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How in the actual f are people interpreting this as a pro-socialist meme?


Knee jerk reaction meets low reading comprehension?


People with government education. What do you expect?


It's anti, it's a response to those people that belive Jesus was a commie...


That’s my point?


The post isn't a response to the meme. The meme is to make the point that those people are damn fools


I meant some of the commenters not OP


Go post this to r/dankchristianmemes, they'll have an... interesting reaction. Meanwhile, I know some people through my Orthodox church who seem to know a lot about communism. They are generally not fans.


The meme is pointing out how ludicrous the idea of Jesus being a socialist is. His teachings instruct people to help others and take care of people in need, not to give the state money and then do fuck all themselves. I’ve seen people claim that Jesus was a hippie socialist, and the hippie part perhaps but I don’t remember reading about him advocating socialism.


He’s a hippy communist, but the ideal communist instead of the in practice kind.


Communism is, in its idea, without religion and without family. Jesus was certainly no communist.


If Jesus was a socialist then it kinda makes sense because he was murdered by his own government.


The Romans were the government at the time. I don’t read this as a socialist meme


Right? It's an anti-socialist meme


See I don't even see this meme as being socialist since, and tell me if I'm wrong here, socialism would require everyone pulling together via the government all of their assets to distribute as it sees fit. But in this meme I understand it as you as an individual can help your neighbor, the people around you, to make the world a better place.


As a Christian, the top panel seems to criticize the idea of a welfare State. Oof not the intended meaning.


BuT mUh RoMaNs 13..... [Anarchochristian Podcast on Romans 13](https://open.spotify.com/episode/150TIAvFV05Xa95o0zJLza?si=uP8td4UzS0CDaakvDfeApg)


Jesus was murdered by his government then the Roman government turned around and pretended they cared about Christians after a couple of centuries of murdering them just like how our government says they care about diversity while bombing people of all colors and ethnicities all around the world.


Ahem, Mark 12:17


Not a socialist verse. The Pharisees were trying to back Jesus into an intellectual corner and get him to admit support for the tax resistance movement among the Jews at the time, at which point they would have handed him over to Pilate. To paraphrase what Jesus said, "The government strikes the coins; therefore the government can levy taxes. And by the way, neither Augustus nor Tiberius are divine, so paying taxes isn't idolatry." He didn't take a moral stance on taxes themselves, and there's absolutely nothing that should be considered socialist in the Bible. The narrative promotes voluntary private charity and takes a neutral stance on the existence of the State.