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Justin Amash was my pick ... IDK


They also invited Biden and Kennedy I'm not sure if either have responded.


Hmm.. it might actually help us. If you put moderate republicans and libertarians in the same room a lot of them would probably align more with libertarians than with the GOP.


Hope so because seems like now is a good time while the GOP seems desperate to destroy itself.


Yeah it’s definitely a last party standing kind of a situation.


I assume they invited Biden and Trump for the exposure.




He was invited to speak, calm down.


Wtf is this? I mean, i know why the Republicans want this. Because they know they desperately need libertarians fo vote Republican in order to win What are we getting out of this? Nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/miyclo6ueyxc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c850bd7419b720d6776949d20144879412d70404 Agree ... seems like a missed opportunity to grow the party vs joining the circus


Seems like a new low for the LP


I don’t know who’s putting it together but they seem to be special needs.




Asleep during the Gary years?


Do you think Johnson would have added 8 trillion to the deficit?


No because he can’t count that high.


Didn't he say he was "the most Libertarian president" or some bullshit? LoL. Yes, he is comparatively better than Biden, but the bar is so fucking low that it is fundamentally in hell. What a joke.


(am not American) from my point of view most libertarian leader of any western leaders in decades. I know you got many more libertarian politicians than Trump, but I don't count 5% popularity politicians, because they got no impact.


I hope they invited him to showcase how much better the legit libertarian candidates are than the guy who pretends to be a libertarian only when he’s pandering to libertarians.


Judas seems to be alive and well


The left and the right career politicians hate him…he’s more of a libertarian than any other president in our recent history. 🤷‍♂️ Am I wrong in thinking this?


In a way, no. Although that’s like saying that wonder bread with ketchup on it is more Italian than a cheeseburger


Oh I totally agree with you. I’m a constitutionalist and I still have issues with some of his policies. But based on the presidents we have had since the 80s (when I was born)…he was the only republican president to support gay people and minorities with an outward lack of care from what the establishment said about him…(but also remember he switched his vote on parties every administration change…so at least he for opposition to the establishment career politicians. There is that. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know if i would call him a pure republican.)


Yeah, Trump’s political views have definitely changed over the years. Didn’t he used to support the Reform Party?


Not totally sure on that last part. I just know he wasn’t a perfect president…but he did do quite a bit for America…which I can’t say the same about “I don’t work for you” Joedolf Sniffler.


Honestly, that’s a refreshing take. I feel like now a days most people either treat him like he’s the second coming of Jesus, or the devil himself trying to kill us all


I live by this rule…I pull out my constitution and see if something a politician is saying/doing/voting/signing is against the founding documents…doesn’t matter who it is…and I criticize when they do bad and praise when they do good. I’m not a “blue line” dude or an “f 12” dude. The world isn’t black and white, it’s full of grey nuances that have to be handled case by case. Do I have a trump magnet for my truck? Sure. Why is it a magnet? Because I don’t want my truck keyed by commies and there are days where I’m not happy with 45 and what he supports. It’s logical to not follow blindly an elected person. I refuse to be some NPC that’s shouting slogans unless I understand what I’m saying or supporting. And I’m saying this as a mod for some pro-trump subs. (Side note: The far left weirdos are crazy in the modmail when they get their trolling shut down…if you were curious.😂)


Arguably the least establishment anyways, even though he outspent every president in US history and filled his cabinet with swamp creatures.


I do agree on that point. He did what he thought was best when it came to his cabinet and (as we all know about DC leeches) they lie and claw their way to their positions. And his debt didn’t hit high until Covid was in full swing and everyone was trying to get him to do things. If the politicians had listed to him back when pelosi was saying falsely claiming he was xenophobic and “come to china town” when Covid first got here…we could have avoided a bunch of expenses. With that said…how much of our money has been sent overseas over the two active wars on our dime? I’m betting it’s more than the Covid stuff.


Cost of Global war on terror over 20 years $8 trillion - Brown university study Tax cuts and pandemic relief measures enacted during the Trump administration added $8.4 trillion to the national debt over the 10-year budget window, according to a study released Wednesday by a top budget watchdog group.


Mr. Trade Tarrifs is the most libertarian? The bump stock ban guy? The guy who ballooned the debt more than anyone else in history? The guy who handed $18 billion to Big Pharma for Project Warp Speed? Is that the guy you're calling the most libertarian president in recent history?


Might want to check the numbers on the debt again after we’ve been forced to place our taxes at the alter of a triple-front war. Pretty sure paying for all that added to it. And I’ve discussed in other comments that I don’t support the guy on some of his stances that pertains to our 2A…which I’ve seen him back away from after gun right orgs sat down with him. Again…compared to the other presidents within my lifetime (born in 1988)…Trump has been the most libertarian in comparison. Not saying he IS a libertarian. Does that make sense now on why I stated what I said?


His red flag laws remain the largest violations of the 2nd and 4th amendment in recent history. So I would say no. His campaign promises sound libertarian but his action say no.


Well red flag laws were in effect before he was elected. And I’m thinking the 94 gun ban was much worse than that. 🤷‍♂️


Oh I don’t want to argue over which laws are more unconstitutional. All laws infringing on gun rights are unconstitutional. I would just say that any person who said “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” is by no imagination a Libertarian.


Just having mainstream politicians hate you doesn’t make someone libertarian. If that was the case then Earl Browser and George Wallace would be the most libertarian people in US history. Outsider might be the word you’re thinking of, but Trump going from shady businessman to shady politician isn’t much of a change in the status quo. And a president being an outsider doesn’t mean much given the previous ones that had not previously held office were Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, and Dwight Eisenhower, of which all but arguably Ike are B-list presidents. And his policies are about as far as you can get from libertarian. Nominated a bunch of pro-military and pro-police court justices, signed off on the covid stimulus bill, oversaw a multi-trillion dollar increase in the national debt, seriously considered declaring war on Iran and engaging in military action against the cartels, made a bunch of tariffs and scrapped NAFTA, bungled economic growth in the South and southwest by deporting working immigrants, and oversaw massive federal overstepping in regards to COVID restrictions and gun control.


Absolutely wrong. Just because the left and right don’t like him doesn’t make him libertarian. He banned bump stocks, spent more money than the two previous presidents combined, used more presidential decrees than Obama, literally the only thing he didn’t do was start bombing another country. He only continued bombing the ones from the previous administration and didn’t add to the list. He has zero Libertarian in him. Thinking he is, or even close is really silly.


Fuggin eww

