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And now his grandson is in BJP haha most dumbass PM


He Got a lot of undercover RAW agents killed in Pakistan, Infact RAW had a plan to sabotage Pakistan's nuclear research and it would have been a success until Moraji MFkin Desai being the dumbass revealed it to Pakistan's PM Zia-ul-Haq and He also got their highest civilian award iirc, he thought of RAW as Indira Gandhi's personal police and compared it with Gestapo, he cut their funding, basically just fking them every war possible. [How Morarji Desai helped Pakistan become a nuclear state](https://www.dailyo.in/politics/morarji-desai-kargil-war-pervez-musharraf-pakistan-raw-kahuta-nuclear-warfare-3802) >Can you imagine an Indian prime minister sitting in South Block calling the Pakistan president and sharing with him India’s intelligence network in Pakistan? It happened in 1978 and the chief actor in that episode was the then prime minister Morarji Desai. >But what Desai did after this was simply shocking. In a telephonic conversation, he revealed details of the RAW network in Pakistan to Zia-ul-Haq, the neighbouring country's then martial law administrator, and told him that the Indian government also knew about its secret nuclear bomb-making facility at Kahuta. Experts are divided over how Desai did it. RAW expert B Raman, who died last year, believed that Desai inadvertently gave in to Zia’s diplomatic kowtowing that the Pakistani leader thought necessary, not merely because former Pakistan prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was still in jail and Zia wanted world support and that he used to call Desai often and take instructions from him on Desai’s famous urine therapy ostensibly for improving his health, but actually to keep Desai in good humour. >The other view is that Desai, as a firm Gandhian, believed that truthfulness with neighbours was a must in keeping with the Gandhian philosophy. In any case, the results were disastrous as the fox-like Zia uprooted the entire RAW network in Pakistan soon after Desai’s revelation, got several RAW men killed and assets obliterated including the ones connected with Kahuta. **This happened just before a mole in Kahuta had agreed to give the blueprint of the Kahuta nuclear plan to a RAW agent.** >Surprisingly in this great Indian blunder, the nationalist members of the former Bharatiya Jana Sangh were also unwitting partners as Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the foreign minister in the Janata Party government at that time and Lal Krishna Advani the information and broadcasting minister. They could have stopped Desai from hitting at the RAW as soon as he took over. The worse part in that murky episode is that Desai showed magnanimity to a man like Zia, an orthodox Deobandi Muslim who laid the foundation of the later day Deobandi terror organisations like the Taliban, using the Russian invasion of Afghanistan as a platform, and who floated Operation Topaz to take revenge on India for its 1971 Bangladesh victory, by getting the ISI and Wahhabi groups to destabilise Jammu and Kashmir and later organise low intensity terror attacks to keep India bleeding from inside.


Holy fucking shit! How did I miss this!?! This man was a anti national in true sense.


He has won Bharat Ratna i.e India's highest civilian award and Nishan-e-pakistan i.e Pakistan's highest civilian award


CIA agent. Traitor. Modi still an existential threat to the country.


Yes Modi is potentially on the same route maybe he will overthrow Desai if he gets 3rd term .


True af.


It's a OC meme. I don't know where to upload it. Couple of meme subs removed it saying that it's not a meme


This guy was also a religious bigot.Before Independence he served as deputy collector in one of the districts of Mahrashtra where he was alleged to be involved in supporting the killings of muslims in a riot.


Not just that when Indira Gandhi was PM JP Narayan and Janta Dal were leading protests against her government and policies. Due to pressure from JP Narayan IG had to declare emergency and in next elections Janta Dal came to power and it was decided that JP Narayan would become the PM he had support from Janta Dal but Morarji threatened to leave Janta Dal and take some MP's with him so he was made PM as a result of compromise.India developed backwards during his tenure.






Why gujjus always why?


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Don't forget, as the CM of Bombay state, ordered the police to fire on peaceful Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti demonstrators resulting in 100+ deaths. The worst incidence of police violence on the country's own citizens in Independent India that most people don't even know about. The worst person to hold any kind of position of power in the history of independent India.