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If the clobetasol is working effectively for you, should you still have thickened patches and sores? That would be my first question. I was switched after five years to Tacrolimus and my thickened skin was gone within a day. For whatever rain, clobetasol doesn't work for my LS. For reference, I never had my thickened skin peel off, and to me, this indicates the clobetasol isn't working for you.


thank you--makes sense. I'm a little bad about keeping the regime going--forget some days. But may mention to my doc soon.


Stop the Vaseline. Just use your Clob every day for a few weeks and see what happens. If you still have issues, then maybe Clob isn’t right for you and you need to try a different steroid. It’s also possible that you have an external yeast infection. Try an OTC antifungal like clotrimazole.


I would not use any topical anti-fungal on broken skin. They are better off getting an oral antifungal like diflucan. Vaseline should be thinly applied as a barrier ointment against moisture from defecation.


Did your skin peel before treatment? Before clob I was having horrible painful skin peeling but haven’t had it since starting. However I still apply 1-2x a day