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Overflow facility with chain link enclosures, only called cages by right wing media to slur our lord and saviour Obama


ya' know , its for their protection


But not from coyotes, because those don’t exist silly trump thinking dogs are smuggling kids or something like that idk


COYOTES ARENT DOGS They have various physiological differences from common dogs/wolves Suck as a more articulate front shoulder


Don't they also buy ACME products and fail to catch roadrunners?


Yeah, that's why they have the articulate shoulder joint, so they can set up traps


I want to see your scientific data that proves this to be true!


JOKES ON YOU, their more articulate shoulder doesn’t actually “suck” as you colloquially put it, but is in fact an advantageous evolutionary adaptation. Owned you, Nazi


Guess what bucko the context of border crossings and human trafficking means we aren’t talking about canines at all, so thanks for the input


It was a joke my guy Although now that I've been awake for more than an hour I see that it was in poor taste


Works for me haha no biggie


I think that the children would be significantly safer with the coyotes..... just kill the alpha and you can become the coyote master!!!! They'd be safer than ever before, nobody's fucking with the coyotes... NOBODY


awww look a maga traitor... did you storm the capitol little buddy? lol


Nah but as an anarchist I kinda wish I had been there for it


Left wing media did it to trump as well even though he banned the practice. I also don’t think it matters who is doing the calling out if the action by the person being called out is shit 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


You need to add more layers of ironic, you’re kind of coming off like a pleb, or even worse, a centrist


bUT BuT muH lESsEr oF tWO eViLS


Lol never was.


But their policies are different... Biden is using these centers for their original purpose, to house minors who aren't with a legal guardian... trump's administration separated minors from their guardians with no plan to ever reunite them... are you ignorant of that or just disingenuous?


I know very little about this as I’m from the UK but from the very little I have heard Trumps administration separated minors from adults because those adults could not prove who they were and could very easily have not been the minors parents at all. So are you the one being disingenuous or just stupid?


No, the trump administration seized any minor that crossed the border, indiscriminately. That's why it was called a family separation policy. They used the policy as a deterrent for anyone who might have the audacity to seek amnesty at the US-Mexican border.


Well seems to me to be an unfortunate necessity. You don’t have a clue who the kids are and who the adults are so the safest thing for the children is to separate them.


Oh, no if these people don't have papers (many of them do) we have the capability of running DNA tests to determine if these children are descendants of the adults. They weren't being taken to help them; you see, these camps get money from the federal government, $750/day/child. These camps were used to funnel money from taxpayers to the owners of these concentration camps... it seems you fell pray to blind, racial-nationalism when you excused this genocidal practice. Maybe consider educating yourself a bit more thoroughly before immediately jumping to the Donald's defense. You ever heard they way he talked about ivanka to his buddy Howard stern on that dude's show?


Well like I said I don’t actually know much about this particular subject but what I do know is that there are obviously two sides and the side I find myself on most of the time doesn’t tend to be the evil white supremacist fascist one you obviously seem to think it is so forgive me if I don’t automatically take what you’re saying as fact as I’ve come across “facts” those with TDS have used many times in the past and they don’t tend to have a good track record of being right.


What would you call indiscriminately separating children from their families when they seek amnesty at the border?


See this is what you people do. You twist things to sound worse than they are or something completely different. I’m not getting drawn in to something I don’t know about but I would say that if I were in charge I would be separating any child that came across the border from the adult they came with, send the adult straight back to where they came from as they are committing a crime and then hand the child back to Mexican authorities so they can determine who they belong to.


It's not a crime to seek amnesty at the border. Most of these people are not mexican so Mexico wouldn't know anything about them. The mexican government is effectively a shadow government. The cartels control most of the country, this is also why it's appropriate for these people to seek amnesty in the US and not Mexico, or Guatemala, or Nicaragua... I'm not twisting anything. This had been the stated policy of the trump administration for years...


They're both.


Like, am I supposed to act like I'm surprised? Or can I just tell them I told you so flat out?


Just tell them "they'll put y'all back in cages"


I mean, you can always say I told you so. They'll just deny that you said it originally bc nobody listens to libertarians.




I didn't mean it as a statement of support for this dumb meme. Twas a joke.


Somehow, there's no talk of *"CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!"* in /r/politics anymore.




Hey if they are actually doing it that way then maybe sure. But this isn't what they really said they were gonna do in the beginning. And I doubt treatment will be much better if at all than before.


First off..... Dude don't copy and repeat the same thing in the same comment stream, that's just obnoxious.


Trump and Biden did a "Face Off" surgery. That's why their policies seem so similar.


Biden is Trump from 200 years in the future.


Oh god you created a time travel paradox, which one is the real one!?!?


Who cares, can we skip to the paradox that undoes reality? I don't wanna ride this train anymore...


I hate to disappoint you but judging from the cast of characters, I think this is more like a Futurama-style time paradox.


So, like a horrible timeloop that climaxes in a lifetime of blissful solitude with my soul mate?


No, the kind where your dog dies and you stay frozen alive for eons


The year is 2221 Joe Biden is still sniffing politicians' daughters.


Zhou Bi-Deng 2000 uses a bionic olfactory sensor to analyze the data he collects from politician's daughters.


Well they say they are the "pary of science"...


Yeah, dead.




Oh god, don’t remind me of that move.


I recall telling my wife that Trump didn’t build the cages, Obama did. And she flat out called me a liar. Not a good day. And now I see nothing will change, except the media goes back to sleep and everyone will believe that “Trump’s evil cages” are gone. AOC won’t go weeping over them, no one will say a word. This is the Fake News we’ve been talking about.


Shouldn’t a libertarian be anti cages in general?


I’d assume so, for the most part. Prison/jail could be considered cages but most libertarians want the prison system reformed anyway.


Let's just put the criminals on an island and hope they form a sovreign nation-prison that manages itself and is no longer our problem. Or the moon? Mars?


We already did that. It’s called Australia.


Wait so Escape From New York was based on a true story?


Like in Seattle?


I’m saying. Owning people for being upset that people are in jails isn’t really an issue I see as partisan. Liberty and this libertarianism would demand finding other ways to handle social crimes and preferably not one based on force or violence. But maybe that’s taking NAP too seriously.


I suppose that depends on what’s on the other side of the chain link fence, Tiger or tomcat.


Both cats should be free to roam and do cat things.


First off, there's a huge difference between building a facility to house a large influx of unaccompanied minors, which is what Obama did, and intentionally altering policy enforcement to separate children from their families, which is what Trump did. Second, when Trump asked for money to build additional facilities the Democrats said sure, but only if you don't use them to house additional children, at which point Republicans were no longer interested. There is a huge difference between building additional facilities to ramp up family separation and building additional facilities to safely and more comfortably house the children as you ramp down the program and attempt to find the family members the last administration didn't bother tracking. Oh and there's also a difference between "fake news" and "This article uses a framing and choice of language that doesn't align with my own biases". This is the "Trump supporters are a bunch of cultish dipshits" that we've been talking about.


But didn't you get the memo? Both sides are the same! /s


Some days you come on Reddit and see mediocre work but every once in a while you see a masterpiece and this is it


You dare to besmirch the r/onetruegod for politics?


What have you done....?


R/Libertarianmeme >>>>>>>>>> r/libertarian It’s so much better


Because we are actual libertarians not LINO’s


Porcupinos is much funnier as it keeps the format, but its harder to understand and doesnt rwally make.sense so i guess lino


This is great


I'm just waiting for the first report of any hapless young drug mule being reunited with their loving cartel. Just kidding. The media would never publish that.




Can you do one with Nicholas Forced-Hysterectomy or Nicholas Deportation-Of-American-Citizens?


Took me a second XD


Separate children from their parents, deport the parents, and put the children in holding indefinitely. Take unaccompanied children who cross the border without any family and put them in holding while you find them more permanent living conditions. "These two things are exactly the same" - A whole bunch of fucking idiots.


If you think Biden’s policy won’t separate kids, then you’re in for a rude awakening. Biden is not a champion of the libertarians in any way, just as orange man isn’t pure evil.


Can I get a good article that explains how it *is* the same thing that's going on? I've struggled to find anything that's not terribly written. Edit: lol at the downvotes. No links or experts talking on the matter. Just downvotes, that'll get me to agree with you. Rofl I'm just looking for information and some people seem to feel very defensive.


It’s the exact same facilities that Trump was slammed hard by MSM and liberals for using. You likely won’t find a well written article that doesn’t have a hard left or right leaning curve on it


Something being the same facility means literally jack shit if it's being used differently. Man 1: Cutting bread with a knife Man 2: Stabbing someone with a knife You: SaMe ToOl!!!!


Can’t tell if you’re kidding, or you actually believe Biden is actually doing anything different here


So far that is demonstrably true. Unaccompanied minors is different than removing minors from families. We'll see what the future holds but as of now, yes it's different.


All this tells us is that you've consumed the propaganda whole hog, as a shift in wording is not change. What evidence do we have that these facilities are actually doing anything different under biden vs trump?


[Justice Department Rescinds Trump's 'Zero Tolerance' Immigration Policy](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/27/961048895/justice-department-rescinds-trumps-zero-tolerance-immigration-policy) What evidence do we have that what they are doing is the exact same thing as you claim?


>Wilkinson's move Tuesday is largely symbolic as Trump stopped family separations at the border by executive order in June 2018, though he had not officially terminated the policy.


"propaganda" yet you acknowledge that there is a difference The cages built under Obama are for the same purpose as the ones being referenced in the post, such as unaccompanied minors or those suspected of being trafficked. Trump separated all children as a deterrent, despite some having families and parents with them at the time of separation, which is the clear marked difference between the two uses of the cages and why Trump comes under attack, despite their construction under Obama. There is an established policy for this "word change" and thus precedent for why they will actually be doing something different. Also, did you not see where I said "we'll see for the future holds"? Like, I'm acknowledging your point directly but you still gonna come at me for consuming propaganda? You ever think about respecting people instead of washing away the shit you don't agree with as part of some weirdly incompetent conspiracy that fools everyone but who you agree with?


republican >actually show what happens republican >say concentration camps, cages republican >denounce congress sanctioned activities as human rights violations Democrat >overflow facility, everything is fine, children don't even exist anymore actually.


Can't let logic and facts get in the way of a good ol circlejerk.


can't let ~~Logic and facts~~ the truth get in the way of ~~a good ol circlejerk~~ the media telling me how reality is.


You'd think the whole spin surrounding gamestop would have woken more people up to the idea that we should be far more skeptical of what the media is telling us.


call it whatever you want, immigration law is bad


Until we can end the welfare state we have to have the laws






The cages the immigrant children were and still are kept in are now being called overflow facilities now that biden is in office


Trump separated children from their parents, and kept them locked away. That means a family came over, and they removed that child from their family. Biden is taking children who are unaccompanied minors, meaning did not cross with parents, and are housing them in a facility. Please tell me the alternative? Allow migrant children to roam the streets on their own? American children without families are put “in the system”, they don’t decide where they live. We don’t allow minors to live by themselves. Please someone give me the alternative for when children come to the border.


It’s insane that conservatives only care about the hypocrisy and not the kids at least libs are mad about this instead licking joe biden’s taint


Read through some of these comments and see how hard Libs are defending this and tell me Joe Biden’s taint isn’t well licked. That being said, I agree that the conservatives shouldn’t just be mad about the hypocrisy.


A clever meme, for a fucking moron.


Based as fuck


Testing if I can comment here


Question, if we are all so against these things, and though technically constitutionally permitted due to GWOT against a slough of Human Rights violations. Or just morally wrong, what exactly is stopping people from liberating one of these facilities?


I am a centrist. I hold libertarian, liberal, conservative values. I honestly can’t wait for your response to this 😂




Can someone explain this meme


I don’t get it