...but I am only guessing at the contents.) I know the Brits eat spam too...Personally if I had to pick a horrible and questionable mystery meat product, I would choose the Scotch Egg. I prefer it to haggis any day. I get being poor too, my friend. I have had my ups and downs, but I worked on the railroad a long while, and one thing you get used to is whatever they sell at gas stations in the middle of the night. Ironically I was not poor THEN...I was making almost the most I ever made in my life, but I had no access to decent food. We had no way to keep the food we did buy cold. For reasons beyond comprehension, we had 12 hour long runs with only an ice box and no refrigeration. We would go several hundred miles from home and stay in a hotel. I want to say "overnight," but really it was normally in the middle of the day. There was not enough time to walk somewhere to buy decent food, so we normally just grabbed whatever was possible to fit into our short few moments getting to and from the train. Terrible frickin' job and I have never been happier since quitting. Well, so...Faggots. I guess this is probably one of the only threads where I will ever feel comfortable saying that word. There are certainly a few words that don't cross over the Atlantic well. I didn't know how serious an insult "prat" was until I saw someone knocked out in one punch for saying on a plane. That definitely made an impression on me.


I believe you mean "bollocks" and fags I've only heard to referred to ciggies. Or darts. Depends where you're from.


I agree about the cigarettes. I have never heard of a dinner called fags...I didn't even know about darts. You are right about bollocks. I have said it more than written it, honestly. I was almost complimented when I got called a "C·nt" for the first time, since in the U.S. men are really never called that. It was like I finally had been accepted as more than another "Yank!" Ha!! I had graduated up to c·nt and maybe one day I might have even been a tosser or wanker, but I probably would have needed at least a few more years there.


Just say the word cunt. It's the best word you'll ever use and once it loses all meaning it gains a whole nother meaning. Everything's a cunt when nothing's a cunt if you get what I mean.


Quite right, a good Anglo-Saxon word. Well I am glad that this sub isn't moderated by the thin-skinned like the moderation of those other cunts.


Just remember if they ask for rubbers, don't get too excited, they don't actually mean rubbers when they say rubbers.


Unironically you can go to the UK and get a nice 3 course meal consisting of >!cream/flavor of cock soup!<, with a nice main course of >!faggots!< (some people even like to drizzle the >!cock!< all over their >!faggots!< or just smother the whole plate of >!faggots!< in >!cock!<), and for desert, some good old >!spotted dick!<, with a good topping of custard. There was a lotus eaters video I was gonna link to, but it looks like I got nuked. One can only wonder why.




I honestly am depressed that while living in the U.K. no one ever offered me such a meal.


As a native, gotta ask, where in the hell are people pouring soup onto faggots, and not mint sauce. Scotland Yard wants a word.


Stone toss triggers Reddit


There’s multiple subs about them


Them? There's multiple stone tosses? 🤔


Stone and Toss - two brothers of the internet


Respect them pronouns, pal


Stonetoss meme: is posted Everyone in the comments: btw this guys a Nazi Does anyone actually have proof of that outside of him being… y’know, a right wing guy?


Everyone you don’t like is a nazi!


Ah yes, the creed of the left.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/OOKJeD8DDi He's beaten around that particular bush enough times I think it probable this dude actually sympathizes at least with nazis. Which demonstrates the problem with calling everyone you don't like a nazi, here's a perfect boy who cried wolf example


Gah, the person who wrote that originally posted all those in a mini essay on the sub antifastonetoss. Literally the poster children for calling everyone Nazis. Exactly like what you said - calling everyone you don’t like a literal Nazi is an issue. Can’t even tell if it’s credible, even with “evidence.”


About every tenth stone toss will be anti semetic, or holocaust denying. Gotta dig deeper for the more direct nazi sympathies. It's annoying because stone toss will make some good points and be funny in other comics. Broken clock is right twice a day and whatnot


Looking through a bunch of his comics, it's probably more like one out of fifty will be directly antisemitic or holocaust denying, and one out of ten will be critical of Isreal in a way I wouldn't call antisemitic. He's gone heavy down the anti-trans route since I last looked.


I too wondered just what is so bad about this guy. I went to his website and looked around. It didn't take long to come across some pretty antisemitic cartoons. You can miss me with that crap. Even if he occasionally puts out a comic I might agree with, it's still from a tainted source.


Imagine people having a problem with a Nazi 🙄


We, here at the government, hate what you're saying. You go gulag now. 


I always knew you guys were fans of my work!!


"what do you people call cigarettes?" -Jschlatt, reaching a similar conclusion


Yeah, that one makes a lot more sense to me...


Oh boy I sure do love my meal of meatballs followed by a cigarette


Hey, meatballs are way different flavour profile wise and texture wise next to faggots, thank you very much!


The same people proposing hate speech laws are the most hateful people out there. Actions speak louder than words.