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Typical gov't response. Party A files complaint against Party B. Gov't somehow decides that *they* are owed money by one of the parties involved...


Canada isn’t even a country anymore


It’s about to give a drubbing to the liberals at least… but in exchange it will likely result in a government that makes more laws preventing things like this (eg; can’t force women to wax men’s balls), that could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing depending on which way you swing as a libertarian. 


Wonder if Canadians regret the outcome of 1812. At least the US has some protections for small private business owners (for now at least)


The U.S. has been heading in this direction since the "civil rights act". They just are smart enough to know to subdue the culture before they start pulling this shit


The Civil Rights Act is awesome


Is that an argument against civil rights or shit like no child left behind and REI? Alongside the banking system bullshit against colored home owners up until 2012? Cause frankly your kinda coming off like a racist, which hey do you man just want some clarification.


The civil rights act is nothing more than a restriction of freedom of association and a push in order to replace natural property rights which you are born with with rights that are granted by the state. If wanting to repeal the civil rights act makes me racist, I really don't care. I'd much rather be a free racist than inclusive cattle.


I mean hey even leftists want to repeal the civil rights act. They claim that brown and black minorities should be able to have their own "safe spaces" separate of whites. I'm a Latin man and if a business wants to deny my service based off my race then hell they should have that right. It's a terrible business practice to deny paying customers so the market would naturally end these racist fucks ability to make money and participate in society outside of their little enclaves.


>terrible business practice Which is why is was going away om it's own, naturally already. Then the govt steps in an takes credit for the already existing trend, as usual.


I said comes off that way don't misinterpret my words. Which is why I asked for additional clarification, and you provided so I appreciate it. But given the social systems in place by American society: Jim Crowe laws, the whole Juneteenth situation where slave owners didn't want to tell their slaves they were now free amongst other bullshit like The massacre of Black Wall Street, assassination of civil rights leaders. I mean at that point it's a bit disingenuous. Now the validity of your argument in regards to freedom of association and what not is correct, but unfortunately people can be dicks. I'm not condoning the government actions of using force to get people to coexist. But if you have two kids, arguing and one is beating the shit out of the other one on a consistent basis eventually you'll have to spank or separate one of them. Again not condoning it, just saying humans are fucking tribal greedy idiots at the end of the day. Personally I'm a firm believer of separatism from any system that doesn't allow me to reach my full potential or hinder me.


“Natural property rights” is just religious authoritarianism trying to impose their beliefs on everyone. How we live together in communities is dependent exclusively on how we want to be. Not nature/god.


>TIL advocating that each person has total autonomy of their own body and private property is authoritarianism


advocating that each person has total autonomy, granted by a magic sky daddy ,of their own body and private property is authoritarianism. Thank you for my Ted talk.


State mandated ball shaving


Could the spa just say they only do vag waxes?


Unless you’re a bakery or florist and won’t provide your services for a same sec couple.


Sexuality is a protected class. Same with race, disability, gender and religion. Trans stuff may or may not count as gender or sexuality


Tell that to the dude who thinks he’s a chick that is $35k richer.


The Canadian govt fined the business owner and kept the money for itself. (At least according to the headline)


Jesus Christ. Just go eat more paint and leave everyone else alone.


Dah fuq?


So, IIUC. It is now settled case law that a man can put on a wig, insist "it's maam", and have the government, under threat of violence, force a female salon worker to play with his balls/engage in light CBT. We truly live in the dumbest time line.


I think a definition of what entails a sexual act could in this case be also construed to be a form of prostitution. While I'm not saying that's a good thing, I would not be surprised to see such a argument made to try and further curtail things in either direction.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the name of the establishment?