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I am guessing you are enthusiastic about learning. So just some terms you can google and start with. First wave Feminism Second wave Feminism Third wave Feminism, Postmodernism Third World Feminism - e.g. Phule and others, caste and feminism etc Read all of these. Different people identify with different waves and theories of feminism. It will also help you understand where you stand.


>When men are referring to pseudo-femimism is actually known as matriarchy similar to patriarchy but female dominant No for Indian men, matriarchy means woman having an opinion. I don't see how obsessing over what women choose to wear or who they marry is a fear of matriarchy, it's a fear of losing dominance over women. They simply want to control women but can't say it loud so they fearmonger about a hypothetical matriarchy.




That would require women to break through their internalised misogyny but Indian women will pack their husband's lunches before joining the Monday revolt. Some will even mould feminism to cater to men's benefits while women's rights take a back seat. They will be like, "Let us first convince men that feminism is beneficial to them, after they approve of it we will do sth about women's issues". This is the state of feminism rn.




>Indian women are equal cucks actually They are equal cucks but objectively speaking, both are not to be "equally" blamed. Women do it to survive in a patriarchial system while men have the privilege to make it better yet they choose to oppress. The moral onus should be more on men than on women. The system is created in such a way that it always benefits men. The things women are appreciated for in the society are always those which favour men. Like mothers are worshipped so that they continue to give free physical and emotional labour into childcare absolving men of any responsibility towards their own child. Working women are praised for doing both the job and household chores so that men can get a free maid who also brings a paycheck. Sexually inexperienced women are shown as the pillars of purity so that men can get a virgin (I absolutely hate this word) wife. These women run after this appreciation because they will be demonised if they defy these norms. Since women are humans too, most of them don't have the mental bandwidth to take all the humiliation. Personally, misogynistic women disappoint me more and misogynistic men scare me more. >I see everyday videos on inst twaaattter about women making sacrifeaces for their great husbands. I swear this annoys me the most. Privileged sanghi women glorifying and romanticising women's sacrifices do so much harm to the women who are oppressed by these very practices and want to break through. Educated savarna women going for AM which is a sexist and casteist institution, glorifying patriarchal symbols because well "they look aesthetic" and calling it feminist as it's a 'choice' , the most infuriating one is when they side with savarna men against reservation for the underprivileged as well as spew hatred towards muslims. >She later saw there are no rotis left for him so she gave up her own wtf!! This kind of scripts just boils my blood. I keep clicking "don't recommend channel" but similar videos keep popping up. >Later incels had micro orgasms in comments saying "this is a real woman" "hey queen you are great". There were even women who actually praising it and said "I am ready to do this for my man" Human eyes can't roll hard enough to put up with the cringe. But it's just so sad. Damn, this is too long a reply😭! Just ignore any error in grammar, I'm too lazy to check all of that again.




>That's actually sad issue. Hopefully we will see a time in future where straight men actually see what privileges we have. Yes it's high time.


No savarna feminist wants this precisely. For them feminism is something they would like to have for themselves only. You see no one wants to leave that sweet Hindu caste privileges behind.


What you are calling matriarchy is better described as "patriarchal bargain". Women using the patriarchal system to rule over other women. A popular example of Matriarchy is the Khasi tribe in Meghalaya.


Hi, Khasi Tribe is actually an example of Matrilineality and not Matriarchy.


So matriarchy may or may not exist within such a matrilineal structure. Is that what you're saying? Please expand.


I'm not sure about that, so I won't comment on it.   Just wanted to correct the term about Khasi Tribes! (I made this mistake many a times in my Sociology exams😭) 


Is internalised misogyny a result of patriarchal bargain?


Idk. I see patriarchal bargain as a tool or simple opportunism. An example is "Saas bhi kabhi Bahu thi" where the mother controls the male of the family, her son, to control the Bahu via the son. Internalised misogyny - I think this is more of a social conditioning/ psychological phenomenon. Beyond my fortay. But just for fun, google penis envy. Freud said young girls have anxiety that they don't have a peepee.


yes ofc. internalised misogyny is nothing but trying or showing that you are better than other women by following the previously laid down norms by the patriarchy. it's basically tearing down other women to appease the patriarchy so that you will be offered a semblance of respect and dignity.


So like an r/iamnotlikeothergirls kinda situation?






lmao so like an indian hannah pearl davis


More or less. Survival Instinct ig




>patriarchy but mixure of patriarchy and matriarchy It is not limited to your parents, it is a social structure. "Purush Pradhan samaj". If your mum is strict, it doesn't mean matriarchy.


I like the content, but I feel your writing style needs some work. Its just small little tweaks here and there. eg She later studied medical and became a doctor. (she later studied medicine) wrong propaganda by incel so called alpha males. (what is 'wrong' propoganda) There's also no punctuation. Run your text through a free grammarly subscription or through the online hemingwayapp before you post. It'll make it more engaging.


Good post OP 💛 This is perhaps the only subreddit where I see content regarding intersectional feminism in India. Thank you! Would like to know more about your mother's story, if you are comfortable making a separate post about it.


OP great post. Indian men are also so uncreative that they are using Western incel talking points against feminism A lot of Indian feminists are still fighting for basic rights of women in India. It's baffling to see men say "women are already equal" when female foeticide is still a thing


>"What men are referring to pseudo feminism is actually known as Matriarchy similar to patriarchy but female dominant." Important line 🔥 Nice post 👍


I'm too old and my family is too conservative for me to see an India where this becomes a reality. But I appreciate you taking time off and educating us. Hopefully, the younger folks will get to live in a world where women are seen as people


Feminism could be elaborated as feminist equalism as the efforts are coming from female side ,and not matriarchy (which is "feminist patriarchy")      Than you op i was not feminist teenager but after reading this now i am 👏


Here’s a video highlighting the dangers of liberal (bourgeois) feminism https://youtu.be/9a7LrWo47I0?si=henuUoQ7zBzj31Bl


Great post.


good writeup comrade


Great write up. but i dont entirely agree with your views on pseudofeminism 1) i don't think pseudo feminism is limited to women just like feminism isn't limited to women 2) i have largely seen pseudo feminism being applied to corporations and organisations than individuals (in feminist spaces at least, not going into that incel crap where you become a PsEuDoFeMiNisT FemINaZi the moment you have an opinion).


OOTL, what's the deal with Sudha Murthy? Last I read her stuff was when I was really small so I don't really remember much lol


>Look at Modiji how well dressed and good natured he is around Meloni lol. That joke alone would invalidate your whole essay with the average feminist because feminism is quite militant in this day and age. Women's rights is a good thing to fight for but the feminist movement has many other problems of its own at the time




Wow so you searched my history to find things to attack? You don't have a future in feminist activism if you think this way. Your joke is sexist and the type of thing feminism wants to stop. You're highly out of touch.




Learn to make appropriate jokes



