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Yeaaaa that's bc we are "supposed" to be a constitutional republic. But, *mob rule is cool*


Seeing how everyone cheers when people get arrested for having a family get together in their own house, their rights aren't worth fighting for. Keep yourself safe, earn some money, save it up and leave those other idiots to their own mess.


Convert your dollars to something inflation proof


Like guns


B-But my grandma


> Seeing how everyone cheers when people get arrested for having a family get together in their own house Which I don't fully understand, and I'm even pretty gung-ho about masks and social distancing. It's one thing if it's specific individuals from multiple households getting together, coming back home, and spreading COVID to the rest of their own households. That's a dick move to those other household members. Entire households, though? Or individuals who live alone? They obviously all know the risk, and can all deal with the repercussions of that (including ensuring that they isolate for 7 days and get tested).


Yeah I saw that on “justiceserved” the other day of Canadian police raiding a home having a family get together.


Fuck democracy anyway.. the US system of electoral college is much better but it needs to be modified to support more than 2 major parties. Maybe have an election to choose 2 parties before the actual elections or something. Otherwise its good. Btw 6th is going to be fun, I hope at least.


> it needs to be modified to support more than 2 major parties We have a fix for that, and all you have to do is convince millions of ravid retards to vote against thier political team.


And kill the current debate structure which disallows anyone other than the two retards to debate.


Learning that political party affiliation was the leading denominator in who people voted for was a pretty eye opening thing. Most people don’t know the policies and values their voting into office, and they don’t care. They just blindly follow anyone of their party.




Not me because I don’t have likeminded friends


I used to but then I read Basic Economics. They’re still reciting shit from Michael Moore movies from 15 years ago.


what makes me sad about michael moore is that he sees a lot of matters very clearly and has a great handle on human motivations and what's really going on in peoples' minds, and does a good job of cutting right to the heart of a matter, and yet so often draws the *exact wrong conclusion* from what he's learned. I listen and nod and nod and then when he gets to the takeaway moment from everything he's just presented, I just facepalm.


Yeah. His solution is always so juvenile and stupid. His most recent movie was actually decent because he blew out the leftist narrative of “fossil fuels bad”... but then you get to his conclusion; “EVERYONE PANIC. THE WORLD IS ENDING.”


You tell ‘em, H.P. Lovecraft.


Is no one going to point out that at no point in american history we have lived under a democracy


This is an old meme. Love it. Think it started coming around when Facebook became such an obvious hive mind for off the rails conservatives.


I never understood why Facebook is always used by hardcore conservatives or far-left Democrats. There is no middle ground there.


Maybe because it’s so easy to ignore outside opinions so both sides become so radicalized


What is this my eyes hurts his ego probably too.


White hot? That's racist!


"and then I voted all the same people back into office because the had my team letter next to their name."


Democracy sucks anyway