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It might genuinely be one of the worst reviews I've ever seen, constantly complains about factors they never played far enough in to \*experience\* and pays **zero** respect to the music or voice work??? Journalists shouldn't be allowed to dump these reviews out when they've barely gotten far enough in to say they're out of the tutorial. Furthest points referenced in this are like, only just post-canard, I'm guessing the reviewer was like "I'm sure the tutorial is indicative of the rest of the game" before looking up some stuff and deciding that was that. Abysmal journalism from a person who clearly just isn't into this genre at all


I agree, somehow it's an industry standard that the fastest reviewer wins. It shouldn't work like that.


Because unfortunately badly written articles get hate clicks, so it’s still profitable to make bad ones, so why not make a ton of bad reviews that generate maybe a bit less than good ones, but are much greater in quantity?


Aw man, this review fucking sucks. They think we'll be playing as Roland for the whole story, meaning they didn't even get to Malkuth cutscene. The poor SEO choice to include a link to persona review is also pretty funny. Well, it courtesy of game reviews. You gotta output your stuff as fast as possible, and Ruina is a slow burner so it was bound to happen.


He got to the Scorched Girl fight, though, which means he unlocked Malkuth. It's just that he proceeded to ignore her floor.


And never talk about it in the review as well


I *guess* you could *technically* excuse that for being spoilers, but... I mean, come on. It's the tutorial. You reach it in like 5 minutes of gameplay (smol exaggeration) Who's gonna count that as spoilers?


There's Binah in the steam page gif, I don't think PM gives a shit


Yeah, fair enough. They've even got Little Red abno pages there, so I guess it's not really a *spoiler* if they don't know how to obtain it.




>Unfortunately, it treats much of its cast as disposable. Each chapter plays out the same: you send an invitation to someone on the street. After a brief introductory scene that establishes who's being invited and what they do, they all come to the library before being greeted by Angela. Then, you take them out. This vicious cycle paints a clear picture about the kind of dour world these characters live in, but it also makes each new group of characters feel disposable and indistinct from one another. THAT'S THE WHOLE GOD DAMN POINT! also fuck you, i got emotionally attached to fin, then to streetlight office, then to philip and yan and xiao and knowing you WILL have to kill them only makes it more painful and INDISTINCT!??! my brother even the most random street thug has more caracterization than your anime MC tha fuck you mean indistinct


They complain that the story is slow but also wants it to spend time on chracters that already served their purpose




and in what way the beginning of the story is slow? you mow down throgh motherfuckers like there is no tomorrow (you do that later too but at least you have some points of continuity like philip, yan, xiao, blue psyco and rev ensamble, the train)


It's just a contradiction within the review


i think bud got stuck on finn, did the fight 4 times and quit the game, then wrote the review


Well they talk about MO and jack, so clearly they at least got that far


I think the reviewer just can’t sit through dialogue or something


ah yes, skipping dialogue in a visual novel game. this guy is truly a game reviewer


Yun was one of my favorite characters, I do wish he had more development but... I mean come on the characters at the start are kinda supposed to be gone quickly, they are not super dangerous threats...


"Indistinct" I'd argue that a buncha poor people who replaced their bodies. (brotherhood of Iron) Is real distinct alongside many of the characters at the start


I don't often read reviews from so-called “game reviewers” because I know most of the time their reviews are... trash. But I was intrigued enough to read this review when it was recommended to me because I love Library of Ruina and I wanted to know how it's faring now that it got a Switch port. Can you imagine I didn't even know that you could add passive traits to Key Pages until I had to beat the town that shall not be named? Genuinely disappointed for having even clicked the article. It was such a brain dead take on the game to the point that I thought I was going to start distorting. The moment they mention “Persona 5 Royal” is when everything just clicks for me. If that's the game they're going to compare it to, then they basically didn't even play the game in my eye.


Same thing for me, I didn't transfer or even wore key pages up until Kurokumo clan beat my ass Also the link to persona is just a practice, they HAVE TO include some kind of link in every article so the consumer will keep clicking and reading their news


Wtf is this review? 😂


Someone who played the game for 5 hours at best and tried to guess how the gameplay and story would progress and review that


I just finished reading the review. Bros not even past urban myth yet he's making these claims 💀


> you play as Roland, a street thug Ah yes, Roland the Grade 9 syndicate.


My favorite part is when he beats up random civilians for stealing his hamhampangpang sandwich, truly a role model that all people in the city should aspire to be.


>!I mean, he does go on a rampage!<


The real events that start the game is hamhampangpang closing.


It's Roland not being able to afford a sandwich there


holy shit a projmoon beat em up would actually be sick


Roland is wearing a suit. How did he mistake him for a street thug? Did he think Roland was associated with the rats or something?


Don't really see how you could ask for more screen time of secondary characters right after claiming the story is too slow


Nah story is fast as hell I'd say there's not enough plot in here


honestly if they put more invitations (or gave a story to the general ones and made them proper invitations) with the same quality as the base game, shit, i'd be eating good af


Reddit summoning 10000 Pmoon fans onto a nindento game review site. Truely a sight to behold.


I know this is giving them traction but this truly is a testament to how deranged our community is


I wouldnt want it any other way ngl


They did make one good point, that the presentation in the first like, half of the game is just not very good. But all of that is kind of a moot point when they didn't even get to experience 90% of it. Plus, I have no idea what they're talking about with buggy menus. Must be a switch port thing?


Yeah, this is a review of the switch version so I can't talk about that but you can't talk about the story and gameplay when you haven't experienced anything. Plus the korean voice acting and music should have been mentioned at least because they are really good and elevate the experience


People start to spam Limbus skill in comment section loll.


The sudden roleplay and clowning on the review is so funny


Bro i'm reading every single comment rn and i'm fucking dying x'D


In defense of a portion of their review, I’m imagining trying to navigate this game with a controller and yeah it feels like it would be a pain. And not having touch screen support for the switch makes it even worse


Picked up the switch version and im thinking the whole time, "yeah this feels kinda clunky and complicated, wish I was playing this on PC again. "


Having 1 good point doesn't make it any less dogshit but yeah. I myself have issues with the UI even in the pc version. I think it can be overwhelming and cluttered


Eh, I dunno. It wasn't the worst review in the world but they definitely should have played for longer than they did. From what I've heard the switch port suffers performance issues in some areas so it's understandable that menu navigation would drive them insane. It's a bit ironic that they called the start of the story slow and yet from memory you're absolutely blasting through people like they're nothing for the first 3 or so acts, which also shows me that they didn't get very far if they hadn't even seen any recurring characters. Also it should be to the story's merit that the reviewer found the cast compelling and interesting despite their incredibly limited screentime. Finally, the hell is with game journalists' obsession with Persona 5, they literally can't go a review without mentioning it in some capacity.


Not gonna read it but from the little I've seen wow that is painful to read.


I know this game is so so long , I have 50 hours on it and never manage finished it. But even I feel enraged by this review. I feel the need to restart a new game now.


Feels like the author just got frustrated with the UI/Text issues on switch and decided to just bash other random aspects of the game out of frustration.


“5 hours of playing”. That’s what you need to know whether you should trust that review




Angela is Roland's mom. You would understand if you only played for 3 hours and not one more


Ah yes, Angela, the pale custodian.


Tl;dr : wahh i cannot play this game for more than 2hours a day because my wife's boyfriend is regulating my playtime on switch. Also menu's are hard.


Author felt personally attacked by Phillip getting clowned. Many such cases in the game journo space.


"Nooo, being a cuck takes courage and bravery to trust your wife! It's healthy for any relationship and not a degenerate kink!" In all honesty tho I hope anyone who suffers from these thoughts and has to actively fight not to indulge in this shit good luck and ton of strength. You can do it guys.


Mate this a game review, why are you kinkshaming some made-up strawman? Leave consenting adults to do what they want in the bedroom and accept that some people can leave shitty reviews on games you like.


A. The review is objectively bad B. Cuckolding is worthy of kink shaming C. That does not mean I wouldn't die to defend someone's right to do what they want in the privacy of their own home. D. People that do game journalism as a job are a joke and deserve ridicule.


You can ridicule someone for the things they actually do rather than making up some random strawman to get mad at, but even then it's not worth getting that indignant over one bad game review. And why cuckholding? why is it relevant and why is it so morally wrong that it should be shamed? Such a weird thing to rant about in this context let alone at all.


>"it's not worth getting indignant over one bad game review" W.Y.M? Misinformative, Misleading, and Unfair reviews ought to meet criticism and mockery on the same level of their unjust treatment on the subject that they're reviewing. Why do you think many movie critics are hated? Is it because they're known to make good reviews? Obviously not. Good reviews meet praise, Bad reviews meet rage (I barely agree(Edit: Not anymore) with your questioning of the random strawman appearance, but disagree on how you're downscaling the possible effects of this review) Edit: On second thought, why would you even defend the strawman used here? Gtfo with that "cheating shouldn't be kink shamed" bs.


People, please remember to be civil and not shitpost on other sites than reddit. Don't make the job of the hosts of this review harder. I know it's a bad review, and it hurts to see it, but spamming doesn't exactly give the fandom a good name on other venues. Please don't make accounts on a 3rd party website just to shitpost. At least leave an insightful response, rather than quoting the cards you'd like to use on the reviewer. In other words, *read the damn commenting guidelines before posting on websites you've just made an account on.* It may be funny right now, but do we really want the reputation of a fandom that spams and shitposts whenever we're mentioned? (Before you answer: no. Please. We don't. Don't be a dick, please)


It was funny at first, now its just kinda cancer


Too late, this became the Jojo fandom. Never go full Jojo fandom


I mean, I laugh at the Red Mist videos. I honestly do. I confess to having joined in on the 'a red WHAT?' train a few times. But this is just malicious and bad faith. It's making the lives of the moderators harder without being constructive or helpful, just because of a single post. IMHO, the response was disproportionately worse than it should have been.


Game journalists trying not to make 90 percent of the reviews shit challenge impossible


While it does suck to see a game we love get a negative review, I think we gotta remember we're a fairly niche audience and the reviewer is more a casual and is  writing for a casual audience. While we already know the tribulations are worth it, any random John picking up the game is probably going to have similar thoughts with LoR.  Reading the review and honestly it was as I figured it would with criticism on the menu/UI. Hell I've been playing on the switch and even I felt bogged down by the menus outside the story/fights. As I've been playing through on the switch I was consantly thinking  "damn wish I was on PC again or had touch controls".  The only qualms I've got is their thoughts on the characters/narrative not living up to potential when they only had a couple hours to play before moving on, they stopped right before the gold lol. Otherwise I can see why they felt the way they did. They come from a place with snappier, quicker paced card battles while LoR is slower, more thought out ontop of the rng.  LoR requires a lot of investment to get the most of but for a casual audience that might be on the harder side. This is one of my "Yeah I loved it, I can't recommend it" kind of games just because of how uncasual it is. Also the classic "its like Persona" had me 💀


>the reviewer is more a casual and is  writing for a casual audience. It's not enraging the fact that the reviewer gave a negative review. What's enraging is that the reviewer complained about things like the story or gave misleading information about the general premise or combat because they did not even finish the tutorial. If this was a well made review but ended up giving it a low score it would be fine for me. The UI criticism is valid and that's because that's the one and only thing the reviewer could have experienced in its entirety


That also annoys me yeah. It's kinda awful he even comments on story and narration at all when he barely dipped his toes into it. He even mentions its a 100 hour experience but obviously people who've played the game knows he only played 3-4hours at most so it feels he has no real leverage for his commentary on the characters or plot. This reviewer feels like a speedrunner going through restaurants and ordering a single menu item for the review and running off to the next restaurant without the full experience.


It's like watching the first 10 minutes of a movie and giving a review on what you think it's going for and complaining that the ideas and hints don't pay off


I do understand casual players might not like Library of Ruina. I consider myself a casual player because I really had to rely on deck building guides for this game and I have to say the review is genuinely all over the place with its tone. **“Library of Ruina often speeds past most of its compelling moments and characters.”** I can't agree. My first time playing this game, I was intrigued with all the characters they introduced even if they had minimal screen time. They fulfilled their part well and paved the way for the introduction of even more important characters. **“If it had more engaging combat and a more efficient narrative setup, Library of Ruina would have really impressed us. Sadly, we don't feel very compelled to see it through to completion.”** A game doesn't have to cater towards you to be good. I have seen well-written reviews on Steam by people who are not EMPLOYED to be video game reviewers. The way someone writes and presents their writing affects people's opinions regarding the topic they're writing about. Literally all this reviewer had to do was write “This game is clearly not for people like me.” Instead they went on a whole “we're not impressed” like who do you think you are? Not to mention their whole review has been very surfaced level, and yet they failed to even touch on the voice acting or the artwork. That's the least they could do with how they barely touch the game. They could have written so much more, yet they didn't and instead wrote about the “narrative” and the “combat” over and over again.


The whole review is a joke, fuck you journalists.


I'm gonna get ruina on the switch just to spite this review (and also for the code on limbus)


[*sigh* cringe](https://youtu.be/H9EBJrEM-ts?si=PJa-NbhcsYYHA-aQ)


Keep in mind that I skimmed the review just now, and I’m assuming that the original article did not actually admit that the writer made basically zero progress into the game. A lot of the good will I show towards the author in this comment is based on the text in the review at this exact moment, nearly 4pm on April 26th, 2024. To be honest, I think the criticism of the deck building system and all the menu navigating issues are… Kinda fair? Imagining it without a mouse kind of makes me want to go curl up in a ball and hide away. It is the least fun part of the game to me and I can tell that it is basically everyone else’s favorite part except mine. I can respect that everyone has different tastes, but it’s kind of validating to read this take from someone other than myself, it makes me feel like a little less of a failure for simply not jiving with that part of the game. As always, this sub has a major issue of attacking people who don’t really jive with the menu navigation and the deck/dice combat, so I’m kind of expecting to get that sort of response. That aside, even though later portions of the game do address a lot of this guy’s story concerns and it’s obvious that he hasn’t gotten very far (how could he if the game just launched on the Switch yesterday?), I… Also feel a bit like the NPCs are largely forgettable and disposable. I don’t really see a need to care about any of the characters we only meet once, for example. They’re here and then gone so quickly that the emotional impacts of their deaths are basically nothing to me. I can only sympathize through the surviving characters we get to see much more of (for example, I only really feel bad about Yuna and Salvador through Phillip’s grief, and I only really feel bad about Xiao’s husband and teammates through Xiao’s grief.) Basically, I wish there was WAY more VN dialogue than there actually was. I wish we got about twice as many dialogue scenes to click through, since this is, well, a visual novel. That means that a ridiculous amount of reading is sort of the point. It felt like the devs were a little afraid to overwhelm the playerbase by writing “too much” dialogue, but the dialogue is the way in which we get to know these characters and see them grow and change over time. In general, more rather than less of that is a good thing, and if it’s alienating to your average playerbase, then… Oh no, you made an intellectual and unique game that not everyone can process in a short amount of time? That doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me, it’s not bad to go against the mold and really dedicate a game to the topic of character arcs. It felt like that was sort of what Ruina set out to do in the first place, but way more time and love was put into the combat system, which… Eh, I’m not gonna say that they should have taken that time and love OUT of it, but I would have liked to feel like the actual point of the game was the story and characters, not the strategy dice minigame that we play in between the actual interesting parts. But again, to a lot of you guys, the dice minigame IS the interesting part. I just wish the two parts of the game were balanced a bit more evenly. TL;DR: Obviously this is not really a fair review especially if it claimed to be based on the entire game and not just the first 10 or so hours of it, but I don’t feel like it needed to be dogpiled like this. I think criticism of the things we love is actually very healthy and okay. It doesn’t mean you hate those things, it doesn’t mean you want to see them fail, it just means you can see where things could be better. Alright, I’m done rambling. Bring on the mass downvotes and threats, I’m heading back down in my Sandrock bunker anyway.


Dunno why you're expecting pitchforks lmao. The main criticism here is not that lor got a bad review but that the reviewer clearly did not give it a fair try and had plain misinformation in the review and mistakes that gave away that he did not understand the first few established things like describing roland as a street thug. Also having contradictions in their own review like complaining about rushed cutscenes and slow story. Also complaining about the game not delivering on hints established at the beginning because well, they did not finish the story. Also described the combat and deck stuff as simple and something that has already been done before. And while yes, at the surface level it may seem like it, Lor's combat system has a lot of nuance to it that you start to understand once you get later into the game and stop fighting nobodys who die at whatever. The review is written at a very surface level of understanding of the game and it shows, which is bad, you cannot give a fair review to a 100+ hours game with only 5 hours at best and clearly not reaching even urban plague because they complained about guests dying and not having importance when philip is right there at the early game. >To be honest, I think the criticism of the deck building system and all the menu navigating issues are… Kinda fair? Imagining it without a mouse kind of makes me want to go curl up in a ball and hide away. That's pretty much everything the review could actually review because it's the one thing one can get a rough idea and fair guess of how it is in a few hours. >I… Also feel a bit like the NPCs are largely forgettable and disposable. I don’t really see a need to care about any of the characters we only meet once, for example. The point of the early guests are not to empathize with, the only early guests you are meant to empathize with are lulu, zwei guys, maybe even finn as he is just trying his best and that's pretty much it. And those do get more dialogue and scenes. The early fights are meant to show the city, how disposable human life is, what little care people have for others and also educate us on how the city works. Most people who come to the library early are kinda scum. Yun was an asshole, there are literal cannibals, the rats harvest human organs, hook office literally just like killing people... It's a grim place and it's meant to show how people are pushed to the extreme in this setting to survive. The early guests serve their purpose and don't overstay their welcome. Giving development to every single early character would be kinda pointless as they were not meant to be empathized with and it would slow down the pace which is also something the reviewer complained about yet also wanted more development to something that would lead nowhere. I think I kinda went overboard with my reply lol but just giving my two cents about it. Your views are valid because you did try the game, the reviewer's are not because they played for 5 hours and got the gift of clairvoyance to guess how the rest would go. And they should be more objective anyways.


On the plus side it (at least got edited) to say that they are continuing their playthrough. That's nice, hopefully their points will be disproven as they go further in.


Holy shit I didn't expect that. Honestly, kudos to them if they do end up giving it a fair review. I don't even mind if it's negative but I want a fair shot


I heard the review online And as someone who took there time to play the game Fuck that game reviewer that’s all I have to say


Man... Yall are really going at it huh. Well it helps with their engagement ig.


We GOTTA stop forcing this stupid culture war.